diff --git a/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Sync.php b/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Sync.php index f41e79f..addb3f2 100644 --- a/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Sync.php +++ b/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Sync.php @@ -1,1301 +1,1308 @@ */ /** * class to handle ActiveSync Sync command * * @package Syncroton * @subpackage Command */ class Syncroton_Command_Sync extends Syncroton_Command_Wbxml { public const STATUS_SUCCESS = 1; public const STATUS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MISMATCH = 2; public const STATUS_INVALID_SYNC_KEY = 3; public const STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 4; public const STATUS_SERVER_ERROR = 5; public const STATUS_ERROR_IN_CLIENT_SERVER_CONVERSION = 6; public const STATUS_CONFLICT_MATCHING_THE_CLIENT_AND_SERVER_OBJECT = 7; public const STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 8; public const STATUS_USER_ACCOUNT_MAYBE_OUT_OF_DISK_SPACE = 9; public const STATUS_ERROR_SETTING_NOTIFICATION_GUID = 10; public const STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_PROVISIONED_FOR_NOTIFICATIONS = 11; public const STATUS_FOLDER_HIERARCHY_HAS_CHANGED = 12; public const STATUS_RESEND_FULL_XML = 13; public const STATUS_WAIT_INTERVAL_OUT_OF_RANGE = 14; public const STATUS_TOO_MANY_COLLECTIONS = 15; public const CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_SERVER = 0; public const CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_PIM = 1; public const MIMESUPPORT_DONT_SEND_MIME = 0; public const MIMESUPPORT_SMIME_ONLY = 1; public const MIMESUPPORT_SEND_MIME = 2; public const BODY_TYPE_PLAIN_TEXT = 1; public const BODY_TYPE_HTML = 2; public const BODY_TYPE_RTF = 3; public const BODY_TYPE_MIME = 4; /** * truncate types */ public const TRUNCATE_ALL = 0; public const TRUNCATE_4096 = 1; public const TRUNCATE_5120 = 2; public const TRUNCATE_7168 = 3; public const TRUNCATE_10240 = 4; public const TRUNCATE_20480 = 5; public const TRUNCATE_51200 = 6; public const TRUNCATE_102400 = 7; public const TRUNCATE_NOTHING = 8; /** * filter types */ public const FILTER_NOTHING = 0; public const FILTER_1_DAY_BACK = 1; public const FILTER_3_DAYS_BACK = 2; public const FILTER_1_WEEK_BACK = 3; public const FILTER_2_WEEKS_BACK = 4; public const FILTER_1_MONTH_BACK = 5; public const FILTER_3_MONTHS_BACK = 6; public const FILTER_6_MONTHS_BACK = 7; public const FILTER_INCOMPLETE = 8; protected $_defaultNameSpace = 'uri:AirSync'; protected $_documentElement = 'Sync'; /** * list of collections * * @var array */ protected $_collections = []; protected $_modifications = []; /** * the global WindowSize * * @var integer */ protected $_globalWindowSize; /** * there are more entries than WindowSize available * the MoreAvailable tag hot added to the xml output * * @var boolean */ protected $_moreAvailable = false; protected $_maxWindowSize = 100; protected $_heartbeatInterval = null; /** * process the XML file and add, change, delete or fetches data */ public function handle() { // input xml $requestXML = simplexml_import_dom($this->_mergeSyncRequest($this->_requestBody, $this->_device)); if (! isset($requestXML->Collections)) { $this->_outputDom->documentElement->appendChild( $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_RESEND_FULL_XML) ); return $this->_outputDom; } $intervalDiv = 1; if (isset($requestXML->HeartbeatInterval)) { $intervalDiv = 1; $this->_heartbeatInterval = (int)$requestXML->HeartbeatInterval; } elseif (isset($requestXML->Wait)) { $intervalDiv = 60; $this->_heartbeatInterval = (int)$requestXML->Wait * $intervalDiv; } $maxInterval = Syncroton_Registry::getPingInterval(); if ($maxInterval <= 0 || $maxInterval > Syncroton_Server::MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) { $maxInterval = Syncroton_Server::MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; } if ($this->_heartbeatInterval && $this->_heartbeatInterval > $maxInterval) { $sync = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $sync->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_WAIT_INTERVAL_OUT_OF_RANGE)); $sync->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Limit', floor($maxInterval / $intervalDiv))); $this->_heartbeatInterval = null; return; } $this->_globalWindowSize = isset($requestXML->WindowSize) ? (int)$requestXML->WindowSize : 100; if (!$this->_globalWindowSize || $this->_globalWindowSize > 512) { $this->_globalWindowSize = 512; } if ($this->_globalWindowSize > $this->_maxWindowSize) { $this->_globalWindowSize = $this->_maxWindowSize; } // load options from lastsynccollection $lastSyncCollection = ['options' => []]; if (!empty($this->_device->lastsynccollection)) { $lastSyncCollection = Zend_Json::decode($this->_device->lastsynccollection); if (!array_key_exists('options', $lastSyncCollection) || !is_array($lastSyncCollection['options'])) { $lastSyncCollection['options'] = []; } } $maxCollections = Syncroton_Registry::getMaxCollections(); if ($maxCollections && count($requestXML->Collections->Collection) > $maxCollections) { $sync = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $sync->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_TOO_MANY_COLLECTIONS)); $sync->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Limit', $maxCollections)); return; } $collections = []; foreach ($requestXML->Collections->Collection as $xmlCollection) { $collectionId = (string)$xmlCollection->CollectionId; $collections[$collectionId] = new Syncroton_Model_SyncCollection($xmlCollection); // do we have to reuse the options from the previous request? if (!isset($xmlCollection->Options) && array_key_exists($collectionId, $lastSyncCollection['options'])) { $collections[$collectionId]->options = $lastSyncCollection['options'][$collectionId]; if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " restored options to " . print_r($collections[$collectionId]->options, true)); } } // store current options for next Sync command request (sticky