diff --git a/lib/kolab_sync_data_email.php b/lib/kolab_sync_data_email.php
index de4e1af..27b3778 100644
--- a/lib/kolab_sync_data_email.php
+++ b/lib/kolab_sync_data_email.php
@@ -1,1763 +1,1849 @@
  | Kolab Sync (ActiveSync for Kolab)                                        |
  |                                                                          |
  | Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Kolab Systems AG <contact@kolabsys.com>         |
  |                                                                          |
  | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify     |
  | it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published |
  | by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     |
  | (at your option) any later version.                                      |
  |                                                                          |
  | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          |
  | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           |
  | GNU Affero General Public License for more details.                      |
  |                                                                          |
  | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
  | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>      |
  | Author: Aleksander Machniak <machniak@kolabsys.com>                      |
  * Email data class for Syncroton
 class kolab_sync_data_email extends kolab_sync_data implements Syncroton_Data_IDataSearch
     const MAX_SEARCH_RESULT = 200;
      * Mapping from ActiveSync Email namespace fields
     protected $mapping = array(
         'cc'                    => 'cc',
         //'contentClass'          => 'contentclass',
         'dateReceived'          => 'internaldate',
         //'displayTo'             => 'displayto', //?
         //'flag'                  => 'flag',
         'from'                  => 'from',
         //'importance'            => 'importance',
         'internetCPID'          => 'charset',
         //'messageClass'          => 'messageclass',
         'replyTo'               => 'replyto',
         //'read'                  => 'read',
         'subject'               => 'subject',
         //'threadTopic'           => 'threadtopic',
         'to'                    => 'to',
     static $memory_accumulated = 0;
      * Special folder type/name map
      * @var array
     protected $folder_types = array(
         2  => 'Inbox',
         3  => 'Drafts',
         4  => 'Deleted Items',
         5  => 'Sent Items',
         6  => 'Outbox',
      * Kolab object type
      * @var string
     protected $modelName = 'mail';
      * Type of the default folder
      * @var int
     protected $defaultFolderType = Syncroton_Command_FolderSync::FOLDERTYPE_INBOX;
      * Default container for new entries
      * @var string
     protected $defaultFolder = 'INBOX';
      * Type of user created folders
      * @var int
     protected $folderType = Syncroton_Command_FolderSync::FOLDERTYPE_MAIL_USER_CREATED;
     private $lastsync_folder = null;
     private $lastsync_time = null;
      * the constructor
      * @param Syncroton_Model_IDevice $device
      * @param DateTime                $syncTimeStamp
     public function __construct(Syncroton_Model_IDevice $device, DateTime $syncTimeStamp)
         parent::__construct($device, $syncTimeStamp);
         $this->storage = rcube::get_instance()->get_storage();
         // Outlook 2013 support multi-folder
         $this->ext_devices[] = 'windowsoutlook15';
         if ($this->asversion >= 14) {
             $this->tag_categories = true;
+    /**
+     * Encode a globalObjId according to https://interoperability.blob.core.windows.net/files/MS-ASEMAIL/%5bMS-ASEMAIL%5d-150526.pdf
+     *
+     * @param array $data An array with the data to encode
+     *
+     * @return string the encoded globalObjId
+     */
+    public static function encodeGlobalObjId(array $data): string
+    {
+        $classid = "040000008200e00074c5b7101a82e008";
+        $uid = $data['uid'];
+        $vcalid = "vCal-Uid\1\0\0\0{$uid}\0";
+        $packed = pack(
+            "H32nCCPx8Va*",
+            $classid,
+            $data['year'] ?? 0,
+            $data['month'] ?? 0,
+            $data['day'] ?? 0,
+            $data['now'] ?? 0,
+            strlen($vcalid),
+            $vcalid
+        );
+        return base64_encode($packed);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decode a globalObjId according to https://interoperability.blob.core.windows.net/files/MS-ASEMAIL/%5bMS-ASEMAIL%5d-150526.pdf
+     *
+     * @param string the encoded globalObjId
+     *
+     * @return array An array with the decoded data
+     */
+    public static function decodeGlobalObjId(string $globalObjId): array
+    {
+        $unpackString = 'H32classid/nyear/Cmonth/Cday/Pnow/x8/Vbytecount/a*data';
+        $decoded = unpack($unpackString, base64_decode($globalObjId));
+        $decoded['uid'] = substr($decoded['data'], strlen("vCal-Uid\1\0\0\0"), -1);
+        return $decoded;
+    }
      * Creates model object
      * @param Syncroton_Model_SyncCollection $collection Collection data
      * @param string                         $serverId   Local entry identifier
      * @return Syncroton_Model_Email Email object
     public function getEntry(Syncroton_Model_SyncCollection $collection, $serverId)
         $message = $this->getObject($serverId);
         // error (message doesn't exist?)
         if (empty($message)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_NotFound("Message $serverId not found");
         $headers = $message->headers; // rcube_message_header
         $this->logger->debug(sprintf("Processing message %s (size: %.2f MB)", $serverId, $headers->size / 1024 / 1024));
         // Calendar namespace fields
         foreach ($this->mapping as $key => $name) {
             $value = null;
             switch ($name) {
             case 'internaldate':
                 $value = self::date_from_kolab(rcube_utils::strtotime($headers->internaldate));
             case 'cc':
             case 'to':
             case 'replyto':
             case 'from':
                 $addresses = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($headers->$name, null, true, $headers->charset);
                 foreach ($addresses as $idx => $part) {
                     // @FIXME: set name + address or address only?
