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Build 2163

Drydock: Run Command

Completed at Dec 23 2015, 9:57 PM · Built for 11 m, 55 s

Build Log 7551 (remote - stderr)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

1+ '[' -z ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5 -a -z '' ']'
2+ '[' -z ssh:// ']'
3+ '[' 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 -a 0 -eq 0 ']'
4+ test_build=1
5+ test_functional=1
6+ test_integration=1
7+ test_performance=1
8+ test_unit=1
9+ test_obs=1
10+ '[' -z git ']'
11+ case ${vcs} in
12++ basename ssh:// .git
13+ package=guam
14++ echo ssh://
15++ sed -e 's|ssh://git@|https://|g'
16+ ro_uri=
17+ case ${package} in
18++ pwd
19+ export TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-52/repo/guam
20+ TMPDIR=/var/drydock/workingcopy-52/repo/guam
21+ '[' '!' -d guam.git ']'
22+ pushd guam.git
23+ git remote set-url origin
24+ git fetch origin
25+ git reset --hard origin/master
26+ git clean -d -f -x
27+ git checkout ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5
28HEAD is now at ff40cef... 0.1.3
29+ popd
30+ '[' guam '!=' stick ']'
31+ '[' '!' -d stick.git ']'
32+ pushd stick.git
33+ git remote set-url origin
34+ git fetch origin
36 25ad916..3073539 master -> origin/master
37+ git reset --hard origin/master
38+ git clean -d -f -x
39+ popd
40+ export commit
41+ export differential
42+ export id
43+ export package
44+ export phid
45+ export ro_uri
46+ export uri
47+ export vcs
48+ export test_build
49+ export test_functional
50+ export test_integration
51+ export test_performance
52+ export test_unit
53+ export test_obs
54+ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache ']'
55+ '[' -x stick.git/drydocker/guam/ ']'
56+ pushd guam.git
57+ ../stick.git/drydocker/guam/
58+ docker run -i --attach=stdout --attach=stderr --detach=false --rm=true --volume=/root/.oscrc:/root/.oscrc --volume=/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/:/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/ -e ID=2163 -e COMMIT=ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5 -e DIFFERENTIAL= -e PACKAGE=guam -e PHAB_CERT= -e PHAB_USER= -e PHID=PHID-HMBT-2rcj2lxuf4en5tjvb5e6 -e URI=ssh:// -e RO_URI= -e VCS=git -e TEST_BUILD=1 -e TEST_FUNCTIONAL=1 -e TEST_INTEGRATION=1 -e TEST_PERFORMANCE=1 -e TEST_UNIT=1 -e TEST_OBS=1 kolab/ci-maipo
59Switched to a new branch 'develop'
60Switched to branch 'master'
61Note: checking out 'ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5'.
63You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
64changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
65state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
67If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
68do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
70 git checkout -b new_branch_name
72HEAD is now at ff40cef... 0.1.3
73+ exit 1
74+ retval=1
75+ popd
76+ exit 1

Build Log 7550 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

4530* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" user/john.doe/
4531FLBF4 OK Completed (0.000 secs 16 calls)
4532+ echo '== /var/lib/imap/log/ ended =='
4533== /var/lib/imap/log/ ended ==
4534+ echo uid=doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
4535+ ldapdelete -x -h localhost -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w Welcome2KolabSystems
4536++ timeout 10s kolab lm 'user/john.doe*'
4537++ wc -l
4538+ '[' 0 -gt 0 ']'
4539+ echo 'Cleaning out IMAP folders ...'
4540Cleaning out IMAP folders ...
4541++ timeout 180s kolab lm
4542++ wc -l
4543+ '[' 15 -gt 0 ']'
4544+ kolab lm
4545+ read folder
4546+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/
4547+ read folder
4548+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Archive/
4549+ read folder
4550+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Calendar/
4551+ read folder
4552+ kolab dm 'DELETED/user/john.doe/Calendar/Personal Calendar/'
4553+ read folder
4554+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Configuration/
4555+ read folder
4556+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Contacts/
4557+ read folder
4558+ kolab dm 'DELETED/user/john.doe/Contacts/Personal Contacts/'
4559+ read folder
4560+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Drafts/
4561+ read folder
4562+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Files/
4563+ read folder
4564+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Journal/
4565+ read folder
4566+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Notes/
4567+ read folder
4568+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Sent/
4569+ read folder
4570+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Spam/
4571+ read folder
4572+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Tasks/
4573+ read folder
4574+ kolab dm DELETED/user/john.doe/Trash/
4575+ read folder
4576++ timeout 180s kolab lm
4577++ wc -l
4578+ '[' 0 -gt 0 ']'
4579+ set - -x
4580++ retval=1
4581++ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
4582++ _report_msg 'Running '\''/srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/'\'' FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)'
4583++ printf '%*s' 0 ' '
4584++ echo 'Running '\''/srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/'\'' FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)'
4585++ echo 'Running /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/ FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)'
4586Running /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/ FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4587++ echo 1
4588+ retval2=1
4589+ retval=1
4590+ for test_script in '`ls -1 /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/*.sh`'
4591+ '[' '!' -x /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/ ']'
4592+ echo 'SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable'
4593SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable
4594+ continue
4595+ for test_script in '`ls -1 /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/*.sh`'
4596+ '[' '!' -x /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/ ']'
4597+ echo 'SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable'
4598SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable
4599+ continue
4600+ for test_script in '`ls -1 /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/*.sh`'
4601+ '[' '!' -x /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/ ']'
4602+ echo 'SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable'
4603SKIPPING /srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/, not executable
4604+ continue
4605+ guam stop
4607+ killall -9 epmd
4608+ set - -x
4609Running ../stick.git/drydocker/guam/ FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4611 Running 'rebar -v get-deps' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4612 Running 'rebar -v compile' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4613 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/guam/' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4614 Running 'rebar -v eunit' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4615 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/guam/' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4616 Running 'obs_build_local' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4617 Running 'yum_downgrade' FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4618 Running 'yum_install' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4619 Running 'obs_install_local' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4620 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/guam/' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4621 Running 'yum -y install kolab' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4622 Running 'generic_integration_install' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4623 Running 'setup-kolab --default --mysqlserver=new --timezone=Europe/Zurich --directory-manager-pwd=Welcome2KolabSystems' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4624 Running 'generic_integration_setup' OK (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4625 Running '/srv/stick.git/drydocker/guam/tests/' FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)
4626 Running '../stick.git/drydocker/guam/' FAILED (at ff40cefa1053d0f79ebd669aad199b87ff91abe5)

Lease Working Copy

Completed at Dec 23 2015, 9:45 PM · Built instantly

Wait for Previous Commits to Build

Completed at Dec 23 2015, 9:45 PM · Built instantly
1 empty logs are hidden. Show all logs.