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[mobile] confusing warning in the contact menu
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • when you add a certain contact to a group, the expected message appears saying "Kontakte wurden dieser Gruppe hinzugefügt" (= the contact was added to this group")

--> the problem is, that this message looks like a warning because of the yellow warning sign,
--> but in fact it is just a feedback that the action has been successful

24259361_1712067838866997_280738405_o.png (1×1 px, 122 KB)

possible solution

  • replace the yellow warning sign with a green checkmark


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

Probably, rotating the exclamation mark, so an "i" is displayed, would already resolve this problem.

bohlender subscribed.

Yellow is a color that should be reserved for warning messages that are non-critical. Using something green to indicate a successful action is a good idea.

bohlender claimed this task.