diff --git a/less-build.sh b/less-build.sh index 08bbace5..be63e9f6 100755 --- a/less-build.sh +++ b/less-build.sh @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ #!/bin/sh # First you have to link/copy /skins directory from Roundcube repo # into ./skins here -# Note: You can remove -x option to generate non-minified file -# (remember to remove ".min" from the output file name) - -lessc --relative-urls -x plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less > plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.min.css +lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" --rewrite-urls=all plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less > plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.min.css diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/calendar.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/calendar.less index 479803ef..0d553247 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/calendar.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/calendar.less @@ -1,1309 +1,1310 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for calendar plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .menu { a.calendarlink:before { content: @fa-var-calendar-alt; } a.send:before { content: @fa-var-paper-plane; } } // Icon for resources in autocompletion list .listing.iconized li.resource > i:before { content: @fa-var-cube; } a.button { &.today:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar); } &.date:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar-alt); } } .listing { li { & > div { &.calendar { .calname:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-calendar-alt; } .actions { padding-right: .25rem; :last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } &.calendar.cal---invitation--pending .calname:before, &.calendar.cal---invitation--declined .calname:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar-alt); } &.calendar.cal-__bdays__ .calname:before { content: @fa-var-birthday-cake; } &.calendar.cal---invitation--pending, &.calendar.cal---invitation--declined, &.calendar.cal-__bdays__ { font-style: italic; a.calname { padding-right: 2.5em; } .count { right: 4.2em; font-style: normal; } } } // Calednars list element (color indicator) used in Larry span.handle { display: none; } } } #calendarcategories { .input-group:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: .25rem; } } fieldset.categories .input-group { .minicolors-input { border-radius: 0; } .minicolors + .input-group-append { margin-left: 0; } a.button.create { &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-plus; line-height: 1; } } } .calendar-invitebox { & > i.icon:before { content: @fa-var-calendar !important; } } .calendar-agenda-preview { display: none; margin-top: .5rem; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; h3 { margin-top: .5rem; } .event-row { white-space: nowrap; - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); &.current { color: #333; font-weight: bold; } &.no-event { font-style: italic; } &.fc-invitation-needs-action { color: @color-black-shade-text; .event-title { font-style: italic; } } } .event-title { padding-left: .5rem; } .event-date { } } #calendar.content { - overflow: hidden !important; // fullcalendar widget implements scrolling on its own + // fullcalendar widget implements scrolling on its own + overflow: hidden !important; position: relative; } .calendar-datepicker { // overwrite jQuery-UI datepicker styles .ui-datepicker { margin: 0 !important; border: 0; border-radius: 0; width: auto; min-width: auto !important; font-size: .9rem; background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; table { margin: 0; } td a { font-size: .9rem !important; } } .ui-datepicker-header { background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; border-top: 1px solid @color-layout-border; } .ui-dialog & { .ui-datepicker { background: transparent; } .ui-datepicker-header { background: transparent; border: 0; } td a { line-height: 3em !important; font-size: 1rem !important; } } } // Fullcalendar styles @import "fullcalendar"; @color-calendar-border: @color-layout-border; @color-calendar-free-bg: fadeout(@color-black-shade-text, 80%); @color-calendar-today: fadeout(@color-warning, 80%); @color-event-default: #c00; .fc { body.quickview-active & .fc-scroller { background: data-uri("image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8", "../images/eye.svg") center no-repeat; background-size: 50%; } .fc-header-toolbar { display: flex; background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; margin: 0; & > * > * { float: none; margin: 0; } } .fc-left { order: 1; .fc-button-group { display: none; } } .fc-center { flex: 1; order: 2; text-align: center; padding: .25rem; h2 { margin: 0; color: @color-black-shade-text; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 1.25rem; font-weight: bold; } } .fc-right { order: 3; text-align: right; .fc-button { display: none; } } button { height: unset; padding: .3rem .75rem; } button.prev:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-angle-left; margin: 0 !important; line-height: 1; } button.next:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-angle-right; margin: 0 !important; line-height: 1; } .btn-group { padding: .5rem; margin: 0; } .fc-type-freebusy { opacity: 0.6; .fc-title { position: absolute; top: -5000px; } td { color: #999; } } .fc-event-dot { background-color: @color-event-default; } a.fc-event, a.fc-event:hover { color: #fff; } .fc-event { font-size: 13px; background-color: @color-event-default; border-color: @color-event-default; .fc-title { font-weight: bold; } .fc-bg { opacity: .15; margin-top: 1.1rem; } &.fc-invitation-needs-action, &.fc-invitation-tentative, &.fc-invitation-declined { border: 1px dashed #999; } &.fc-event-ns-other.fc-invitation-declined { opacity: 0.7; .fc-title { text-decoration: line-through; } } &.fc-invitation-tentative .fc-bg { background: url() 0 0 repeat #fff; } &.fc-invitation-needs-action .fc-bg { background: url() 0 0 repeat #fff; } &.fc-invitation-declined .fc-bg { background: url() 0 0 repeat #fff; } } .fc-list-view { tr.fc-invitation-tentative, tr.fc-invitation-declined, tr.fc-invitation-needs-action { color: #888; .fc-event-dot { background-color: #888; } } } .fc-needs-action, .fc-declined, .cal-event-status-cancelled { opacity: 0.6; } .fc-time i { display: inline-block; width: 1em; height: 1em; margin-left: .25rem; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); font-size: 1em; line-height: 1; margin-top: .1rem; } &.fc-icon-recurring:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-clone); } &.fc-icon-alarms:before { content: @fa-var-bell; } &.fc-icon-sensitive:before { content: @fa-var-lock; } } .fc-event-temp { opacity: 0.4; } .fc-nonbusiness { background-color: @color-calendar-free-bg; } .fc-day.fc-today { background: @color-calendar-today !important; } .fc-now-indicator { border-color: @color-success; border-width: 1.5px; } .fc-list-item, .fc-list-item:hover td { background: transparent; } .fc-list-item td, .fc-list-item a { cursor: default; } .fc-list-item-title { font-weight: bold; } .fc-list-table td { padding: .5rem; } .fc-list-heading td { background: fadeout(@color-black-shade-text, 90%); } .fc-list-empty { display: none; } .fc-more { color: @color-link !important; white-space: nowrap; } .fc-axis, .fc-day-number, .fc-week-number, .fc-day-header, .fc-week-header { color: @color-black-shade-text; font-size: .95rem; padding: .15rem !important; } .fc-week-number { text-align: center; } .fc-popover { border-radius: .3rem; .fc-header { color: @color-black-shade-text; font-size: .95rem; font-weight: bold; } .fc-icon-x::after { top: 3px; } } // remove redundant borders .fc-view.fc-widget-content, td.fc-head-container { border-left-width: 0; } .fc-list-view, .fc-body > tr > .fc-widget-content, .fc-body .fc-bg-sceleton .fc-widget-content, .fc-body .fc-bg .fc-widget-content { border-bottom-width: 0; } // fullcalendar style overrides for printing .print-content & { .fc-header-toolbar { background-color: #fff; } .fc-center h2 { color: #000; padding-bottom: .75rem; font-size: 1.5rem !important; } .fc-day.fc-today { background: transparent !important; } a.fc-event { color: #000; background-color: #fff !important; } .fc-event-description { white-space: pre-wrap; font-size: 90%; } .fc-event-location { width: 20%; } .fc-event-row-secondary td { border: 0; padding-top: 0 !important; } .fc-scroller { overflow: visible !important; height: auto !important; } // Re-add removed borders .fc-view.fc-widget-content, td.fc-head-container { border-left-width: 1px; } .fc-list-view, .fc-agenda-view, .fc-month-view { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-small) { .fc-left { display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0; button { flex: 1 1 auto; border-radius: 0; } .btn-group { padding: 0; display: flex; } } .fc-list-table .fc-event-location, .fc-center, .fc-right { display: none; } } @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) and (max-width: 920px) { .fc-center { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); flex: 1; h2 { font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1; padding-top: .45rem; } } .fc-left, .fc-right { .btn { padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: .5rem; } } } } // Add scrollbar on iOS html:matches(.ipad,.iphone) { .ui-dialog-content:not(.iframe), #fish-eye-view, .fc-scroller { &::-webkit-scrollbar { -webkit-appearance: none; } &::-webkit-scrollbar:vertical { width: .6rem; } &::-webkit-scrollbar:horizontal { height: .6rem; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); border-radius: .3rem; border: 2px solid #fff; } } } body.task-calendar { #print-layout { #calendar-view-selector { float: right; padding-top: .25rem; } #calendarlist { margin-top: 1rem; &, ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; } li { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; } ul, li, div { float: left; } div { margin-right: 2rem; } a { text-decoration: none; cursor: auto; } input, span.actions, span.handle { display: none; } } } @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { #layout-sidebar { flex: 2; max-width: 400px; min-width: 240px; } } // improve datepicker .ui-datepicker { td { width: 12.5%; } .ui-datepicker-week-col { color: @color-black-shade-border; text-align: center; } } .ui-datepicker-inline { .ui-datepicker-week-col { color: @color-link; cursor: pointer; } .ui-datepicker-activerange { background-color: @color-list-selected-background; } } } #timezone-display { font-size: .9rem; color: @color-black-shade-text; } #agendaoptions { padding: 0 .5rem .5rem .5rem; display: flex; background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; .input-group { padding-right: .5rem; flex-wrap: nowrap; // width: 50%; &:last-child { padding-right: 0; } } select { min-width: 7em; } .input-group-prepend { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 0; span { display: block; - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } } } #eventshow { margin: 0; .event-title { font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: bold; } .event-location { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); white-space: nowrap; } .event-description { margin: 1rem 0; } .event-attendees { margin-bottom: 1rem; .attendee { margin-right: .25rem; } } .event-partstat { & > span { display: flex; } .rsvp-status { &:before { display: inline; float: none; } } .changersvp { cursor: pointer; font-size: 1.2rem; margin-left: 1em; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-pen-square; float: none; display: inline; line-height: 1; } } .inner { display: none; } } } #eventedit { .edit-attendees-table td { padding-top: .15rem; &.role { padding-left: 0; width: 9em; } } } #fish-eye-view { padding: 0; @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-calendar-border; } } @color-availability-unknown: #bbb; // Larry: #ddd; @color-availability-free: @color-success; // Larry: #abd640; @color-availability-busy: @color-error; // Larry: #e26569; @color-availability-tentative: #8383fc; @color-availability-out-of-office: #fbaa68; .availability { span { margin-right: .5rem; color: @color-black-shade-text; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-square; display: inline; float: none; } &.legend:before { font-size: 1em; } &.loading:before { - .animated-icon-class; + .animated-icon-class(); content: @fa-var-circle-notch; display: block; line-height: 1; } &.unknown:before { color: @color-availability-unknown; } &.free:before { color: @color-availability-free; } &.busy:before { color: @color-availability-busy; } &.tentative:before { color: @color-availability-tentative; } &.out-of-office:before { color: @color-availability-out-of-office; } } } // fixes additional checkbox in Elastic's .datetime widget .datetime { .custom-switch { padding-left: .5rem; label { line-height: 2; margin-top: .2rem; } } input { width: 10em !important; } @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { input { width: 8em !important; & + input { width: 6em !important; } } } } .calendar-scheduler { .nav { align-items: center; button:first-child { margin-right: .25rem; } & > div { white-space: nowrap; } @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { button { padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: .5rem; } } } .schedule-buttons { .prev-slot:before { content: @fa-var-chevron-left; } .next-slot:after { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-chevron-right; display: inline-block; float: none; margin-right: 0; } } .schedule-options { flex: 1; margin-left: 1rem; html.layout-phone & { order: 100; margin-left: 0; } } .schedule-nav { flex: 1; margin-left: .3rem; text-align: right; button { line-height: 1.8; } } .schedule-range { width: 60%; margin-top: 2rem; html.layout-phone & { margin: 0; } } .schedule-legend { .attendee { margin-right: .5rem; } } .attendees-list { position: relative; a.attendee-role-toggle { position: absolute; left: 0; display: inline-block; width: 1em; cursor: pointer; } div.attendee { border-top: 1px solid @color-list-border; line-height: 1.7rem; height: 1.8rem; } .attendee { white-space: nowrap; &.spacer { height: 10px; } &.loading:before { - .animated-icon-class; + .animated-icon-class(); .