[root@kolabfek001a ~]# yum list installed wallace Installed Packages wallace.noarch 0.7.27-3.1.el6.kolab_14 @lhm-kolab-14-updates
Wallace linebreakes subject lines at 78 chars and breakes already quoted printeable encoded lines by doing so.
User enterd subject string:
Stellenausschreibung-Änderung: 16-2509-075, IT@M, A10/E9 TVÖD
Mail client tool encoded subject string arriving at wallace:
=?iso-8859-15?Q?Stellenausschreibung-=C4nderung:_16-2509-075, IT@M, A10/E9_TV=F6D?=
what wallace makes of the subject string:
Subject: =?iso-8859-15?Q?Stellenausschreibung-=C4nderung:_16-2509-075, IT@M, A10/E9_?= =?iso-8859-15?Q?TV=F6D?=