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CRASH REPORT: call to undefined function eimap:start(normal, []) in application_master:init/4 line 133
Closed, InvalidPublic


Steps to reproduce:

$ docker run -t --entrypoint /bin/bash kolab/guam -s
[root@0ba5806f085f guam.git]# erl -pa apps/*/ebin deps/*/ebin -config app -s kolab_guam

Docker image is built from

The original entrypoint takes in environment variables KOLAB_IMAPF_EXT_SERVICE_HOST (the IP address of the target IMAP server), and sets { tls, true } in /root/guam.git/app.config. The aforementioned example command-line does neither of the substitions.

Guam ends up listening on only.


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

vanmeeuwen assigned this task to seigo.
vanmeeuwen raised the priority of this task from to 60.
vanmeeuwen updated the task description. (Show Details)
vanmeeuwen added a project: Guam.
vanmeeuwen changed Ticket Type from Task to Task.
vanmeeuwen added subscribers: vanmeeuwen, petersen.

This was caused by something entirely different, and no longer occurs.