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Some calendar entries are not displayed - wrong kolabformat
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Some entries are not displayed via caldav. The iRony log has lines like:
[17-Sep-2024 09:25:41,882478 +0200]: PHP Error: No support for Kolab format version 2.0 (REPORT /iRony/calendars/

As far as I understood it, current kolab format version is v 3.0. How can I fix this?


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Spenneberg renamed this task from Some calendar entries are not displayed to Some calendar entries are not displayed - wrong kolabformat.Sep 17 2024, 9:56 AM
Spenneberg triaged this task as High priority.
Spenneberg created this task.

The PHP code uses kolabformat class for v3 and kolabobject (from libkolab) for v2. What Kolab version and system do you use? What roundcubemail and iRony version?

I don't recall a format migration tool, but maybe there is one somewhere.

Its kolab 16 on almalinux 9
But of course there might be much older entries on the IMAP server since I have been using kolab for the last 13-15 years. Unfortunately the log does not mention the exact entry it is having problems with.