diff --git a/lib/kolab_sync_storage.php b/lib/kolab_sync_storage.php
index cea47f5..1c99dc8 100644
--- a/lib/kolab_sync_storage.php
+++ b/lib/kolab_sync_storage.php
@@ -1,2028 +1,2029 @@
  | Kolab Sync (ActiveSync for Kolab)                                        |
  |                                                                          |
  | Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Kolab Systems AG <contact@kolabsys.com>         |
  |                                                                          |
  | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     |
  | it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published |
  | by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     |
  | (at your option) any later version.                                      |
  |                                                                          |
  | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          |
  | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           |
  | GNU Affero General Public License for more details.                      |
  |                                                                          |
  | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
  | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>      |
  | Author: Aleksander Machniak <machniak@kolabsys.com>                      |
  * Storage handling class with basic Kolab support (everything stored in IMAP)
 class kolab_sync_storage
     public const INIT_SUB_PERSONAL = 1; // all subscribed folders in personal namespace
     public const INIT_ALL_PERSONAL = 2; // all folders in personal namespace
     public const INIT_SUB_OTHER    = 4; // all subscribed folders in other users namespace
     public const INIT_ALL_OTHER    = 8; // all folders in other users namespace
     public const INIT_SUB_SHARED   = 16; // all subscribed folders in shared namespace
     public const INIT_ALL_SHARED   = 32; // all folders in shared namespace
     public const MODEL_CALENDAR = 'event';
     public const MODEL_CONTACTS = 'contact';
     public const MODEL_EMAIL    = 'mail';
     public const MODEL_NOTES    = 'note';
     public const MODEL_TASKS    = 'task';
     public const ROOT_MAILBOX  = 'INBOX';
     public const ASYNC_KEY     = '/private/vendor/kolab/activesync';
     public const UID_KEY       = '/shared/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/uniqueid';
     public const CTYPE_KEY         = '/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type';
     public const CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE = '/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type';
     public $syncTimeStamp;
     protected $storage;
     protected $folder_meta;
     protected $folder_uids;
     protected $folders = [];
     protected $root_meta;
     protected $relations = [];
     protected $relationSupport = true;
     protected $tag_rts = [];
     private $modseq = [];
     protected static $instance;
     protected static $types = [
         1  => '',
         2  => 'mail.inbox',
         3  => 'mail.drafts',
         4  => 'mail.wastebasket',
         5  => 'mail.sentitems',
         6  => 'mail.outbox',
         7  => 'task.default',
         8  => 'event.default',
         9  => 'contact.default',
         10 => 'note.default',
         11 => 'journal.default',
         12 => 'mail',
         13 => 'event',
         14 => 'contact',
         15 => 'task',
         16 => 'journal',
         17 => 'note',
      * This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
      * @return kolab_sync_storage The one and only instance
     public static function get_instance()
         if (!self::$instance) {
             self::$instance = new kolab_sync_storage();
             self::$instance->startup();  // init AFTER object was linked with self::$instance
         return self::$instance;
      * Class initialization
     public function startup()
         $this->storage = kolab_sync::get_instance()->get_storage();
         // set additional header used by libkolab
             // @TODO: there can be Roundcube plugins defining additional headers,
             // we maybe would need to add them here
             'fetch_headers' => 'X-KOLAB-TYPE X-KOLAB-MIME-VERSION',
             'skip_deleted'  => true,
             'threading'     => false,
         // Disable paging
      * Clear internal cache state
     public function reset()
         $this->folders = [];
      * List known devices
      * @return array Device list as hash array
     public function devices_list()
         if ($this->root_meta === null) {
             // @TODO: consider server annotation instead of INBOX
             if ($meta = $this->storage->get_metadata(self::ROOT_MAILBOX, self::ASYNC_KEY)) {
                 $this->root_meta = $this->unserialize_metadata($meta[self::ROOT_MAILBOX][self::ASYNC_KEY]);
             } else {
                 $this->root_meta = [];
         if (!empty($this->root_meta['DEVICE']) && is_array($this->root_meta['DEVICE'])) {
             return $this->root_meta['DEVICE'];
         return [];
      * Get list of folders available for sync
      * @param string $deviceid  Device identifier
      * @param string $type      Folder type
      * @param bool   $flat_mode Enables flat-list mode
      * @return array|bool List of mailbox folders, False on backend failure
     public function folders_list($deviceid, $type, $flat_mode = false)
         // get all folders of specified type
         $folders = kolab_storage::list_folders('', '*', $type, false, $typedata);
         // get folders activesync config
         $folderdata = $this->folder_meta();
         if (!is_array($folders) || !is_array($folderdata)) {
             return false;
         $folders_list = [];
         // check if folders are "subscribed" for activesync
         foreach ($folderdata as $folder => $meta) {
             if (empty($meta['FOLDER']) || empty($meta['FOLDER'][$deviceid])
                 || empty($meta['FOLDER'][$deviceid]['S'])
             ) {
             // force numeric folder name to be a string (T1283)
             $folder = (string) $folder;
             if (!empty($type) && !in_array($folder, $folders)) {
             // Activesync folder identifier (serverId)
             $folder_type = !empty($typedata[$folder]) ? $typedata[$folder] : 'mail';
             $folder_id   = $this->folder_id($folder, $folder_type);
             $folders_list[$folder_id] = $this->folder_data($folder, $folder_type);
         if ($flat_mode) {
             $folders_list = $this->folders_list_flat($folders_list, $type, $typedata);
         return $folders_list;
      * Converts list of folders to a "flat" list
     protected function folders_list_flat($folders, $type, $typedata)
         $delim = $this->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
         foreach ($folders as $idx => $folder) {
             if ($folder['parentId']) {
                 // for non-mail folders we make the list completely flat
                 if ($type != self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
                     $display_name = kolab_storage::object_name($folder['imap_name']);
                     $display_name = html_entity_decode($display_name, ENT_COMPAT, RCUBE_CHARSET);
                     $folders[$idx]['parentId']    = 0;
                     $folders[$idx]['displayName'] = $display_name;
                 // for mail folders we modify only folders with non-existing parents
                 elseif (!isset($folders[$folder['parentId']])) {
