Outlook 2013 + ActiveSync support folders under INBOX. That is probably what is not supported by Kolab with Syncroton and Cyrus IMAP. In such a case there is an expectation that when Outlook+ActiveSync is connected to Kolab Server user will get an error when trying to create folder under Inbox. That is not the case. Outlook successfully creates that Inbox subfolder, but it is not in any way reflected on IMAP server.
Syncroton imap log contains:
[03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,347724 +0200]: [685D] C: A0006 LIST "" "INBOX/subfolder inbox" [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,348568 +0200]: [685D] S: A0006 OK Completed (0.000 secs) [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,348834 +0200]: [685D] C: A0007 CREATE "INBOX/subfolder inbox" [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,349498 +0200]: [685D] S: A0007 NO Invalid mailbox name [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,350242 +0200]: [685D] C: A0008 LOGOUT
and console log contains
[03-Feb-2017 12:56:45,484146 +0200]: Cmd=Sync&User=example.bandymui@example.lt&DeviceId=7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 [27.5/51.6]: 64.0916 sec [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,267840 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: POST [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,267985 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::104 REQUEST Array ( [protocolVersion] => 14.0 [command] => FolderCreate [deviceId] => 7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA [deviceType] => WindowsOutlook15 [policyKey] => [saveInSent] => [collectionId] => [itemId] => [attachmentName] => [acceptMultipart] => [userAgent] => Outlook/15.0 (15.0.4893.1000; MSI; x86) [contentType] => application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml ) [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,329503 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::127 xml request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "http://www.microsoft.com/"> <FolderCreate xmlns="uri:FolderHierarchy"> <SyncKey>6</SyncKey> <ParentId>38b950ebd62cd9a66929c89615d0fc04</ParentId> <DisplayName>subfolder inbox</DisplayName> <Type>12</Type> </FolderCreate> [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,329741 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_Wbxml::__construct::163 sync timestamp: 2017-02-03 12:56:55 [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,329946 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_FolderCreate::handle::40 synckey is 6 [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,332167 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_FolderCreate::handle::49 parentId: 38b950ebd62cd9a66929c89615d0fc04 displayName: subfolder inbox [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,351555 +0200]: Cmd=FolderCreate&User=example.bandymui@example.lt&DeviceId=7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 [2.9/3.0]: 0.9173 s ec [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,426676 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: POST [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,426817 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::104 REQUEST Array ( [protocolVersion] => 14.0 [command] => FolderSync [deviceId] => 7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA [deviceType] => WindowsOutlook15 [policyKey] => [saveInSent] => [collectionId] => [itemId] => [attachmentName] => [acceptMultipart] => [userAgent] => Outlook/15.0 (15.0.4893.1000; MSI; x86) [contentType] => application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml ) [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,430532 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::127 xml request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "http://www.microsoft.com/"> <FolderSync xmlns="uri:FolderHierarchy"> <SyncKey>6</SyncKey> </FolderSync> [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,430687 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_Wbxml::__construct::163 sync timestamp: 2017-02-03 12:56:55 [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,430808 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Command_FolderSync::handle::80 synckey is 6 [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,466754 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::177 xml response(0): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE AirSync PUBLIC "-//AIRSYNC//DTD AirSync//EN" "http://www.microsoft.com/"> <FolderSync xmlns="uri:FolderHierarchy" xmlns:Syncroton="uri:Syncroton"> <Status>1</Status> <SyncKey>6</SyncKey> <Changes> <Count>0</Count> </Changes> </FolderSync> [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,469549 +0200]: Cmd=FolderSync&User=example.bandymui@example.lt&DeviceId=7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 [3.0/4.3]: 0.0968 sec [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,657684 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::handle::62 REQUEST METHOD: POST [03-Feb-2017 12:56:55,657853 +0200]: [DEBUG] Syncroton_Server::_handlePost::104 REQUEST Array ( [protocolVersion] => 14.0 [command] => Sync [deviceId] => 7EE38D73F45C4EFA8361546F84C1E5CA [deviceType] => WindowsOutlook15 [policyKey] => [saveInSent] => [collectionId] => [itemId] => [attachmentName] => [acceptMultipart] => [userAgent] => Outlook/15.0 (15.0.4893.1000; MSI; x86) [contentType] => application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml )
At least that is what I could find. So it looks like Syncroton fails to create folder, but does not inform user about that. That makes a wrong impression that folder was created, but it was not.