                     $addresses[$idx] = format_email_recipient($part['mailto'], $part['name']);
                 $value = implode(',', $addresses);
             case 'subject':
                 $value = $headers->get('subject');
             case 'charset':
                 $value = self::charset_to_cp($headers->charset);
             if (empty($value) || is_array($value)) {
             if (is_string($value)) {
                 $value = rcube_charset::clean($value);
             $result[$key] = $value;
 //        $result['ConversationId'] = 'FF68022058BD485996BE15F6F6D99320';
 //        $result['ConversationIndex'] = 'CA2CFA8A23';
         // Read flag
         $result['read'] = intval(!empty($headers->flags['SEEN']));
         // Flagged message
         if (!empty($headers->flags['FLAGGED'])) {
             // Use FollowUp flag which is used in Android when message is marked with a star
             $result['flag'] = new Syncroton_Model_EmailFlag(array(
                 'flagType' => 'FollowUp',
                 'status'   => Syncroton_Model_EmailFlag::STATUS_ACTIVE,
         } else {
             $result['flag'] = new Syncroton_Model_EmailFlag();
         // Importance/Priority
         if ($headers->priority) {
             if ($headers->priority < 3) {
                 $result['importance'] = 2; // High
             else if ($headers->priority > 3) {
                  $result['importance'] = 0; // Low
         // get truncation and body type
         $airSyncBaseType = Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_PLAIN_TEXT;
         $truncateAt = null;
         $opts       = $collection->options;
         $prefs      = $opts['bodyPreferences'];
         if ($opts['mimeSupport'] == Syncroton_Command_Sync::MIMESUPPORT_SEND_MIME) {
             $airSyncBaseType = Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_MIME;
             if (isset($prefs[Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_MIME]['truncationSize'])) {
                 $truncateAt = $prefs[Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_MIME]['truncationSize'];
             else if (isset($opts['mimeTruncation']) && $opts['mimeTruncation'] < Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_NOTHING) {
                 switch ($opts['mimeTruncation']) {
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_ALL:
                     $truncateAt = 0;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_4096:
                     $truncateAt = 4096;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_5120:
                     $truncateAt = 5120;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_7168:
                     $truncateAt = 7168;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_10240:
                     $truncateAt = 10240;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_20480:
                     $truncateAt = 20480;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_51200:
                     $truncateAt = 51200;
                 case Syncroton_Command_Sync::TRUNCATE_102400:
                     $truncateAt = 102400;
         else {
             // The spec is not very clear, but it looks that if MimeSupport is not set
             // we can't add Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_MIME to the supported types
             // list below (Bug #1688)
             $types = array(
             // @TODO: if client can support both HTML and TEXT use one of
             // them which is better according to the real message body type
             foreach ($types as $type) {
                 if (!empty($prefs[$type])) {
                     if (!empty($prefs[$type]['truncationSize'])) {
                         $truncateAt = $prefs[$type]['truncationSize'];
                     $preview         = (int) (isset($prefs[$type]['preview']) ? $prefs[$type]['preview'] : 0);
                     $airSyncBaseType = $type;
         $body_params = array('type' => $airSyncBaseType);
         // Message body
         // In Sync examples there's one in which bodyPreferences is not defined
         // in such case Truncated=1 and there's no body sent to the client
         // only it's estimated size
         $isTruncated = 0;
         if (empty($prefs)) {
             $messageBody = '';
             $real_length = $headers->size;
             $truncateAt  = 0;
             $body_length = 0;
             $isTruncated = 1;
         else if ($airSyncBaseType == Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_MIME) {
             // Check if we have enough memory to handle the message
             $messageBody = $this->message_mem_check($message, $headers->size);
             static::$memory_accumulated += $headers->size;
             if (empty($messageBody)) {
                 $messageBody = $this->storage->get_raw_body($message->uid);
             // make the source safe (Bug #2715, #2757)
             $messageBody = kolab_sync_message::recode_message($messageBody);
             // strip out any non utf-8 characters
             $messageBody = rcube_charset::clean($messageBody);
             $real_length = $body_length = strlen($messageBody);
         else {
             $messageBody = $this->getMessageBody($message, $airSyncBaseType == Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_HTML);
             // strip out any non utf-8 characters
             $messageBody = rcube_charset::clean($messageBody);
             $real_length = $body_length = strlen($messageBody);
         // add Preview element to the Body result
         if (!empty($preview) && $body_length) {
             $body_params['preview'] = $this->getPreview($messageBody, $airSyncBaseType, $preview);
         // truncate the body if needed
         if ($truncateAt && $body_length > $truncateAt) {
             $messageBody = mb_strcut($messageBody, 0, $truncateAt);
             $body_length = strlen($messageBody);
             $isTruncated = 1;
         if ($isTruncated) {
             $body_params['truncated']         = 1;
             $body_params['estimatedDataSize'] = $real_length;
         // add Body element to the result
         $result['body'] = $this->setBody($messageBody, $body_params);
         // original body type
         // @TODO: get this value from getMessageBody()
         $result['nativeBodyType'] = $message->has_html_part() ? 2 : 1;
         // Message class
+        $result['messageClass'] = 'IPM.Note';
+        $result['contentClass'] = 'urn:content-classes:message';
         if ($headers->ctype == 'multipart/signed'
             && !empty($message->parts[1])
             && $message->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/pkcs7-signature'
         ) {
             $result['messageClass'] = 'IPM.Note.SMIME.MultipartSigned';
+            $result['contentClass'] = 'urn:content-classes:message';
         else if ($headers->ctype == 'application/pkcs7-mime' || $headers->ctype == 'application/x-pkcs7-mime') {
             $result['messageClass'] = 'IPM.Note.SMIME';
-        }
-        else {
-            $result['messageClass'] = 'IPM.Note';
-        }
+            $result['contentClass'] = 'urn:content-classes:message';
+        }
+        //TODO detect the correct type
+        else if ($headers->ctype == 'multipart/alternative' || $headers->ctype == 'text/calendar') {
+            if ($event = $this->get_invitation_event_from_message($message)) {
+                $result['messageClass'] = 'IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request';
+                $result['contentClass'] = 'urn:content-classes:calendarmessage';
+                $meeting = array();
+                //TODO fill in the details
+                $meeting['allDayEvent'] = 0;
+                $meeting['startTime'] = $event['start'];
+                $meeting['dtStamp'] = $event['created'];
+                $meeting['endTime'] = $event['end'];
+                //TODO set recurring or not
+                $meeting['instanceType'] = Syncroton_Model_EmailMeetingRequest::TYPE_NORMAL;
+                // Timezone
+                // Kolab Format 3.0 and xCal does support timezone per-date, but ActiveSync allows
+                // only one timezone per-event. We'll use timezone of the start date
+                if ($event['start'] instanceof DateTime) {
+                    $timezone = $event['start']->getTimezone();
+                    if ($timezone && ($tz_name = $timezone->getName()) != 'UTC') {
+                        $tzc = kolab_sync_timezone_converter::getInstance();
+                        if ($tz_name = $tzc->encodeTimezone($tz_name, $event['start']->format('Y-m-d'))) {
+                            $meeting['timeZone'] = $tz_name;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                $meeting['globalObjId'] = self::encodeGlobalObjId(['uid' => $event['uid']]);
+                $meeting['meetingMessageType'] = Syncroton_Model_EmailMeetingRequest::MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL;
-        $result['contentClass'] = 'urn:content-classes:message';
+                $result['meetingRequest'] = new Syncroton_Model_EmailMeetingRequest($meeting);
+            }
+        }
         // Categories (Tags)
         if (isset($this->tag_categories) && $this->tag_categories) {
