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IMAP and DAV migration

Authored by mollekopf on Jul 1 2024, 2:57 PM.
Referenced Files
F18579038: D4827.id13818.diff
Mon, Feb 17, 11:44 PM
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Sat, Feb 15, 12:42 PM
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Tue, Feb 11, 6:17 PM
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Sat, Feb 8, 1:25 AM
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Sat, Feb 1, 7:06 PM
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Sat, Jan 25, 12:12 AM
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Fri, Jan 24, 11:24 PM
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Fri, Jan 24, 2:49 AM


Group Reviewers
Restricted Project

Diff Detail

rK kolab
Lint Skipped
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 47970
Build 18192: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

mollekopf created this revision.

This only implements migrating imap messages but highlights how the current framework doesn't cleanly facilitate not using the job per item strategy.
I think there's a cleaner approach to implementing the two strategies than what I did above, e.g. by moving the processFolder logic entirely to the exporter.

mollekopf added a reviewer: Restricted Project.Jul 1 2024, 3:23 PM
machniak added inline comments.
180 ↗(On Diff #13818)

I think we should probably do this in steps, e.g. 50 or 100 messages per job. E.g. get all UIDs in folder and invoke a job for every 50 of them.

192 ↗(On Diff #13818)

A corner case, but Message-Id header may not exist. Maybe fallback to md5(Date.From.To.Subject). Also, I guess we'd need to handle \Seen state change (and probably all other flags).

196 ↗(On Diff #13818)

There is handlePartBody() that can be used to get the full message source in a memory efficient way using streams.


This is not needed, but you probably have to run composer dump-autoload.

mollekopf retitled this revision from Shoehorn the kolab migration into the datamigrator to IMAP and DAV migration.

dav migration, separate migrators for imap/dav

Good progress, but I was about to work on DAV, and I already have some conflicting code. Please, don't work on DAV at this moment.

Small imap fixup, let the exporter implement the migration strategy

So EWS can do per item jobs, and IMAP not.

Good progress, but I was about to work on DAV, and I already have some conflicting code. Please, don't work on DAV at this moment.

I though we discussed on monday that I would finish with dav... Anyways, if you like you can just take this over. The basics seem to work for me, but on the dav side I only looked at events (for addressbooks/todos the serialization is missing).
From my side this is good enough for a merge though.

For production I think we'll have to introduce a secondary job processing queue for long-running jobs.

In D4845: IMAP data migrator and other improvements I took this differential of yours, but I re-implemented some things differently. I think it's cleaner. Still a lot of TODO lines there. So, we might improve while writing tests. I have also an idea to try to do mail streaming for best performance.

In favor of the other diff