
(#4865) Debug logging when we start evaluating resources.

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(#4865) Debug logging when we start evaluating resources.

The evaltrace option allowed individual resource evaluation time to be
tracked, which made it easier to post-hoc identify which resources took long
periods of time to process.

It is also helpful, when doing live debugging, to know where the hang happens;
to support that we now log a debug message about starting the evaluation of
the resource before we go into the process.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Pittman <daniel@puppetlabs.com>


Event Timeline

Daniel Pittman <daniel@puppetlabs.com> committed rPUa6996ba27ca3: (#4865) Debug logging when we start evaluating resources. (authored by Daniel Pittman <daniel@puppetlabs.com>).Nov 9 2011, 9:20 PM