diff --git a/lib/kolab_wopi/api.ex b/lib/kolab_wopi/api.ex index ad9c60e..962dc4c 100644 --- a/lib/kolab_wopi/api.ex +++ b/lib/kolab_wopi/api.ex @@ -1,137 +1,137 @@ defmodule KolabWopi.API do @moduledoc """ An implementation of the Web Application Open Platform Interface (WOPI) API. See https://wopi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ """ use Plug.Router use Plug.Debugger require Logger plug Plug.Logger plug :wopi_headers plug :access_token_handler plug :match plug :dispatch def init(options) do options end def start_link do - { :ok, spawn_link(fn -> + {:ok, spawn_link(fn -> startHttp?(Application.get_env(:kolab_wopi, :http)) startHttps?(Application.get_env(:kolab_wopi, :https)) Process.sleep(:infinity) end) } end defp startHttp?(:nil) do :no end defp startHttp?(http_config) do - { :ok, pid } = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http __MODULE__, [], http_config + {:ok, pid} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http __MODULE__, [], http_config Process.link pid end defp startHttps?(:nil) do :no end defp startHttps?(https_config) do - { :ok, pid } = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.https __MODULE__, [], https_config + {:ok, pid} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.https __MODULE__, [], https_config Process.link pid end forward "/wopi/files", to: __MODULE__.Files forward "/wopi/containers", to: __MODULE__.Containers forward "/wopi/ecosystem", to: __MODULE__.Ecosystem forward "/wopibootstrapper", to: __MODULE__.Bootstrap match _ do send_status_resp(conn, 404) end @doc """ Plug that adds the standard WOPI response headers @see https://wopirest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common_headers.html """ def wopi_headers(conn, _opts) do host_info = Application.get_env(:kolab_wopi, :host_info) conn |> put_resp_header("X-WOPI-HostEndpoint", Keyword.get(host_info, :endpoint_desc)) |> put_resp_header("X-WOPI-MachineName", Keyword.get(host_info, :machine_name)) |> put_resp_header("X-WOPI-ServerVersion", Keyword.get(host_info, :version)) end @doc """ Plug that fetches query parameters and validates the access_token. The access_token parameter is required in every WOPI request. If it's missing "401 Unauthorized" response will be send and request processing aborted. """ def access_token_handler(conn, _opts) do conn = Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params(conn) token = conn.query_params["access_token"] check_token(conn, token) end # valid token handler defp check_token(conn, token) when is_binary(token) and byte_size(token) > 0 do assign(conn, :access_token, token) end # invalid token handler defp check_token(conn, _) do conn |> send_status_resp(401) |> halt() end @doc """ Sends the response with setting status code. It supports Chwala status codes. """ def send_status_resp(conn, code, reason \\ "Unknown error") def send_status_resp(conn, 403, reason) do # Chwala uses only 200, 403, 500, 501, 503 send_status_resp(conn, 401, reason) end def send_status_resp(conn, code, reason) when code >= 500 and code < 600 do # TODO: log status reason? conn |> put_resp_header("X-WOPI-ServerError", reason) |> send_resp(code, "") end def send_status_resp(conn, code, _reason) do # TODO: log status reason? send_resp(conn, code, "") end @doc """ Return X-WOPI-Override header value. With some buggy collabora versions support. """ def get_wopi_action(conn) do action = case get_req_header(conn, "x-wopi-override") do a when length(a) > 0 -> a _ -> get_req_header(conn, "x-wopioverride") end to_string(action) end end