
(PUP-3117) Complete the implementation of resource expression

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(PUP-3117) Complete the implementation of resource expression

This completes the implenentation of the Resource Expression.

  • The LHS must now be a QualifiedName (i.e. file, notify), or a QualifiedReference (i.e. File, Notify), or an access expression with a left QualifiedReference (i.e. Resource[file]), or literal 'class'
  • The result of the LHS must be a CatalogEntry type, and it may not be detailed to title level.
  • The * => syntax can be used to to unfold a hash. It may be used once per titled resource body. Attribute names must be unique across the attributes set with name => expr, and those set with * => hash.


Event Timeline

Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindberg@cloudsmith.com> committed rPU9ab1f71fc1a5: (PUP-3117) Complete the implementation of resource expression (authored by Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindberg@cloudsmith.com>).Aug 27 2014, 11:21 PM