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Establish an integration test environment for Roundcube
Closed, ResolvedPublic10 Story Points


The goal of this rather epic task is to:

  • Evaluate the tools to write and run integration tests. Candidates are: Selenium, PHPUnit, Twisted Trial
  • Define how concrete test cases are formulated, written and executed
  • Create a set of helper scripts and functions to set up the environment for specific tests
  • Write a set of tests that cover some common functionality in Roundcube

Hints, ideas or even concrete test cases can be gained from TBits' test suite.


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

bruederli claimed this task.
bruederli raised the priority of this task from to 60.
bruederli updated the task description. (Show Details)
bruederli changed Ticket Type from Task to Task.
bruederli subscribed.