**Kolab Systems**
**bold text**
**Name: **Fiona
**Age: **28
**Position: **First Level Support
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Fiona is a social and communicative person. She is not very technical and sometimes worries that her technical ability is lacking. She can empathise with the needs of the customers that she is supporting. Fiona has a caring and sensitive personality.
Helping customers with their day to day problems and having an open eye to them feeling valued. Fiona is dedicated to ensuring the customers needs are fulfilled and making sure they are satisfied. When customers come to Fiona, she needs to see their status and previous account details or problems. She also needs to know whether their are any known incidences that could cause previous technical issues or experiences from this account/company. Agnes wants to document what she has done to help the customer and communicate to her colleagues what she has actioned. Fiona is authorised to give customers an agreed restricted refund when required. Amounts over the agreed restricted amount must be authorised by the account manager.
**Summary:** PACK should be a easy to access knowledge base, a history of all instances or support tickets from this customer, account or company.
**Name: **Sebastian
**Age: **35
**Position: **Second Level Support
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Sebastian is a geeky tech head who loves solving problems. He does not have much patience with users and values technical facts. His structure is solution oriented.
Sebastian Identifies technical issues with the system and helps resolve them through interfacing with operations or development. Sebastian wants to know as much as possible about the issue, including all previous correspondence with the customer so Sebastian gets as much information as possible up front. Sebastian also needs to know if the customer has agreed to Kolab Systems having access to their data.
**Summary:** PACK needs to have the functionality to record as much data as possible to help him solve the issue.
**Question:** Discuss if an advanced internal FAQ would be useful, something that would improve over time as questions are asked and things are resolved.
**Name: **Chloe
**Age:** 25
**Position:** Sales
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Chloe has a social outgoing and flamboyant personality. She is impatient and not very technical but she is passionate about delivering quality and making people happy. She is a hunter, gatherer with a strong desire to receive positive feedback.
Chloe is responsible for converting leads into customers and make sure existing customers renew there contracts. She also helps them find the right product by Kolab Systems for their needs. Chloe needs to add potential customers, offer trial accounts and sales incentives. She also needs to create professional proposals with optional demo accounts and have a clear indication of the status of the account, for example, when an account is activated, so she can engage with the customer. Chloe can hand over her leads to gain additional referral commission.
**Summary: **Chloe will also need an overview of her active customer base, referral commissions, and personal sales pipeline.
**Name: **Camila
**Age: **34
**Position: **Sales Manager
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Camila has a confident and warming personality. She is an accomplished marksman and communicates clearly with her colleagues and customers. She works around the clock, not wanting to miss any opportunities that come her way. She is not technical, but can’t live without her iPhone.
Camila overseas and coordinates several sales people and potentially sales managers in a reporting structure. She is also doing active sales herself, so she needs the same requirements as Chloe. In addition, she wants to see the active accounts, permissions and pipeline of all people in her team. That information should be made available to get an overall perspective as well as understand each individual performance. Camila has the authority to create discount codes and special offers for third parties including bloggers to help incentivise our commercial ecosystem.
**Summary: **Camila needs to have the ability to generate reports and figures for her team and her personal sales.
**Name: **Agnes
**Age: **33
**Position: **Account Manager
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Agnes is a very social and open person with some technical ability. She can empathise with the needs of her customers that she is managing. Agnes has a caring and sensitive personality and understands situations from a customer perspective.
Responsible for several customers or partners, she stays in touch with them to understand their needs and help them get the most out of Kolab for suit their needs. Agnes wants to know the commercial status of her accounts, in particular when they are up for renewal, when any support issues occur and when up-sale opportunities arise. Agnes also needs to have access to all support issues logged by the Support teams. She wants to be aware of any issues so she is up-to-date with all the account activity, good or bad. Agnes is authorised to give customers an agreed restricted refund when required. Amounts over the agreed restricted amount must be authorised by the Finance Manager.
Summary: Agnes will also need an overview of her active customer base and support issues.
**Name: **Frank
**Age: **44
**Position: **Finance Manager
**Company:** Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Frank loves numbers. He is a very calm and structured individual. Things need to be done accurately. He lives in his account software, but doesn’t understand a great deal about computers. He likes things clear and organised, minimising his time and effort.
