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Invitation and Resource Handling in Kolab Multi Domain Configuration
Open, NormalPublic


As per other bug reports (f.e. Wallace has some troubles handling resources and calendar invitations in a Multi Domain configuration as described here:

This should be fixed in Wallace. The service should be able to us a multi-domain LDAP structure.


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Event Timeline

tobru renamed this task from Invitation Handling in Kolab Multi Domain Configuration to Invitation and Resource Handling in Kolab Multi Domain Configuration.Jun 5 2016, 6:46 PM
tobru created this task.
tobru added projects: PyKolab, PyKolab Developers.

is there anyghing new about that?
I just tried to apply the patch to an actual kolab 16 with

pykolab 0.8.7-0~kolab2

but it doesn't work anymore.

oh, I was to overhasty. The patch still works, it was my mistake. This should be altered in the function "find_resource":

---	2018-08-01 23:22:08.035502451 +0200
+++	2018-08-01 23:25:20.218302866 +0200
@@ -807,8 +807,17 @@
         if len(_filter) <= 6:
             return None
+	# fix multidomain issue:
+        if len(address.split('@')) > 1:
+            rdomain = address.split('@')[1]
+        else:
+            rdomain = self.domain
         config_base_dn = self.config_get('resource_base_dn')
-        ldap_base_dn = self._kolab_domain_root_dn(self.domain)
+	# fix multidomain issue:
+        # ldap_base_dn = self._kolab_domain_root_dn(self.domain)
+        ldap_base_dn = self._kolab_domain_root_dn(rdomain)
         if not ldap_base_dn == None and not ldap_base_dn == config_base_dn:
             resource_base_dn = ldap_base_dn
vanmeeuwen lowered the priority of this task from 60 to Normal.Mar 28 2019, 8:12 AM