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Can safe an event without name
Closed, ResolvedPublic


You can safe an event without naming it. This should not be possible. Otherwise you don't know what the event is when it comes around and you can also not search for it.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-09 um 17.47.36.png (874×770 px, 138 KB)


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

bohlender moved this task from Backlog to 1 on the UX Seminar WS17 board.
bohlender added subscribers: machniak, bohlender.

We can either not allow it to save without a title or warn about the event not having a title when trying to save it.
@machniak ?

machniak claimed this task.

Actually the summary input has been marked as required, but it didn't work in a dialog. Fixed in e92255929229.