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-circle-notch); } &.total { font-weight: bold; } &.total, &.spacer { &:before { display: none; } } } } .schedule-table { table-layout: fixed; th { border-top: 0; } td.attendees { width: 25%; overflow: hidden; border-top: 0; html.layout-phone & { width: 35%; } .attendees-list { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-table-border; } } td.times { width: auto; border-top: 0; table { margin: 0; } td { height: 1.8rem; border-top: 1px solid @color-list-border; white-space: nowrap; } } div.scroll { position: relative; overflow: auto; } .timesheader { height: 1.4rem; border-top: 1px solid @color-table-border; } .boxtitle { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: bold; padding-top: .5rem; line-height: 2; } td { padding: 4px; } tbody td { padding: 0; div { height: 100%; } } tr.spacer td { padding: 0; height: 10px; } tr.dates th[colspan="1"] { min-width: 48px; max-width: 48px; text-align: center; font-size: .7rem; line-height: 2.9; } tr.times td { cursor: pointer; min-width: 48px; max-width: 48px; font-size: .7rem; text-align: center; color: @color-link; height: 1.4rem; padding: 0 .1rem; vertical-align: middle; border-top: 1px solid @color-table-border; border-left: 1px solid @color-list-border; } .fbcontent { td { border-left: 1px solid @color-list-border; } &:last-child td { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-table-border; } } div.unknown { background-color: @color-availability-unknown; } div.free { background-color: @color-availability-free; } div.busy { background-color: @color-availability-busy; } div.tentative { background-color: @color-availability-tentative; } div.out-of-office { background-color: @color-availability-out-of-office; } div.all-busy, div.all-tentative, div.all-out-of-office { overflow: hidden; // This span imitates a slanting line across the parent element span { display: block; width: 300%; height: 300%; border: 1px solid #fff; background: darken(@color-availability-busy, 10%); transform: rotate(42deg) translate(2%); } &.w10 span { display: none; } &.w20 span, &.w25 span { transform: rotate(17deg) translate(-9%); } &.w30 span { transform: rotate(28deg) translate(-7%); } &.w33 span { transform: rotate(32deg) translate(-5%); } &.w40 span { transform: rotate(36deg) translate(-3%); } &.w60 span { transform: rotate(48deg) translate(6%); } &.w67 span { transform: rotate(52deg) translate(9%); } &.w70 span, &.w75 span { transform: rotate(55deg) translate(12%, 30%); } &.w80 span { transform: rotate(56deg) translate(13%, 30%); } &.w90 span { transform: rotate(59deg) translate(16%, 30%); } &.w100 span { transform: rotate(62deg) translate(19%, 30%); } } div.all-tentative span { background: darken(@color-availability-tentative, 10%); } div.all-out-of-office span { background: darken(@color-availability-out-of-office, 10%); } } } #schedule-event-time { position: absolute; border-radius: .3rem; cursor: move; border: 2px solid #444; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); } .resources-dialog { .resource-selection { flex: 4; min-width: 300px; } .resource-content { flex: 10; margin-left: 1em; } .listing li.resource > a { color: @color-font; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-cube; } } .slot-nav { display: none; // TODO } } #resource-availability { height: 100%; .fc { height: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } .fc-view { border-left: 1px solid #ddd; } .fc-header-toolbar { height: 0; } } .standalone-invitebox { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 500px; width: 95%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; top: 15vh; position: relative; #logo { max-height: 90px; } .invitebox { margin-top: 3em !important; } } .searchbar a.button.date { @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { display: none; } } #rcmfd_alarmvalue { max-width: 80px; } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-small) { #agendaoptions { padding-top: .5rem; } .calendar-scheduler { .schedule-range { width: 100%; } } #layout-sidebar .calendar-datepicker { display: none; } .resources-dialog { .resource-content { display: none; margin: 0; } .resource-content { ul { margin: 1em 1em 0 1em; } } } #resource-availability { margin: 0 1em; } } body.task-calendar .header-title { position: relative; .tz { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; line-height: 2; font-size: .8rem; font-weight: normal; color: @color-black-shade-text; } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/darkmode.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/darkmode.less new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f018b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/darkmode.less @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/** + * Kolab core library + * + * This file contains Elastic skin dark mode styles for all Kolab plugins + * + * @author Aleksander Machniak + * + * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +html.dark-mode { + // Use icons-only on taskmenu with small screen height + @media screen and (max-height: 750px) and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { + #taskmenu a { + width: @layout-menu-width-sm - 1px; + } + } + + .watermark { + background-color: @color-dark-background; + background-blend-mode: soft-light; + + &:before { + background: none; + } + } + + #filelistcontainer, + .fc-scroller { + scrollbar-width: thin; + } + + .fc { + .fc-header-toolbar { + background-color: @color-dark-list-selected-background; + } + + #timezone-display, + .fc-center h2 { + color: @color-dark-font; + } + } + + .filelist tr.session.owner > td.name::after, + .rsvp-status:not(.accepted):not(.tentative):not(.declined)::before, + .resources-dialog .listing li.resource > a { + color: @color-dark-font; + } + + .fc-unthemed th, + .fc-unthemed td, + .fc-unthemed .fc-divider, + .fc-unthemed .fc-row, + .fc-unthemed .fc-content, + .fc-unthemed .fc-popover, + .fc-unthemed .fc-list-view, + .fc-unthemed .fc-list-heading td, + #tasklist li.taskitem > div, + #tasklist li.taskitem > span { + border-color: @color-dark-list-border; + } + + .files-dialog .selection-content, + .calendar-scheduler .schedule-table td.times td, + .calendar-scheduler .attendees-list div.attendee, + .calendar-scheduler .schedule-table .timesheader, + .calendar-scheduler .schedule-table td.attendees .attendees-list, + .fc-unthemed th, + .fc-unthemed td { + border-color: @color-dark-border; + } + + #resource-availability .fc, + #resource-availability .fc-view { + border-color: @color-dark-border; + } + + .selection-dialog .form-addon, + .selection-dialog .header, + .selection-dialog .selection-list, + .edit-attendees-table th { + border-color: @color-dark-border !important; + } + + .selection-dialog .listing ul, + .selection-dialog .form-addon, + .selection-dialog .header { + background-color: transparent; + } + + .fc-unthemed .fc-divider, + .fc-unthemed .fc-popover .fc-header, + .fc-unthemed .fc-list-heading td, + body.task-calendar .ui-datepicker-inline .ui-datepicker-activerange, + .listing li.selected > div > *, + #tasklist li.taskitem div.taskhead.selected { + color: @color-dark-list-selected; + background-color: @color-dark-list-selected-background; + } + + #folder-mount-form td.source.selected { + background-color: @color-dark-list-selected-background; + } + + #tagsform option, + .tagedit-list li.tagedit-listelement-new input { + color: @color-dark-input; + } + + .fc .fc-axis, + .fc .fc-day-number, + .fc .fc-week-number, + .fc .fc-day-header, + .fc .fc-week-header, + .formcontent.text-only .faded *, + .availability span, + .invitebox td.label, + .invitebox .rsvp-status.hint, + .calendar-agenda-preview .event-row.current, + #tasklist span.date, + #kolabnoteslist td.date, + #notedetailstitle .dates { + color: @color-dark-hint; + } + + .invitebox .folder-select select { + background-color: @color-dark-input-background; + } + + .tagedit-list[tabindex="-1"] { + border-color: @color-dark-input-border-focus; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem @color-input-border-focus-shadow; + background: @color-dark-input-background-focus; + } + + #tasklist .progressbar .progressvalue { + border-color: @color-dark-warning; + } + + .listing { + li > div.readonly a:first-child, + li.readonly:not(.virtual) > div a:first-child { + &:after { + color: @color-dark-font; + background-color: @color-dark-background; + } + } + } + + .dialog-message { + opacity: 1; + color: @color-dark-font; + background-color: @color-dark-warning; + } +} diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_activesync.