Frank is responsible for the accounting and budgeting. He wants to know which goods have been sold, when they have been delivered, whether there have been refunds and the total cost of delivery, including marketing expenses, to ensure he can track all expenses within the company. These reports need to be exported into a user friendly file format or ideally directly integrated into his finance system. Frank is responsible for keeping the company books in order including the list of customers, invoices issued, goods delivered, marketing, refunds and any other expenses. Frank also needs that information by currency and with information about taxes such as VAT. He wants to see that information in the system and be able to record invoices as paid, or set them as unpaid. Frank is also responsible for the payroll and will need access to the sales team and third party commission for each month, so he can authorise payment.
**Summary: **Frank needs to view ledger, customer accounts and have the ability to create detailed reports for each of these accounts.
**Name: **Mandy
**Age: **46
**Position: **Management
**Company: **Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Mandy has a business degree in administration and is driven by results. She has negative patience and needs her information short, accurate and to the point. She lives in spreadsheets and graphs, preferring a picture over a sentence.
Mandy is responsible for the overall budgeting and company goals. She needs a good agitate overview of all three domains: support, sales, accounting and marketing. She needs the ability to zoom into any of these areas to see more detail, where reports can be generated and exported when required. Mandy can become any department, helping her understand the current company situation.
**Summary: **God
**Name: **Otto
**Age: **32
**Position: **Operations
***bold text***Company:** Kolab Systems
**Persona: **Otto is a hard core geek who prefers computers over human beings. He does not compare for ambiguity or user anodes his information is based on fact and feeling in control of the systems he is responsible for.
Otto is responsible for running the operations smoothly and effectively. He will need access to all support issues and relevant customer details to enable easy and quick communication channels. Communication between the support team and Otto needs to be simple, easy and clear to help them communicate with the customer. Otto needs to document the journey and solution so we can learn for the experience and add it to an ever growing FAQ.
**Summary: **Overview of all the support and customer interaction.
**Question:** Security engineer? Developers? What would these user want?
**Name:** Florence
**Age:** 27
**Position:** First Level Support
**Company:** ASP inc
**Persona: **Florence is a social and communicative person. She is not very technical and sometimes worries that her technical ability is lacking. She can empathise with the needs of the customers that she is supporting. Florence can get very stressed when people ignore her or don’t understand her.
Helping customers with their day to day problems and having an open eye to them feeling valued. Florence is dedicated to ensuring the customers needs are fulfilled and making sure they are satisfied. When customers come to Florence, she needs to see their status and previous account details or problems. She also needs to know whether their are any known incidences that could cause previous technical issues or experiences from this account/company. Florence wants to document what she has done to help the customer and communicate to her colleagues what she has actioned. Florence is authorised to give customers an agreed restricted refund when required. Amounts over the agreed restricted amount must be authorised by the account manager.
**Summary: **PACK should be a easy to access knowledge base, a history of all instances or support tickets from this customer, account or company.
**Name: **Simon
**Age: **29
**Position: **Second Level Support
**Company: **ASP inc
**Persona: **Simon is a tech head who loves solving problems and working with people. He has good technical knowledge, but most of this comes from Google. Simon only needs to be told things once, he is great at retaining information.
Simon identifies technical issues with the system and helps resolve them through interfacing with operations or Kolab Systems. Simon wants to know as much as possible about the issue, including all previous correspondence with the customer so Simon gets as much information as possible up front. Simon wants to open tickets with Kolab Systems and see their status clearly. He also wants access to the premium knowledge base of Kolab Systems.
**Summary:** PACK needs to have the functionality to record as much data as possible to help him solve the issue.
**Name:** Clarence
**Age: **26
**Position: **Sales
**Company: **ASP inc
**Persona: **Clarence has a social animal. He will always take the easiest solution to close a deal as his attention span is zero. He is utterly opportunistic and will sale anything as long as there is a cut in it for him. He is fast, agile and has little patience.
