
(#9326) Support plaintext passwords in Windows 'user' provider.

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(#9326) Support plaintext passwords in Windows 'user' provider.

This commit adds password support to the Windows 'user' provider.
When setting the password, the resource value is passed unmolested
to the underlying ADSI 'SetPassword' method. During a get,
the password is checked using the Windows 'LoginUser' function with
tha current user name and password. If the call succeeds, the password
is returned; if unsuccessful, ':absent' is returned.

The spec test has been updated to reflect these changes.


Event Timeline

Cameron Thomas <cameron@puppetlabs.com> committed rPU51b33d1f1e6e: (#9326) Support plaintext passwords in Windows 'user' provider. (authored by Cameron Thomas <cameron@puppetlabs.com>).Sep 28 2011, 8:00 PM