                     $items  = explode($delim, $folder['imap_name']);
                     $parent = 0;
                     // find existing parent
                     while (count($items) > 0) {
                         $parent_name = implode($delim, $items);
                         $parent_type = !empty($typedata[$parent_name]) ? $typedata[$parent_name] : 'mail';
                         $parent_id   = $this->folder_id($parent_name, $parent_type);
                         if (isset($folders[$parent_id])) {
                             $parent = $parent_id;
                     if (!$parent) {
                         $display_name = kolab_storage::object_name($folder['imap_name']);
                         $display_name = html_entity_decode($display_name, ENT_COMPAT, RCUBE_CHARSET);
                     } else {
                         $parent_name  = isset($parent_id) ? $folders[$parent_id]['imap_name'] : '';
                         $display_name = substr($folder['imap_name'], strlen($parent_name) + 1);
                         $display_name = rcube_charset::convert($display_name, 'UTF7-IMAP');
                         $display_name = str_replace($delim, ' ยป ', $display_name);
                     $folders[$idx]['parentId']    = $parent;
                     $folders[$idx]['displayName'] = $display_name;
         return $folders;
      * Getter for folder metadata
      * @return array|bool Hash array with meta data for each folder, False on backend failure
     protected function folder_meta()
         if (!isset($this->folder_meta)) {
             // get folders activesync config
             $folderdata = $this->storage->get_metadata("*", self::ASYNC_KEY);
             if (!is_array($folderdata)) {
                 return $this->folder_meta = false;
             $this->folder_meta = [];
             foreach ($folderdata as $folder => $meta) {
                 if (isset($meta[self::ASYNC_KEY])) {
                     if ($metadata = $this->unserialize_metadata($meta[self::ASYNC_KEY])) {
                         $this->folder_meta[$folder] = $metadata;
         return $this->folder_meta;
      * Creates folder and subscribes to the device
      * @param string  $name      Folder name (UTF8)
      * @param int     $type      Folder (ActiveSync) type
      * @param string  $deviceid  Device identifier
      * @param ?string $parentid  Parent folder id identifier
      * @return string|false New folder identifier on success, False on failure
     public function folder_create($name, $type, $deviceid, $parentid = null)
         $parent = null;
         $name = rcube_charset::convert($name, kolab_sync::CHARSET, 'UTF7-IMAP');
         if ($parentid) {
             $parent = $this->folder_id2name($parentid, $deviceid);
             if ($parent === null) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate(Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate::PARENT_NOT_FOUND);
         if ($parent !== null) {
             $delim = $this->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
             $name  = $parent . $delim . $name;
         if ($this->storage->folder_exists($name)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate(Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate::FOLDER_EXISTS);
         $type    = self::type_activesync2kolab($type);
         $created = kolab_storage::folder_create($name, $type, true);
         if ($created) {
             // Set ActiveSync subscription flag
             $this->folder_set($name, $deviceid, 1);
             return $this->folder_id($name, $type);
         // Special case when client tries to create a subfolder of INBOX
         // which is not possible on Cyrus-IMAP (T2223)
         if ($parent === 'INBOX' && stripos($this->last_error(), 'invalid') !== false) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate(Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderCreate::SPECIAL_FOLDER);
         return false;
      * Renames a folder
      * @param string  $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string  $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string  $new_name New folder name (UTF8)
      * @param ?string $parentid Folder parent identifier
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     public function folder_rename($folderid, $deviceid, $new_name, $parentid)
         $old_name = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         if ($parentid) {
             $parent = $this->folder_id2name($parentid, $deviceid);
         $name = rcube_charset::convert($new_name, kolab_sync::CHARSET, 'UTF7-IMAP');
         if (isset($parent)) {
             $delim   = $this->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
             $name    = $parent . $delim . $name;
         // Rename/move IMAP folder
         if ($name === $old_name) {
             return true;
         $this->folder_meta = null;
         // TODO: folder type change?
         $type = kolab_storage::folder_type($old_name);
         // don't use kolab_storage for moving mail folders
         if (preg_match('/^mail/', $type)) {
             return $this->storage->rename_folder($old_name, $name);
         } else {
             return kolab_storage::folder_rename($old_name, $name);
      * Deletes folder
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @return bool True on success, False otherwise
     public function folder_delete($folderid, $deviceid)
         $name = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         $type = kolab_storage::folder_type($name);
         // don't use kolab_storage for deleting mail folders
         if (preg_match('/^mail/', $type)) {
             return $this->storage->delete_folder($name);
         return kolab_storage::folder_delete($name);
      * Deletes contents of a folder
      * @param string $folderid  Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid  Device identifier
      * @param bool   $recursive Apply to the folder and its subfolders
      * @return bool True on success, False otherwise
     public function folder_empty($folderid, $deviceid, $recursive = false)
         $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         // Remove all entries
         if (!$this->storage->clear_folder($foldername)) {
             return false;
         // Remove subfolders
         if ($recursive) {
             $delim = $this->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
             $folderdata = $this->folder_meta();
             if (!is_array($folderdata)) {
                 return false;
             foreach ($folderdata as $subfolder => $meta) {
                 if (!empty($meta['FOLDER'][$deviceid]['S']) && strpos((string) $subfolder, $foldername . $delim)) {
                     if (!$this->storage->clear_folder((string) $subfolder)) {
                         return false;
         return true;
      * Sets ActiveSync subscription flag on a folder
      * @param string $name      Folder name (UTF7-IMAP)
      * @param string $deviceid  Device identifier
      * @param int    $flag      Flag value (0|1|2)
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     protected function folder_set($name, $deviceid, $flag)
         if (empty($deviceid)) {
             return false;
         // get folders activesync config
         $metadata = $this->folder_meta();
         if (!is_array($metadata)) {
             return false;
         $metadata = $metadata[$name] ?? [];
         if ($flag) {
             if (empty($metadata)) {
                 $metadata = [];
             if (empty($metadata['FOLDER'])) {
