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Need to scroll Week / Day Overview in order to see relevant data
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In Week overview (and Day view) I can not see the whole time window that is relevant for me. I can change the first hour to show but not the last.
I can also set one time slot per hour and see the whole day, but can not customize the area I want to see.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Sttings -> Calender
  2. first hour to show

Expected result:
A way to also set the last hour to show.


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

A.Spiesberger renamed this task from Need to scroll Week Overview in order to see relevant data to Need to scroll Week / Day Overview in order to see relevant data.Oct 26 2018, 12:43 PM
A.Spiesberger created this task.
A.Spiesberger updated the task description. (Show Details)

If I change the first hour show to 9 am it still starts at 12 am. Does anybody else have the problem?

I agree there should be a "last hour to show".

This one also bothered many of the tested persons.. Events created in the evening where thought to not be created at all because they weren't visible, except for when scrolling down...