diff --git a/lib/locale/en_US.php b/lib/locale/en_US.php index 620843a..967141b 100644 --- a/lib/locale/en_US.php +++ b/lib/locale/en_US.php @@ -1,448 +1,449 @@ Kolab Server.'; $LANG['about.kolab'] = 'Kolab'; $LANG['about.kolabsys'] = 'Kolab Systems'; $LANG['about.support'] = 'Professional support is available from Kolab Systems.'; $LANG['about.technology'] = 'Technology'; $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'It comes with absolutely no warranties and is typically run entirely self supported. You can find help & information on the community web site & wiki.'; $LANG['aci.new'] = 'New...'; $LANG['aci.edit'] = 'Edit...'; $LANG['aci.remove'] = 'Remove'; $LANG['aci.users'] = 'Users'; $LANG['aci.rights'] = 'Rights'; $LANG['aci.targets'] = 'Targets'; $LANG['aci.aciname'] = 'ACI name:'; $LANG['aci.hosts'] = 'Hosts'; $LANG['aci.times'] = 'Times'; $LANG['aci.name'] = 'Name'; $LANG['aci.userid'] = 'User ID'; $LANG['aci.email'] = 'E-mail'; $LANG['aci.read'] = 'Read'; $LANG['aci.compare'] = 'Compare'; $LANG['aci.search'] = 'Search'; $LANG['aci.write'] = 'Write'; $LANG['aci.selfwrite'] = 'Self-write'; $LANG['aci.delete'] = 'Delete'; $LANG['aci.add'] = 'Add'; $LANG['aci.proxy'] = 'Proxy'; $LANG['aci.all'] = 'All rights'; $LANG['aci.allow'] = 'Allow'; $LANG['aci.deny'] = 'Deny'; $LANG['aci.typeusers'] = 'Users'; $LANG['aci.typegroups'] = 'Groups'; $LANG['aci.typeroles'] = 'Roles'; $LANG['aci.typeadmins'] = 'Administrators'; $LANG['aci.typespecials'] = 'Special Rights'; $LANG['aci.ldap-self'] = 'Self'; $LANG['aci.ldap-anyone'] = 'All users'; $LANG['aci.ldap-all'] = 'All authenticated users'; $LANG['aci.ldap-parent'] = 'Parent'; $LANG['aci.usersearch'] = 'Search for:'; $LANG['aci.usersearchresult'] = 'Search results:'; $LANG['aci.userselected'] = 'Selected users/groups/roles:'; $LANG['aci.useradd'] = 'Add'; $LANG['aci.userremove'] = 'Remove'; $LANG['aci.error.noname'] = 'ACI rule name is required!'; $LANG['aci.error.exists'] = 'ACI rule with specified name already exists!'; $LANG['aci.error.nousers'] = 'At least one user entry is required!'; $LANG['aci.rights.target'] = 'Target entry:'; $LANG['aci.rights.filter'] = 'Filter:'; $LANG['aci.rights.attrs'] = 'Attributes:'; $LANG['aci.checkall'] = 'Check all'; $LANG['aci.checknone'] = 'Check none'; $LANG['aci.thisentry'] = 'This entry'; $LANG['aci.selected'] = 'all selected'; $LANG['aci.other'] = 'all except selected'; $LANG['acl.all'] = 'All'; $LANG['acl.custom'] = 'Custom...'; $LANG['acl.full'] = 'Full (without access control)'; $LANG['acl.read-only'] = 'Read-Only'; $LANG['acl.read-write'] = 'Read/Write'; $LANG['acl.semi-full'] = 'Write new items'; $LANG['acl.l'] = 'l - Lookup'; $LANG['acl.r'] = 'r - Read messages'; $LANG['acl.s'] = 's - Keep Seen state'; $LANG['acl.w'] = 'w - Write flags'; $LANG['acl.i'] = 'i - Insert (Copy into)'; $LANG['acl.p'] = 'p - Post'; $LANG['acl.c'] = 'c - Create subfolders'; $LANG['acl.k'] = 'k - Create subfolders'; $LANG['acl.d'] = 'd - Delete messages'; $LANG['acl.t'] = 't - Delete messages'; $LANG['acl.e'] = 'e - Expunge'; $LANG['acl.x'] = 'x - Delete folder'; $LANG['acl.a'] = 'a - Administer'; $LANG['acl.n'] = 'n - Annotate messages'; $LANG['acl.identifier'] = 'Identifier'; $LANG['acl.rights'] = 'Access Rights'; $LANG['acl.expire'] = 'Expires On'; $LANG['acl.user'] = 'User...'; $LANG['acl.anyone'] = 'All users (anyone)'; $LANG['acl.anonymous'] = 'Guests (anonymous)'; $LANG['acl.error.invaliddate'] = 'Invalid date format!'; $LANG['acl.error.norights'] = 'No access rights specified!'; $LANG['acl.error.subjectexists'] = 'Access rights for specified identifier already exist!'; $LANG['acl.error.nouser'] = 'User identifier not specified!'; $LANG['add'] = 'Add'; $LANG['api.notypeid'] = 'No object type ID specified!'; $LANG['api.invalidtypeid'] = 'Invalid object type ID!'; $LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute'; $LANG['attribute.default'] = 'Default value'; $LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value'; $LANG['attribute.name'] = 'Attribute'; $LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional'; $LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count'; $LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only'; $LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type'; $LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value'; $LANG['attribute.value.auto'] = 