             // convert kolab tags into categories
             $result['categories'] = $this->getKolabTags($message);
         // attachments
         $attachments = array_merge($message->attachments, $message->inline_parts);
         if (!empty($attachments)) {
             $result['attachments'] = array();
             foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                 $att = array();
                 $filename = rcube_charset::clean($attachment->filename);
                 if (empty($filename) && $attachment->mimetype == 'text/html') {
                     $filename = 'HTML Part';
                 $att['displayName']   = $filename;
                 $att['fileReference'] = $serverId . '::' . $attachment->mime_id;
                 $att['method']        = 1;
                 $att['estimatedDataSize'] = $attachment->size;
                 if (!empty($attachment->content_id)) {
                     $att['contentId'] = rcube_charset::clean($attachment->content_id);
                 if (!empty($attachment->content_location)) {
                     $att['contentLocation'] = rcube_charset::clean($attachment->content_location);
                 if (in_array($attachment, $message->inline_parts)) {
                     $att['isInline'] = 1;
                 $result['attachments'][] = new Syncroton_Model_EmailAttachment($att);
         return new Syncroton_Model_Email($result);
      * Returns properties of a message for Search response
      * @param string $longId  Message identifier
      * @param array  $options Search options
      * @return Syncroton_Model_Email Email object
     public function getSearchEntry($longId, $options)
         $collection = new Syncroton_Model_SyncCollection(array(
             'options' => $options,
         return $this->getEntry($collection, $longId);
      * convert contact from xml to libkolab array
      * @param Syncroton_Model_IEntry $data Contact to convert
      * @param string           $folderid   Folder identifier
      * @param array            $entry      Existing entry
      * @return array
     public function toKolab(Syncroton_Model_IEntry $data, $folderid, $entry = null)
         // does nothing => you can't add emails via ActiveSync
      * Returns filter query array according to specified ActiveSync FilterType
      * @param int $filter_type  Filter type
      * @param array  Filter query
     protected function filter($filter_type = 0)
         $filter = array();
         switch ($filter_type) {
         case Syncroton_Command_Sync::FILTER_1_DAY_BACK:
             $mod = '-1 day';
         case Syncroton_Command_Sync::FILTER_3_DAYS_BACK:
             $mod = '-3 days';
         case Syncroton_Command_Sync::FILTER_1_WEEK_BACK:
             $mod = '-1 week';
         case Syncroton_Command_Sync::FILTER_2_WEEKS_BACK:
             $mod = '-2 weeks';
         case Syncroton_Command_Sync::FILTER_1_MONTH_BACK:
             $mod = '-1 month';
         if (!empty($mod)) {
             $dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             // RFC3501: IMAP SEARCH
             $filter[] = 'SINCE ' . $dt->format('d-M-Y');
         return $filter;
      * Return list of supported folders for this backend
      * @return array
     public function getAllFolders()
         $list = $this->listFolders();
         if (!is_array($list)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderSync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_FolderSync::FOLDER_SERVER_ERROR);
         // device doesn't support multiple folders
         if (!$this->isMultiFolder()) {
             // We'll return max. one folder of supported type
             $result = array();
             $types  = $this->folder_types;
             foreach ($list as $idx => $folder) {
                 $type = $folder['type'] == 12 ? 2 : $folder['type']; // unknown to Inbox
                 if ($folder_id = $types[$type]) {
                     $result[$folder_id] = array(
                         'displayName' => $folder_id,
                         'serverId'    => $folder_id,
                         'parentId'    => 0,
                         'type'        => $type,
             $list = $result;
         foreach ($list as $idx => $folder) {
             $list[$idx] = new Syncroton_Model_Folder($folder);
         return $list;
      * Return list of folders for specified folder ID
      * @return array Folder identifiers list
     protected function extractFolders($folder_id)
         $list   = $this->listFolders();
         $result = array();
         if (!is_array($list)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_NotFound('Folder not found');
         // device supports multiple folders?
         if ($this->isMultiFolder()) {
             if ($list[$folder_id]) {
                 $result[] = $folder_id;
         else if ($type = array_search($folder_id, $this->folder_types)) {
             foreach ($list as $id => $folder) {
                 if ($folder['type'] == $type || ($folder_id == 'Inbox' && $folder['type'] == 12)) {
                     $result[] = $id;
         if (empty($result)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_NotFound('Folder not found');
         return $result;
      * Moves object into another location (folder)
      * @param string $srcFolderId Source folder identifier
      * @param string $serverId    Object identifier
      * @param string $dstFolderId Destination folder identifier
      * @throws Syncroton_Exception_Status
      * @return string New object identifier
     public function moveItem($srcFolderId, $serverId, $dstFolderId)
         $msg       = $this->parseMessageId($serverId);
         $dest      = $this->extractFolders($dstFolderId);
         $dest_id   = array_shift($dest);
         $dest_name = $this->backend->folder_id2name($dest_id, $this->device->deviceid);
         if (empty($msg)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_SOURCE);
         if ($dest_name === null) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_DESTINATION);
         if (!$this->storage->move_message($msg['uid'], $dest_name, $msg['foldername'])) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems(Syncroton_Exception_Status_MoveItems::INVALID_SOURCE);
         // Use COPYUID feature (RFC2359) to get the new UID of the copied message
         $copyuid = isset($this->storage->conn->data['COPYUID']) ? $this->storage->conn->data['COPYUID'] : null;
         if (is_array($copyuid) && ($uid = $copyuid[1])) {
             return $this->createMessageId($dest_id, $uid);
      * add entry from xml data
      * @param string                 $folderId Folder identifier
      * @param Syncroton_Model_IEntry $entry    Entry
      * @return array
     public function createEntry($folderId, Syncroton_Model_IEntry $entry)
         // Throw exception here for better handling of unsupported
         // entry creation, it can be object of class Email or SMS here
         throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync::INVALID_ITEM);
      * Update existing message
      * @param string                 $folderId Folder identifier
      * @param string                 $serverId Entry identifier
      * @param Syncroton_Model_IEntry $entry    Entry
     public function updateEntry($folderId, $serverId, Syncroton_Model_IEntry $entry)
         $msg = $this->parseMessageId($serverId);
         if (empty($msg)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync::SYNC_SERVER_ERROR);
         if (isset($entry->categories)) {
             // Read the message headers only when they are needed
             $message = $this->getObject($serverId);
             if (empty($message)) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync::SYNC_SERVER_ERROR);
         // Read status change
         if (isset($entry->read)) {
             // here we update only Read flag
             $flag = !empty($entry->read) ? 'SEEN' : 'UNSEEN';
             $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], $flag, $msg['foldername']);
         // Flag change
         if (isset($entry->flag)) {
             if (empty($entry->flag) || empty($entry->flag->flagType)) {
                 $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'UNFLAGGED', $msg['foldername']);
             else if (preg_match('/follow\s*up/i', $entry->flag->flagType)) {
                 $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'FLAGGED', $msg['foldername']);
         // Categories (Tags) change
         if (isset($entry->categories)) {
             $this->setKolabTags($message, $entry->categories);
      * Delete an email (or move to Trash)
      * @param string                         $folderId
      * @param string                         $serverId
      * @param Syncroton_Model_SyncCollection $collection
     public function deleteEntry($folderId, $serverId, $collection)
         $trash = kolab_sync::get_instance()->config->get('trash_mbox');
         $msg   = $this->parseMessageId($serverId);
         if (empty($msg)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync(Syncroton_Exception_Status_Sync::SYNC_SERVER_ERROR);
         // Note: If DeletesAsMoves is not specified in the request, its default is 1 (true).
