With the switch from a white- to a black-list, Syncroton now (by default) synchronizes an IMAP-style hierarchy "as-is". This raises questions over the compatibility (read: user-friendliness and inherent intuitiveness to consuming clients such as Outlook 2013+ against Kolab);
- A hierarchy (folders nested under other folders) may incur client behaviour that the sub-folder is available in the client only if the parent folder actually exists,
- A hierarchy that is flattened (i.e. "Everything's a top-level folder") creates a significant risk of ending up with multiple top-level "Calendar" folders, all named the same, ... yeah...,
- A merged hierarchy (the contents of every Calendar folder is merged to appear to reside in one single Calendar folder) is what we've been trying to move away from -- now that most newer clients do support multi-folder sources for their individual mail/calendar/contact client interfaces.
This ticket is intended to discuss and elaborate on the semantics under which we can both support a proper Kolab deployment yet allow users of clients incapable of dealing with certain inherent aspects of such Kolab deployment (i.e. an IMAP-style folder hierarchy, namespace roots, etc.) to have an enjoyable and intuitive experience.