'Generated'; $LANG['attribute.value.auto-readonly'] = 'Generated (read-only)'; $LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal'; $LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Static'; $LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Options'; $LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!'; $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!'; $LANG['attribute.validate'] = ' Validation'; $LANG['attribute.validate.default'] = 'default'; $LANG['attribute.validate.none'] = 'none'; $LANG['attribute.validate.basic'] = 'basic'; $LANG['attribute.validate.extended'] = 'extended'; $LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel'; +$LANG['button.clone'] = 'Clone'; $LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete'; $LANG['button.ok'] = 'OK'; $LANG['button.save'] = 'Save'; $LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit'; $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Created by'; $LANG['days'] = 'days'; $LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info'; $LANG['delete'] = 'Delete'; $LANG['deleting'] = 'Deleting data...'; $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Add Domain'; $LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domain created successfully.'; $LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Domain name(s)'; $LANG['domain.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this domain?'; $LANG['domain.delete.force'] = "There are users assigned to this domain.\nAre you sure, you want to delete this domain and all assigned objects?"; $LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domain deleted successfully.'; $LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Edit domain'; $LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domain updated successfully.'; $LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Custom Root DN'; $LANG['domain.inetdomainstatus'] = 'Status'; $LANG['domain.list'] = 'Domains List'; $LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'No domain records found!'; $LANG['domain.o'] = 'Organization'; $LANG['domain.other'] = 'Other'; $LANG['domain.system'] = 'System'; $LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Standard Domain'; $LANG['edit'] = 'Edit'; $LANG['error'] = 'Error'; $LANG['error.401'] = 'Unauthorized.'; $LANG['error.403'] = 'Access forbidden.'; $LANG['error.404'] = 'Object not found.'; $LANG['error.408'] = 'Request timeout.'; $LANG['error.450'] = 'Domain is not empty.'; $LANG['error.500'] = 'Internal server error.'; $LANG['error.503'] = 'Service unavailable. Try again later.'; $LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Some of the required fields are empty!'; $LANG['form.maxcount.exceeded'] = 'Maximum count of items exceeded!'; $LANG['group.add'] = 'Add Group'; $LANG['group.add.success'] = 'Group created successfully.'; $LANG['group.cn'] = 'Common name'; $LANG['group.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this group?'; $LANG['group.delete.success'] = 'Group deleted successfully.'; $LANG['group.edit.success'] = 'Group updated successfully.'; $LANG['group.gidnumber'] = 'Primary group number'; $LANG['group.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Recipient(s) Access List'; $LANG['group.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Sender Access List'; $LANG['group.list'] = 'Groups List'; $LANG['group.mail'] = 'Primary Email Address'; $LANG['group.member'] = 'Member(s)'; $LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Members URL'; $LANG['group.norecords'] = 'No group records found!'; $LANG['group.other'] = 'Other'; $LANG['group.ou'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $LANG['group.system'] = 'System'; $LANG['group.type_id'] = 'Group type'; $LANG['group.uniquemember'] = 'Members'; $LANG['info'] = 'Information'; $LANG['internalerror'] = 'Internal system error!'; $LANG['ldap.one'] = 'one: all entries one level under the base DN'; $LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: whole subtree starting with the base DN'; $LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: base DN only'; $LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Base DN'; $LANG['ldap.host'] = 'LDAP