When I tried to send mail to Kolab user Johannes Ranke with a long sender address, his kolab_smtp_access_policy rejected my emails. As it turned out, the issue was that in his MySQL database table kolab.policy_result the column sender is too short. (This is not the case on my Kolab installation, so I guess it is a remnant of an older version of setup-kolab.) What worries my though, is that the recipient policy in
kolab_smtp_access_policy returns a REJECT when there is a MySQL error.
As a case in point, the issue can be reproduced by revoking insertion privileges from the kolab user in MySQL. Since this does not disable the cache, kolab_smtp_access_policy will try to insert into the cache when it encounters a new sender and an error will be generated. It then immediately returns "REJECT: Recipient access denied".
pykolab version: 0.8.19-0~kolab1