                 $metadata['FOLDER'] = [];
             if (empty($metadata['FOLDER'][$deviceid])) {
                 $metadata['FOLDER'][$deviceid] = [];
             // Z-Push uses:
             //  1 - synchronize, no alarms
             //  2 - synchronize with alarms
             $metadata['FOLDER'][$deviceid]['S'] = $flag;
         } else {
             if (empty($metadata['FOLDER'][$deviceid])) {
             if (empty($metadata['FOLDER'])) {
             if (empty($metadata)) {
                 $metadata = null;
         // Return if nothing's been changed
         if (!self::data_array_diff($this->folder_meta[$name] ?? null, $metadata)) {
             return true;
         $this->folder_meta[$name] = $metadata;
         return $this->storage->set_metadata($name, [self::ASYNC_KEY => $this->serialize_metadata($metadata)]);
      * Returns device metadata
      * @param string $id Device ID
      * @return array|null Device metadata
     public function device_get($id)
         $devices_list = $this->devices_list();
         return $devices_list[$id] ?? null;
      * Registers new device on server
      * @param array  $device  Device data
      * @param string $id      Device ID
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     public function device_create($device, $id)
         // Fill local cache
         // Some devices create dummy devices with name "validate" (#1109)
         // This device entry is used in two initial requests, but later
         // the device registers a real name. We can remove this dummy entry
         // on new device creation
         // Old Kolab_ZPush device parameters
         // MODE:  -1 | 0 | 1  (not set | flatmode | foldermode)
         // TYPE:  device type string
         // ALIAS: user-friendly device name
         // Syncroton (kolab_sync_backend_device) uses
         // ID:    internal identifier in syncroton database
         // TYPE:  device type string
         // ALIAS: user-friendly device name
         $metadata = $this->root_meta;
         $metadata['DEVICE'][$id] = $device;
         $metadata = [self::ASYNC_KEY => $this->serialize_metadata($metadata)];
         $result = $this->storage->set_metadata(self::ROOT_MAILBOX, $metadata);
         if ($result) {
             // Update local cache
             $this->root_meta['DEVICE'][$id] = $device;
             // subscribe default set of folders
         return $result;
      * Device update.
      * @param array  $device  Device data
      * @param string $id      Device ID
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     public function device_update($device, $id)
         $devices_list = $this->devices_list();
         $old_device   = $devices_list[$id];
         if (!$old_device) {
             return false;
         // Do nothing if nothing is changed
         if (!self::data_array_diff($old_device, $device)) {
             return true;
         $device = array_merge($old_device, $device);
         $metadata = $this->root_meta;
         $metadata['DEVICE'][$id] = $device;
         $metadata = [self::ASYNC_KEY => $this->serialize_metadata($metadata)];
         $result = $this->storage->set_metadata(self::ROOT_MAILBOX, $metadata);
         if ($result) {
             // Update local cache
             $this->root_meta['DEVICE'][$id] = $device;
         return $result;
      * Device delete.
      * @param string $id Device ID
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     public function device_delete($id)
         $device = $this->device_get($id);
         if (!$device) {
             return false;
         unset($this->root_meta['DEVICE'][$id], $this->root_meta['FOLDER'][$id]);
         if (empty($this->root_meta['DEVICE'])) {
         if (empty($this->root_meta['FOLDER'])) {
         $metadata = $this->serialize_metadata($this->root_meta);
         $metadata = [self::ASYNC_KEY => $metadata];
         // update meta data
         $result = $this->storage->set_metadata(self::ROOT_MAILBOX, $metadata);
         if ($result) {
             // remove device annotation for every folder
             foreach ($this->folder_meta() as $folder => $meta) {
                 // skip root folder (already handled above)
                 if ($folder == self::ROOT_MAILBOX) {
                 if (!empty($meta['FOLDER']) && isset($meta['FOLDER'][$id])) {
                     if (empty($meta['FOLDER'])) {
                     if (empty($meta)) {
                         $meta = null;
                     $metadata = [self::ASYNC_KEY => $this->serialize_metadata($meta)];
                     $res = $this->storage->set_metadata($folder, $metadata);
                     if ($res && $meta) {
                         $this->folder_meta[$folder] = $meta;
         return $result;
      * Creates an item in a folder.
      * @param string       $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string       $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string       $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string|array $data     Object data (string for email, array for other types)
      * @param array        $params   Additional parameters (e.g. mail flags)
      * @return string|null Item UID on success or null on failure
     public function createItem($folderid, $deviceid, $type, $data, $params = [])
         if ($type == self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
             $uid = $this->storage->save_message($foldername, $data, '', false, $params['flags'] ?? []);
             if (!$uid) {
                 // $this->logger->error("Error while storing the message " . $this->storage->get_error_str());
             return $uid;
         $useTags = $this->relationSupport && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES);
         // convert categories into tags, save them after creating an object
         if ($useTags && !empty($data['categories'])) {
             $tags = $data['categories'];
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         // Set User-Agent for saved objects
         $app = kolab_sync::get_instance();
         $app->config->set('useragent', $app->app_name . ' ' . kolab_sync::VERSION);
         if ($folder && $folder->valid && $folder->save($data)) {
             if (!empty($tags) && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES)) {
                 $this->setCategories($data['uid'], $tags);
             return $data['uid'];
         return null;
      * Deletes an item from a folder by UID.
      * @param string $folderid    Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid    Device identifier
      * @param string $type        Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string $uid         Requested object UID
      * @param bool   $moveToTrash Move to trash, instead of delete (for mail messages only)
      * @return bool True on success, False on failure
     public function deleteItem($folderid, $deviceid, $type, $uid, $moveToTrash = false)
         if ($type == self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
             $trash = kolab_sync::get_instance()->config->get('trash_mbox');
             // move message to the Trash folder
             if ($moveToTrash && strlen($trash) && $trash != $foldername && $this->storage->folder_exists($trash)) {
                 return $this->storage->move_message($uid, $trash, $foldername);
             // delete the message
             // According to the ActiveSync spec. "If the DeletesAsMoves element is set to false,
             // the deletion is PERMANENT.", therefore we delete the message, and not flag as deleted.