Server'; $LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions'; $LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope'; $LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty'; $LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains'; $LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with'; $LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with'; $LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to'; $LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3'; $LANG['loading'] = 'Loading...'; $LANG['logout'] = 'Logout'; $LANG['login.username'] = 'Username:'; $LANG['login.password'] = 'Password:'; $LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domain:'; $LANG['login.login'] = 'Login'; $LANG['loginerror'] = 'Incorrect username or password!'; $LANG['MB'] = 'MB'; $LANG['menu.about'] = 'About'; $LANG['menu.domains'] = 'Domains'; $LANG['menu.groups'] = 'Groups'; $LANG['menu.ous'] = 'Units'; $LANG['menu.resources'] = 'Resources'; $LANG['menu.roles'] = 'Roles'; $LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Settings'; $LANG['menu.sharedfolders'] = 'Shared Folders'; $LANG['menu.users'] = 'Users'; $LANG['modifiersname'] = 'Modified by'; $LANG['password.generate'] = 'Generate password'; $LANG['reqtime'] = 'Request time: $1 sec.'; $LANG['ou.aci'] = 'Access Rights'; $LANG['ou.add'] = 'Add Unit'; $LANG['ou.add.success'] = 'Unit created successfully.'; $LANG['ou.ou'] = 'Unit Name'; $LANG['ou.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this organizational unit?'; $LANG['ou.delete.success'] = 'Unit deleted successfully.'; $LANG['ou.description'] = 'Unit Description'; $LANG['ou.edit.success'] = 'Unit updated successfully.'; $LANG['ou.list'] = 'Organizational Unit List'; $LANG['ou.norecords'] = 'No organizational unit records found!'; $LANG['ou.system'] = 'Details'; $LANG['ou.type_id'] = 'Unit Type'; $LANG['ou.base_dn'] = 'Parent Unit'; $LANG['resource.acl'] = 'Access Rights'; $LANG['resource.add'] = 'Add Resource'; $LANG['resource.add.success'] = 'Resource created successfully.'; $LANG['resource.cn'] = 'Name'; $LANG['resource.delete'] = 'Delete Resource'; $LANG['resource.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this resource?'; $LANG['resource.delete.success'] = 'Resource deleted successfully.'; $LANG['resource.edit'] = 'Edit Resource'; $LANG['resource.edit.success'] = 'Resource updated successfully.'; $LANG['resource.kolabtargetfolder'] = 'Target Folder'; $LANG['resource.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Invitation Policy'; $LANG['resource.kolabdescattribute'] = 'Attributes'; $LANG['resource.list'] = 'Resource (Collection) List'; $LANG['resource.mail'] = 'Mail Address'; $LANG['resource.member'] = 'Collection Members'; $LANG['resource.norecords'] = 'No resource records found!'; $LANG['resource.other'] = 'Other'; $LANG['resource.ou'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $LANG['resource.system'] = 'System'; $LANG['resource.type_id'] = 'Resource Type'; $LANG['resource.uniquemember'] = 'Collection Members'; $LANG['resource.description'] = 'Description'; $LANG['resource.owner'] = 'Owner'; $LANG['role.add'] = 'Add Role'; $LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Role created successfully.'; $LANG['role.cn'] = 'Role Name'; $LANG['role.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this role?'; $LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Role deleted successfully.'; $LANG['role.description'] = 'Role Description'; $LANG['role.edit.success'] = 'Role updated successfully.'; $LANG['role.list'] = 'Role List'; $LANG['role.norecords'] = 'No role records found!'; $LANG['role.system'] = 'Details'; $LANG['role.type_id'] = 'Role Type'; $LANG['saving'] = 'Saving data...'; $LANG['search'] = 'Search'; $LANG['search.reset'] = 'Reset'; $LANG['search.criteria'] = 'Search criteria'; $LANG['search.field'] = 'Field:'; $LANG['search.method'] = 'Method:'; $LANG['search.contains'] = 'contains'; $LANG['search.is'] = 'is'; $LANG['search.key'] = 'key'; $LANG['search.prefix'] = 'begins with'; $LANG['search.name'] = 'name'; $LANG['search.email'] = 'email'; $LANG['search.description'] = 'description'; $LANG['search.uid'] = 'UID'; $LANG['search.loading'] = 'Searching...'; $LANG['search.acchars'] = 'At least $min characters required for autocompletion'; $LANG['servererror'] = 'Server Error!'; $LANG['session.expired'] = 'Session has expired. Login again, please'; $LANG['sharedfolder.acl'] = 'IMAP Access Rights'; $LANG['sharedfolder.add'] = 'Add Shared Folder'; $LANG['sharedfolder.add.success'] = 'Shared folder created successfully.'; $LANG['sharedfolder.alias'] = 'Secondary Email Address(es)'; $LANG['sharedfolder.cn'] = 'Folder Name'; $LANG['sharedfolder.