options) $lastSyncCollection['options'][$collectionId] = $collections[$collectionId]->options; } $this->_device->lastsynccollection = Zend_Json::encode($lastSyncCollection); if ($this->_device->isDirty()) { Syncroton_Registry::getDeviceBackend()->update($this->_device); } foreach ($collections as $collectionData) { // has the folder been synchronised to the device already try { $collectionData->folder = $this->_folderBackend->getFolder($this->_device, $collectionData->collectionId); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " folder {$collectionData->collectionId} not found"); } // trigger INVALID_SYNCKEY instead of OBJECT_NOTFOUND when synckey is higher than 0 // to avoid a syncloop for the iPhone if ($collectionData->syncKey > 0) { $collectionData->folder = new Syncroton_Model_Folder([ 'deviceId' => $this->_device, 'serverId' => $collectionData->collectionId, ]); } $this->_collections[$collectionData->collectionId] = $collectionData; continue; } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " SyncKey is {$collectionData->syncKey} Class: {$collectionData->folder->class} CollectionId: {$collectionData->collectionId}"); } // initial synckey if($collectionData->syncKey === 0) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " initial client synckey 0 provided"); } // reset sync state for this folder $this->_syncStateBackend->resetState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder); $this->_contentStateBackend->resetState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder); $collectionData->syncState = new Syncroton_Model_SyncState([ 'device_id' => $this->_device, 'counter' => 0, 'type' => $collectionData->folder, 'lastsync' => $this->_syncTimeStamp, ]); $this->_collections[$collectionData->collectionId] = $collectionData; continue; } $syncKeyReused = $this->_syncStateBackend->haveNext($this->_device, $collectionData->folder, $collectionData->syncKey); if ($syncKeyReused) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " already known synckey {$collectionData->syncKey} provided"); } } // check for invalid synckey if(($collectionData->syncState = $this->_syncStateBackend->validate($this->_device, $collectionData->folder, $collectionData->syncKey)) === false) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " invalid synckey {$collectionData->syncKey} provided"); } // reset sync state for this folder $this->_syncStateBackend->resetState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder); $this->_contentStateBackend->resetState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder); $this->_collections[$collectionData->collectionId] = $collectionData; continue; } $dataController = Syncroton_Data_Factory::factory($collectionData->folder->class, $this->_device, $this->_syncTimeStamp); switch($collectionData->folder->class) { case Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_CALENDAR: $dataClass = 'Syncroton_Model_Event'; break; case Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_CONTACTS: $dataClass = 'Syncroton_Model_Contact'; break; case Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_EMAIL: $dataClass = 'Syncroton_Model_Email'; break; case Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_NOTES: $dataClass = 'Syncroton_Model_Note'; break; case Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_TASKS: $dataClass = 'Syncroton_Model_Task'; break; default: throw new Syncroton_Exception_UnexpectedValue('invalid class provided'); } $clientModifications = [ 'added' => [], 'changed' => [], 'deleted' => [], 'forceAdd' => [], 'forceChange' => [], 'toBeFetched' => [], ]; // handle incoming data if($collectionData->hasClientAdds()) { $adds = $collectionData->getClientAdds(); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found " . count($adds) . " entries to be added to server"); } $clientIdMap = []; if ($syncKeyReused && $collectionData->syncState->clientIdMap) { $clientIdMap = Zend_Json::decode($collectionData->syncState->clientIdMap); } foreach ($adds as $add) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " add entry with clientId " . (string) $add->ClientId); } try { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " adding entry as new"); } $clientId = (string)$add->ClientId; // If the sync key was reused, but we don't have a $clientId mapping, // this means the client sent a new item with the same sync_key. if ($syncKeyReused && array_key_exists($clientId, $clientIdMap)) { // We don't normally store the clientId, so if a command with Add's is resent, // we have to look-up the corresponding serverId using a cached clientId => serverId mapping, // otherwise we would duplicate all added items on resend. $serverId = $clientIdMap[$clientId]; $clientModifications['added'][$serverId] = [ 'clientId' => (string)$add->ClientId, 'serverId' => $serverId, 'status' => self::STATUS_SUCCESS, 'contentState' => null, ]; } else { $serverId = $dataController->createEntry($collectionData->collectionId, new $dataClass($add->ApplicationData)); $clientModifications['added'][$serverId] = [ 'clientId' => (string)$add->ClientId, 'serverId' => $serverId, 'status' => self::STATUS_SUCCESS, 'contentState' => $this->_contentStateBackend->create(new Syncroton_Model_Content([ 'device_id' => $this->_device, 'folder_id' => $collectionData->folder, 'contentid' => $serverId, 'creation_time' => $this->_syncTimeStamp, 'creation_synckey' => $collectionData->syncKey + 1, ])), ]; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " failed to add entry " . $e->getMessage()); } $clientModifications['added'][] = [ 'clientId' => (string)$add->ClientId, 'status' => self::STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, ]; } } } // handle changes, but only if not first sync if(!