             // FIXME: We could consider acting according to the 'flag_for_deletion' setting.
             //        Don't forget about 'read_when_deleted' setting then.
             // $this->storage->set_flag($uid, 'DELETED', $foldername);
             // $this->storage->set_flag($uid, 'SEEN', $foldername);
             return $this->storage->delete_message($uid, $foldername);
         $useTags = $this->relationSupport && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES);
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         if (!$folder || !$folder->valid) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         if ($folder->delete($uid)) {
             if ($useTags) {
                 $this->setCategories($uid, []);
             return true;
         return false;
      * Updates an item in a folder.
      * @param string       $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string       $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string       $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string       $uid      Object UID
      * @param string|array $data     Object data (string for email, array for other types)
      * @param array        $params   Additional parameters (e.g. mail flags)
      * @return string|null Item UID on success or null on failure
     public function updateItem($folderid, $deviceid, $type, $uid, $data, $params = [])
         if ($type == self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
             // Note: We do not support a message body update, as it's not needed
             foreach (($params['flags'] ?? []) as $flag) {
                 $this->storage->set_flag($uid, $flag, $foldername);
             // Categories (Tags) change
             if (isset($params['categories']) && $this->relationSupport) {
                 $message = new rcube_message($uid, $foldername);
                 if (empty($message->headers)) {
                     throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync::SYNC_SERVER_ERROR);
                 $this->setCategories($message, $params['categories']);
             return $uid;
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         $useTags = $this->relationSupport && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES);
         // convert categories into tags, save them after updating an object
         if ($useTags && array_key_exists('categories', $data)) {
             $tags = (array) $data['categories'];
         // Set User-Agent for saved objects
         $app = kolab_sync::get_instance();
         $app->config->set('useragent', $app->app_name . ' ' . kolab_sync::VERSION);
         if ($folder && $folder->valid && $folder->save($data, $type, $uid)) {
             if (isset($tags)) {
                 $this->setCategories($uid, $tags);
             return $uid;
         return null;
      * Returns list of categories assigned to an object
      * @param object|string $object     UID or rcube_message object
      * @param array         $categories Addition tag names to merge with
      * @return array List of categories
     public function getCategories($object, $categories = [])
         if (is_object($object)) {
             // support only messages with message-id
             if (!($msg_id = $object->headers->get('message-id', false))) {
                 return [];
             $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
             $delta  = Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout();
             $folder = $object->folder;
             $uid    = $object->uid;
             // get tag objects raleted to specified message-id
             $tags = $config->get_tags($msg_id);
             foreach ($tags as $idx => $tag) {
                 // resolve members if it wasn't done recently
                 $force   = empty($this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']]) || $this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']] <= time() - $delta;
                 $members = $config->resolve_members($tag, $force);
                 if (empty($members[$folder]) || !in_array($uid, $members[$folder])) {
                 if ($force) {
                     $this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']] = time();
             // make sure current folder is set correctly again
         } else {
             $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
             $tags   = $config->get_tags($object);
         $tags = array_filter(array_map(function ($v) { return $v['name']; }, $tags));
         // merge result with old categories
         if (!empty($categories)) {
             $tags = array_unique(array_merge($tags, (array) $categories));
         return $tags;
      * Gets kolab_storage_folder object from Activesync folder ID.
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @return ?kolab_storage_folder
     public function getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type)
         $unique_key = "$folderid:$deviceid:$type";
         if (array_key_exists($unique_key, $this->folders)) {
             return $this->folders[$unique_key];
         $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         return $this->folders[$unique_key] = kolab_storage::get_folder($foldername, $type);
      * Gets Activesync preferences for a folder.
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @return array Folder preferences
     public function getFolderConfig($folderid, $deviceid, $type)
         $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         $metadata = $this->folder_meta();
         $config = [];
         if (!empty($metadata[$foldername]['FOLDER'][$deviceid])) {
             $config = $metadata[$foldername]['FOLDER'][$deviceid];
         return [
             'ALARMS' => ($config['S'] ?? 0) == 2,
      * Gets an item from a folder by UID.
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string $uid      Requested object UID
      * @return array|rcube_message|null Object properties
     public function getItem($folderid, $deviceid, $type, $uid)
         if ($type == self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
             $message = new rcube_message($uid, $foldername);
             if (!empty($message->headers)) {
                 if ($this->relationSupport) {
                     $message->headers->others['categories'] = $this->getCategories($message);
                 return $message;
             return null;
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         if (!$folder || !$folder->valid) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $result = $folder->get_object($uid);
         if ($result === false) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $useTags = $this->relationSupport && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES);
         if ($useTags) {
             $result['categories'] = $this->getCategories($uid, $result['categories'] ?? []);
         return $result;
      * Gets items matching UID by prefix.
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @param string $type     Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string $uid      Requested object UID prefix
      * @return array|iterable List of objects
     public function getItemsByUidPrefix($folderid, $deviceid, $type, $uid)
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         if (!$folder || !$folder->valid) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $result = $folder->select([['uid', '~*', $uid]]);
         if ($result === null) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         return $result;
      * Move an item from one folder to another.
      * @param string $srcFolderId Source folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid    Device identifier
      * @param string $type        Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param string $uid         Object UID
      * @param string $dstFolderId Destination folder identifier
      * @return string New object UID
      * @throws Syncroton_Exception_Status
     public function moveItem($srcFolderId, $deviceid, $type, $uid, $dstFolderId)
         if ($type === self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             $src_name = $this->folder_id2name($srcFolderId, $deviceid);
             $dst_name = $this->folder_id2name($dstFolderId, $deviceid);
             if ($dst_name === null) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_DESTINATION);
             if ($src_name === null) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_SOURCE);
             if (!$this->storage->move_message($uid, $dst_name, $src_name)) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_DESTINATION);
             // Use COPYUID feature (RFC2359) to get the new UID of the copied message
             if (empty($this->storage->conn->data['COPYUID'])) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
             return $this->storage->conn->data['COPYUID'][1];
         $srcFolder = $this->getFolder($srcFolderId, $deviceid, $type);
         $dstFolder = $this->getFolder($dstFolderId, $deviceid, $type);
         if (!$srcFolder || !$dstFolder) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_DESTINATION);
         if (!$srcFolder->move($uid, $dstFolder)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_SOURCE);
         return $uid;
      * Set categories to an object
      * @param object|string $object     UID or rcube_message object
      * @param array         $categories List of Category names
     public function setCategories($object, $categories)
         if (!is_object($object)) {
             $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
             $config->save_tags($object, $categories);
         $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
         $delta  = Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout();
         $uri    = kolab_storage_config::get_message_uri($object->headers, $object->folder);
         // for all tag objects...