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_activesync.less index 95700df9..98c4fa52 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_activesync.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_activesync.less @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for kolab_activesync plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .listing.iconized li { &.activesync > a:before { content: @fa-var-rss-square; } } #devices-table { td:not(.selection) { display: flex; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-rss-square; // TODO: mobile icon is not free } span { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } } .devicealias { flex: 1; } .devicetype { max-width: 40%; font-style: italic; padding-left: .5em; } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_files.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_files.less index 401c1823..ad12f4cc 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_files.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_files.less @@ -1,525 +1,525 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for kolab_files plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ a.btn.fromcloud:before, li > a.icon.saveas:before, a.button.filesaveall:before, a.button.saveas:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-folder; } .menu { a.mount.storage:before { content: @fa-var-database; } a.open:before { content: @fa-var-eye; } a.cancel:before { content: @fa-var-times; } a.share:before { content: @fa-var-share-alt; } } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset a.btn-link.options.add-folder { order: -1; &:before { content: @fa-var-plus; } } .folderlist { li.collection { a.name { padding-left: .5em; } &.audio a.name:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-volume-up); } &.video a.name:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-video); } &.image a.name:before { content: @fa-var-image; } &.document a.name:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-book); } &.sessions a.name:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-users); } } li.mailbox { a.subscription { cursor: pointer; // reset listing's link style padding: 0 !important; border-left: 0; width: auto; &:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-bookmark); // TODO: better icon height: auto; color: @color-link; margin-right: .25rem; } &.subscribed:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-bookmark); // TODO: better icon } } } } #filelistcontainer { position: relative; } #filesuploadform { // force upload form position, otherwise it breaks layout position: absolute !important; } #filelistbox { height: 100%; &.droptarget { &.active { box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px darken(@color-toolbar-button-background-hover, 20%) inset; } &.hover { box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px darken(@color-toolbar-button-background-hover, 20%) inset; background-color: @color-toolbar-button-background-hover; } } } .filelist { thead { display: none; } td.options { display: none; } td.name { position: relative; } td.mtime { width: 11em; } td.size { text-align: right; width: 6em; } tr.session > td.name { padding-right: 2em; &:after { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-users; color: @color-black-shade-border; position: absolute; right: .25em; top: 0; } } tr.session.invited > td.name:after { color: @color-success; } tr.session.owner > td.name:after { color: @color-black; } } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-xs) { .filelist { td.mtime { display: none; } } } .filelist tbody td.filename { & span { background: transparent !important; } & span:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-file); } &.pdf span:before, &.application_pdf span:before { content: @fa-var-file-pdf; } &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_wordprocessingml_document span:before, &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_wordprocessingml_template span:before, &.application_vnd_ms_word span:before, &.application_msword span:before { content: @fa-var-file-word; } &.application_vnd_ms_excel span:before, &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_spreadsheetml_sheet span:before, &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_spreadsheetml_template span:before, &.application_vnd_oasis_opendocument_spreadsheet span:before, &.application_vnd_oasis_opendocument_spreadsheet_template span:before { content: @fa-var-file-excel; } &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_presentationml_presentation span:before, &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_presentationml_template span:before, &.application_vnd_openxmlformats_officedocument_presentationml_slideshow span:before, &.application_vnd_ms_powerpoint span:before { content: @fa-var-file-powerpoint; } &.application_vnd_oasis_opendocument_text span:before { content: @fa-var-file-alt; // TODO } &.application_vnd_oasis_opendocument_presentation span:before, &.application_vnd_oasis_opendocument_presentation_template span:before { content: @fa-var-file-powerpoint; // TODO } &.tar span:before, &.application_zip span:before, &.application_x_7z_compressed span:before, &.application_x_ace span:before, &.application_x_arc span:before, &.application_x_arj span:before, &.application_x_bzip_compressed_tar span:before, &.application_x_lha span:before, &.application_x_rar span:before, &.application_x_tarz span:before, &.application_x_tzo span:before, &.application_x_zip span:before, &.application_x_zoo span:before { content: @fa-var-file-archive; } &.image span:before, &.image_png span:before, &.image_svg_xml span:before, &.image_jpeg span:before, &.image_jpeg2000 span:before, &.image_x_eps span:before, &.application_vnd_stardivision_draw span:before, &.application_vnd_sun_xml_draw span:before, &.application_vnd_sun_xml_draw_template span:before { content: @fa-var-file-image; } &.application_pgp_keys span:before, &.application_pkcs7_mime span:before { // TODO } &.audio span:before { content: @fa-var-file-audio; } &.video span:before { content: @fa-var-file-video; } &.ascii span:before, &.text_plain span:before { content: @fa-var-file-alt; } &.vcalendar span:before { // TODO } &.vcard span:before, &.text_x_vcard span:before { // TODO } &.text_html span:before { content: @fa-var-file-code; } &.style_css span:before { // TODO } &.text_csv span:before { // TODO } &.message_rfc822 span:before { // TODO } } #folder-mount-form { td.source { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; padding: .5rem; &.selected { background-color: @color-list-selected-background; } & > input { height: 32px; margin-right: .5rem; } & > div { flex: 1; } img { height: 32px; margin-right: .5rem; } .name { font-weight: bold; } .description { font-size: 90%; } table { margin-top: .5rem; } .form-group { margin-bottom: 0; } } .auth-options { margin-top: .5rem; & > label:before { line-height: 1; } } } .files-dialog { .selection-list { flex: 1; min-width: 220px; } .selection-content { flex: 2; @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { border: 1px solid @color-layout-border; border-left: 0; } } a.subscription { display: none; } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-small) { .selection-list { display: none; } } } .document-editor-header { .toolbar { text-align: left !important; flex: 1; a { text-align: center; } } a.button.icon.members:before { content: @fa-var-users; } #collaborators { order: 9; display: flex; margin-right: .5rem; margin-left: 2rem; a.button.add:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-plus; } .inner { display: none; } } #doc-title { flex: 1; order: 8; input { display: inline; } } } .session-members { img.photo { width: 48px; height: 48px; min-width: 48px; overflow: hidden; background: url("@{skin-path}/images/contactpic.png") center center no-repeat #fff; background-size: cover; border-radius: 50%; border: solid 3px #eee; margin-left: .5rem; } ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; li { display: flex; align-items: center; } img.photo { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 1em; } } } .editors-dialog { table { th { border: 0; } tr:last-child td { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-layout-border; } td.options { width: 1%; a.delete:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-trash-alt; display: inline; line-height: 1; } } } label { display: block; } } button.participant.add:before { content: @fa-var-user-plus; } .iframe-wrapper.file-type-audio, .iframe-wrapper.file-type-video { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { padding: 1em; } } #shareform { table { td,th { padding-left: .15rem; max-width: 10vw; // needed for overflow - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); &:last-child { padding-right: .15rem; width: 1%; max-width: unset; } } td { vertical-align: middle; &.form { input { margin-bottom: .25rem; width: 100%; } } } tr + tr > td { border-top: 0; padding-bottom: .25rem; } button { padding: .185rem .75rem; width: 100%; } } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_notes.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_notes.less index 2d4fa4a7..bc856c2b 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_notes.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_notes.less @@ -1,97 +1,97 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for kolab_notes plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .menu { a.appendnote:before { content: @fa-var-sticky-note; } } // Fixes TinyMCE editor height=0 issue #noteform iframe { min-height: 10rem; } #notereferences { margin-top: .5rem; .attachmentslist a.delete { margin-left: .5rem; } } #notedetailstitle { .dates { color: @color-list-secondary; } } #print-layout { #notetitle { font-size: 1.5rem; line-height: 2; } #notetags { margin-bottom: .5rem; } #notecreated { margin-right: 2rem; } } #kolabnoteslist { tr { display: flex; } td.title { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); flex: 1; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-sticky-note); } } td.date { overflow: unset; color: @color-list-secondary; font-style: italic; } } .kolabmessagenotes { & > i.icon:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-sticky-note) !important; } & > a { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); white-space: nowrap; display: block; text-decoration: none; } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_tags.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_tags.less index 527c84bf..71f6b7bc 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_tags.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/kolab_tags.less @@ -1,123 +1,116 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin style of kolab_tags plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .menu { a.tags:before { content: @fa-var-tags; } a.tag:before, a.tag.remove:before, a.tag.remove.all:before { content: @fa-var-tag; } } #taglist { li { padding: 0 .5rem; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-tag; margin: 0 .5rem 0 .2rem; } } } #tagsform option:before, #taglist li:before, #tag-selector li a:before { color: darken(@color-main, 15%); // default tag color } #tagsform option:checked:before, #tag-selector li:hover a:before { color: #fff; } #tagsform { min-height: 15rem; select { padding: 0; margin-bottom: .5rem; - - &:focus { - box-shadow: none !important; - border: 1px solid @color-layout-border; - } } option { - color: @color-font; // fix Firefox issue caused by text-shadow below - text-shadow: none; padding: .5rem; outline: 0; border: 0; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-tag; line-height: 1; } } .buttons { text-align: center; button { margin: 0 .25rem; } } } .tagbox { color: #fff; background-color: @color-main !important; border: 0 !important; border-radius: .25rem; max-width: 4em; padding: .1rem .4rem; margin-right: .2rem; font-weight: bold; &:not(.tagedit-listelement) a { color: inherit; padding-left: .5rem; text-decoration: none; } h2 > & { font-size: 1.2rem; } } .tag-droppable.formcontainer { &.ui-droppable-active { background-color: @color-black-shade-bg !important; } &.ui-droppable-hover { background-color: @color-list-droptarget-background !important; } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/libcalendaring.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/libcalendaring.less index 40a47e88..f4451057 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/libcalendaring.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/libcalendaring.less @@ -1,717 +1,717 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for libcalendaring plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .invitebox { & > i.icon { position: absolute; top: 0; padding-top: .5em; } & > span { padding-left: 2.5em; } td { padding: 2px; vertical-align: top; &.ititle { font-weight: bold; padding-right: 0.5em; } &.label { color: #666; padding-right: 1em; } &.sensitivity { font-weight: bold; } &.recurrence-id { text-transform: uppercase; font-style: italic; } &.date.modified { font-weight: bold; color: @color-error; } em { font-weight: bold; } } .itip-buttons { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; input.button { margin: 0 .25rem .25rem 0; } } .rsvp-buttons { width: 100%; padding-top: .25rem; } .itip-reply-controls { margin-top: .25rem; width: 100%; line-height: 2; & > label { display: inline; label { line-height: 1; margin-right: .25rem; } } a { margin-left: 1em; white-space: nowrap; } } .rsvp-status { margin: .5rem 0; width: 100%; &.hint { color: #666; font-style: italic; } } .folder-select { white-space: nowrap; select { display: initial; width: auto; } } } .rsvp-status { &:before { line-height: 1.1; color: lighten(@color-black, 25%); float: none; display: inline; } &.loading:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); - .animated-icon-class; + .animated-icon-class(); content: @fa-var-circle-notch; line-height: 1; } &.declined:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-ban; color: @color-error; } &.tentative:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-check-circle; color: @color-warning; } &.accepted:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-check-circle; color: @color-success; } &.delegated:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-share; } &.needs-action:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-question-circle; } } .attendee { &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-question-circle; display: inline; float: none; font-size: 1em; color: @color-black-shade-text; } &.req-participant:before { content: @fa-var-user; } &.opt-participant:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-user); } &.non-participant:before { content: @fa-var-user; color: #ccc; } &.chair:before { content: @fa-var-user; // todo color: @color-warning; } &.completed:before, &.accepted:before { content: @fa-var-check-circle; color: @color-success; } &.declined:before { content: @fa-var-ban; color: @color-error; } &.tentative:before { content: @fa-var-check-circle; color: @color-warning; } &.delegated:before { content: @fa-var-share; } &.organizer:before { content: @fa-var-briefcase; // TODO: better icon } &.in-process:before { content: @fa-var-cog; } } .attendees-comentbox { label { display: inline; } } .edit-attendees-table { width: 100%; th, td { width: 1%; text-align: center; } td { border: 0; padding: 0 .3rem; } th { border-bottom: 1px solid #eee !important; } th.name, td.name, th.role, td.role { width: auto; text-align: left; } th.invite { input { display: none; } label { cursor: pointer; } label:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-envelope; display: inline; float: none; margin-left: .25rem; } } td.invite { .custom-switch { margin-top: .15rem; } } td.name { span { line-height: 2.5; display: flex; & > :first-child { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); // width and flex is required to make overflow working flex: 1; width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; } } } td.availability, td.confirmstate { span { margin: 0; } span:after, span:before { line-height: 2; margin: 0; font-size: 1.2em; height: 2em; width: 2em; } } td.options { a { display: inline-block; height: 2em; &:before { line-height: 1.8; margin: 0; } } } a.expandlink { &:before { content: @fa-var-plus-square; line-height: 2; } } .inner { display: none; } html.layout-phone & { th.availability, th.confirmstate { text-indent: -5000px; } td.role { max-width: 7em; } select { padding-left: .5rem; } } } .form-searchbar { display: flex; margin-bottom: .5rem; input[type=text] { flex: 1; html.layout-phone & { max-width: 50%; } } input[type=button] { margin-left: .5em; - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } } .attachmentslist li.ics:before, .attachmentslist li.text.calendar:before, .messagelist tbody .attachment span.ical:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar-alt); } .alarms-input { .edit-alarm-item { display: flex; & + .edit-alarm-item { margin-top: .25rem; } &.first .delete-alarm, &:not(.first) .add-alarm { display: none; } } .edit-alarm-buttons { a { border-top-right-radius: .25rem !important; border-bottom-right-radius: .25rem !important; &:before { margin: 0; width: 1em; } &:focus { box-shadow: none; } &.add:before { content: @fa-var-plus; } } .inner { display: none; } } .edit-alarm-type { flex: 1; border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; &:focus { z-index: 2; } } .edit-alarm-set { display: flex; flex: 1; } .edit-alarm-values { flex: 5; .form-control { border-radius: 0; } :first-child { border-left: 0; } } .edit-alarm-offset { flex: 5; } .edit-alarm-date, .edit-alarm-time, .edit-alarm-related { flex: 3; } } .recurrence-form { .recurrence-rdates { width: 100%; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; &:empty { margin: 0; } a.delete { margin-left: 2em; &:before { display: inline-block; float: none; } } .inner { display: none; } } .recurrence-onevery { select { width: 40%; display: inline; } } .inputform { display: flex; input.button { margin-left: .25rem; } } div.line { width: 100%; display: flex; margin-bottom: .25rem; label { margin-left: .5em; min-width: 4em; line-height: 2.5; } } .month, .monthday, .weekday { display: inline-block; width: 3.5em; margin-right: .5rem; white-space: nowrap; input { margin-right: .25rem; } } .monthday { width: 2.75em; } .table td { border: 0; padding: 0; &.label { white-space: nowrap; } &:first-child label { line-height: 2.5; } & label.monthday:first-child { margin-top: .5rem; } } .input-group-append, .input-group-prepend { display: initial; // fixes buggy height of the element } } #event-status-badge { width: 7rem; height: 7rem; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; overflow: hidden; span { display: none; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 20px; position: absolute; left: -2.4rem; top: 2.4rem; width: 13.2rem; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: .85rem; color: #fff; -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); display: inline; float: none; } .status-cancelled & { background-color: darken(@color-error, 10%); display: block; &:before { content: @fa-var-times-circle; } } .sensitivity-private & { background-color: darken(@color-warning, 10%); display: block; &:before { content: @fa-var-lock; } } .sensitivity-confidential & { background-color: darken(@color-error, 10%); display: block; &:before { content: @fa-var-user-secret; } } } } #alarm-display { h3 { font-size: 1.2rem; margin-bottom: .25rem; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar-alt); font-size: 1em; } &.type-task:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar-check); } } .event-section { font-size: .9rem; color: @color-black-shade-text; white-space: nowrap; - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } .alarm-actions { text-align: right; margin-bottom: .25rem; a { &:first-child { margin-right: 1em; } &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); display: inline; float: none; } } } a.alarm-action-snooze:before { content: @fa-var-bell-slash; } a.alarm-action-dismiss:before { content: @fa-var-trash-alt; } } #alarm-snooze-dropdown a:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-clock); } .dialog-message { margin: 0; opacity: .95; width: 100%; padding: .75em; margin-top: .25em; color: @color-message; background-color: @color-message-warning-box-background; & > label { margin: 0; display: block; label:before { line-height: 1.25; margin-right: .25rem; } } .message { display: flex; } & + .savemode { margin-top: 1rem; a.btn { margin-right: .5rem; } } & > .savemode { margin-top: .5rem; label { margin-right: 1rem; } input { margin-right: .25rem; } } } @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { .nav-link.nav-icon { width: 3em; margin-right: 5px; padding: .5rem .5rem .5rem .65rem; &:before { - .font-icon-class; + .font-icon-class(); margin: 0 1rem 0 0; width: 1em; line-height: 1.2; } &.resources:before { content: @fa-var-cube; margin-left: .1rem; } &.attachments:before { content: @fa-var-paperclip; } &.attendees:before { content: @fa-var-users; } } } diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/tasklist.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/tasklist.less index f4aae230..8cc8196d 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/tasklist.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/include/tasklist.less @@ -1,363 +1,362 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for tasklist plugin. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ .menu { a.tasklist:before, a.tasklistlink:before, a.taskaddlink:before { content: @fa-var-calendar-check; } } .tasklist-invitebox { & > i.icon:before { content: @fa-var-calendar-check !important; } } .listing { li { & > div { &.tasklist .listname:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-calendar-check; } } } } @tasklist-record-height: 3.8rem; #tasklist { li.taskitem { border-bottom: 0; div.taskhead { position: relative; display: block; height: @tasklist-record-height; padding-left: (1 * @listing-treetoggle-width); outline: 0; &.flagged { color: @color-list-flagged !important; } &.selected { background-color: @color-list-selected-background; } &.droptarget { background-color: @color-list-droptarget-background; } &.complete { span.title { color: @color-list-deleted; } .progressbar { display: none; } } } & > div, & > span { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-list-border; } ul { padding: 0; border: 0; li { padding-left: 0; .taskhead, .title { padding-left: (2 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); } .childtoggle { left: @listing-treetoggle-width; } li { .taskhead, .title { padding-left: (3 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); } .childtoggle { left: (2 * @listing-treetoggle-width); } li { .taskhead, .title { padding-left: (4 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); } .childtoggle { left: (3 * @listing-treetoggle-width); } li { .taskhead, .title { padding-left: (5 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); } .childtoggle { left: (4 * @listing-treetoggle-width); } li { .taskhead, .title { padding-left: (6 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); } .childtoggle { left: (5 * @listing-treetoggle-width); } } } } } } } } .childtoggle { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: @listing-treetoggle-width; padding: 0 0 0 .25rem; height: @tasklist-record-height; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; .inner { display: none; } &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-angle-right; margin: 0; width: 1em; line-height: @tasklist-record-height; } &.expanded:before { content: @fa-var-angle-down; } &.collapsed:before { content: @fa-var-angle-right; } } span.title { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; line-height: 2em; padding: 0 0 0 .2em; padding-left: (1 * @listing-treetoggle-width + .25rem); margin-right: 2em; - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } span.tags { position: absolute; right: 2em; top: 0; line-height: 2em; text-align: right; } span.date { position: absolute; padding-left: .2em; font-size: 90%; line-height: 2.5; color: @color-list-secondary; cursor: pointer; input { line-height: 1; padding: 0; margin-top: -2px; } } span.flagged { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; line-height: 1.8em; cursor: pointer; } .taskhead:not(.flagged):hover span.flagged:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-flag); } .taskhead.flagged span.flagged:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-flag; } .progressbar { position: absolute; bottom: 1px; left: .2em; right: .2em; .progressvalue { border-top: 2px solid @color-warning; } } .custom-switch { position: absolute; top: 1.4rem; z-index: 1; height: 2.3em; } .actions { display: none; } // Focus indicator @media screen and (min-width: @screen-width-large) { .taskhead { border-left: 2px solid transparent; } .taskhead.focused { border-left: 2px solid @color-list-focus-indicator; outline: 0; } } } html.touch #tasklist { li { font-size: 1rem; } span.flagged, input[type=checkbox], .custom-switch { display: none; } span.title { margin-right: .5rem; } span.tags { right: .5rem; } } #taskshow { & + .formbuttons { button.disabled { display: none; } } .task-parent-title { color: @color-black-shade-text; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: .5rem; } .task-title { font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: bold; } .task-description { margin: 1rem 0; } &.status-completed h2 { color: @color-list-deleted; } &.status-flagged h2:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-flag; color: @color-error; font-size: .9em; } .attachmentslist li { margin-right: 1em; } } #taskedit-attachment-form { // fixes redundant scrolling and height issue on task edit form position: absolute; } .messagetasklinks { & > i.icon:before { content: @fa-var-calendar-check !important; } .tasklist { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; li { display: flex; align-items: center; } } input { height: auto !important; } } #print-layout { #tasklist { padding: 0; li { list-style-type: none; } .description { display: block; white-space: pre-wrap; } .title { position: relative; font-weight: bold; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .taskhead { height: auto; } } } .taskitem-draghelper { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } .quickview-active { // TODO ? } #rootdroppable { // TODO ? } - diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less index adc30425..00b1b5ca 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less +++ b/plugins/libkolab/skins/elastic/libkolab.less @@ -1,622 +1,630 @@ /** * Kolab core library * * This file contains Elastic skin styles for various Kolab plugins. * * @author Aleksander Machniak * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ @skin: "elastic"; @skin-path: "../../../../skins/@{skin}"; +// Disable dark mode support for compatibility with Roundcube 1.4. +// The variable has been added to variables.less in Roundcube 1.5. +@dark-mode-enabled: false; + @import (reference) "@{skin-path}/styles/variables"; @import (reference) "@{skin-path}/styles/mixins"; /*** Common folders list extensions ***/ .listing { // Fix focus indicator, because we add div element in the list record @media screen and (min-width: @screen-width-large) { li > div > a { border-left: 2px solid transparent; } li > div > a:focus { border-left: 2px solid @color-list-focus-indicator; outline: 0; } } li { & > div { display: flex; & > a:first-child { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); position: relative; flex-grow: 1; & + input { position: initial; } } .custom-switch { position: relative; } &.folder .listname:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-sticky-note; margin-right: .5rem; } span.actions { display: flex; input + & { padding-right: 2em; } a { padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-right: .2rem; cursor: pointer; &:before { margin: 0; } &.remove { display: none; } } html.touch & { padding-left: .2rem; a { margin-right: .5rem; } } } a.quickview { &:before { content: @fa-var-eye; opacity: .2; color: @color-link; } &:after { display: none !important; } } &.focusview { a.quickview:before { content: @fa-var-eye; opacity: 1; } } .subscribed { cursor: pointer; // reset listing's link style padding: 0 !important; border-left: 0; width: auto; &:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-bookmark); // TODO: better icon height: auto; color: @color-link; margin-right: .25rem; } } // span.subscribed is used on addressbooks list, a.subscribed in other places span.subscribed:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-bookmark); // TODO: better icon } &.subscribed { .subscribed:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-bookmark); // TODO: better icon } } } &.selected > div > * { color: @color-list-selected; background-color: @color-list-selected-background; } & > div.readonly a:first-child, &.readonly:not(.virtual) > div a:first-child { &:after { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-lock; position: absolute; left: 2.25rem; - top: @listing-line-height / 2; + top: (@listing-line-height / 2); font-size: .9em !important; width: .9em; line-height: 1; height: 1em !important; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 50% 50% 0 0; color: @color-font; opacity: .9; html.touch & { - top: @listing-touch-line-height / 2; + top: (@listing-touch-line-height / 2); left: 2.7rem; } } } & > div.other.user > .listname, &.other.user > div a:first-child { &:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-user); } } & > div.virtual.user > .listname, &.virtual.user > div a:first-child { &:after { display: none; } } & > div.virtual.shared > .listname, &.virtual.shared > div a:first-child { &:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-share-alt); } &:after { display: none; } } &.virtual > div > a { opacity: .5; } } // Tree structure fix &.treelist:not(.notree) { & > li > div > a { padding-left: @listing-treetoggle-width; } } li.droptarget > div { background-color: @color-list-droptarget-background; } li .count { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; min-width: 2em; line-height: 1.4rem; - margin: (@listing-line-height - 1.4 * @page-font-size)/2; + margin: ((@listing-line-height - 1.4 * @page-font-size) / 2); padding: 0 .3em; border-radius: .4em; background: @color-list-secondary; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; html.touch & { line-height: 2rem; - margin: (@listing-touch-line-height - 2 * @page-font-size)/2; + margin: ((@listing-touch-line-height - 2 * @page-font-size) / 2); } } } @treelist-readonly-icon-margin: 1.7em; .treelist { ul { li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 1 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 2 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 3 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 4 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 5 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } li { a:first-child:after { margin-left: 6 * @treelist-readonly-icon-margin !important; } } } } } } } } &.notree { li a:first-child:after { left: 1.3rem !important; } } } .searchresults { .boxtitle { line-height: 2rem !important; font-size: 80%; padding: 0 .5rem; margin: 0; color: @color-popover-separator; background-color: @color-popover-separator-background; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-layout-border; } } .folderlist li.mailbox { &.type-event > a:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-calendar); } &.type-task > a:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-calendar-check); } &.type-journal > a:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar); } &.type-contact > a:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-address-book); } &.type-note > a:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-sticky-note); } &.type-configuration > a:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-cog); } &.type-freebusy > a:before { .font-icon-regular(@fa-var-calendar); } &.type-file > a:before { .font-icon-solid(@fa-var-folder); } } .menu { li.search { padding: .25rem .5rem; } a.history:before { content: @fa-var-history; } } button.btn { &.save.notify:before { content: @fa-var-envelope; } &.print:before { content: @fa-var-print; } } // E.g. notes preview frame .watermark { background: url("@{skin-path}/images/logo.svg") center no-repeat #fff; background-size: 30%; background-blend-mode: luminosity; width: 100%; height: 100%; & > * { display: none; } // this is to blend the watermark image &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85); } &.formcontainer { background: transparent !important; &:before { display: none; } & > * { display: block; } html.layout-small &, html.layout-phone & { overflow-y: auto !important; } } } .form-group > .datetime { display: flex; white-space: nowrap; input { width: 10em; } input:first-child { margin-right: .5rem; width: 15em; } a { margin-left: 1em; text-align: right; flex: 1; line-height: 2.4; } } .form-section.form-group.form-check { display: flex; padding: 0; label { order: 10; } } .formcontent.text-only .faded * { color: @color-black-shade-text; } .linkslist { // Reset .attachmentslist style border: 0 !important; background: transparent !important; li.link { padding: 0; &.message.eml:before { content: @fa-var-envelope; } a.messagelink { - .overflow-ellipsis; + .overflow-ellipsis(); } a.delete .inner { display: none; } } } .print-config { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 10000; padding: .5em 1em; background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; button.print { margin-right: 1rem; } .prop { line-height: 2; margin-left: .5rem; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; label { margin: 0; } } @media print { display: none; } & + .print-content { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; height: auto; margin: 5em auto 0 auto; overflow: visible; } } .selection-dialog { .ui-dialog-content { display: flex !important; overflow: hidden !important; } .selection-list { display: flex; flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid @color-layout-border; justify-content: center; } .ui-dialog-content .popupmenu { display: flex !important; // overwrites .popupmenu style width: 100%; } .scroller { flex: 1; overflow-y: auto; } .header { border-bottom: 1px solid @color-layout-border; display: flex; background-color: @color-layout-header-background; font-size: @layout-header-font-size; font-weight: bold; line-height: @layout-header-height; height: @layout-header-height; min-height: @layout-header-height; padding: 0 .25em; position: relative; // for absolute positioning of searchbar overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; a.button { color: @color-toolbar-button; margin: 0 .3rem; &:before { margin: 0; } } } .header-title { width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: 0 2em; } .selection-content { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .tab-content { margin-top: 1rem; height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; } .form-addon { margin: 0; padding: .5rem 0; width: 100%; background-color: @color-black-shade-bg; border-top: 1px solid @color-layout-border; } // overwrite .popupmenu colors .listing { ul { background-color: @color-layout-list-background; } li.selected { color: @color-font; } } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-small) { .ui-dialog-content { padding: 0 !important; } .ui-dialog-titlebar { display: none; margin: 0; } .selection-list { border: 0; } .selection-list, .selection-content { .header-title { margin-left: 0; } } .header { a:before { font-size: 1.75rem; } } } } // Use icons-only on taskmenu with small screen height -@media screen and (max-height: 640px) and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { +@media screen and (max-height: 750px) and (min-width: (@screen-width-small + 1px)) { #layout-menu .popover-header img, #layout-menu { width: @layout-menu-width-sm; } #taskmenu { a { height: @layout-menu-width-sm; - width: 100%; + width: @layout-menu-width-sm; font-size: 1.2rem !important; } .special-buttons { width: @layout-menu-width-sm; } span.inner { display: none; } } } @import "include/calendar"; @import "include/kolab_activesync"; @import "include/kolab_delegation"; @import "include/kolab_files"; @import "include/kolab_notes"; @import "include/kolab_tags"; @import "include/libcalendaring"; @import "include/tasklist"; + +& when (@dark-mode-enabled = true) { + @import "include/darkmode"; +}