Installed Kollab Winterfell on a Debian Jessie (with kde desktop) and found some problems:
1- guam certificate location on Debian Jessie /etc/guam/sys.config is wrongly configured and all imap operations fail
1.1 - There is NOT
But on Debian Jessie it is at
2 - Misleading messages on setup-kolab
2.1 - Mysql packages are previously installed during " apt-get install kolab " and mysql root password is set up at that point. During setup-kolab, the dialog
What MySQL server are we setting up?
- 1: Existing MySQL server (with root password already set).
- 2: New MySQL server (needs to be initialized).
Choice: 1
Is not so clear, and one could proceed first installation with choice 1 causing problems ahead. Maybe , "previously installed kolab and roundcubee databases on mysql server with root password already set"?
3 - One MUST HAVE to install using UTC or weird problems will happen on calendar.
3.1 - Events are created but not shown. Collisions could occur without displaying.
3.2 - A workaround is mannually editing up /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
3.3 - I do not know collateral effects of this manual edition yet.
4 - web administration interface for creating new users
4.1 It is not alerted on docs that one have to wait up to 10 minutes for ldap synchronization to cyrus mailboxes or new user will not have mailboxes.
4.2 - A work around for immediate syncronization is running "kolab sync" on command line, but is not clearly documentated for newbies.
5. For some reason, winterfell on Debian shows 4 skins for user choise, and SKIN "KOLAB" without preview will "unrecoverably crash user account" for practical effects, Maybe having to edit ldap and database entries.
5.2 For some reason, winterfell on CentOS 7 only shows valid chamaleon and larry skins.
6. One of the new Apache modules cause Apache 2.4 on Debian Jessie to enter 100% cpu on RELOAD during installation or uninstallation.
6.1 - You have to stop and start Apache. Or even sigkill. Still not identified the rogue module.
7. Unable to load emails.
7.1 Kolab winterfell on Debian 8.5 Jessie does not show emails. After clicking on one email, it hangs on "loading" screen until timeout and "internal error".
8. For uninstallation, it could be documented
8.1 FIRST drop kolab and roundcube databases
mysql --password=your_mysql_root_passwd
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| kolab |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| roundcube |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> drop database kolab;
mysql> drop database roundcube;
Query OK, 34 rows affected (0.22 sec)
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> quit
8.2 to avoid the following next installation dialog
It turns out that resetting the 389 Directory server was quite easy,
simply using the bundled remove-ds tool, like this:
8.3 One should run the command to clean ldap:
remove-ds.pl -i slapd-$HOSTNAME -a
8.4 to clean mailboxes
kolab list-mailboxes
kolab delete-mailbox "user/andre.machado@mytestdomain.gov.br"
8.5 THEN remove packages
apt-get -d --purge --auto-remove remove kolab apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils
Well, I still do not have a solution for problem 7. Do you have suggestions?
Andre Felipe Machado