         foreach ($config->get_tags() as $relation) {
             // resolve members if it wasn't done recently
             $uid     = $relation['uid'];
             $force   = empty($this->tag_rts[$uid]) || $this->tag_rts[$uid] <= time() - $delta;
             if ($force) {
                 $config->resolve_members($relation, $force);
                 $this->tag_rts[$relation['uid']] = time();
             $selected = !empty($categories) && in_array($relation['name'], $categories);
             $found    = !empty($relation['members']) && in_array($uri, $relation['members']);
             $update   = false;
             // remove member from the relation
             if ($found && !$selected) {
                 $relation['members'] = array_diff($relation['members'], (array) $uri);
                 $update = true;
             // add member to the relation
             elseif (!$found && $selected) {
                 $relation['members'][] = $uri;
                 $update = true;
             if ($update) {
                 $config->save($relation, 'relation');
             $categories = array_diff($categories, (array) $relation['name']);
         // create new relations
         if (!empty($categories)) {
             foreach ($categories as $tag) {
                 $relation = [
                     'name'     => $tag,
                     'members'  => (array) $uri,
                     'category' => 'tag',
                 $config->save($relation, 'relation');
         // make sure current folder is set correctly again
      * Search for existing objects in a folder
      * @param string $folderid    Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid    Device identifier
      * @param string $device_key  Device primary key
      * @param string $type        Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param array  $filter      Filter
      * @param int    $result_type Type of the result (see kolab_sync_data::RESULT_* constants)
      * @param bool   $force       Force IMAP folder cache synchronization
      * @param string $extraData   Extra data as extracted by the getExtraData during the last sync
      * @return array|int Search result as count or array of uids
     public function searchEntries($folderid, $deviceid, $device_key, $type, $filter, $result_type, $force, $extraData)
         if ($type != self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             return $this->searchKolabEntries($folderid, $deviceid, $device_key, $type, $filter, $result_type, $force);
         $filter_str = 'ALL UNDELETED';
         $getChangesMode = false;
         // convert filter into one IMAP search string
         foreach ($filter as $idx => $filter_item) {
             if (is_array($filter_item)) {
                 if ($filter_item[0] == 'changed' && $filter_item[1] == '>') {
                     $getChangesMode = true;
             } else {
                 $filter_str .= ' ' . $filter_item;
         $result = $result_type == kolab_sync_data::RESULT_COUNT ? 0 : [];
         $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         if ($foldername === null) {
             return $result;
         // Synchronize folder (if it wasn't synced in this request already)
         if ($force) {
         $modified = true;
         // We're in "get changes" mode
         if ($getChangesMode) {
             $folder_data = $this->storage->folder_data($foldername);
             // If HIGHESTMODSEQ doesn't exist we can't get changes
             if (!empty($folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) {
                 // Store modseq for later in getExtraData
                 if (!array_key_exists($deviceid, $this->modseq)) {
                     $this->modseq[$deviceid] = [];
                 $this->modseq[$deviceid][$folderid] = $folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
                 // After the initial sync we have no extraData
                 if ($extraData) {
                     $modseq_old = json_decode($extraData)->modseq;
                     // Skip search if HIGHESTMODSEQ didn't change
                     if ($folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'] == $modseq_old) {
                         $modified = false;
                     } else {
                         $filter_str .= " MODSEQ " . ($modseq_old + 1);
                 } else {
                     // If we don't have extra data we can't search for changes.
                     // Either we are in initial sync, which means there are no changes to find,
                     // or we are in the migration (no previous extraData), in which case we ignore changes for one sync key
                     // because we don't have the means to search for the changes. Going forward we'll have the modseq info.
                     $modified = false;
             } else {
                 // We have no way of finding the changes.
                 // We could fall back to search by date or ignore changes, but both seems suboptimal.
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         // We could use messages cache by replacing search() with index()
         // in some cases. This however is possible only if user has skip_deleted=true,
         // in his Roundcube preferences, otherwise we'd make often cache re-initialization,
         // because Roundcube message cache can work only with one skip_deleted
         // setting at a time. We'd also need to make sure folder_sync() was called
         // before (see above).
         // if ($filter_str == 'ALL UNDELETED')
         //     $search = $this->storage->index($foldername, null, null, true, true);
         // else
         if ($modified) {
             $search = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, $filter_str);
             if (!($search instanceof rcube_result_index) || $search->is_error()) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
             switch ($result_type) {
                 case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_COUNT:
                     $result = $search->count();
                 case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_UID:
                     $result = $search->get();
         // get members of modified relations
         if ($this->relationSupport) {
             $changed_msgs = $this->getChangesByRelations($folderid, $device_key, $type, $filter);
             // handle relation changes
             if (!empty($changed_msgs)) {
                 $members = $this->findRelationMembersInFolder($foldername, $changed_msgs, $filter);
                 switch ($result_type) {
                     case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_COUNT:
                         $result += count($members);
                     case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_UID:
                         $result = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($result, $members)));
         return $result;
      * Return extra data that is stored with the sync key and passed in during the search to find changes.
      * @param string $folderid Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid Device identifier
      * @return string|null Extra data (JSON-encoded)
     public function getExtraData($folderid, $deviceid)
         //We explicitly return a cached value that was used during the search.
         //Otherwise we'd risk storing a higher modseq value and missing an update.
         if (isset($this->modseq[$deviceid][$folderid])) {
             return json_encode(['modseq' => intval($this->modseq[$deviceid][$folderid])]);
         //If we didn't fetch modseq in the first place we have to fetch it now.