         // move message to trash folder
         if ((!isset($collection->deletesAsMoves) || !empty($collection->deletesAsMoves))
             && strlen($trash)
             && $trash != $msg['foldername']
             && $this->storage->folder_exists($trash)
         ) {
             $this->storage->move_message($msg['uid'], $trash, $msg['foldername']);
         // delete the message
         else {
             // According to the ActiveSync spec. "If the DeletesAsMoves element is set to false,
             // the deletion is PERMANENT.", therefore we delete the message, and not flag as deleted.
             $this->storage->delete_message($msg['uid'], $msg['foldername']);
             // FIXME: We could consider acting according to the 'flag_for_deletion' setting.
             //        Don't forget about 'read_when_deleted' setting then.
             // $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'DELETED', $msg['foldername']);
             // $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'SEEN', $msg['foldername']);
      * Send an email
      * @param mixed   $message    MIME message
      * @param boolean $saveInSent Enables saving the sent message in Sent folder
      * @throws Syncroton_Exception_Status
     public function sendEmail($message, $saveInSent)
         if (!($message instanceof kolab_sync_message)) {
             $message = new kolab_sync_message($message);
         $sent = $message->send($smtp_error);
         if (!$sent) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::MAIL_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
         // Save sent message in Sent folder
         if ($saveInSent) {
             $sent_folder = kolab_sync::get_instance()->config->get('sent_mbox');
             if (strlen($sent_folder) && $this->storage->folder_exists($sent_folder)) {
                 return $this->storage->save_message($sent_folder, $message->source(), '', false, array('SEEN'));
      * Forward an email
      * @param array|string    $itemId      A string LongId or an array with following properties:
      *                                     collectionId, itemId and instanceId
      * @param resource|string $body        MIME message
      * @param boolean         $saveInSent  Enables saving the sent message in Sent folder
      * @param boolean         $replaceMime If enabled, original message would be appended
      * @throws Syncroton_Exception_Status
     public function forwardEmail($itemId, $body, $saveInSent, $replaceMime)
         The SmartForward command can be applied to a meeting. When SmartForward is applied to a recurring meeting,
         the InstanceId element (section specifies the ID of a particular occurrence in the recurring meeting.
         If SmartForward is applied to a recurring meeting and the InstanceId element is absent, the server SHOULD
         forward the entire recurring meeting. If the value of the InstanceId element is invalid, the server responds
         with Status element (section value 104, as specified in section 2.2.4.
         When the SmartForward command is used for an appointment, the original message is included by the server
         as an attachment to the outgoing message. When the SmartForward command is used for a normal message
         or a meeting, the behavior of the SmartForward command is the same as that of the SmartReply command (section
         $msg     = $this->parseMessageId($itemId);
         $message = $this->getObject($itemId);
         if (empty($message)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
         // Parse message
         $sync_msg = new kolab_sync_message($body);
         // forward original message as attachment
         if (!$replaceMime) {
             $attachment = $this->storage->get_raw_body($msg['uid']);
             if (empty($attachment)) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
             $sync_msg->add_attachment($attachment, array(
                 'encoding'     => '8bit',
                 'content_type' => 'message/rfc822',
                 'disposition'  => 'inline',
                 //'name'         => 'message.eml',
         // Send message
         $this->sendEmail($sync_msg, $saveInSent);
         // Set FORWARDED flag on the replied message
         if (empty($message->headers->flags['FORWARDED'])) {
             $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'FORWARDED', $msg['foldername']);
      * Reply to an email
      * @param array|string    $itemId      A string LongId or an array with following properties:
      *                                     collectionId, itemId and instanceId
      * @param resource|string $body        MIME message
      * @param boolean         $saveInSent  Enables saving the sent message in Sent folder
      * @param boolean         $replaceMime If enabled, original message would be appended
      * @throws Syncroton_Exception_Status
     public function replyEmail($itemId, $body, $saveInSent, $replaceMime)
         $msg     = $this->parseMessageId($itemId);
         $message = $this->getObject($itemId);
         if (empty($message)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
         $sync_msg = new kolab_sync_message($body);
         $headers = $sync_msg->headers();
         // Add References header
         if (empty($headers['References'])) {
             $sync_msg->set_header('References', trim($message->headers->references . ' ' . $message->headers->messageID));
         // Get original message body
         if (!$replaceMime) {
             // @TODO: here we're assuming that reply message is in text/plain format
             // So, original message will be converted to plain text if needed
             $message_body = $this->getMessageBody($message, false);
             // Quote original message body
             $message_body = self::wrap_and_quote(trim($message_body), 72);
             // Join bodies
             $sync_msg->append("\n" . ltrim($message_body));
         // Send message
         $this->sendEmail($sync_msg, $saveInSent);
         // Set ANSWERED flag on the replied message
         if (empty($message->headers->flags['ANSWERED'])) {
             $this->storage->set_flag($msg['uid'], 'ANSWERED', $msg['foldername']);
      * Search for existing entries
      * @param string $folderid
      * @param array  $filter
      * @param int    $result_type  Type of the result (see RESULT_* constants)
      * @return array|int  Search result as count or array of uids/objects
     protected function searchEntries($folderid, $filter = array(), $result_type = self::RESULT_UID)
         $folders    = $this->extractFolders($folderid);
         $filter_str = 'ALL UNDELETED';
         // convert filter into one IMAP search string
         foreach ($filter as $idx => $filter_item) {
             if (is_array($filter_item)) {
                 // This is a request for changes since last time
                 // we'll use HIGHESTMODSEQ value from the last Sync
                 if ($filter_item[0] == 'changed' && $filter_item[1] == '>') {
                     $modseq_lasttime = $filter_item[2];
                     $modseq_data     = array();
                     $modseq = (array) $this->backend->modseq_get($this->device->id, $folderid, $modseq_lasttime);
             else {
                 $filter_str .= ' ' . $filter_item;
         // get members of modified relations
         $changed_msgs = $this->getChangesByRelations($folderid, $filter);
         $result = $result_type == self::RESULT_COUNT ? 0 : array();
         $found  = 0;
         $ts     = time();
         foreach ($folders as $folder_id) {
             $foldername = $this->backend->folder_id2name($folder_id, $this->device->deviceid);
             if ($foldername === null) {
             // Synchronize folder (if it wasn't synced in this request already)
             if ($this->lastsync_folder != $folderid
                 || $this->lastsync_time <= $ts - Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout()
             ) {
             // We're in "get changes" mode
             if (isset($modseq_data)) {
                 $folder_data = $this->storage->folder_data($foldername);
                 $modified    = false;
                 // If previous HIGHESTMODSEQ doesn't exist we can't get changes
                 // We can only get folder's HIGHESTMODSEQ value and store it for the next try
                 // Skip search if HIGHESTMODSEQ didn't change
                 if (!empty($folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) {
                     $modseq_data[$foldername] = $folder_data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'];
                     $modseq_old = isset($modseq[$foldername]) ? $modseq[$foldername] : null;
                     if ($modseq_data[$foldername] != $modseq_old) {
                         $modseq_update = true;
                         if ($modseq && $modseq_old) {
                             $modified    = true;
                             $filter_str .= " MODSEQ " . ($modseq_old + 1);
             else {
                 $modified = true;
             // We could use messages cache by replacing search() with index()
             // in some cases. This however is possible only if user has skip_deleted=true,
             // in his Roundcube preferences, otherwise we'd make often cache re-initialization,
             // because Roundcube message cache can work only with one skip_deleted
             // setting at a time. We'd also need to make sure folder_sync() was called
             // before (see above).
