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Composer autoloader is empty for Roundcubemail
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Story Points


Using Kolab_Development packages under CentOS 7, the web client throws fatal errors when opening the calendar because Sabre/VObject classes are not found. It appears that the Composer autoloader is not built correctly during packaging. Similar to iRony or other projects, a stub composer.json file with path definitions to /usr/share/... should be used for building:

    "name": "kolab/roundcubemail",
    "description": "Roundcube Webmail for Kolab",
    "license": "GPL-3.0",
    "require": {
	"php": ">=5.3.3"
    "autoload": {
	"psr-0": {
	    "": "/usr/share/pear/"
	"psr-4": {
	    "": "/usr/share/php/"


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

bruederli assigned this task to vanmeeuwen.
bruederli raised the priority of this task from to 60.
bruederli updated the task description. (Show Details)
bruederli added a project: Release Managers.
bruederli changed Ticket Type from Task to Task.
bruederli subscribed.

Shell script to execute from within /usr/share/roundcubemail to fix the autoloader locally:

vanmeeuwen edited projects, added Sprint Server 201520; removed Sprint Server 201522.

Moving this task to the current sprint because I solved it in Revision 110