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Reseach Questions
Updated 2,984 Days AgoPublic

Version 3 of 3: You are viewing the current published version of this document.

Open Questions for User Research

For email users in an enterprise context

    • How often do people use formatting in emails?
    • With how many different organizations do they communicate?
    • Do people use CC/BCC?
    • How often do conversations branch out?
  • How do people use threaded conversations?
      • Do people often use reply just to get the addressees they want even to write a completely unrelated email?
    • Do people know the exact subject of they email before they've started writing the content?
    • How often do people check their emails?
      • Do they feel that's too often / too rarely / just right?
Last Author
Last Edited
May 25 2016, 1:21 PM