
(#14200) Fix help face

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(#14200) Fix help face

This commit does the following:

  1. Fix the help face so that--in the case where there exists both an

App and a Face by the same name, and the App is not just a stub for the
Face--help gives preference to the App instead of the Face. The help
face (as a command line tool) is mostly going to be used to help
users navigate the other command line tools, so, e.g.,
"puppet help resource" should show help for the same tool that you
will get by running "puppet resource". This was not the case
prior to this commit.

  1. Get rid of the separation between faces and applications in the

help screen... making this distinction seems more confusing than
helpful to the users, and exposes implementation details that
users should not need to be concerned with.

  1. Change all class names for Applications to conform to the

convention of "foo_bar" file names mapping to "FooBar" class names.


Chris Price <chris@puppetlabs.com>Authored on
vanmeeuwenPushed on Jun 2 2015, 2:22 PM
rPUdf8db7c6b298: Merge pull request #709 from cprice-puppet/feature/master/log_spec_order

Event Timeline

Chris Price <chris@puppetlabs.com> committed rPU20410528e2c2: (#14200) Fix help face (authored by Chris Price <chris@puppetlabs.com>).Apr 26 2012, 11:08 PM