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Syncroton doesn't work
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When I try to connect I got error and email aren't downloaded.

tail -f /var/log/kolab-syncroton/errors.log

[23-Jan-2019 14:42:01 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning:  fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 348
[23-Jan-2019 14:42:58 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /usr/share/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap_generic.php on line 1733
[23-Jan-2019 14:42:58 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /usr/share/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap_generic.php on line 1733

tail -f /var/log/kolab-syncroton/console.log

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:37,442769 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: OPTIONS
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:37,528171 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: POST
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:37,528584 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::104 REQUEST Array
    [protocolVersion] => 14.1
    [command] => Settings
    [deviceId] => 18abe539fe2ff9485a69ce474f7b4ae2
    [deviceType] => WindowsMail
    [policyKey] => 0
    [saveInSent] => 
    [collectionId] => 
    [itemId] => 
    [attachmentName] => 
    [acceptMultipart] => 
    [userAgent] => WindowsMail
    [contentType] => application/

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,028105 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::127 xml request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "">
<Settings xmlns="uri:Settings">
      <Model>Windows Device</Model>
      <OS>Windows 10.0.16299</OS>

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,028362 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_Wbxml::__construct::163 sync timestamp: 2019-01-23 13:47:38
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,041828 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::177 xml response(0):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "">
<Settings xmlns="uri:Settings" xmlns:Syncroton="uri:Syncroton" xmlns:Internal="uri:Internal">
          <UserDisplayName>Emanuele xxxxx</UserDisplayName>

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,111204 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: POST
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,111905 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::104 REQUEST Array
    [protocolVersion] => 14.1
    [command] => FolderSync
    [deviceId] => 18abe539fe2ff9485a69ce474f7b4ae2
    [deviceType] => WindowsMail
    [policyKey] => 0
    [saveInSent] => 
    [collectionId] => 
    [itemId] => 
    [attachmentName] => 
    [acceptMultipart] => 
    [userAgent] => WindowsMail
    [contentType] => application/

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,545558 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::127 xml request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "">
<FolderSync xmlns="uri:FolderHierarchy">

[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,545879 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_Wbxml::__construct::163 sync timestamp: 2019-01-23 13:47:38
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,546075 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_FolderSync::handle::80 synckey is 0
[23-Jan-2019 13:47:38,736315 +0100]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::177 xml response(0):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "">
<FolderSync xmlns="uri:FolderHierarchy" xmlns:Syncroton="uri:Syncroton" xmlns:Internal="uri:Internal">
      <DisplayName>Sent Items</DisplayName>
      <ServerId>Sent Items</ServerId>
      <DisplayName>Deleted Items</DisplayName>
      <ServerId>Deleted Items</ServerId>

dpkg -l | grep kolab-

ii  kolab-cli                                   0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Command-line utilities for Kolab
ii  kolab-conf                                  0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Configuration management for Kolab
ii  kolab-freebusy                              1.1.1-0~kolab1                               all          Free/Busy for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-imap                                  16.0.1-13                                    all          IMAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-ldap                                  16.0.1-13                                    all          LDAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-mta                                   16.0.1-13                                    all          MTA server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-saslauthd                             0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          SASL Authentication Daemon for Kolab
ii  kolab-schema                                3.3-0~kolab1                                 all          LDAP schema files for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-server                                0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Kolab Groupware Server
ii  kolab-syncroton                             2.3.14-0~kolab1                              all          ActiveSync for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-webadmin                              3.2.12-0~kolab1                              all          Kolab administration web interface
ii  kolab-webclient                             16.0.1-12                                    all          Webmail client for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-xml                                   0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Kolab XML format wrapper for pykolab
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-activesync       1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_activesync plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-addressbook      1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_addressbook plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-auth             1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_auth plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-config           1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_config plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-delegation       1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_delegation plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-files            1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_files plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-folders          1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_folders plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-notes            1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_notes plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-tags             1:3.4.2-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_tags plugin for Roundcube

dpkg -l pykolab

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                                          Version                             Architecture                        Description
ii  pykolab                                                       0.8.10-0~kolab2                     all                                 Kolab Groupware daemon and utilities


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These warnings does not look relevant, and the syncroton log looks normal. Could you provide imap_debug log? Do you see more requests from the client in http access/error log? I didn't try WindowsMail, but it looks like it just stopped after synchronizing folders hierarchy.

I've tried to enable imap_debug, tail it when I perform update from the client, but nothing is printing.

This is the access apache log when I perform client update. - user@domain.tld [28/Jan/2019:15:54:49 +0100] "OPTIONS /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?User=user&DeviceId=18ABE539FE2FF9485A69CE474F7B4AE2&DeviceType=WindowsMail HTTP/1.1" 200 672 "-" "MSFT-WIN-3/10.0.17134" - user@domain.tld [28/Jan/2019:15:54:49 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?jREQBBAYq+U5/i/5SFppzkdPe0riBAAAAAALV2luZG93c01haWw= HTTP/1.1" 200 359 "-" "-" - user@domain.tld [28/Jan/2019:15:54:50 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?jQkQBBAYq+U5/i/5SFppzkdPe0riBAAAAAALV2luZG93c01haWw= HTTP/1.1" 200 919 "-" "-"
vanmeeuwen lowered the priority of this task from Needs Triage to Low.Mar 21 2019, 11:01 PM
vanmeeuwen moved this task from Backlog to Maintenance on the Bug Reports board.
vanmeeuwen subscribed.

Could it be the user has not yet logged in to webmail before attempting to use ActiveSync? Should be resolved in the latest round of updates.

Thanks for your reply. I've just checked and the issue persist. I've tried with my user and I can confirm I logged first in webmail before adding exchange account.

# dpkg -l | grep kolab-
ii  kolab-cli                                   0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Command-line utilities for Kolab
ii  kolab-conf                                  0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Configuration management for Kolab
ii  kolab-freebusy                              1.1.1-0~kolab1                               all          Free/Busy for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-imap                                  16.0.1-16                                    all          IMAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-ldap                                  16.0.1-16                                    all          LDAP server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-mta                                   16.0.1-16                                    all          MTA server for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-saslauthd                             0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          SASL Authentication Daemon for Kolab
ii  kolab-schema                                3.3-0~kolab1                                 all          LDAP schema files for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-server                                0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Kolab Groupware Server
ii  kolab-syncroton                             2.3.15-0~kolab1                              all          ActiveSync for Kolab Groupware
ii  kolab-webadmin                              3.2.12-0~kolab1                              all          Kolab administration web interface
ii  kolab-webclient                             16.0.1-12                                    all          Webmail client for Kolab Groupware server
ii  kolab-xml                                   0.8.10-0~kolab2                              all          Kolab XML format wrapper for pykolab
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-activesync       1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_activesync plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-addressbook      1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_addressbook plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-auth             1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_auth plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-config           1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_config plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-delegation       1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_delegation plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-files            1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_files plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-folders          1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_folders plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-notes            1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_notes plugin for Roundcube
ii  roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-tags             1:3.4.3-0~kolab1                             all          kolab_tags plugin for Roundcube

In the web client, what does Settings > ActiveSync show, and/or what does it show for the "device" or "application" listed?

There is nothing...

There are currently no devices registered.
In order to register a device, please connect it to the server first, using instructions from this page. Afterwards the device should become available for configuration here.

I installed Win10 (User-Agent: MSFT-WIN-3/10.0.17763) and it works for me. I see some problem when the folders limit is set, but this is not default. Check in if you have config['activesync_max_folders'] = 5;. If so, bump the number to 10.

I was testing Kolab on CentOS, so it might be also some other (e.g. PHP7-related) issue.