$syncKeyReused && $collectionData->syncKey > 1 && $collectionData->hasClientChanges()) { $changes = $collectionData->getClientChanges(); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found " . count($changes) . " entries to be updated on server"); } foreach ($changes as $change) { $serverId = (string)$change->ServerId; try { $dataController->updateEntry($collectionData->collectionId, $serverId, new $dataClass($change->ApplicationData)); $clientModifications['changed'][$serverId] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_AccessDenied $e) { $clientModifications['changed'][$serverId] = self::STATUS_CONFLICT_MATCHING_THE_CLIENT_AND_SERVER_OBJECT; $clientModifications['forceChange'][$serverId] = $serverId; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { // entry does not exist anymore, will get deleted automaticaly $clientModifications['changed'][$serverId] = self::STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " failed to update entry " . $e); } // something went wrong while trying to update the entry $clientModifications['changed'][$serverId] = self::STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; } } } // handle deletes, but only if not first sync if(!$syncKeyReused && $collectionData->hasClientDeletes()) { $deletes = $collectionData->getClientDeletes(); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found " . count($deletes) . " entries to be deleted on server"); } foreach ($deletes as $delete) { $serverId = (string)$delete->ServerId; try { // check if we have sent this entry to the phone $state = $this->_contentStateBackend->getContentState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder, $serverId); try { $dataController->deleteEntry($collectionData->collectionId, $serverId, $collectionData); } catch(Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->crit(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' tried to delete entry ' . $serverId . ' but entry was not found'); } } catch (Syncroton_Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' tried to delete entry ' . $serverId . ' but a error occured: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $clientModifications['forceAdd'][$serverId] = $serverId; } $this->_contentStateBackend->delete($state); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . $serverId . ' should have been removed from client already'); } // should we send a special status??? //$collectionData->deleted[$serverId] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; } $clientModifications['deleted'][$serverId] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; } } // handle fetches, but only if not first sync if($collectionData->syncKey > 1 && $collectionData->hasClientFetches()) { // the default value for GetChanges is 1. If the phone don't want the changes it must set GetChanges to 0 // some prevoius versions of iOS did not set GetChanges to 0 for fetches. Let's enforce getChanges to false here. $collectionData->getChanges = false; $fetches = $collectionData->getClientFetches(); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found " . count($fetches) . " entries to be fetched from server"); } $toBeFetched = []; foreach ($fetches as $fetch) { $serverId = (string)$fetch->ServerId; $toBeFetched[$serverId] = $serverId; } $collectionData->toBeFetched = $toBeFetched; } $this->_collections[$collectionData->collectionId] = $collectionData; $this->_modifications[$collectionData->collectionId] = $clientModifications; } } + private function getServerModifications($dataController, $collectionData, $clientModifications) + { + $serverModifications = [ + 'added' => [], + 'changed' => [], + 'deleted' => [], + ]; + + // We first use hasChanges because it has a fast path for when there are no changes by fetching the count of messages only. + // However, in all other cases we will end up fetching the same entries as below, which is less than ideal. + // TODO: We should create a new method, which checks if there are no changes, and otherwise just let the code below figure out + // if there are any changes to process. + if (!$dataController->hasChanges($this->_contentStateBackend, $collectionData->folder, $collectionData->syncState)) { + return $serverModifications; + } + + // update _syncTimeStamp as $dataController->hasChanges might have spent some time + $this->_syncTimeStamp = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); + + // fetch entries added since last sync + $allClientEntries = $this->_contentStateBackend->getFolderState( + $this->_device, + $collectionData->folder, + $collectionData->syncState->counter + ); + + // fetch entries changed since last sync + $allChangedEntries = $dataController->getChangedEntries( + $collectionData->collectionId, + $collectionData->syncState, + $collectionData->options['filterType'] + ); + + // fetch all entries + $allServerEntries = $dataController->getServerEntries( + $collectionData->collectionId, + $collectionData->options['filterType'] + ); + + // add entries + $serverDiff = array_diff($allServerEntries, $allClientEntries); + // add entries which produced problems during delete from client + $serverModifications['added'] = $clientModifications['forceAdd']; + // add entries not yet sent to client + $serverModifications['added'] = array_unique(array_merge($serverModifications['added'], $serverDiff)); + + // @todo still needed? + foreach($serverModifications['added'] as $id => $serverId) { + // skip entries added by client during this sync session + if(isset($clientModifications['added'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceAdd'][$serverId])) { + if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { + $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped added entry: " . $serverId); + } + unset($serverModifications['added'][$id]); + } + } + + // entries to be deleted + $serverModifications['deleted'] = array_diff($allClientEntries, $allServerEntries); + + // entries changed since last sync + $serverModifications['changed'] = array_merge($allChangedEntries, $clientModifications['forceChange']); + + foreach($serverModifications['changed'] as $id => $serverId) { + // skip entry, if it got changed by client during current sync + if(isset($clientModifications['changed'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceChange'][$serverId])) { + if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { + $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped changed entry: " . $serverId); + } + unset($serverModifications['changed'][$id]); + } + // skip entry, make sure we don't sent entries already added by client in this request + elseif (isset($clientModifications['added'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceAdd'][$serverId])) { + if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { + $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped change for added entry: " . $serverId); + } + unset($serverModifications['changed'][$id]); + } + } + + // entries comeing in scope are already in $serverModifications['added'] and do not need to + // be send with $serverCanges + $serverModifications['changed'] = array_diff($serverModifications['changed'], $serverModifications['added']); + + return $serverModifications; + } + /** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Syncroton_Command_Wbxml::getResponse() */ public function getResponse() { $sync = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $collections = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Collections'); $totalChanges = 0; // Detect devices that do not support empty Sync reponse $emptySyncSupported = !preg_match('/(meego|nokian800)/i', $this->_device->useragent); // continue only if there are changes or no time is left if ($this->_heartbeatInterval > 0) { $intervalStart = time(); $sleepCallback = Syncroton_Registry::getSleepCallback(); $wakeupCallback = Syncroton_Registry::getWakeupCallback(); do { // take a break to save battery lifetime $sleepCallback(); sleep(Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout()); // make sure the connection is still alive, abort otherwise if (connection_aborted()) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Exiting on aborted connection"); } exit; } $wakeupCallback(); $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); foreach($this->_collections as $collectionData) { // continue immediately if folder does not exist if (! ($collectionData->folder instanceof Syncroton_Model_IFolder)) { break 2; // countinue immediately if syncstate is invalid } elseif (! ($collectionData->syncState instanceof Syncroton_Model_ISyncState)) { break 2; } else { if ($collectionData->getChanges !== true) { continue; } try { // just check if the folder still exists $this->_folderBackend->get($collectionData->folder); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " collection does not exist anymore: " . $collectionData->collectionId); } $collectionData->getChanges = false; // make sure this is the last while loop // no break 2 here, as we like to check the other folders too $intervalStart -= $this->_heartbeatInterval; } // check that the syncstate still exists and is still valid try { $syncState = $this->_syncStateBackend->getSyncState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder); // another process synchronized data of this folder already. let's skip it if ($syncState->id !== $collectionData->syncState->id) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " syncstate changed during heartbeat interval for collection: " . $collectionData->folder->serverId); } $collectionData->getChanges = false; // make sure this is the last while loop // no break 2 here, as we like to check the other folders too $intervalStart -= $this->_heartbeatInterval; } } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " no syncstate found anymore for collection: " . $collectionData->folder->serverId); } $collectionData->syncState = null; // make sure this is the last while loop // no break 2 here, as we like to check the other folders too $intervalStart -= $this->_heartbeatInterval; } // safe battery time by skipping folders which got synchronied less than Syncroton_Command_Ping::$quietTime seconds ago if (! $collectionData->syncState instanceof Syncroton_Model_SyncState || ($now->getTimestamp() - $collectionData->syncState->lastsync->getTimestamp()) < Syncroton_Registry::getQuietTime()) { continue; } $dataController = Syncroton_Data_Factory::factory($collectionData->folder->class, $this->_device, $this->_syncTimeStamp); // countinue immediately if there are any changes available if($dataController->hasChanges($this->_contentStateBackend, $collectionData->folder, $collectionData->syncState)) { break 2; } } } // See: http://www.tine20.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12146 // // break if there are less than PingTimeout + 10 seconds left for the next loop // otherwise the response will be returned after the client has finished his Ping // request already maybe } while (Syncroton_Server::validateSession() && time() - $intervalStart < $this->_heartbeatInterval - (Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout() + 10)); } // First check for folders hierarchy changes foreach ($this->_collections as $collectionData) { if (! ($collectionData->folder instanceof Syncroton_Model_IFolder)) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Detected a folder hierarchy change on {$collectionData->collectionId}."); } $sync->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_FOLDER_HIERARCHY_HAS_CHANGED)); return $this->_outputDom; } } // Handle Calendar folders first. // Outlook can't match MeetingRequest with an event that wasn't synced yet, which // leads to duplicated events in Outlook's calendar. uasort( $this->_collections, function ($a, $b) { $ac = $a->folder && $a->folder->class == Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_CALENDAR; $bc = $b->folder && $b->folder->class == Syncroton_Data_Factory::CLASS_CALENDAR; if ($ac) { return $bc ? 0 : -1; } return $bc ? 