A way to log job execution.
I tried using Laravel event system to do this more magically (from one place),
but the events do not give easy access to job data.
Implemented only for User and Wallet jobs for now.
Differential D5001
Log job start (partial) machniak on Oct 22 2024, 2:22 PM. Authored by Tags None Referenced Files
A way to log job execution. I tried using Laravel event system to do this more magically (from one place), Implemented only for User and Wallet jobs for now.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Looks good. I suppose you tried something like this: https://git.kolab.org/rKa3448e46572c9bcba39702689d31e77bfeaa1d26, but it didn't give access to the email/walletId? Comment Actions No, I tried registering handlers for Queue::JobProcessing and Queue::jobProcessed events via AppServiceProvider::boot(). The handlers were triggered, but the job object there is not the same as our job, and access to the job data requires instantiating the actual job from a serialized object string. Possible, but ugly. |