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Can't read / write Contacts or Calendar
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After the Kobal Update from Dec 22, nobody on my kolab server an read or write Calendar / Contacts. In Roundcube, you can see the error message "the requested contact was not found".
In the error log (/var/log/roundcubemail/errors.log), i see this:

[31-Dec-2022 19:15:20 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method SWIG\_p_Kolab__cDateTime::isValid() in /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php:279
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php(593): kolab_format::php_datetime()
#1 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_xcal.php(110): kolab_format->to_array()
#2 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format_event.php(151): kolab_format_xcal->to_array()
#3 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder.php(563): kolab_format_event->to_array()
#4 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_cache.php(1111): kolab_storage_folder->read_object()
#5 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_cache.php(812): kolab_storage_cache->_unserialize()
#6 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder.php(302): kolab_storage_cache->select()
#7 /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/calendar/drivers/kolab/kolab_calendar.php(319): kolab_storage_fol in /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php on line 279

My System is Ubuntu20 with the last updates (31 dec 2022).


Jens Roesiger


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

sicherha lowered the priority of this task from Needs Triage to High.Dec 31 2022, 8:37 PM
sicherha added subscribers: mollekopf, sicherha.

Which version of the php-kolabformat package is installed on your system? I presume it's already >= 1.3.0.

I suspect this may have something to do with the recent switch to SWIG 4. @mollekopf, do you have an idea?

I wish all a happy new year ...

Here the list of all installed kolab packages:

||/ Name                                Version               Architektur  Beschreibung
ii  chwala                              0.5.12-1~kolab1       all          Glorified WebDAV, done right
ii  irony                               0.4.6-7~kolab1        all          Kolab Groupware DAV Access
ii  kolab-autoconf                      1.3.4-1               all          Autodiscovery component for kolab
ii  kolab-freebusy                      1.1.2-0~kolab4        all          Free/Busy for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-imap                          16.0.1-22             all          IMAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-ldap                          16.0.1-22             all          LDAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-mta                           16.0.1-22             all          MTA server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-schema                        3.3-0~kolab1          all          LDAP schema files for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-syncroton                     2.3.22-1~kolab1       all          ActiveSync for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-webadmin                      3.2.16-0~kolab1       all          Kolab administration web interface
ii  node-less                           1.7.5-0~kolab2        all          the LESS CSS meta-language - compiler and Node module
ii  php-christianriesen-base32          1.2.1-1               all          Base32 Encoder/Decoder for PHP according to RFC 4648
ii  php-endroid-qrcode                  1.5.4-1               all          Endroid QR-Code Generator
ii  php-enygma-yubikey                  3.2.0-1               all          PHP library to interface with the Yubikey REST API
ii  php-net-ldap3                       1.1.3-1~kolab2        all          Extended LDAP (v3) capabilities based on php-net-ldap2 and friends
ii  php-sabre-dav-2.1                   2.1.11-2              all          WebDAV Framework for PHP
ii  php-sabre-event                     2.0.2-4               all          lightweight library for event-based development
ii  php-sabre-http-3                    3.0.5-5               all          library to ease the work with HTTP protocol
ii  php-sabre-vobject-3                 3.5.3-7               all          library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
ii  php-spomky-labs-otphp               4.0.2-1               all          Generate One-Time Passwords
ii  python-tzlocal                      1.5.1-1               all          tzinfo object for the local timezone
ii  python3-tzlocal                     1.2.2-1               all          tzinfo object for the local timezone (Python 3 version)
ii  roundcubemail                       1:1.5.3-0~kolab2      all          skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-2fa      1:3.5.11-0~kolab1     all          kolab_2fa plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugins-kolab         1:3.5.11-0~kolab1     all          skinnable AJAX based webmail solution - Kolab plugins
ii  roundcubemail-skin-chameleon        0.3.11-0~kolab1       all          skinnable AJAX based webmail solution - Kolab skin
ii  zendframework                       1.12.20+dfsg-1ubuntu1 all          powerful PHP framework
ii  erlang-eimap                        0.4.4-1.1             amd64        Erlang IMAP client
ii  erlang-lager-syslog                 2.0.3-1~kolab3        amd64        Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
ii  erlang-syslog                       1.0.3-0~kolab2        amd64        Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
ii  guam                                0.9.13-1              amd64        Smart Reverse IMAP Proxy
ii  libkolab3                           3.0.2-0~kolab1        amd64        Maps KDE containers to Kolab formats
ii  libkolabxml1v5                      1.3.0-0~kolab1        amd64        Libkolabxml is the reference implementation of the Kolab XML format
ii  php-kolab                           3.0.2-0~kolab1        amd64        PHP bindings for Kolab Library
ii  php-kolabformat                     1.3.0-0~kolab1        amd64        PHP bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
ii  python-kolab                        3.0.2-0~kolab1        amd64        Python bindings for Kolab Library
ii  python-kolabformat                  1.3.0-0~kolab1        amd64        Python bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
ii  python3-kolab                       3.0.2-0~kolab1        amd64        Python bindings for Kolab Library
ii  python3-kolabformat                 1.3.0-0~kolab1        amd64        Python 3 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
ii  swig4.0                             4.1.0-0~kolab1        amd64        Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code

I have reinstalled "php-kolabformat php-kolab libkolabxml1v5 kolab-xml roundcubemail" (apt install --reinstall).


here is another message (/var/log/roundcubemail/error.log)

[01-Jan-2023 16:22:28,460488 +0100]: <1rd9ck0h> PHP Error: Could not parse Kolab object data in message 1 (Contacts). UID = urn:uuid:2948d6e5-76c8-47a0-bc27-39a934196e4e in /usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage_folder.php on line 581 (GET /roundcubemail/uWIKwvSlsp3VQSNa/?_task=addressbook&_framed=1&_cid=Mjk0OGQ2ZTUtNzZjOC00N2EwLWJjMjctMzlhOTM0MTk2ZTRl&_action=show&_source=Q29udGFjdHM)

Is this still a thing? Because I can't reproduce the issue.

mollekopf claimed this task.

Reopen if this still is a problem please.