             // if ($filter_str == 'ALL UNDELETED')
             //     $search = $this->storage->index($foldername, null, null, true, true);
             // else
             if ($modified) {
                 $search = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, $filter_str);
                 if (!($search instanceof rcube_result_index) || $search->is_error()) {
                     throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
                 switch ($result_type) {
                 case self::RESULT_COUNT:
                     $result += (int) $search->count();
                 case self::RESULT_UID:
                     if ($uids = $search->get()) {
                         foreach ($uids as $idx => $uid) {
                             $uids[$idx] = $this->createMessageId($folder_id, $uid);
                         $result = array_merge($result, $uids);
             // handle relation changes
             if (!empty($changed_msgs)) {
                 $uids = $this->findRelationMembersInFolder($foldername, $changed_msgs, $filter);
                 switch ($result_type) {
                 case self::RESULT_COUNT:
                     $result += (int) count($uids);
                 case self::RESULT_UID:
                     foreach ($uids as $idx => $uid) {
                         $uids[$idx] = $this->createMessageId($folder_id, $uid);
                     $result = array_unique(array_merge($result, $uids));
         if (!$found) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $this->lastsync_folder = $folderid;
         $this->lastsync_time   = $ts;
         if (!empty($modseq_update)) {
             $this->backend->modseq_set($this->device->id, $folderid,
                 $this->syncTimeStamp, $modseq_data);
             // if previous modseq information does not exist save current set as it,
             // we would at least be able to detect changes since now
             if (empty($result) && empty($modseq)) {
                 $this->backend->modseq_set($this->device->id, $folderid,
                     $modseq_lasttime, $modseq_data);
         return $result;
      * Find members (messages) in specified folder
     protected function findRelationMembersInFolder($foldername, $members, $filter)
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             // IMAP URI members
             if ($url = kolab_storage_config::parse_member_url($member)) {
                 $result[$url['folder']][$url['uid']] = $url['params'];
         // convert filter into one IMAP search string
         $filter_str = 'ALL UNDELETED';
         foreach ($filter as $filter_item) {
             if (is_string($filter_item)) {
                 $filter_str .= ' ' . $filter_item;
         $rcube   = rcube::get_instance();
         $storage = $rcube->get_storage();
         $found   = array();
         // first find messages by UID
         if (!empty($result[$foldername])) {
             $index = $storage->search_once($foldername, 'UID '
                 . rcube_imap_generic::compressMessageSet(array_keys($result[$foldername])));
             $found = $index->get();
             // remove found messages from the $result
             if (!empty($found)) {
                 $result[$foldername] = array_diff_key($result[$foldername], array_flip($found));
                 if (empty($result[$foldername])) {
                 // now apply the current filter to the found messages
                 $index = $storage->search_once($foldername, $filter_str . ' UID '
                     . rcube_imap_generic::compressMessageSet($found));
                 $found = $index->get();
         // search by message parameters
         if (!empty($result)) {
             // @TODO: do this search in chunks (for e.g. 25 messages)?