Clarence is responsible for converting leads into customers and make sure existing customers renew there contracts. He also helps them find the right product by ASP Inc or Kolab Systems for their needs. Clarence needs to add potential customers, offer trial accounts and sales incentives. He also needs to create professional proposals with optional demo accounts and have a clear indication of the status of the account, for example, when an account is activated, so he can engage with the customer. Clarence can hand over his leads to gain additional referral commission.
**Summary: **Clarence will also need an overview of his active customer base, referral commissions, and personal sales pipeline.
**Name: **Colin
**Age: **41
**Position: **Sales Manager
**Company:** ASP inc
**Persona: **Colin has a confident and friendly personality. He communicates clearly with his colleagues and customers and has some patience. He is a family man and driven by commission. He loves the outdoors and has a carefully managed work/life balance. He is not technical, but doesn’t leave home without his laptop.
Colin overseas and coordinates several sales people and potentially sales managers in a reporting structure. He is also doing active sales himself, so he needs the same requirements as Clarence. In addition, he wants to see the active accounts, permissions and pipeline of all people in his team. That information should be made available to get an overall perspective as well as understand each individual performance. Colin has the authority to create discount codes and special offers for third parties including bloggers to help incentivise the commercial ecosystem of ASP Inc.
**Summary: **Colin needs to have the ability to generate reports and figures for his team and her personal sales.
**Name: **Agatha
**Age: **31
**Position: **Account Manager
**Company:** ASP inc
**Persona: **Agatha is a quiet but confident individual with little technical ability. She is part-time and is trying out a new career in account management. She is great with people in small groups. She is slow but steady, ensuring all her efforts are to the highest quality.
Responsible for several customers or partners, she stays in touch with them to understand their needs and help them get the most out of Kolab for suit their needs. Agatha wants to know the commercial status of her accounts, in particular when they are up for renewal, when any support issues occur and when up-sale opportunities arise. Agatha also needs to have access to all support issues logged by the Support teams. She wants to be aware of any issues so she is up-to-date with all the account activity, good or bad. Agatha is authorised to give customers an agreed restricted refund when required. Amounts over the agreed restricted amount must be authorised by the Finance Manager.
**Summary: **Agatha will also need an overview of her active customer base and support issues.
**Name: **Fraiser
**Age: **45
**Position: **Finance Manager
**Company: **ASP inc
**Persona: **Fraser has worked as an accountant for his entire career, he is impatient and irritable, it frustrates him hugely when things don’t add up. He thinks he has the answer to everything and will not hold back sharing that with anyone. He wants it his way… yesterday!
Fraiser is responsible for the accounting and budgeting. He wants to know which goods have been sold, when they have been delivered, whether there have been refunds and the total cost of delivery, including marketing expenses, to ensure he can track all expenses within the company. These reports need to be exported into a user friendly file format or ideally directly integrated into his finance system. Fraiser is responsible for keeping the company books in order including the list of customers, invoices issued, goods delivered, marketing, refunds and any other expenses. Fraiser also needs that information by currency and with information about taxes such as VAT. He wants to see that information in the system and be able to record invoices as paid, or set them as unpaid. Fraiser is also responsible for the payroll and will need access to the sales team and third party commission for each month, so he can authorise payment.
**Summary: **Fraiser needs to view ledger, customer accounts and have the ability to create detailed reports for each of these accounts.
**Question: **Where do we include the requirement for reporting and invoicing from ASP Inc? The activity of ASP Inc must be integrated back into Kolab Systems.
**Name:** Michael
**Age: **58
**Position: **Management
**Company: **ASP inc
**Persona: **Michael has built many businesses over the years, he has a huge amount of experience across all departments and has some IT knowledge. He knows what he wants and how he wants it. He likes honesty, transparency and a working lunch.
Michael is responsible for the overall budgeting and company goals. He needs a good aggregate overview of all three domains: support, sales, accounting and marketing. He needs the ability to zoom into any of these areas to see more detail, where reports can be generated and exported when required. Michael can become any department, helping his understand the current company situation.
**Summary: **God
**Name: **Oscar
**Age: **27
**Position: **Operations
**Company: **ASP inc
**Persona: **Otto is gamer by night and a techie by day. He thinks he knows everything, his knowledge is from poorly written articles and repurposes a lot of it. People find him challenging and many non-technical people actually believe what he is saying, even though his knowledge is very inaccurate.
