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Improper encoding/decoding of special characters in folder names in rouncubemail files
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Folders with special characters, especially accents (like éèà), are listed correctly in the files folder tree of roundcubemail. However when selecting such a folder, it will not be retrieved and roundcubemail will rescan the full folder tree. This does not happen in the chwala interface. Modifying the Base64.decode function in /usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/program/js/common.js to return atob(Input) instead of utf8_decode(atob(input)) appears to work as a work-around, although I'm not sure it is fully correct.


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What version of Kolab, chwala and roundcubemail-plugins-kolab?

Sorry, I went too fast. The version is Roundcube Webmail 1.2-3.1.el7.kolab_16, chwala 0.4 (revision 1.1.el7.kolab_16 from Kolab-16 repository).

chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 m and firefox 44.0.2

machniak claimed this task.
machniak edited projects, added Roundcube; removed Roundcube Kolab Plugins .

Fixed in 9ae41d906e5

It was also backported to release-1.1 as 7a73635214d on Feb 22.