             $search       = '';
             $search_count = 0;
             foreach ($result as $data) {
                 foreach ($data as $p) {
                     $search_params = array();
                     foreach ($p as $key => $val) {
                         $key = strtoupper($key);
                         // don't search by subject, we don't want false-positives
                         if ($key != 'SUBJECT') {
                             $search_params[] = 'HEADER ' . $key . ' ' . rcube_imap_generic::escape($val);
                     $search .= ' (' . implode(' ', $search_params) . ')';
             $search_str = str_repeat(' OR', $search_count-1) . $search;
             // search messages in current folder
             $search = $storage->search_once($foldername, $search_str);
             $uids   = $search->get();
             if (!empty($uids)) {
                 // add UIDs into the result
                 $found = array_unique(array_merge($found, $uids));
         return $found;
      * ActiveSync Search handler
      * @param Syncroton_Model_StoreRequest $store Search query
      * @return Syncroton_Model_StoreResponse Complete Search response
     public function search(Syncroton_Model_StoreRequest $store)
         list($folders, $search_str) = $this->parse_search_query($store);
         if (empty($search_str)) {
             throw new Exception('Empty/invalid search request');
         if (!is_array($folders)) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
         $result = array();
         // @TODO: caching with Options->RebuildResults support
         foreach ($folders as $folderid) {
             $foldername = $this->backend->folder_id2name($folderid, $this->device->deviceid);
             if ($foldername === null) {
 //            $this->storage->set_folder($foldername);
 //            $this->storage->folder_sync($foldername);
             $search = $this->storage->search_once($foldername, $search_str);
             if (!($search instanceof rcube_result_index)) {
             $uids = $search->get();
             foreach ($uids as $idx => $uid) {
                 $uids[$idx] = new Syncroton_Model_StoreResponseResult(array(
                     'longId'       => $this->createMessageId($folderid, $uid),
                     'collectionId' => $folderid,
                     'class'        => 'Email',
             $result = array_merge($result, $uids);
             // We don't want to search all folders if we've got already a lot messages
             if (count($result) >= self::MAX_SEARCH_RESULT) {
         $result   = array_values($result);
         $response = new Syncroton_Model_StoreResponse();
         // Calculate requested range
         $start = (int) $store->options['range'][0];
         $limit = (int) $store->options['range'][1] + 1;
         $total = count($result);
         $response->total = $total;
         // Get requested chunk of data set
         if ($total) {
             if ($start > $total) {
                 $start = $total;
             if ($limit > $total) {
                 $limit = max($start+1, $total);
             if ($start > 0 || $limit < $total) {
                 $result = array_slice($result, $start, $limit-$start);
             $response->range = array($start, $start + count($result) - 1);
         // Build result array, convert to ActiveSync format
         foreach ($result as $idx => $rec) {
             $rec->properties    = $this->getSearchEntry($rec->longId, $store->options);
             $response->result[] = $rec;
         return $response;
      * Converts ActiveSync search parameters into IMAP search string
     protected function parse_search_query($store)
         $options    = $store->options;
         $query      = $store->query;
         $search_str = '';
         $folders    = array();
         if (empty($query) || !is_array($query)) {
             return array();
         if (isset($query['and']['freeText']) && strlen($query['and']['freeText'])) {
             $search = $query['and']['freeText'];
         if (!empty($query['and']['collections'])) {
             foreach ($query['and']['collections'] as $collection) {
                 $folders = array_merge($folders, $this->extractFolders($collection));
         if (!empty($query['and']['greaterThan'])
             && !empty($query['and']['greaterThan']['dateReceived'])
             && !empty($query['and']['greaterThan']['value'])
         ) {
             $search_str .= ' SINCE ' . $query['and']['greaterThan']['value']->format('d-M-Y');
         if (!empty($query['and']['lessThan'])
             && !empty($query['and']['lessThan']['dateReceived'])
             && !empty($query['and']['lessThan']['value'])
         ) {
             $search_str .= ' BEFORE ' . $query['and']['lessThan']['value']->format('d-M-Y');
         if ($search !== null) {
             // @FIXME: should we use TEXT/BODY search?
             // ActiveSync protocol specification says "indexed fields"
             $search_keys = array('SUBJECT', 'TO', 'FROM', 'CC');
             $search_str .= str_repeat(' OR', count($search_keys)-1);
             foreach ($search_keys as $key) {
                 $search_str .= sprintf(" %s {%d}\r\n%s", $key, strlen($search), $search);
         if (empty($search_str)) {
             return array();
         $search_str = 'ALL UNDELETED ' . trim($search_str);
         // @TODO: DeepTraversal
         if (empty($folders)) {
             $folders = $this->listFolders();
             if (!is_array($folders)) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_Status(Syncroton_Exception_Status::SERVER_ERROR);
             $folders = array_keys($folders);
         return array($folders, $search_str);
      * Fetches the entry from the backend
     protected function getObject($entryid, $dummy = null, &$folder = null)
         $message = $this->parseMessageId($entryid);
         if (empty($message)) {
             // @TODO: exception?
             return null;
         // get message
         $message = new rcube_message($message['uid'], $message['foldername']);
         return $message && !empty($message->headers) ? $message : null;
      * @return Syncroton_Model_FileReference
     public function getFileReference($fileReference)
         list($folderid, $uid, $part_id) = explode('::', $fileReference);
         $message = $this->getObject($fileReference);
         if (!$message) {
             throw new Syncroton_Exception_NotFound('Message not found');
         $part = $message->mime_parts[$part_id];
         $body = $message->get_part_body($part_id);
         return new Syncroton_Model_FileReference(array(
             'contentType' => $part->mimetype,
             'data'        => $body,
      * Parses entry ID to get folder name and UID of the message
     protected function parseMessageId($entryid)
         // replyEmail/forwardEmail
         if (is_array($entryid)) {
             $entryid = $entryid['itemId'];
         if (!is_string($entryid) || !strpos($entryid, '::')) {
         // Note: the id might be in a form of <folder>::<uid>[::<part_id>]
         list($folderid, $uid) = explode('::', $entryid);
         $foldername = $this->backend->folder_id2name($folderid, $this->device->deviceid);
         if ($foldername === null || $foldername === false) {
         return array(
             'uid'        => $uid,
             'folderid'   => $folderid,
             'foldername' => $foldername,
      * Creates entry ID of the message
     public function createMessageId($folderid, $uid)
         return $folderid . '::' . $uid;
      * Returns body of the message in specified format
     protected function getMessageBody($message, $html = false)
         if (!is_array($message->parts) && empty($message->body)) {
             return '';
         if (!empty($message->parts)) {
             foreach ($message->parts as $part) {
                 // skip no-content and attachment parts (#1488557)
                 if ($part->type != 'content' || !$part->size || $message->is_attachment($part)) {
                 return $this->getMessagePartBody($message, $part, $html);
         return $this->getMessagePartBody($message, $message, $html);
      * Returns body of the message part in specified format
     protected function getMessagePartBody($message, $part, $html = false)
         if (empty($part->size) || !isset($part->mime_id)) {
             // TODO: Throw an exception?