         $foldername = $this->folder_id2name($folderid, $deviceid);
         if ($foldername !== null) {
             $folder_data = $this->storage->folder_data($foldername);
             if (!empty($folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) {
                 return json_encode(['modseq' => intval($folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])]);
         return null;
      * Search for existing objects in a folder
      * @param string $folderid    Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid    Device identifier
      * @param string $device_key  Device primary key
      * @param string $type        Activesync model name (folder type)
      * @param array  $filter      Filter
      * @param int    $result_type Type of the result (see kolab_sync_data::RESULT_* constants)
      * @param bool   $force       Force IMAP folder cache synchronization
      * @return array|int Search result as count or array of uids
     protected function searchKolabEntries($folderid, $deviceid, $device_key, $type, $filter, $result_type, $force)
         // there's a PHP Warning from kolab_storage if $filter isn't an array
         if (empty($filter)) {
             $filter = [];
         } elseif ($this->relationSupport && ($type == self::MODEL_TASKS || $type == self::MODEL_NOTES)) {
             $changed_objects = $this->getChangesByRelations($folderid, $device_key, $type, $filter);
         $folder = $this->getFolder($folderid, $deviceid, $type);
         if (!$folder || !$folder->valid) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $error = false;
         switch ($result_type) {
             case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_COUNT:
                 $count = $folder->count($filter);
                 if ($count === null) {
                     throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
                 $result = (int) $count;
             case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_UID:
                 $uids = $folder->get_uids($filter);
                 if (!is_array($uids)) {
                     throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
                 $result = $uids;
         // handle tag modifications
         if (!empty($changed_objects)) {
             // build new filter
             // search objects mathing current filter,
             // relations may contain members of many types, we need to
             // search them by UID in all requested folders to get
             // only these with requested type (and that really exist
             // in specified folders)
             $tag_filter = [['uid', '=', $changed_objects]];
             foreach ($filter as $f) {
                 if ($f[0] != 'changed') {
                     $tag_filter[] = $f;
             switch ($result_type) {
                 case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_COUNT:
                     // Note: this way we're potentally counting the same objects twice
                     // I'm not sure if this is a problem, we most likely do not
                     // need a precise result here
                     $count = $folder->count($tag_filter);
                     if ($count !== null) {
                         $result += (int) $count;
                 case kolab_sync_data::RESULT_UID:
                     $uids = $folder->get_uids($tag_filter);
                     if (is_array($uids) && !empty($uids)) {
                         $result = array_unique(array_merge($result, $uids));
         return $result;
      * Find members (messages) in specified folder
     protected function findRelationMembersInFolder($foldername, $members, $filter)
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             // IMAP URI members
             if ($url = kolab_storage_config::parse_member_url($member)) {
                 $result[$url['folder']][$url['uid']] = $url['params'];
         // convert filter into one IMAP search string
         $filter_str = 'ALL UNDELETED';
         foreach ($filter as $filter_item) {
             if (is_string($filter_item)) {
                 $filter_str .= ' ' . $filter_item;
         $found = [];
         // first find messages by UID
         if (!empty($result[$foldername])) {
             $index = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, 'UID '
                 . rcube_imap_generic::compressMessageSet(array_keys($result[$foldername])));
             $found = $index->get();
             // remove found messages from the $result
             if (!empty($found)) {
                 $result[$foldername] = array_diff_key($result[$foldername], array_flip($found));
                 if (empty($result[$foldername])) {
                 // now apply the current filter to the found messages
                 $index = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, $filter_str . ' UID '
                     . rcube_imap_generic::compressMessageSet($found));
                 $found = $index->get();
         // search by message parameters
         if (!empty($result)) {
             // @TODO: do this search in chunks (for e.g. 25 messages)?
             $search       = '';
             $search_count = 0;
             foreach ($result as $data) {
                 foreach ($data as $p) {
                     $search_params = [];
                     foreach ($p as $key => $val) {
                         $key = strtoupper($key);
                         // don't search by subject, we don't want false-positives
                         if ($key != 'SUBJECT') {
                             $search_params[] = 'HEADER ' . $key . ' ' . rcube_imap_generic::escape($val);
                     $search .= ' (' . implode(' ', $search_params) . ')';
             $search_str = str_repeat(' OR', $search_count - 1) . $search;
             // search messages in current folder
             $search = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, $search_str);
             $uids   = $search->get();
             if (!empty($uids)) {
                 // add UIDs into the result
                 $found = array_unique(array_merge($found, $uids));
         return $found;
      * Detect changes of relation (tag) objects data and assigned objects
      * Returns relation member identifiers
     protected function getChangesByRelations($folderid, $device_key, $type, $filter)
         // get period filter, create new objects filter
         foreach ($filter as $f) {
             if ($f[0] == 'changed' && $f[1] == '>') {
                 $since = $f[2];
         // this is not search for changes, do nothing
         if (empty($since)) {
         // get relations state from the last sync
         $last_state = (array) $this->relations_state_get($device_key, $folderid, $since);
         // get current relations state
         $config  = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
         $default = true;
         $filter  = [
             ['type', '=', 'relation'],
             ['category', '=', 'tag'],
         $relations = $config->get_objects($filter, $default, 100);
         $result  = [];
         $changed = false;
         // compare states, get members of changed relations
         foreach ($relations as $relation) {
             $rel_id = $relation['uid'];
             if ($relation['changed']) {
                 $relation['changed']->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             // last state unknown...
             if (empty($last_state[$rel_id])) {
                 // ...get all members
                 if (!empty($relation['members'])) {
                     $changed = true;
                     $result  = array_merge($result, $relation['members']);
             // last state known, changed tag name...
             elseif ($last_state[$rel_id]['name'] != $relation['name']) {
                 // ...get all (old and new) members
                 $members_old = explode("\n", $last_state[$rel_id]['members']);
                 $changed = true;
                 $members = array_unique(array_merge($relation['members'], $members_old));
                 $result  = array_merge($result, $members);
             // last state known, any other change change...
             elseif ($last_state[$rel_id]['changed'] < $relation['changed']->format('U')) {
                 // ...find new and removed members
                 $members_old = explode("\n", $last_state[$rel_id]['members']);
                 $new     = array_diff($relation['members'], $members_old);
                 $removed = array_diff($members_old, $relation['members']);
                 if (!empty($new) || !empty($removed)) {
                     $changed = true;
                     $result  = array_merge($result, $new, $removed);
         // get members of deleted relations
         if (!empty($last_state)) {
             $changed = true;
             foreach ($last_state as $relation) {
                 $members = explode("\n", $relation['members']);
                 $result  = array_merge($result, $members);
         // save current state
         if ($changed) {
             $data = [];
             foreach ($relations as $relation) {
                 $data[$relation['uid']] = [
                     'name'    => $relation['name'],
                     'changed' => $relation['changed']->format('U'),
                     'members' => implode("\n", (array)$relation['members']),
             $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             $this->relations_state_set($device_key, $folderid, $now, $data);
         // in mail mode return only message URIs
         if ($type == self::MODEL_EMAIL) {
             // lambda function to skip email members
             $filter_func = function ($value) {
                 return strpos($value, 'imap://') === 0;
             $result = array_filter(array_unique($result), $filter_func);
         // otherwise return only object UIDs
         else {
             // lambda function to skip email members
             $filter_func = function ($value) {
                 return strpos($value, 'urn:uuid:') === 0;
             // lambda function to parse member URI
             $member_func = function ($value) {
                 if (strpos($value, 'urn:uuid:') === 0) {
                     $value = substr($value, 9);
                 return $value;
             $result = array_map($member_func, array_filter(array_unique($result), $filter_func));
         return $result;
      * Subscribe default set of folders on device registration
     protected function device_init_subscriptions($deviceid)
         // INBOX always exists
         $this->folder_set('INBOX', $deviceid, 1);
         $supported_types = [
         $rcube   = rcube::get_instance();
         $config  = $rcube->config;
         $mode    = (int) $config->get('activesync_init_subscriptions');
         $folders = [];
         // Subscribe to default folders
         $foldertypes = kolab_storage::folders_typedata();
         if (!empty($foldertypes)) {
             $_foldertypes = array_intersect($foldertypes, $supported_types);
             // get default folders
             foreach ($_foldertypes as $folder => $type) {
                 // only personal folders
                 if ($this->storage->folder_namespace($folder) == 'personal') {
                     $flag = preg_match('/^(event|task)/', $type) ? 2 : 1;
                     $this->folder_set($folder, $deviceid, $flag);
                     $folders[] = $folder;
         // we're in default mode, exit
         if (!$mode) {
         // below we support additionally all mail folders
         $supported_types[] = 'mail';
         $supported_types[] = 'mail.junkemail';
         // get configured special folders
         $special_folders = [];
         $map             = [
             'drafts' => 'mail.drafts',
             'junk'   => 'mail.junkemail',
             'sent'   => 'mail.sentitems',
             'trash'  => 'mail.wastebasket',
         foreach ($map as $folder => $type) {
             if ($folder = $config->get($folder . '_mbox')) {
                 $special_folders[$folder] = $type;
         // get folders list(s)
         if (($mode & self::INIT_ALL_PERSONAL) || ($mode & self::INIT_ALL_OTHER) || ($mode & self::INIT_ALL_SHARED)) {
             $all_folders = $this->storage->list_folders();
             if (($mode & self::INIT_SUB_PERSONAL) || ($mode & self::INIT_SUB_OTHER) || ($mode & self::INIT_SUB_SHARED)) {
                 $subscribed_folders = $this->storage->list_folders_subscribed();
         } else {
             $all_folders = $this->storage->list_folders_subscribed();
         foreach ($all_folders as $folder) {
             // folder already subscribed
             if (in_array($folder, $folders)) {
             $type = ($foldertypes[$folder] ?? null) ?: 'mail';
             if ($type == 'mail' && isset($special_folders[$folder])) {
                 $type = $special_folders[$folder];
             if (!in_array($type, $supported_types)) {
             $ns = strtoupper($this->storage->folder_namespace($folder));
             // subscribe the folder according to configured mode
             // and folder namespace/subscription status
             if (($mode & constant("self::INIT_ALL_{$ns}"))
                 || (($mode & constant("self::INIT_SUB_{$ns}"))
                     && (!isset($subscribed_folders) || in_array($folder, $subscribed_folders)))
             ) {
                 $flag = preg_match('/^(event|task)/', $type) ? 2 : 1;
                 $this->folder_set($folder, $deviceid, $flag);
      * Helper method to decode saved IMAP metadata
     protected function unserialize_metadata($str)
         if (!empty($str)) {
             $data = json_decode($str, true);
             return $data;
         return null;
      * Helper method to encode IMAP metadata for saving
     protected function serialize_metadata($data)
         if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)) {
             $data = json_encode($data);
             return $data;
         return null;
      * Returns Kolab folder type for specified ActiveSync type ID
     protected static function type_activesync2kolab($type)
         if (!empty(self::$types[$type])) {
             return self::$types[$type];
         return '';
      * Returns ActiveSync folder type for specified Kolab type
     protected static function type_kolab2activesync($type)
         $type = preg_replace('/\.(confidential|private)$/i', '', $type);
         if ($key = array_search($type, self::$types)) {
             return $key;
         return key(self::$types);
      * Returns folder data in Syncroton format
     protected function folder_data($folder, $type)
         // Folder name parameters
         $delim = $this->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
         $items = explode($delim, $folder);
         $name  = array_pop($items);
         // Folder UID
         $folder_id = $this->folder_id($folder, $type);
         // Folder type
         if (strcasecmp($folder, 'INBOX') === 0) {
             // INBOX is always inbox, prevent from issues related with a change of
             // folder type annotation (it can be initially unset).
