diff --git a/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Ping.php b/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Ping.php index 357d936..90b6d8b 100644 --- a/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Ping.php +++ b/lib/ext/Syncroton/Command/Ping.php @@ -1,278 +1,283 @@ */ /** * class to handle ActiveSync Ping command * * @package Syncroton * @subpackage Command */ class Syncroton_Command_Ping extends Syncroton_Command_Wbxml { const STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND = 1; const STATUS_CHANGES_FOUND = 2; const STATUS_MISSING_PARAMETERS = 3; const STATUS_REQUEST_FORMAT_ERROR = 4; const STATUS_INTERVAL_TO_GREAT_OR_SMALL = 5; const STATUS_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS = 6; const STATUS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND = 7; const STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR = 8; const MAX_PING_INTERVAL = 3540; // 59 minutes limit defined in Activesync protocol spec. protected $_skipValidatePolicyKey = true; protected $_changesDetected = false; /** * @var Syncroton_Backend_StandAlone_Abstract */ protected $_dataBackend; protected $_defaultNameSpace = 'uri:Ping'; protected $_documentElement = 'Ping'; protected $_foldersWithChanges = array(); /** * process the XML file and add, change, delete or fetches data * * @todo can we get rid of LIBXML_NOWARNING * @todo we need to stored the initial data for folders and lifetime as the phone is sending them only when they change * @return resource */ public function handle() { $intervalStart = time(); $status = self::STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND; // the client does not send a wbxml document, if the Ping parameters did not change compared with the last request if ($this->_requestBody instanceof DOMDocument) { $xml = simplexml_import_dom($this->_requestBody); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('Ping', 'Ping'); if(isset($xml->HeartbeatInterval)) { $this->_device->pinglifetime = (int)$xml->HeartbeatInterval; } if (isset($xml->Folders->Folder)) { $maxCollections = Syncroton_Registry::getMaxCollections(); if ($maxCollections && count($xml->Folders->Folder) > $maxCollections) { $ping = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'Status', self::STATUS_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS)); $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'MaxFolders', $maxCollections)); return; } $folders = array(); foreach ($xml->Folders->Folder as $folderXml) { try { // does the folder exist? $folder = $this->_folderBackend->getFolder($this->_device, (string)$folderXml->Id); $folders[$folder->id] = $folder; } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $senf) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $senf->getMessage()); $status = self::STATUS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND; break; } } $this->_device->pingfolder = serialize(array_keys($folders)); } } $this->_device->lastping = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('utc')); if ($status == self::STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND) { $this->_device = $this->_deviceBackend->update($this->_device); } $lifeTime = $this->_device->pinglifetime; $maxInterval = Syncroton_Registry::getPingInterval(); if ($maxInterval <= 0 || $maxInterval > Syncroton_Server::MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) { $maxInterval = Syncroton_Server::MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; } if ($lifeTime > $maxInterval) { $ping = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'Status', self::STATUS_INTERVAL_TO_GREAT_OR_SMALL)); $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'HeartbeatInterval', $maxInterval)); return; } $intervalEnd = $intervalStart + $lifeTime; $secondsLeft = $intervalEnd; $folders = unserialize($this->_device->pingfolder); if ($status === self::STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND && (!is_array($folders) || count($folders) == 0)) { $status = self::STATUS_MISSING_PARAMETERS; } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Folders to monitor($lifeTime / $intervalStart / $intervalEnd / $status): " . print_r($folders, true)); if ($status === self::STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND) { $sleepCallback = Syncroton_Registry::getSleepCallback(); $wakeupCallback = Syncroton_Registry::getWakeupCallback(); do { // take a break to save battery lifetime call_user_func($sleepCallback); sleep(Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout()); // make sure the connection is still alive, abort otherwise if (connection_aborted()) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Exiting on aborted connection"); exit; } // reconnect external connections, etc. call_user_func($wakeupCallback); + // Calculate secondsLeft before any loop break just to have a correct value + // for logging purposes in case we breaked from the loop early + $secondsLeft = $intervalEnd - time(); + try { $device = $this->_deviceBackend->get($this->_device->id); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); $status = self::STATUS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND; break; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); // do nothing, maybe temporal issue, should we stop? continue; } // if another Ping command updated lastping property, we can stop processing this Ping command request if ((isset($device->lastping) && $device->lastping instanceof DateTime) && $device->pingfolder === $this->_device->pingfolder && $device->lastping->getTimestamp() > $this->_device->lastping->getTimestamp() ) { break; } // If folders hierarchy changed, break the loop and ask the client for FolderSync try { if ($this->_folderBackend->hasHierarchyChanges($this->_device)) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Detected changes in folders hierarchy'); $status = self::STATUS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND; break; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); // do nothing, maybe temporal issue, should we stop? continue; } $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('utc')); foreach ($folders as $folderId) { try { $folder = $this->_folderBackend->get($folderId); $dataController = Syncroton_Data_Factory::factory($folder->class, $this->_device, $this->_syncTimeStamp); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); $status = self::STATUS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND; break; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); // do nothing, maybe temporal issue, should we stop? continue; } try { $syncState = $this->_syncStateBackend->getSyncState($this->_device, $folder); // another process synchronized data of this folder already. let's skip it if ($syncState->lastsync > $this->_syncTimeStamp) { continue; } // safe battery time by skipping folders which got synchronied less than Syncroton_Registry::getQuietTime() seconds ago if (($now->getTimestamp() - $syncState->lastsync->getTimestamp()) < Syncroton_Registry::getQuietTime()) { continue; } $foundChanges = $dataController->hasChanges($this->_contentStateBackend, $folder, $syncState); } catch (Syncroton_Exception_NotFound $e) { // folder got never synchronized to client if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage()); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' syncstate not found. enforce sync for folder: ' . $folder->serverId); $foundChanges = true; } if ($foundChanges == true) { $this->_foldersWithChanges[] = $folder; $status = self::STATUS_CHANGES_FOUND; } } if ($status != self::STATUS_NO_CHANGES_FOUND) { break; } - + + // Update secondsLeft (again) $secondsLeft = $intervalEnd - time(); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " DeviceId: " . $this->_device->deviceid . " seconds left: " . $secondsLeft); // See: http://www.tine20.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12146 // // break if there are less than PingTimeout + 10 seconds left for the next loop // otherwise the response will be returned after the client has finished his Ping // request already maybe } while (Syncroton_Server::validateSession() && $secondsLeft > (Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout() + 10)); } if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " DeviceId: " . $this->_device->deviceid . " Lifetime: $lifeTime SecondsLeft: $secondsLeft Status: $status)"); $ping = $this->_outputDom->documentElement; $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'Status', $status)); if($status === self::STATUS_CHANGES_FOUND) { $folders = $ping->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'Folders')); foreach($this->_foldersWithChanges as $changedFolder) { $folder = $folders->appendChild($this->_outputDom->createElementNS('uri:Ping', 'Folder', $changedFolder->serverId)); if ($this->_logger instanceof Zend_Log) $this->_logger->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " DeviceId: " . $this->_device->deviceid . " changes in folder: " . $changedFolder->serverId); } } } /** * generate ping command response * */ public function getResponse() { return $this->_outputDom; } }