             return '';
         // Check if we have enough memory to handle the message in it
         $body = $this->message_mem_check($message, $part->size, false);
         if ($body !== false) {
             $body = $message->get_part_body($part->mime_id, true);
         // message is cached but not exists, or other error
         if ($body === false) {
             return '';
         $ctype_secondary = !empty($part->ctype_secondary) ? $part->ctype_secondary : null;
         if ($html) {
             if ($ctype_secondary == 'html') {
                 // charset was converted to UTF-8 in rcube_storage::get_message_part(),
                 // change/add charset specification in HTML accordingly
                 $meta = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.RCUBE_CHARSET.'" />';
                 // remove old meta tag and add the new one, making sure
                 // that it is placed in the head
                 $body = preg_replace('/<meta[^>]+charset=[a-z0-9-_]+[^>]*>/Ui', '', $body);
                 $body = preg_replace('/(<head[^>]*>)/Ui', '\\1'.$meta, $body, -1, $rcount);
                 if (!$rcount) {
                     $body = '<head>' . $meta . '</head>' . $body;
             else if ($ctype_secondary == 'enriched') {
                 $body = rcube_enriched::to_html($body);
             else {
                 // Roundcube >= 1.2
                 if (class_exists('rcube_text2html')) {
                     $flowed    = isset($part->ctype_parameters['format']) && $part->ctype_parameters['format'] == 'flowed';
                     $delsp     = isset($part->ctype_parameters['delsp']) && $part->ctype_parameters['delsp'] == 'yes';
                     $options   = array('flowed' => $flowed, 'wrap' => false, 'delsp' => $delsp);
                     $text2html = new rcube_text2html($body, false, $options);
                     $body      = '<html><body>' . $text2html->get_html() . '</body></html>';
                 else {
                     $body = '<html><body><pre>' . $body . '</pre></body></html>';
         else {
             if ($ctype_secondary == 'enriched') {
                 $body = rcube_enriched::to_html($body);
                 $part->ctype_secondary = 'html';
             if ($ctype_secondary == 'html') {
                 $txt = new rcube_html2text($body, false, true);
                 $body = $txt->get_text();
             else {
                 if ($ctype_secondary == 'plain'
                     && !empty($part->ctype_parameters['format'])
                     && $part->ctype_parameters['format'] == 'flowed'
                 ) {
                     $body = rcube_mime::unfold_flowed($body);
         return $body;
      * Converts and truncates message body for use in <Preview>
      * @return string Truncated plain text message
     protected function getPreview($body, $type, $size)
         if ($type == Syncroton_Command_Sync::BODY_TYPE_HTML) {
             $txt  = new rcube_html2text($body, false, true);
             $body = $txt->get_text();
         // size limit defined in ActiveSync protocol
         if ($size > 255) {
             $size = 255;
         return mb_strcut(trim($body), 0, $size);
      * Returns list of tag names assigned to an email message
     protected function getKolabTags($message, $dummy = null)
         // support only messages with message-id
         if (!($msg_id = $message->headers->get('message-id', false))) {
             return null;
         $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
         $delta  = Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout();
         $folder = $message->folder;
         $uid    = $message->uid;
         // get tag objects raleted to specified message-id
         $tags = $config->get_tags($msg_id);
         foreach ($tags as $idx => $tag) {
             // resolve members if it wasn't done recently
             $force   = empty($this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']]) || $this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']] <= time() - $delta;
             $members = $config->resolve_members($tag, $force);
             if (empty($members[$folder]) || !in_array($uid, $members[$folder])) {
             if ($force) {
                 $this->tag_rts[$tag['uid']] = time();
         $tags = array_filter(array_map(function($v) { return $v['name']; }, $tags));
         // make sure current folder is set correctly again
         return !empty($tags) ? $tags : null;
      * Set tags to an email message
     protected function setKolabTags($message, $tags)
         $config = kolab_storage_config::get_instance();
         $delta  = Syncroton_Registry::getPingTimeout();
         $folder = $message->folder;
         $uri    = kolab_storage_config::get_message_uri($message->headers, $folder);
         // for all tag objects...
         foreach ($config->get_tags() as $relation) {
             // resolve members if it wasn't done recently
             $uid     = $relation['uid'];
             $force   = empty($this->tag_rts[$uid]) || $this->tag_rts[$uid] <= time() - $delta;
             if ($force) {
                 $config->resolve_members($relation, $force);
                 $this->tag_rts[$relation['uid']] = time();
             $selected = !empty($tags) && in_array($relation['name'], $tags);
             $found    = !empty($relation['members']) && in_array($uri, $relation['members']);
             $update   = false;
             // remove member from the relation
             if ($found && !$selected) {
                 $relation['members'] = array_diff($relation['members'], (array) $uri);
                 $update = true;
             // add member to the relation
             else if (!$found && $selected) {
                 $relation['members'][] = $uri;
                 $update = true;
             if ($update) {
                 $config->save($relation, 'relation');
             $tags = array_diff($tags, (array) $relation['name']);
         // create new relations
         if (!empty($tags)) {
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $relation = array(
                     'name'     => $tag,
                     'members'  => (array) $uri,
                     'category' => 'tag',
                 $config->save($relation, 'relation');
         // make sure current folder is set correctly again
     public static function charset_to_cp($charset)
         // @TODO: ?????
         // The body is converted to utf-8 in get_part_body(), what about headers?
         return 65001; // UTF-8
         $aliases = array(
             'asmo708' => 708,
             'shiftjis' => 932,
             'gb2312' => 936,
             'ksc56011987' => 949,
             'big5' => 950,
             'utf16' => 1200,
             'utf16le' => 1200,
             'unicodefffe' => 1201,
             'utf16be' => 1201,
             'johab' => 1361,
             'macintosh' => 10000,
             'macjapanese' => 10001,
             'macchinesetrad' => 10002,
             'mackorean' => 10003,
             'macarabic' => 10004,
             'machebrew' => 10005,
             'macgreek' => 10006,
             'maccyrillic' => 10007,
             'macchinesesimp' => 10008,
             'macromanian' => 10010,
             'macukrainian' => 10017,
             'macthai' => 10021,
             'macce' => 10029,
             'macicelandic' => 10079,
             'macturkish' => 10081,
             'maccroatian' => 10082,
             'utf32' => 12000,
             'utf32be' => 12001,
             'chinesecns' => 20000,
             'chineseeten' => 20002,
             'ia5' => 20105,
             'ia5german' => 20106,
             'ia5swedish' => 20107,
             'ia5norwegian' => 20108,
             'usascii' => 20127,
             'ibm273' => 20273,
             'ibm277' => 20277,
             'ibm278' => 20278,
             'ibm280' => 20280,
             'ibm284' => 20284,
             'ibm285' => 20285,
             'ibm290' => 20290,
             'ibm297' => 20297,
             'ibm420' => 20420,
             'ibm423' => 20423,
             'ibm424' => 20424,
             'ebcdickoreanextended' => 20833,
             'ibmthai' => 20838,
             'koi8r' => 20866,
             'ibm871' => 20871,
             'ibm880' => 20880,
             'ibm905' => 20905,
             'ibm00924' => 20924,
             'cp1025' => 21025,
             'koi8u' => 21866,
             'iso88591' => 28591,
             'iso88592' => 28592,
             'iso88593' => 28593,
             'iso88594' => 28594,
             'iso88595' => 28595,
             'iso88596' => 28596,
             'iso88597' => 28597,
             'iso88598' => 28598,
             'iso88599' => 28599,
             'iso885913' => 28603,
             'iso885915' => 28605,
             'xeuropa' => 29001,
             'iso88598i' => 38598,
             'iso2022jp' => 50220,
             'csiso2022jp' => 50221,
             'iso2022jp' => 50222,
             'iso2022kr' => 50225,
             'eucjp' => 51932,
             'euccn' => 51936,
             'euckr' => 51949,
             'hzgb2312' => 52936,
             'gb18030' => 54936,
             'isciide' => 57002,
             'isciibe' => 57003,
             'isciita' => 57004,
             'isciite' => 57005,
             'isciias' => 57006,
             'isciior' => 57007,
             'isciika' => 57008,
             'isciima' => 57009,
             'isciigu' => 57010,
             'isciipa' => 57011,
             'utf7' => 65000,
             'utf8' => 65001,
         $charset = strtolower($charset);
         $charset = preg_replace(array('/^x-/', '/[^a-z0-9]/'), '', $charset);
         if (isset($aliases[$charset])) {
             return $aliases[$charset];
         if (preg_match('/^(ibm|dos|cp|windows|win)[0-9]+/', $charset, $m)) {
             return substr($charset, strlen($m[1]) + 1);
      * Wrap text to a given number of characters per line
      * but respect the mail quotation of replies messages (>).