1 : 0; } ); foreach ($this->_collections as $collectionData) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Processing {$collectionData->collectionId}..."); } $collectionChanges = 0; /** * keep track of entries added on server side */ $newContentStates = []; /** * keep track of entries deleted on server side */ $deletedContentStates = []; // invalid synckey provided if (! ($collectionData->syncState instanceof Syncroton_Model_ISyncState)) { // set synckey to 0 $collection = $collections->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Collection')); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'SyncKey', 0)); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'CollectionId', $collectionData->collectionId)); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_INVALID_SYNC_KEY)); // initial sync } elseif ($collectionData->syncState->counter === 0) { $collectionData->syncState->counter++; // initial sync // send back a new SyncKey only $collection = $collections->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Collection')); if (!empty($collectionData->folder->class)) { $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Class', $collectionData->folder->class)); } $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'SyncKey', $collectionData->syncState->counter)); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'CollectionId', $collectionData->collectionId)); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_SUCCESS)); } else { $dataController = Syncroton_Data_Factory::factory($collectionData->folder->class, $this->_device, $this->_syncTimeStamp); $clientModifications = $this->_modifications[$collectionData->collectionId]; $serverModifications = [ 'added' => [], 'changed' => [], 'deleted' => [], ]; $status = self::STATUS_SUCCESS; - $hasChanges = 0; if ($collectionData->getChanges === true) { // continue sync session? if(is_array($collectionData->syncState->pendingdata)) { $serverModifications = $collectionData->syncState->pendingdata; if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " restored from sync state: (added/changed/deleted) " . count($serverModifications['added']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['changed']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['deleted']) . ' entries for sync from server to client'); + $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " restored from sync state."); } } else { try { - $hasChanges = $dataController->hasChanges($this->_contentStateBackend, $collectionData->folder, $collectionData->syncState); + $serverModifications = $this->getServerModifications($dataController, $collectionData, $clientModifications); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Folder changes checking failed (not found): " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } $status = self::STATUS_FOLDER_HIERARCHY_HAS_CHANGED; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->crit(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Folder changes checking failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } - // Prevent from removing client entries when getServerEntries() fails - // @todo: should we break the loop here? - $status = self::STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; - } - } - - if ($hasChanges) { - // update _syncTimeStamp as $dataController->hasChanges might have spent some time - $this->_syncTimeStamp = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); - - try { - // fetch entries added since last sync - $allClientEntries = $this->_contentStateBackend->getFolderState( - $this->_device, - $collectionData->folder, - $collectionData->syncState->counter - ); - - // fetch entries changed since last sync - $allChangedEntries = $dataController->getChangedEntries( - $collectionData->collectionId, - $collectionData->syncState, - $collectionData->options['filterType'] - ); - - // fetch all entries - $allServerEntries = $dataController->getServerEntries( - $collectionData->collectionId, - $collectionData->options['filterType'] - ); - - // add entries - $serverDiff = array_diff($allServerEntries, $allClientEntries); - // add entries which produced problems during delete from client - $serverModifications['added'] = $clientModifications['forceAdd']; - // add entries not yet sent to client - $serverModifications['added'] = array_unique(array_merge($serverModifications['added'], $serverDiff)); - - // @todo still needed? - foreach($serverModifications['added'] as $id => $serverId) { - // skip entries added by client during this sync session - if(isset($clientModifications['added'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceAdd'][$serverId])) { - if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped added entry: " . $serverId); - } - unset($serverModifications['added'][$id]); - } - } - - // entries to be deleted - $serverModifications['deleted'] = array_diff($allClientEntries, $allServerEntries); - - // entries changed since last sync - $serverModifications['changed'] = array_merge($allChangedEntries, $clientModifications['forceChange']); - - foreach($serverModifications['changed'] as $id => $serverId) { - // skip entry, if it got changed by client during current sync - if(isset($clientModifications['changed'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceChange'][$serverId])) { - if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped changed entry: " . $serverId); - } - unset($serverModifications['changed'][$id]); - } - // skip entry, make sure we don't sent entries already added by client in this request - elseif (isset($clientModifications['added'][$serverId]) && !isset($clientModifications['forceAdd'][$serverId])) { - if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " skipped change for added entry: " . $serverId); - } - unset($serverModifications['changed'][$id]); - } - } - - // entries comeing in scope are already in $serverModifications['added'] and do not need to - // be send with $serverCanges - $serverModifications['changed'] = array_diff($serverModifications['changed'], $serverModifications['added']); - } catch (Exception $e) { - if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->crit(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Folder state checking failed: " . $e->getMessage()); - } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Folder