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Unclear and missleading function "Tasks" in the folder menu
Open, LowPublic


How to Reproduce:
Click_ on "Actions" below the different e-mail-folders in the inbox --> click on "folder management" --> folder meu opens

Participants tried to create a new folder by clicking on "Tasks" and then click on "+" create --> created a new subfolder within "Tasks"
"Tasks" has a different symbol than the other folders which might give the impression that it could be an option to create new folders
--> participants create new tatsks instead of new folders

2018_01_27_15_00_47_Kolab_Now_Ordner.png (893×1 px, 74 KB)

make a clear differentiation
make clear what "tasks" means
make it easier to find the right "create new folder" option


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Testmiriam renamed this task from Unclear and missleading funtion "Tasks" in the folder menu to Unclear and missleading function "Tasks" in the folder menu.Jan 27 2018, 3:04 PM
Testmiriam updated the task description. (Show Details)

I think that actually this issue could easily be solved by increasing the contrast so that it is clear (in this case) that "tasks" is currently selected?! If you agree, then we could close this ticket because the issue would then fall under T3424!

@Laura the Problem was not that they didn't see that they created a new "task". They deliberately selected "Tasks"

It might have been more obvious if "tasks" would have been marked clearer

But the problem was rather that they

  1. didn't find the icon to create a new folder
  2. assumed that "tasks" might be an option to create something since the symbol is a bit different to the other folders

and they probably couldn't figure out what this "folder" is ment to be so it could be an "option" to create a new e-mail folder

Ich denke es wäre notwendig, dass man nicht innerhalb von Tasks über die selbe Funktion/das selbe Symbol über das man auch E-Mail Ordner erstellen kann, einen neuen Task erstellt ausversehen wenn man links "Tasks" ausgewählt hat

Yes, ok, the question would be now (can you maybe explain this, @bohlender?)

  1. What exactly is a "task"?

and 2. would in then be possible or make sense to make an extra menu only for "tasks"?

bohlender added a subscriber: machniak.

The issue here is that tasklists/calendars/addessbooks are also folders from a programmers perspective that you can subscribe to/create/delete/...
I understand this is confusing for users because it does not match with their mental model.
Giving that folder management was one of the biggest issues for users, a redesign of the folder management might be the way to go.
@machniak ?

When we implement the new skin for Tasks plugin, users will see a new entry on the left side menu (with the same icon). Then the entry on folders list hopefuly would be less confusing. But aside of that, I agree that together with the fact that it was the last folder on the list it could have been confusing. The use of special-type folders in Kolab is another story.

So, maybe a better icon for tasks folder or no type-icons at all? I think type-icons are useful when you have more folders, especially other users' folders on the list.

If we had folder-search and folder-management functionality in Mail UI we could consider removing Settings > Folders at all. Again - a lot of work, but maybe it would be worth to do this in the next version.

I still haven't really understood what a "task" it, but since a task might be not so relevant to a user in comparison to folders, it might indeed make sense to not give tasks an extra-icon at al...

You can see what tasks are when you login to Tasks are similar to calendar events, but don't have to have a date specified. In other words tasks are "todo items".

Ok, but when tasks are to-do items, then how about giving them a corresponding symbol? Like an (abstract) list with several items and a pen, for example (see screenshots). Because, after all, this was also about differentiating folders better from tasks...

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-13 um 20.07.35.png (599×677 px, 76 KB)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-13 um 20.07.41.png (575×609 px, 48 KB)

We're limited by Font-Awesome iconset. And there the tasks icon is I also am not sure if only the icon change would fix the issue.

I think the Font-Awesome icon is okay as well.
I am also not sure, if this would fix the issue, maybe @Testmiriam can say something to this (after all you created this ticket)...?!

Okay now finally understand what "tasks" is and in this context I think the Font-Icon isn't totally clear especially when the button is placed in the folders menu. Since there seem to be a lot of problems with the folders menu anyway considering the option "removing Settings > Folders" and place the tasks icon somewhere else might be something to think about- if it's worth the work

bohlender lowered the priority of this task from 40 to Low.Aug 12 2019, 10:02 AM
bohlender moved this task from Ready for Alec to Backlog on the UX Seminar WS17 board.