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HTML Composer on roundcube: Link insertion
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have deployed a Kolab16 server.

Our users reports us that link insertion on email HTML composition don't work. We have take a look to the issue and appears that the button "OK" (insert/edit link) appears without borders and with white font colour so it's very difficult to see. The functionality works, the problem appears to be cosmetic because the users don't see the button.

We use default theme configuration on Kolab16.

Actual results: Button "OK" for link insertion on mail composer appears without borders and with white font. The users can't see it (it works but regular users don't find where to accept)

Expected results: Button "Ok" for link insertion with borders and regular font color

Platform: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Kolab version:


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

machniak lowered the priority of this task from Needs Triage to Normal.May 29 2019, 11:57 AM
machniak added a project: Roundcube.
machniak subscribed.

I confirm. This is for the Kolab skin based on Larry. Looks like it is caused by some style in Larry. The responsive skin has no such issue.

machniak claimed this task.

Fixed in 668ca02c3f3d8 [roundcubemail master].