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this shared folder?'; $LANG['sharedfolder.delete.success'] = 'Shared folder deleted successfully.'; $LANG['sharedfolder.edit'] = 'Edit Shared Folder'; $LANG['sharedfolder.edit.success'] = 'Shared folder updated successfully.'; $LANG['sharedfolder.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Recipient(s) Access List'; $LANG['sharedfolder.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Sender Access List'; $LANG['sharedfolder.kolabdelegate'] = 'Delegate(s)'; $LANG['sharedfolder.kolabtargetfolder'] = 'Target IMAP Folder'; $LANG['sharedfolder.list'] = 'Shared Folders List'; $LANG['sharedfolder.norecords'] = 'No shared folder records found!'; $LANG['sharedfolder.mail'] = 'Email Address'; $LANG['sharedfolder.other'] = 'Other'; $LANG['sharedfolder.system'] = 'System'; $LANG['sharedfolder.type_id'] = 'Shared Folder Type'; $LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Sign Up for Hosted Kolab'; $LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Having an account on a Kolab server is way better than just simple Email. It also provides you with full groupware functionality including synchronization for shared addressbooks, calendars, tasks, journal and more.'; $LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'You can sign up here now for an account.'; $LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Sign Up'; $LANG['signup.username'] = 'Username'; $LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domain'; $LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Current Email Address'; $LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Future Email Address'; $LANG['signup.company'] = 'Company'; $LANG['signup.captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA'; $LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'User already exists!'; $LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '

Your account has been successfully added!

Congratulations, you now have your own Kolab account.'; $LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Invalid Username!'; $LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Please provide a valid Email Address!'; $LANG['signup.footer'] = 'This is a service offered by Kolab Systems.'; $LANG['type.add'] = 'Add Object Type'; $LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.'; $LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes'; $LANG['type.description'] = 'Description'; $LANG['type.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this object type?'; $LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.'; $LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain'; $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.'; $LANG['type.group'] = 'Group'; $LANG['type.is_default'] = 'Default'; $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List'; $LANG['type.key'] = 'Key'; $LANG['type.name'] = 'Name'; $LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!'; $LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class'; $LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type'; $LANG['type.ou'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $LANG['type.properties'] = 'Properties'; $LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource'; $LANG['type.role'] = 'Role'; $LANG['type.sharedfolder'] = 'Shared Folder'; $LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted'; $LANG['type.user'] = 'User'; $LANG['user.add'] = 'Add User'; $LANG['user.add.success'] = 'User created successfully.'; $LANG['user.alias'] = 'Secondary Email Address(es)'; $LANG['user.astaccountallowedcodec'] = 'Allowed codec(s)'; $LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Caller ID'; $LANG['user.astaccountcontext'] = 'Account Context'; $LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Asterisk Account Default User'; $LANG['user.astaccountdeny'] = 'Account deny'; $LANG['user.astaccounthost'] = 'Asterisk Host'; $LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Mailbox'; $LANG['user.astaccountnat'] = 'Account uses NAT'; $LANG['user.astaccountname'] = 'Asterisk Account