Diffusion kolab c1d2a321e841

Meet with WebRtcServer over limited port range


Meet with WebRtcServer over limited port range

Instead of the regular process of the ~20000 ports being negotiatied by
the server, we directly funnel all traffic over the same port via
WebRtcServer, and thus also making a turn server unnecessary (which we
only used because it allowed us to use a single port instead of the full
port range in the first place.

The only caveat is that there is a requirement of one WebRtcServer per
worker process, so we end up with N WebRtcServer listening on port 44444
and following, where N is the number of worker processes.

This also makes meet compatible with e.g. metallb, as we can simply
forward e.g. the 3 ports on a metallb managed ip.

What this currently doesn't handle is the case where we want to expose
meet over .e.g port 443 with multiple workers, because in that case I
think we'd have to have one IP per worker, which I'm not sure is
currently supported.


mollekopfAuthored on Apr 23 2024, 10:48 PM
mollekopfPushed on Apr 25 2024, 4:43 PM
rK0d88353634ca: webapp init fixup
Build Status
Buildable 47175