state checking failed: " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } // Prevent from removing client entries when getServerEntries() fails // @todo: should we break the loop here? $status = self::STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; } + } - if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { - $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found (added/changed/deleted) " . count($serverModifications['added']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['changed']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['deleted']) . ' entries for sync from server to client'); - } + if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { + $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found (added/changed/deleted) " . count($serverModifications['added']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['changed']) . '/' . count($serverModifications['deleted']) . ' entries for sync from server to client'); } } // collection header $collection = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Collection'); if (!empty($collectionData->folder->class)) { $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Class', $collectionData->folder->class)); } $syncKeyElement = $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'SyncKey')); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'CollectionId', $collectionData->collectionId)); $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', $status)); $responses = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Responses'); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Processing collection " . $collectionData->collectionId); } // send reponse for newly added entries if(!empty($clientModifications['added'])) { foreach($clientModifications['added'] as $entryData) { $add = $responses->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Add')); $add->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ClientId', $entryData['clientId'])); // we have no serverId if the add failed if(isset($entryData['serverId'])) { $add->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $entryData['serverId'])); } $add->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', $entryData['status'])); } } // send reponse for changed entries if(!empty($clientModifications['changed'])) { foreach($clientModifications['changed'] as $serverId => $status) { if ($status !== Syncroton_Command_Sync::STATUS_SUCCESS) { $change = $responses->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Change')); $change->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $serverId)); $change->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', $status)); } } } // send response for to be fetched entries if(!empty($collectionData->toBeFetched)) { // unset all truncation settings as entries are not allowed to be truncated during fetch $fetchCollectionData = clone $collectionData; // unset truncationSize if (isset($fetchCollectionData->options['bodyPreferences']) && is_array($fetchCollectionData->options['bodyPreferences'])) { foreach($fetchCollectionData->options['bodyPreferences'] as $key => $bodyPreference) { unset($fetchCollectionData->options['bodyPreferences'][$key]['truncationSize']); } } $fetchCollectionData->options['mimeTruncation'] = Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_NOTHING; foreach($collectionData->toBeFetched as $serverId) { $fetch = $responses->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Fetch')); $fetch->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $serverId)); try { $applicationData = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ApplicationData'); $dataController ->getEntry($fetchCollectionData, $serverId) ->appendXML($applicationData, $this->_device); $fetch->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_SUCCESS)); $fetch->appendChild($applicationData); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getMessage()); } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } $fetch->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Status', self::STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)); } } } if ($responses->hasChildNodes() === true) { $collection->appendChild($responses); } $commands = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Commands'); foreach($serverModifications['added'] as $id => $serverId) { if($collectionChanges == $collectionData->windowSize || $totalChanges + $collectionChanges >= $this->_globalWindowSize) { break; } try { $add = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Add'); $add->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $serverId)); $applicationData = $add->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ApplicationData')); $dataController ->getEntry($collectionData, $serverId) ->appendXML($applicationData, $this->_device); $commands->appendChild($add); $newContentStates[] = new Syncroton_Model_Content([ 'device_id' => $this->_device, 'folder_id' => $collectionData->folder, 'contentid' => $serverId, 'creation_time' => $this->_syncTimeStamp, 'creation_synckey' => $collectionData->syncState->counter + 1, ]); $collectionChanges++; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_MemoryExhausted $seme) { // continue to next entry, as there is not enough memory left for the current entry // this will lead to MoreAvailable at the end and the entry will be synced during the next Sync command if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " memory exhausted for entry: " . $serverId); } break; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getMessage()); } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } // We bump collectionChanges anyways to make sure the windowSize still applies. $collectionChanges++; } // mark as sent to the client, even the conversion to xml might have failed unset($serverModifications['added'][$id]); } /** * process entries changed on server side */ foreach($serverModifications['changed'] as $id => $serverId) { if($collectionChanges == $collectionData->windowSize || $totalChanges + $collectionChanges >= $this->_globalWindowSize) { break; } try { $change = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Change'); $change->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $serverId)); $applicationData = $change->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ApplicationData')); $collectionData->options['_changesOnly'] = true; $dataController ->getEntry($collectionData, $serverId) ->appendXML($applicationData, $this->_device); $commands->appendChild($change); $collectionChanges++; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_MemoryExhausted $seme) { // continue to next entry, as there is not enough memory left for the current entry // this will lead to MoreAvailable at the end and the entry will be synced during the next Sync command if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " memory exhausted for entry: " . $serverId); } break; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getMessage()); } // We bump collectionChanges anyways to make sure the windowSize still applies. $collectionChanges++; } unset($serverModifications['changed'][$id]); } foreach($serverModifications['deleted'] as $id => $serverId) { if($collectionChanges == $collectionData->windowSize || $totalChanges + $collectionChanges >= $this->_globalWindowSize) { break; } try { // check if we have sent this entry to the phone $state = $this->_contentStateBackend->getContentState($this->_device, $collectionData->folder, $serverId); $delete = $this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'Delete'); $delete->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'ServerId', $serverId)); $deletedContentStates[] = $state; $commands->appendChild($delete); $collectionChanges++; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " unable to convert entry to xml: " . $e->getMessage()); } // We bump collectionChanges anyways to make sure the windowSize still applies. $collectionChanges++; } unset($serverModifications['deleted'][$id]); } $countOfPendingChanges = (count($serverModifications['added']) + count($serverModifications['changed']) + count($serverModifications['deleted'])); if ($countOfPendingChanges > 0) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " there are " . $countOfPendingChanges . " more items available"); } $collection->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:AirSync', 'MoreAvailable')); } else { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " there are no more items available"); } $serverModifications = null; } if ($commands->hasChildNodes() === true) { $collection->appendChild($commands); } $totalChanges += $collectionChanges; // If the client resent an old sync-key, we should still respond with the latest sync key if (isset($collectionData->syncState->counterNext)) { //TODO we're not resending the changes in between, but I'm not sure we have to. $collectionData->syncState->counter = $collectionData->syncState->counterNext; } // increase SyncKey if needed if (( // sent the clients updates... ? !empty($clientModifications['added']) || !empty($clientModifications['changed']) || !empty($clientModifications['deleted']) ) || ( // is the server sending updates to the client... ? $commands->hasChildNodes() === true ) || ( // changed the pending data... ? $collectionData->syncState->pendingdata != $serverModifications ) ) { // ...then increase SyncKey $collectionData->syncState->counter++; } $syncKeyElement->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createTextNode($collectionData->syncState->counter)); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " current synckey is " . $collectionData->syncState->counter); } if (!$emptySyncSupported || $collection->childNodes->length > 4 || $collectionData->syncState->counter != $collectionData->syncKey) { $collections->appendChild($collection); } //Store next $collectionData->syncState->extraData = $dataController->getExtraData($collectionData->folder); } if (isset($collectionData->syncState) && $collectionData->syncState instanceof Syncroton_Model_ISyncState && $collectionData->syncState->counter != $collectionData->syncKey ) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " update syncState for collection: " . $collectionData->collectionId); } // store pending data in sync state when needed if (isset($countOfPendingChanges) && $countOfPendingChanges > 0) { $collectionData->syncState->pendingdata = [ 'added' => $serverModifications['added'] ?? [], 'changed' => $serverModifications['changed'] ?? [], 'deleted' => $serverModifications['deleted'] ?? [], ]; } else { $collectionData->syncState->pendingdata = null; } $collectionData->syncState->lastsync = clone $this->_syncTimeStamp; // increment sync timestamp by 1 second $collectionData->syncState->lastsync->modify('+1 sec'); if (!empty($clientModifications['added'])) { // Store a client id mapping in case we encounter a reused sync_key in a future request. $newClientIdMap = []; foreach($clientModifications['added'] as $entryData) { // No serverId if we failed to add if ($entryData['status'] == self::STATUS_SUCCESS) { $newClientIdMap[$entryData['clientId']] = $entryData['serverId']; } } $collectionData->syncState->clientIdMap = Zend_Json::encode($newClientIdMap); } //Retry in case of deadlock $retryCounter = 0; while (true) { try { $transactionId = Syncroton_Registry::getTransactionManager()->startTransaction(Syncroton_Registry::getDatabase()); // store new synckey $this->_syncStateBackend->create($collectionData->syncState, true); // @phpstan-ignore-line // store contentstates for new entries added to client foreach($newContentStates as $state) { try { //This can happen if we rerun a previous sync-key $state = $this->_contentStateBackend->getContentState($state->device_id, $state->folder_id, $state->contentid); $this->_contentStateBackend->update($state); } catch(Exception $zdse) { $this->_contentStateBackend->create($state); } } // remove contentstates for entries to be deleted on