Oscar is responsible for running the operations smoothly and effectively. He will need access to all support issues and relevant customer details to enable easy and quick communication channels. Communication between the support team and Oscar needs to be simple, easy and clear to help them communicate with the customer. Oscar needs to document the journey and solution so we can learn for the experience and add it to an ever growing FAQ. Oscar has access to the Kolab Systems premium documentation, white papers and knowledge base. Any additional information submitted to their FAQ etc. will be shared back to Kolab Systems, to help refine our customer infrastructure.
**Summary: **Overview of all the support and customer interaction.
**Name: **Caroline
**Age:** 23
**Position: **Sales
**Company: **Reseller AG
**Persona: **Straight out of University, Caroline is young, energised and focused. She lives for commission and works 24/7 to make sure she has enough money to pay for her lifestyle and shoes. She is technically savvy and is very confident with modern IT applications.
Caroline is responsible for converting leads into customers and make sure existing customers renew there contracts. She also helps them find the right product by Kolab Systems for their needs. Caroline needs to add potential customers, offer trial accounts and sales incentives. She also needs to create professional proposals with optional demo accounts and have a clear indication of the status of the account, for example, when an account is activated, so she can engage with the customer. Caroline can hand over her leads to gain additional referral commission.
**Summary: **Caroline will also need an overview of her active customer base, referral commissions, and personal sales pipeline.
**Name: **Christine
**Age: **52
**Position: **Sales Manager
**Company: **Reseller AG
**Persona: **Christine’s attention span is short and she finds it difficult to retain information. 5 minutes after explaining things, she would have forgotten. To overcome this, she loves to do lists and documenting her activities but finds most technical solutions difficult. Her sales skills rely on presentations and organised proposals.
Christine overseas and coordinates several sales people and potentially sales managers in a reporting structure. She is also doing active sales herself, so she needs the same requirements as Caroline. In addition, she wants to see the active accounts, permissions and pipeline of all people in her team. That information should be made available to get an overall perspective as well as understand each individual performance. Christine has the authority to create discount codes and special offers for third parties including bloggers to help incentivise our commercial ecosystem.
**Summary:** Christine needs to have the ability to generate reports and figures for her team and her personal sales.
**Name: **Amelia
**Age: **49
**Position: **Account Manager
**Company: **Reseller AG
**Persona: **Amelia is very competent in her role, so much so that everyone relies on her for knowledge. Her customers love her and she has a bubbly personality. She loves sports and has two teenagers to manage, giving her the ultimate day to day challenge.
Responsible for several customers or partners, she stays in touch with them to understand their needs and help them get the most out of Kolab for suit their needs. Amelia wants to know the commercial status of her accounts, in particular when they are up for renewal, when any support issues occur and when up-sale opportunities arise. Amelia also needs to have access to all support issues logged by the Support teams. She wants to be aware of any issues so she is up-to-date with all the account activity, good or bad. Amelia is authorised to give customers an agreed restricted refund when required. Amounts over the agreed restricted amount must be authorised by Management.
**Summary: **Amelia will also need an overview of her active customer base and support issues.
**Name: **Maureen
**Age: **29
**Position: **Management
**Company:** Reseller AG
**Persona: **Maureen is young, single and career hungry. She has a gift and can multi-skill across many departments. She lives in the city and loves the urban lifestyle. Her business skills are admired but her IT knowledge is limited and relies on trusted partners and colleagues to deliver that knowledge for her.
Maureen is responsible for the overall budgeting and company goals. She needs a good agitate overview of all three domains: support, sales, accounting and marketing. She needs the ability to zoom into any of these areas to see more detail, where reports can be generated and exported when required. Maureen can become any department, helping her understand the current company situation.
Maureen is also responsible for the accounting and budgeting. She wants to know which goods have been sold, when they have been delivered, whether there have been refunds and the total cost of delivery, including marketing expenses, to ensure she can track all expenses within the company. These reports need to be exported into a user friendly file format or ideally directly integrated into her finance system.
Maureen also needs that information by currency and with information about taxes such as VAT. She wants to see that information in the system and be able to record invoices as paid, or set them as unpaid. Maureen is also responsible for the payroll and will need access to the sales team and third party commission for each month, so she can authorise payment.