      * Finally add another quotation level by prepending the lines
      * with >
      * @param string $text   Text to wrap
      * @param int    $length The line width
      * @return string The wrapped text
     protected static function wrap_and_quote($text, $length = 72)
         // Function stolen from Roundcube ;)
         // Rebuild the message body with a maximum of $max chars, while keeping quoted message.
         $max = min(77, $length + 8);
         $lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', trim($text));
         $out = '';
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             // don't wrap already quoted lines
             if ($line[0] == '>') {
                 $line = '>' . rtrim($line);
             else if (mb_strlen($line) > $max) {
                 $newline = '';
                 foreach (explode("\n", rcube_mime::wordwrap($line, $length - 2)) as $l) {
                     if (strlen($l)) {
                         $newline .= '> ' . $l . "\n";
                     else {
                         $newline .= ">\n";
                 $line = rtrim($newline);
             else {
                 $line = '> ' . $line;
             // Append the line
             $out .= $line . "\n";
         return $out;
+    /**
+     * Returns calendar event data from the iTip invitation attached to a mail message
+     */
+    public function get_invitation_event_from_message($message)
+    {
+        // Parse the message and find iTip attachments
+        $libcal = libcalendaring::get_instance();
+        $libcal->mail_message_load(array('object' => $message));
+        $ical_objects = $libcal->get_mail_ical_objects();
+        // We support only one event in the iTip
+        foreach ($ical_objects as $mime_id => $event) {
+            if ($event['_type'] == 'event') {
+                return $event;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
      * Returns calendar event data from the iTip invitation attached to a mail message
     public function get_invitation_event($messageId)
         // Get the mail message object
         if ($message = $this->getObject($messageId)) {
-            // Parse the message and find iTip attachments
-            $libcal = libcalendaring::get_instance();
-            $libcal->mail_message_load(array('object' => $message));
-            $ical_objects = $libcal->get_mail_ical_objects();
-            // We support only one event in the iTip
-            foreach ($ical_objects as $mime_id => $event) {
-                if ($event['_type'] == 'event') {
-                    return $event;
-                }
-            }
+            return $this->get_invitation_event_from_message($message);
+        return null;
     private function mem_check($need)
         $mem_limit = parse_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
         $memory = static::$memory_accumulated;
         return $mem_limit > 0 && $memory + $need > $mem_limit ? false : true;
      * Checks if the message can be processed, depending on its size and
      * memory_limit, otherwise throws an exception or returns fake body.
     protected function message_mem_check($message, $size, $result = null)
         static $memory_rised;
         // @FIXME: we need up to 5x more memory than the body
         // Note: Biggest memory multiplication happens in recode_message()
         //       and the Syncroton engine (which also does not support passing bodies
         //       as streams). It also happens when parsing the plain/html text body
         //       in getMessagePartBody() though the footprint there is probably lower.
         if (!$this->mem_check($size * 5)) {
             // If we already rised the memory we throw an exception, so the message
             // will be synchronized in the next run (then we might have enough memory)
             if ($memory_rised) {
                 throw new Syncroton_Exception_MemoryExhausted;
             $memory_rised  = true;
             $memory_max    = 512; // maximum in MB
             $memory_limit  = round(parse_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit')) / 1024 / 1024); // current limit (in MB)
             $memory_add    = round($size * 5 / 1024 / 1024); // how much we need (in MB)
             $memory_needed = min($memory_limit + $memory_add, $memory_max) . "M";
             if ($memory_limit < $memory_max) {
                 $this->logger->debug("Setting memory_limit=$memory_needed");
                 if (ini_set('memory_limit', $memory_needed) !== false) {
                     // Memory has been rised, check again
                     if ($this->mem_check($size * 5)) {
             $this->logger->warn("Not enough memory. Using fake email body.");
             if ($result !== null) {
                 return $result;
             // Let's return a fake message. If we return an empty body Outlook
             // will not list the message at all. This way user can do something
             // with the message (flag, delete, move) and see the reason why it's fake
             // and importantly see its subject, sender, etc.
             // TODO: Localization?
             $msg = "This message is too large for ActiveSync.";
             // $msg .= "See https://kb.kolabenterprise.com/documentation/some-place for more information.";
             // Get original message headers
             $headers = $this->storage->get_raw_headers($message->uid);
             // Build a fake message with original headers, but changed body
             return kolab_sync_message::fake_message($headers, $msg);
diff --git a/tests/globalid_converter.php b/tests/globalid_converter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1765761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/globalid_converter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require_once "../lib/kolab_sync_data.php";
+require_once "../lib/kolab_sync_data_email.php";
+class globalid_converter extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
+    function test_decode()
+    {
+        // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-asemail/e7424ddc-dd10-431e-a0b7-5c794863370e
+        $output = kolab_sync_data_email::decodeGlobalObjId($input);
+        $this->assertSame(51, $output['bytecount']);
+        $this->assertSame('{81412D3C-2A24-4E9D-B20E-11F7BBE92799}', $output['uid']);
+        $encoded = kolab_sync_data_email::encodeGlobalObjId($output);
+        $this->assertSame($encoded, $input);
+        $input = 'BAAAAIIA4AB0xbcQGoLgCAfUCRDgQMnBJoXEAQAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAvw7UtuTulOnjnjhns3jvM=';
+        $output = kolab_sync_data_email::decodeGlobalObjId($input);
+        $this->assertSame(16, $output['bytecount']);
+        $this->assertSame(2004, $output['year']);
+        $this->assertSame(9, $output['month']);
+        $this->assertSame(16, $output['day']);
+        //FIXME we don't currently implement non ical uids
+        // $encoded = kolab_sync_data_email::encodeGlobalObjId($output);
+        // $this->assertSame($encoded, $input);
+    }