client foreach($deletedContentStates as $state) { $this->_contentStateBackend->delete($state); } Syncroton_Registry::getTransactionManager()->commitTransaction($transactionId); break; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_DeadlockDetected $zdse) { $retryCounter++; if ($retryCounter > 60) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' exception while storing new synckey. Aborting after 5 retries.'); } // something went wrong // maybe another parallel request added a new synckey // we must remove data added from client if (!empty($clientModifications['added']) && isset($dataController)) { foreach ($clientModifications['added'] as $added) { $this->_contentStateBackend->delete($added['contentState']); $dataController->deleteEntry($collectionData->collectionId, $added['serverId']); } } Syncroton_Registry::getTransactionManager()->rollBack(); throw $zdse; } Syncroton_Registry::getTransactionManager()->rollBack(); // Give the other transactions some time before we try again sleep(1); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' error during transaction, trying again.'); } } catch (Exception $zdse) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' exception while storing new synckey.'); } // something went wrong // maybe another parallel request added a new synckey // we must remove data added from client if (!empty($clientModifications['added']) && isset($dataController)) { foreach ($clientModifications['added'] as $added) { $this->_contentStateBackend->delete($added['contentState']); $dataController->deleteEntry($collectionData->collectionId, $added['serverId']); } } Syncroton_Registry::getTransactionManager()->rollBack(); throw $zdse; } } } // store current filter type try { /** @var Syncroton_Model_Folder $folderState */ $folderState = $this->_folderBackend->get($collectionData->folder); $folderState->lastfiltertype = $collectionData->options['filterType']; if ($folderState->isDirty()) { $this->_folderBackend->update($folderState); } } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { // failed to get folderstate => should not happen but is also no problem in this state if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) { $this->_logger->warn(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' failed to get folder state for: ' . $collectionData->collectionId); } } } if ($collections->hasChildNodes() === true) { $sync->appendChild($collections); } if ($sync->hasChildNodes()) { return $this->_outputDom; } return null; } /** * remove Commands and Supported from collections XML tree * * @param DOMDocument $document * @return DOMDocument */ protected function _cleanUpXML(DOMDocument $document) { $cleanedDocument = clone $document; $xpath = new DomXPath($cleanedDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('AirSync', 'uri:AirSync'); $collections = $xpath->query("//AirSync:Sync/AirSync:Collections/AirSync:Collection"); // remove Commands and Supported elements foreach ($collections as $collection) { foreach (['Commands', 'Supported'] as $element) { /** @var DOMElement $collection */ $childrenToRemove = $collection->getElementsByTagName($element); foreach ($childrenToRemove as $childToRemove) { $collection->removeChild($childToRemove); } } } return $cleanedDocument; } /** * merge a partial XML document with the XML document from the previous request * * @param DOMDocument|null $requestBody * @return DOMDocument */ protected function _mergeSyncRequest($requestBody, Syncroton_Model_Device $device) { $lastSyncCollection = []; if (!empty($device->lastsynccollection)) { $lastSyncCollection = Zend_Json::decode($device->lastsynccollection); if (!empty($lastSyncCollection['lastXML'])) { $lastXML = new DOMDocument(); $lastXML->loadXML($lastSyncCollection['lastXML']); } } if (! $requestBody instanceof DOMDocument) { if (!empty($lastXML)) { $requestBody = $lastXML; } else { throw new Syncroton_Exception_UnexpectedValue('no xml body found'); } } if ($requestBody->getElementsByTagName('Partial')->length > 0) { $partialBody = clone $requestBody; $requestBody = $lastXML ?? (new DOMDocument()); $xpath = new DomXPath($requestBody); $xpath->registerNamespace('AirSync', 'uri:AirSync'); foreach ($partialBody->documentElement->childNodes as $child) { if (! $child instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } /** @var DOMElement $child */ if ($child->tagName == 'Partial') { continue; } if ($child->tagName == 'Collections') { foreach ($child->getElementsByTagName('Collection') as $updatedCollection) { $collectionId = $updatedCollection->getElementsByTagName('CollectionId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $existingCollections = $xpath->query("//AirSync:Sync/AirSync:Collections/AirSync:Collection[AirSync:CollectionId='$collectionId']"); if ($existingCollections->length > 0) { /** @var DOMElement $existingCollection */ $existingCollection = $existingCollections->item(0); foreach ($updatedCollection->childNodes as $updatedCollectionChild) { if (! $updatedCollectionChild instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } $duplicateChild = $existingCollection->getElementsByTagName($updatedCollectionChild->tagName); if ($duplicateChild->length > 0) { $existingCollection->replaceChild($requestBody->importNode($updatedCollectionChild, true), $duplicateChild->item(0)); } else { $existingCollection->appendChild($requestBody->importNode($updatedCollectionChild, true)); } } } else { $importedCollection = $requestBody->importNode($updatedCollection, true); } } } else { $duplicateChild = $xpath->query("//AirSync:Sync/AirSync:{$child->tagName}"); if ($duplicateChild->length > 0) { $requestBody->documentElement->replaceChild($requestBody->importNode($child, true), $duplicateChild->item(0)); } else { $requestBody->documentElement->appendChild($requestBody->importNode($child, true)); } } } } $lastSyncCollection['lastXML'] = $this->_cleanUpXML($requestBody)->saveXML(); $device->lastsynccollection = Zend_Json::encode($lastSyncCollection); return $requestBody; } }