**Summary: **Maureen needs to view ledger, customer accounts and have the ability to create detailed reports for each of all accounts.
**Reseller - individual **
**Name: **Bert
**Age:** 19
**Position: **Blogger
**Company: **Blogit
**Person:** Bert is a social media guru. He is connected virtually to anyone and everyone. He loves IT, he understands IT and is passionate about promoting it by always looking for the next big thing. Bert is always looking for new ways to make his social efforts bring in some extra money. Past 140 characters, his communication skills are poor.
Bert is referring people to Kolab, recommending that they purchase the product using his unique identifier. He wants a statistical overview over who has used his code and the commission that is due to him. Bert is an individual customer.
**Integrator partners**
**Name:** Ian
**Age:** 20
**Position: **IT Sales
**Company:** IntegratIT
**Persona: **Ian has a wild but friendly personality. He is impatient and sometimes over confident but passionate about delivering quality and making people happy. He lives for commission and can sale anything, providing he has the tools and incentive to do so.
Ian is responsible for converting leads into customers for IntegratIT as a reseller of Kolab Systems. Ian needs to add potential customers through a Kolab Systems portal, enabling him to log his leads into Kolab Systems PACK to gain lead protection. He also needs to create professional proposals with optional demo accounts and have a clear indication of the status of the account. For open offers, Ian will want to except them to establish a contract between IntegratIT and Kolab Systems on behalf of their customers.
**Summary: **Ian will also need an overview of his active customer base, referral commissions, and personal sales pipeline.
**Name: **Emma
**Age:** 33
**Position: **Systems Engineer
**Company:** IntegratIT
**Persona: **During the day, Emma is super techie and super organised, she likes everything clear, in advance, with no surprises. She plans everything to the finest detail. Emma is a keen baker, she loves to cook. She lives in the city and loves to relax at the end of the day.
Identifies technical issues with the system and helps resolve them through interfacing with operations or development. Emma wants to know as much as possible about the issue, including all previous correspondence with the customer so Emma gets as much information as possible up front. Emma also needs to know if the customer has agreed to Kolab Systems having access to their data. Emma the Engineer is responsible for assisting her colleagues and the technical personnel at her customer in resolving issues found in the setup administration usage of Kolab. She needs access to the knowledge base and white papers as well as tickets associated with her customers and IntegratIT
**Summary: **She needs to know the support contract and status of her customers with Kolab Systems.
**Name: **Mary
**Age: **42
**Position:** Management
**Company:** IntegraIT
**Persona:** Mary is a proud working Mum, since having triplets, her life has become unorganised and frustrating, she will embrace anything that make her life easier and help her manage a sensible work/life balance. Her time is very very limited and needs things available without a moments notice.
Mary needs an overview of all IntegraIT leads, contracts and support status’. She needs the ability to zoom into any of these areas to see more detail, where reports can be generated and exported when required. These reports need to be exported into a user friendly file format or ideally directly integrated into her finance system. Mary is also responsible for the accounting. She wants to know which goods have been sold and have clarity of what commission or potential commission is available through working with Kolab Systems.
**Summary: **Mary needs to view ledger, customer accounts and have the ability to create detailed reports for each of all IntegraIT activity.
**Hosted -500**
**Name: **Chris
**Age:** 38
**Position: **Contract Manager
**Company:** Bizniz
**Persona:** Chris is an ex-navy seal. He wants everything to be organised and work without any issues. If things go wrong, he will act immediately and will want results fast. Chris’ technical knowledge is limited and will get frustrated when he does not understand the subject.
Responsible for purchasing and supplier relationships with Bizniz. Chris is interested in the commercial terms of the contract, invoices, quality of service and resource allocation verses usage, this includes storage, users and features. He needs to administrate the contract and get a good overview of the commercial side of the relationship.
**Name: **Toby
**Position: **Technical Administrator
**Company:** Bizniz
**Persona: **Toby is a super quiet individual. He is a thinker and needs time to evaluate or consider his options. He loves detail and will want a complete understanding of any situation to enable him to make a decision.
