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- User Since
- Apr 4 2019, 6:02 AM (306 w, 4 d)
Oct 22 2020
Oct 22 2020
smiler2505 updated smiler2505.
smiler2505 updated smiler2505.
Apr 4 2019
Apr 4 2019
smiler2505 updated the task description for T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash.
smiler2505 added a comment to T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash.
Apologies that this has taken some time to post, I found the solution earlier today but was investigating other issues too. The patch is to add, on line 133:
user_attrs['surname'] = user_attrs['surname'].replace(r"'", r"\'")
smiler2505 updated the task description for T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash.
smiler2505 lowered the priority of T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.
Moving priority back to needs triage, I had caused a second fault during my investigation with a stray vim command. The above code alters the message to:
smiler2505 renamed T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash from Apostrophe in employee name causes fail in slapd to Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash.
smiler2505 raised the priority of T5327: Apostrophe in employee name causes LDAP crash from Needs Triage to Unbreak Now!.
Ignore this post, I am keeping it here as it was a clue to the final solution: