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jQuery 2.2.1 regression: unexpected "fileuploaderror" popup in jQueryUI dialog
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After we migrated to 2.2.1 in Roundcube 1.2 I see specified issue. Steps:

  1. Open a dialog (e.g. calendar event dialog)
  2. Goto attachments tab and upload a file. Works.
  3. Switch a tab or close the dialog and observe "fileuploaderror" popup.

I opened the ticket at


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

Can you switch back to the older version?

That's likely what will happen if we want to release 1.2 soon. I'll see if jQuery-UI update helps, but again probably too late for such a change in 1.2.

machniak claimed this task.

Reverted jquery update in bf91666621.