* The //Title// must be discriptive and concise. Example: Add autocomplete to the "To:" field in "compose mail" [better example needed]
* The //Description// field must hold a detailed description of the Task at hand; preferably in the form of a user-story. Example: "John click 'Compose Mail' and the compose window opens a new mail. Focus is already in the 'To:' field. He starts typing the name Jane. The system is autocompleting with the first match for the address in the addressbook (james@someplace.com). As John keeps typing, the autocomplete change to the new match (jan@somewhere-else.com). At some point John hit the match that he was looking for (Jane@doe.com). [better example needed]
* If the userstory is not easily verifyable, the //Description// must hold a test-case. Example: [Test-case example]
* //Priority// is by default Medium. It is up to the #product_owners to verify or change the priority.
* Appropriate software projects should be added. If the correct software project is not known, then #architecture_design should be consulted.
* Customer issues shall be channeled through support and the support tools (At the time of writing: https://support.kolabsys.com/Main_Page). They do not belong in Phabricator.
* Defects falling out of support (customer) issues shall be entered and associated with the #support project. While support is keeping the contact to the customer, the resulting development work listed in the Task is going through the normal evaluation and triage process, and will eventually be planned into a sprint.
* Defects coming in via community members [TBD]