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Blue switches do not work as switches but as buttons
Open, LowPublic


Reproduce e.g.: new email -> select "Empfangsbestätigung (MDN)"

The blue siwtches e.g. "Empfangsbestätigung (MDN)" or "Übermittlungsbestätigung (DSN)" imply that they need to be draged to one side rather than beeing pushed in order to "switch" them:

image.png (1×1 px, 267 KB)

Actual result: Draging them (like a physical switch) does not work. One has to "push" them like a button.

expected result: Siwtches should work via both actions: pushing and switching!


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Kann ich bestätigen; hat für Verwirrung gesorgt.

Das kenn ich allerdings auch von anderen Programmen oder Androidmartphones. Ich denke es wäre eventuell gut beide optionen zu haben (schieben und klicken)

vielleicht wäre es noch einfacher eine Checkbox anstelle, der "switches" hinzu zu fügen?

Finde ich eine sehr gute Idee Alem
Das würde das Problem durch eine kleine Änderung schon lösen.

@Alem_V @Testmiriam @Annika @NG @Moritz

I think @bohlender said once that they wanted to replace the current sliders with simple checkboxes anyway, so then this whole ticket would be irrelevant anyway... (respectively it would be solved to our satisfaction ;) )

In T3475#53146, @Laura wrote:

I think @bohlender said once that they wanted to replace the current sliders with simple checkboxes anyway, so then this whole ticket would be irrelevant anyway... (respectively it would be solved to our satisfaction ;) )

That is still up for discussion. The general consensus in usability circles is that switches are a bad idea for non-touch interfaces.
@machniak ?

We still might need to use the "switch" instead of a standard checkbox on desktop. It's e.g. when you have a selectable list like the folders list, where you would use checkboxes for multi-selection and switches for subscription change. Also, I think these days users are used to know switches as everybody saw them on their mobile. Though, I don't have a strong opinion about that. Maybe we should indeed not use them on desktop.

Other thing is improving the switches itself. E.g. by adding On/Off label (I'm not sure how that works with localizations) or different coloring/style.

I am not quite sure what you mean with "using switches for subscription changes" - wouldn't that work with checkboxes as well?
If not, I think the suggestion made in the ticket description - namely, simply to enable pushing (clicking on) and switching the switches - would be enough to improve them.

@Laura Goto Settings > Folders. See checkboxes (switches) on the list? These are subscription change switches. Now imagine we add multi-selection capability to that list, which would add a normal checkbox on the left of each folder name. If we do not use the blue-switch-element we end up with two unlabelled checkboxes on each record. So, styling one of them differently would be less confusing. Though still not perfect, that's only one reason. And as I've said I don't have a strong opinion.

Ok, this makes things a bit clearer... In that case indeed it might be better to have switches and checkboxes instead of two (different-looking) checkboxes. I see that for consistency it will then be better to leave the switches for selecting MDN and SDN as well.
But actually then we are back at the starting point/content of this ticket which simply claimed that dragging the switches does not make them react, and that this should be enabled. So maybe simply implementing this would solve the issue describe here...?

bohlender lowered the priority of this task from 40 to Low.Aug 12 2019, 9:59 AM
bohlender moved this task from Done to Backlog on the UX Seminar WS17 board.