Recent Commits
Recent Commits
- rK0642aa09dca3 Lower max wait from 20min to 120sAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKba221a85e162 Remove unnecessary auth requestAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK9644f8bc0b4b testctl profile functionAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKc224858807cc Kolab Data Migrator: Tags migrationAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK9558960777cb WITH_SYNC_TARGET for imap replicationAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK739129eb8dc1 WITH_SYNC_TARGET for imap replicationAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK71d3c155b16f Make sure we have a working redis on startAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK39b3939d45c0 Make it possible to rebuild cyrus againAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK4dd9dd4d2e9f Fix non-get redirectsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK4074ad89fc06 iRony specific migration code fixAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKaeb7ae0983d7 user:purge command to delete inactive usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK053146707b86 Get tests to passAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKfaf59d478d12 Move the receipts to the the finances tabAuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK4b4bae15b73c Command to insert paymentsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKbe034965ef6b Attempt to figure out what the create job is doingAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd4bcfefa082e Debug messages on 404AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK62cc4a044e51 Horizon debug outputAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK1eba29295b99 Revert "Tried and failed to migrate to vite"AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKdefca2f0e06e Tried and failed to migrate to viteAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK07b638f3c199 Disable APP_DEBUG in phpunit.xmlAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKc24ff2b36df1 15 messages / minute rate-limit for paying usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd9d276838d02 SMTP support for status:healthAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK89effb17441a health/status api endpoint for monitoring over httpAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKfbccf9d70fb1 Create the demo account user with a beta entitlementAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKcdeb436a9947 Only start rate-limiting once balance goes below -10AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK9404752c78c1 Lookup existing clients by id, not by nameAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK6eb7bb96d066 Authentication health checkAuditorsNoneAuthorRevisions
- rK091bd9f30b2a Make sure we have a working redis on startAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK85bf90e0c10c Make it possible to rebuild cyrus againAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKca4030f4c14c Fix non-get redirectsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKeb5e4109eb94 iRony specific migration code fixAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK46fbb5823ec4 user:purge command to delete inactive usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK1d523fa6ca2b Get tests to passAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK429520ecad2f Move the receipts to the the finances tabAuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK850e58ba4f9a Command to insert paymentsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd57aa306c33c Attempt to figure out what the create job is doingAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK99aaaf029fd5 Debug messages on 404AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK042833208021 Horizon debug outputAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK30e1df9db2f9 Revert "Tried and failed to migrate to vite"AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK6c1907af7bb3 Tried and failed to migrate to viteAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK995435d545c8 Disable APP_DEBUG in phpunit.xmlAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK3a79bff614f7 15 messages / minute rate-limit for paying usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK396379817cd6 SMTP support for status:healthAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK3d3cafefaab2 health/status api endpoint for monitoring over httpAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK085ecfa10194 Create the demo account user with a beta entitlementAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK61f602b9b054 Only start rate-limiting once balance goes below -10AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK1682d5efac5a Authentication health checkAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK3b1dcccb2578 Lookup existing clients by secret, not by nameAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKaed97c4dc880 Authentication health checkAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK1f3f5ae10c0e Remove "Functional" testsAuditorsNoneAuthorRevisions
- rK0beda66c82f3 Make sure we have a working redis on startAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK2f270a4e6f89 Make sure we have a working redis on startAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rSc7752217f73e more testsAuditorsNone
- rKa3c477bfad71 Make it possible to rebuild cyrus againAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKa0120a94f52b Fix non-get redirectsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKa2730ed78b91 iRony specific migration code fixAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK2353b5459c89 user:purge command to delete inactive usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKcc2d885d3de7 Get tests to passAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK7a92cbe8a28d Move the receipts to the the finances tabAuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK450be81dbff6 Command to insert paymentsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKf2fcf521eb94 Attempt to figure out what the create job is doingAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK5baf539b5c35 Debug messages on 404AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKbf908f9cd5fa Horizon debug outputAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKc7c0a88dbbd1 Revert "Tried and failed to migrate to vite"AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK9fb9b15b78f5 Tried and failed to migrate to viteAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK0d382cada4ea Disable APP_DEBUG in phpunit.xmlAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd6b8924f3879 15 messages / minute rate-limit for paying usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKbfbb330ea1c5 SMTP support for status:healthAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKdb7b160f4323 health/status api endpoint for monitoring over httpAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK4df5a245c51d Create the demo account user with a beta entitlementAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK181070e42781 Only start rate-limiting once balance goes below -10AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK122b2e1cd71d Authentication health checkAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKcfe362d051c9 Cleanup/de-duplicate password validation codeAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK3771b0e2172a Google Takeout driver for DataMigratorAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK81407f41a8c2 Fix Undefined array key "isPending"AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rS47fe3292cca0 Fix PHP warning in getFileReference()AuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK117914d04b47 Make it possible to rebuild cyrus againAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKe91eaa6387f3 Fix non-get redirectsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK690ad79f84d3 iRony specific migration code fixAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd7a2dcdbf363 user:purge command to delete inactive usersAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK521bcf695198 Get tests to passAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK3c685855cda1 Move the receipts to the the finances tabAuditorsNoneAuthor
- AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK47a93734f6e6 Command to insert paymentsAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK9c20d68e5f67 Attempt to figure out what the create job is doingAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK16e72974a1dd Debug messages on 404AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKe866df57c241 Horizon debug outputAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rK232e487cddb0 Revert "Tried and failed to migrate to vite"AuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKba090b5a09a8 Tried and failed to migrate to viteAuditorsNoneAuthor
- rKd2643f5b9186 Disable APP_DEBUG in phpunit.xmlAuditorsNoneAuthor
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jhan edited an edge.