             $as_type = 2;
         } else {
             $as_type = self::type_kolab2activesync($type);
             // fix type, if there's no type annotation it's detected as UNKNOWN we'll use 'mail' (12)
             if ($as_type == 1) {
                 $as_type = 12;
         // Syncroton folder data array
         return [
             'serverId'    => $folder_id,
             'parentId'    => count($items) ? $this->folder_id(implode($delim, $items), $type) : 0,
             'displayName' => rcube_charset::convert($name, 'UTF7-IMAP', kolab_sync::CHARSET),
             'type'        => $as_type,
             // for internal use
             'imap_name'   => $folder,
      * Builds folder ID based on folder name
     protected function folder_id($name, $type = null)
         // ActiveSync expects folder identifiers to be max.64 characters
         // So we can't use just folder name
         $name = (string) $name;
         if ($name === '') {
             return null;
         if (isset($this->folder_uids[$name])) {
             return $this->folder_uids[$name];
                 @TODO: For now uniqueid annotation doesn't work, we will create UIDs by ourselves.
                        There's one inconvenience of this solution: folder name/type change
                        would be handled in ActiveSync as delete + create.
                 // get folders unique identifier
                 $folderdata = $this->storage->get_metadata($name, self::UID_KEY);
                 if ($folderdata && !empty($folderdata[$name])) {
                     $uid = $folderdata[$name][self::UID_KEY];
                     return $this->folder_uids[$name] = $uid;
         if (strcasecmp($name, 'INBOX') === 0) {
             // INBOX is always inbox, prevent from issues related with a change of
             // folder type annotation (it can be initially unset).
             $type = 'mail.inbox';
         } else {
             if ($type === null) {
                 $type = kolab_storage::folder_type($name);
             if ($type != null) {
                 $type = preg_replace('/\.(confidential|private)$/i', '', $type);
         // Add type to folder UID hash, so type change can be detected by Syncroton
         $uid = $name . '!!' . $type;
         $uid = md5($uid);
         return $this->folder_uids[$name] = $uid;
      * Returns IMAP folder name
      * @param string $id        Folder identifier
      * @param string $deviceid  Device dentifier
      * @return string|null Folder name (UTF7-IMAP)
     public function folder_id2name($id, $deviceid)
         // check in cache first
         if (!empty($this->folder_uids)) {
             if (($name = array_search($id, $this->folder_uids)) !== false) {
                 return $name;
                 @TODO: see folder_id()
                 // get folders unique identifier
                 $folderdata = $this->storage->get_metadata('*', self::UID_KEY);
                 foreach ((array)$folderdata as $folder => $data) {
                     if (!empty($data[self::UID_KEY])) {
                         $uid = $data[self::UID_KEY];
                         $this->folder_uids[$folder] = $uid;
                         if ($uid == $id) {
                             $name = $folder;
         // get all folders of specified type
         $folderdata = $this->folder_meta();
         if (!is_array($folderdata) || empty($id)) {
             return null;
         $name = null;
         // check if folders are "subscribed" for activesync
         foreach ($folderdata as $folder => $meta) {
             if (empty($meta['FOLDER']) || empty($meta['FOLDER'][$deviceid])
                 || empty($meta['FOLDER'][$deviceid]['S'])
             ) {
             if ($uid = $this->folder_id($folder)) {
                 $this->folder_uids[$folder] = $uid;
             if ($uid === $id) {
                 $name = $folder;
         return $name;
      * Set state of relation objects at specified point in time
     public function relations_state_set($device_key, $folderid, $synctime, $relations)
         $synctime = $synctime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $rcube    = rcube::get_instance();
         $db       = $rcube->get_dbh();
         $old_data = $this->relations[$folderid][$synctime] ?? null;
         if (empty($old_data)) {
             $this->relations[$folderid][$synctime] = $relations;
             $data = rcube_charset::clean(json_encode($relations));
             $result = $db->query(
                 "INSERT INTO `syncroton_relations_state`"
                 . " (`device_id`, `folder_id`, `synctime`, `data`)"
                 . " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
             if ($err = $db->is_error($result)) {
                 throw new Exception("Failed to save relation: {$err}");
      * Get state of relation objects at specified point in time
     protected function relations_state_get($device_key, $folderid, $synctime)
         $synctime = $synctime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if (empty($this->relations[$folderid][$synctime])) {
             $this->relations[$folderid] = [];
             $rcube = rcube::get_instance();
             $db    = $rcube->get_dbh();
                 "SELECT `data`, `synctime` FROM `syncroton_relations_state`"
                 . " WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `folder_id` = ? AND `synctime` <= ?"
                 . " ORDER BY `synctime` DESC",
             if ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
-                // MariaDB's datetime output includes microseconds, we need to remove them,
-                // it must be "Y-m-d H:i:s" format
-                $synctime = preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+/', '', $row['synctime']);
+                // Don't use $row['synctime'] for the internal cache.
+                // The synctime of the found row is usually earlier than the requested synctime.
+                // Note: We use internal cache because there's a call to both hasChanges() and
+                // getChangedEntries() in Sync. It's needed until we add some caching on a higher level.
                 $this->relations[$folderid][$synctime] = json_decode($row['data'], true);
-            }
-            // Cleanup: remove all records except the current one
-            $db->query(
-                "DELETE FROM `syncroton_relations_state`"
-                . " WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `folder_id` = ? AND `synctime` <> ?",
-                $device_key,
-                $folderid,
-                $synctime
-            );
+                // Cleanup: remove all records except the current one
+                $db->query(
+                    "DELETE FROM `syncroton_relations_state`"
+                    . " WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `folder_id` = ? AND `synctime` <> ?",
+                    $device_key,
+                    $folderid,
+                    $row['synctime'],
+                );
+            }
         return $this->relations[$folderid][$synctime] ?? null;
      * Return last storage error
     public static function last_error()
         return kolab_storage::$last_error;
      * Compares two arrays
      * @param array $array1
      * @param array $array2
      * @return bool True if arrays differs, False otherwise
     protected static function data_array_diff($array1, $array2)
         if (!is_array($array1) || !is_array($array2)) {
             return $array1 != $array2;
         if (count($array1) != count($array2)) {
             return true;
         foreach ($array1 as $key => $val) {
             if (!array_key_exists($key, $array2)) {
                 return true;
             if ($val !== $array2[$key]) {
                 return true;
         return false;