
(#9186) Add the ability to get/set windows permissions

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(#9186) Add the ability to get/set windows permissions

The Puppet::Util::Windows::Security module maps POSIX owner, group,
and modes to the Windows security model, and back.

The primary goal of this mapping is to ensure that owner, group, and
modes can be round-tripped in a consistent and deterministic
way. Otherwise, Puppet might think file resources are out-of-sync
every time it runs. A secondary goal is to provide equivalent
permissions for common use-cases. For example, setting the owner to
"Administrators", group to "Users", and mode to 750 (which also denies
access to everyone else.)

There are some well-known problems mapping windows and POSIX
permissions due to differences between the two security models. Search
for "POSIX permission mapping leak". In POSIX, access to a file is
determined solely based on the most specific class (user, group,
other). So a mode of 460 would deny write access to the owner even if
they are a member of the group. But in Windows, the entire access
control list is walked until the user is explicitly denied or allowed
(denied take precedence, and if neither occurs they are denied). As a
result, a user could be allowed access based on their group
membership. To solve this problem, other people have used deny access
control entries to more closely model POSIX, but this introduces a lot
of complexity.

In general, this implementation only supports "typical" permissions,
where group permissions are a subset of user, and other permissions
are a subset of group, e.g. 754, but not 467. However, there are some
Windows quirks to be aware of.

  • The owner can be either a user or group SID, and most system files are owned by the Administrators group.
  • The group can be either a user or group SID.
  • Unexpected results can occur if the owner and group are the same, but the user and group classes are different, e.g. 750. In this case, it is not possible to allow write access to the owner, but not the group. As a result, the actual permissions set on the file would be 770.
  • In general, only privileged users can set the owner, group, or change the mode for files they do not own. In 2003, the user must be a member of the Administrators group. In Vista/2008, the user must be running with elevated privileges.
  • A file/dir can be deleted by anyone with the DELETE access right OR by anyone that has the FILE_DELETE_CHILD access right for the parent. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/238018. But on Unix, the user must have write access to the file/dir AND execute access to all of the parent path components.
  • Many access control entries are inherited from parent directories, and it is common for file/dirs to have more than 3 entries, e.g. Users, Power Users, Administrators, SYSTEM, etc, which cannot be mapped into the 3 class POSIX model. The get_mode method will set the S_IEXTRA bit flag indicating that an access control entry was found whose SID is neither the owner, group, or other. This enables Puppet to detect when file/dirs are out-of-sync, especially those that Puppet did not create, but is attempting to manage.
  • On Unix, the owner and group can be modified without changing the mode. But on Windows, an access control entry specifies which SID it applies to. As a result, the set_owner and set_group methods automatically rebuild the access control list based on the new (and different) owner or group.

We are not using the win32-file gem, because it modifies several File
methods, e.g. dirname, basename, to return paths with
backslashes. This breaks other parts of the code, notably Pathname, as
calling File.basename("c:/") returns "c:\\", which prevents Pathname
from finding the root of the drive. Instead, we call the
GetFileAttributes and SetFileAttributes Win32 API directly.

This commit also introduces a Puppet::Util::Windows::Error class that
extends Puppet::Error, and provides access to the Win32 last error
code and localized Windows error message.


Josh Cooper <josh@puppetlabs.com>Authored on
vanmeeuwenPushed on Jun 2 2015, 2:22 PM
rPUb4ea0862b130: Merge pull request #90 from nicklewis/fix-pidlock-removal-failure

Event Timeline

Josh Cooper <josh@puppetlabs.com> committed rPU42c998233ba1: (#9186) Add the ability to get/set windows permissions (authored by Josh Cooper <josh@puppetlabs.com>).Sep 14 2011, 1:56 AM