Responsibilities: Toby accesses his users in the usage of the system. He creates and modifies user account as well as resources. Toby needs access to the user guides and ‘How to make the most out of Kolab’ documentation. He also wants to be able to file, see and work with support tickets with Kolab Systems (and potentially a managed service provider working with Kolab Systems). Toby also needs to see dashboard items, including quality of service and resource allocation. He will also need direct contact with Kolab Systems to communicate various technical items like DNS and other server specific requirements.
**Name:** Ulma
**Age:** 35
**Position: **User
**Company: **Bizniz
**Persona:** Ulma works in fashion, her identity is important to her and requires a simple and easy to use admin system to manage her account. She has no technical knowledge whatsoever.
Ulma is a user of the system, he wants to administrate his own personal settings in the Kolab Systems version of PACK. His dashboard should present him with some statistics and make it easy to access relevant user documentation.
**Onsite +500**
**Name: **Clive
**Age: **33
**Position: **Contract Manager
**Company: **UniBiz
**Persona: **Clive loves a party. He loves sports, business and Tinder. Clive is fast moving and wants everything right now, otherwise he will loose interest. He is easily distracted by shiny things but wants to try and settle down and focus more.
Responsible for purchasing and supplier relationships with UniBiz. Clive is interested in the commercial terms of the contract, invoices, entitlements and tickets. He needs an overview of the account activity including quality of service and support tickets.
**Name: **Ernesto
**Age:** 47
**Position: **Systems Engineer
**Company: **UniBiz
**Persona: **Ernesto loves walking to clear his head after a long day at work. His job can be quite stressful and intense sometimes as he never knows what is around the corner.
Ernesto is responsible for everything up to third level internally. He uses the local installation of the system to administrate user, resources, settings and the installation of Kolab. He wants to know about system diagnostics, statistics, usage and potential problems. The system should inform him about package updates and other relevant information around him. In interacting with Kolab Systems’ installation of the system, he wants to file and work with tickets with Kolab Systems and have clarity on the status of each one. He needs access to white papers, knowledge base, documentation and other resources that help him resolve the issue quickly.
**Name: **Urs
**Age: **42
**Position: **User
**Company: **UniBiz
**Persona:** Urs is a teacher, she carries her work with her everywhere on her laptop and finds technology very frustrating, mainly due to bad experiences.
Urs is a user of the system, he wants to administrate his own personal settings in the local installation of PACK. His dashboard should present him with some statistics and make it easy to access relevant user documentation.
**Hosted individual**
**Name: **Lee
**Age: **42
**Position:** Family
**Company:** The Lesters
**Persona: **Lee hates technology, but needs to use it. He gets frustrated by Evil Corp, politics and modern world issues. Lee is concerned about security wants to protect his (and his families) identity. He works as a freelancer and can’t live without email, calendar, etc..
Lee needs a safe and secure collaboration and communication solution for his family. He wants add, remove and manage users with ease through an intuitive and simple admin system. He is the main administration for all the user accounts and needs to view all invoicing through an account summary. Lee is a user himself, he needs to switch over to the admin area with ease as well as mange him own personal settings.
Lee needs access to the user guides and ‘How to make the most out of Kolab’ documentation. He also wants to be able to file, see and work with support tickets with Kolab Systems (and potentially a managed service provider working with Kolab Systems). Lee also needs to see dashboard items, including quality of service and resource allocation.
**Onsite individual**
**Name: **William
**Age:** 23
**Position:** Family
**Company: **The Wests
**Persona: **William is a real geek. He loves to tinker with technology and play with the latest software and gadgets available to him. He appreciates technology and will stay loyal to a service that aligns with his principals.
William needs a safe and secure collaboration and communication solution for his family that he is running on the computer in his basement. He wants add, remove and manage users with ease through an intuitive and simple admin system. He is the main administration for all the user accounts and needs to view all invoicing through an account summary. William is a user himself, he needs to switch over to the admin area with ease as well as mange him own personal settings.
William needs access to the user guides and ‘How to make the most out of Kolab’ documentation. He also wants to be able to file, see and work with support tickets with Kolab Systems (and potentially a managed service provider working with Kolab Systems). William also needs to see dashboard items, including quality of service and resource allocation.