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windows: fix translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Story Points


we're still building 4.13 translations and not the one from github


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mollekopf raised the priority of this task from to 60.
mollekopf updated the task description. (Show Details)
mollekopf added a project: KDE PIM.
mollekopf changed Ticket Type from Task to Task.
mollekopf moved this task from Backlog to Windows on the KDE PIM board.
mollekopf subscribed.
mollekopf added a project: Restricted Project.Aug 3 2015, 3:13 PM

Zanshin has no translations it seems:

r:\dev-utils\bin\msgfmt.exe -o R:/build/kde/kde-l10n-de-4.12.0/work/msvc2013-RelWithDebInfo- q:/kde-l10n-de/messages/zanshin/zanshin.po -v
0 translated messages, 217 untranslated messages.

Which is probably the reason that the file is not generated.

petersen added a project: Restricted Project.Aug 18 2015, 9:48 AM

Zanshin translations are now correctly built after updating the translation files.

We'll probably need a final translation round before release.

On windows various parts are not translated to german, including:

  • KMail Configuration: The bar on the left is translated, but the title "Configure - KMail" and the contents of each "tab" is not translated.
  • All the rest of the kmail interface is not translated (German is selected as application language).

From the debug output:
[1796] kmail2(1796): No language dictionaries for the language : "de"

so lokalize (the traslattor software) says, that there are only 3 string not translated in the kdepim repo. So this means the other parts, that are not translated inside kmail have a different source, why this don't works.

knauss subscribed.

i can't do here anything - from the translation side kdepim is fully tanslated. So it must be a windows only problem.

mollekopf moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Aug 24 2015, 11:15 AM

The problem turned out to be the putenv system call. On linux this takes a pointer, and the area can be later on modified, which is relied upon. On windows it unfortunately still copies everything, which is the old behaviour on linux as well. Since the language is passed to gettext via an environment variable, this never worked on windows.

We forgot to extract qt translations (tr) so we need another round of translations.

zanshin tr strings are now translated.

mollekopf claimed this task.
mollekopf moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.