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Function of sharing a calendar is hard to find
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When wanting to share a calendar, the option is very hard to find.

Wanted result: To have some kind of option button behind every calendar or to have the option available under the three-dots-button next to "Calendar".

Actual result: A long period of trial-and error before finding the option.


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

bohlender subscribed.

Why should we prioritise this action over the others?
Would this lead to more clutter in the UI ?

Where did our tester look for the share option first?

In order to find the option, testers tried clicking on the calendar, a right click, or they tried the 3 dots-options button on the top. To be able to use the option, you are required to double click.

An Idea would be that the function could be accessable over the 3 dots-options button. This wouldn´t lead to more clutter and the option would be easier to find.

a context menu on right-click makes sense.
an option in the 3 dots menu might be good as well.
please update the ticket description accordingly

EsIsl moved this task from In Progress to Done on the UX Seminar WS17 board.
bohlender moved this task from Done to 1 on the UX Seminar WS17 board.

Are we talking about functionality from Sharing tab in calendar edit dialog? There's "Edit" (it should be "Edit calendar" really) entry in 3-dots-options menu. I'm not sure we need two distinct entries in the menu for sharing and editing. Would that make sense to rename it to "Edit/Share"? Note that not every folder can be shared.

Context menu is not bad idea, but probably the issue (if there's one) should be solved aside of it (think mobile/touch devices).

Would that make sense to rename it to "Edit/Share"? Note that not every folder can be shared.

I would consider that sufficient

Done in git-master.