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roundcube calendar don't send notification about events changes
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roundcubemail.noarch 1.1.3-4.9.el6.kolab_3.4 @Kolab_3.4_Updates

If I edit existing event, the members don't get notification about event changes.

I expect that if I edit my events, than other members get notification about events and my event in their calendar be update after I edit.


Ticket Type

Event Timeline

vanmeeuwen subscribed.

This is not the version for the software involved, nor the latest supported edition of Kolab, or roundcubemail.

We need the version for the roundcubemail-plugin-calendar, and whether this is reproducible on the current Kolab 16 release.

ok.You talk about this
roundcubemail-plugin-calendar.noarch 3.2.7-10.el6.kolab_3.4 @Kolab_3.4_Updates
libcalendaring.x86_64 4.9.1-4.el6.kolab_3.4 @Kolab_3.4_Updates ?

Surely no one knows the answer to this question?