Name'; $LANG['user.astaccountqualify'] = 'Account Qualify'; $LANG['user.astaccountrealmedpassword'] = 'Realmed Account Password'; $LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extension'; $LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Registration Context'; $LANG['user.astaccountsecret'] = 'Plaintext Password'; $LANG['user.astaccounttype'] = 'Account Type'; $LANG['user.astcontext'] = 'Asterisk Context'; $LANG['user.asterisk'] = 'Asterisk SIP'; $LANG['user.astextension'] = 'Asterisk Extension'; $LANG['user.astvoicemailpassword'] = 'Voicemail PIN Code'; $LANG['user.c'] = 'Country'; $LANG['user.city'] = 'City'; $LANG['user.cn'] = 'Common name'; $LANG['user.config'] = 'Configuration'; $LANG['user.contact'] = 'Contact'; $LANG['user.contact_info'] = 'Contact Information'; $LANG['user.country'] = 'Country'; $LANG['user.country.desc'] = '2 letter code from ISO 3166-1'; $LANG['user.delete.confirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete this user?'; $LANG['user.delete.success'] = 'User deleted successfully.'; $LANG['user.displayname'] = 'Display name'; $LANG['user.edit.success'] = 'User updated successfully.'; $LANG['user.fax'] = 'Fax number'; $LANG['user.fbinterval'] = 'Free-Busy interval'; $LANG['user.fbinterval.desc'] = 'Leave blank for default (60 days)'; $LANG['user.gidnumber'] = 'Primary group number'; $LANG['user.givenname'] = 'Given name'; $LANG['user.homedirectory'] = 'Home directory'; $LANG['user.homephone'] = 'Home Phone Number'; $LANG['user.initials'] = 'Initials'; $LANG['user.invitation-policy'] = 'Invitation policy'; $LANG['user.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Recipient(s) Access List'; $LANG['user.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Sender Access List'; $LANG['user.kolabdelegate'] = 'Delegates'; $LANG['user.kolabhomeserver'] = 'Email Server'; $LANG['user.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Invitation Handling Policy'; $LANG['user.l'] = 'City, Region'; $LANG['user.list'] = 'Users List'; $LANG['user.loginshell'] = 'Shell'; $LANG['user.mail'] = 'Primary Email Address'; $LANG['user.mailalternateaddress'] = 'External Email Address(es)'; $LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Forward Mail To'; $LANG['user.mailhost'] = 'Email Server'; $LANG['user.mailquota'] = 'Quota'; $LANG['user.mailquota.desc'] = 'Leave blank for unlimited'; $LANG['user.mobile'] = 'Mobile Phone Number'; $LANG['user.name'] = 'Name'; $LANG['user.norecords'] = 'No user records found!'; $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Role(s)'; $LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)'; $LANG['user.other'] = 'Other'; $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organization'; $LANG['user.org'] = 'Organization'; $LANG['user.orgunit'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $LANG['user.ou'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $LANG['user.pager'] = 'Pager Number'; $LANG['user.password.notallowed'] = 'Password contains characters (eg. Umlaut) that are not permitted'; $LANG['user.password.mismatch'] = 'Passwords do not match!'; $LANG['user.password.moreupper'] = 'Password needs to contain at least $1 uppercase character(s)'; $LANG['user.password.morelower'] = 'Password needs to contain at least $1 lowercase character(s)'; $LANG['user.password.moredigits'] = 'Password needs to contain at least $1 digit(s)'; $LANG['user.password.morespecial'] = 'Password needs to contain at least $1 special character(s): $2'; $LANG['user.password.tooshort'] = 'Password is too short, it must have at least $1 characters'; $LANG['user.personal'] = 'Personal'; $LANG['user.phone'] = 'Phone number'; $LANG['user.postalcode'] = 'Postal Code'; $LANG['user.postbox'] = 'Postal box'; $LANG['user.postcode'] = 'Postal code'; $LANG['user.preferredlanguage'] = 'Native tongue'; $LANG['user.room'] = 'Room number'; $LANG['user.sn'] = 'Surname'; $LANG['user.street'] = 'Street'; $LANG['user.system'] = 'System'; $LANG['user.telephonenumber'] = 'Phone Number'; $LANG['user.title'] = 'Job Title'; $LANG['user.type_id'] = 'Account type'; $LANG['user.uid'] = 'Unique identity (UID)'; $LANG['user.userpassword'] = 'Password'; $LANG['user.userpassword2'] = 'Confirm password'; $LANG['user.uidnumber'] = 'User ID number'; $LANG['welcome'] = 'Welcome to the Kolab Groupware Server Maintenance'; $LANG['yes'] = 'yes';