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translations missing: Recurrences for events with English naming
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When adding a recurrence for a new event it says "Bis for ____ times". This should be in German.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-09 um 17.24.14.png (690×1 px, 68 KB)


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Event Timeline

bohlender renamed this task from Recurrences for events with English naming to translations missing: Recurrences for events with English naming.Jan 9 2019, 6:34 PM
bohlender triaged this task as Normal priority.
bohlender moved this task from Backlog to 1 on the UX Seminar WS17 board.
bohlender added subscribers: machniak, bohlender.
bohlender claimed this task.

The label is untranslated in German. So, someone will have to update localization in Transifex first.