diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/lib/kolab_files_engine.php b/plugins/kolab_files/lib/kolab_files_engine.php index e399f139..20ddae80 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/lib/kolab_files_engine.php +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/lib/kolab_files_engine.php @@ -1,1260 +1,1263 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2013, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_files_engine { private $plugin; private $rc; private $timeout = 600; private $sort_cols = array('name', 'mtime', 'size'); const API_VERSION = 2; /** * Class constructor */ public function __construct($plugin, $url) { $this->url = rcube_utils::resolve_url($url); $this->plugin = $plugin; $this->rc = $plugin->rc; $this->timeout = $this->rc->config->get('session_lifetime') * 60; } /** * User interface initialization */ public function ui() { $this->plugin->add_texts('localization/'); // set templates of Files UI and widgets if ($this->rc->task == 'mail') { if ($this->rc->action == 'compose') { $template = 'compose_plugin'; } else if (in_array($this->rc->action, array('show', 'preview', 'get'))) { $template = 'message_plugin'; if ($this->rc->action == 'get') { // add "Save as" button into attachment toolbar $this->plugin->add_button(array( 'id' => 'saveas', 'name' => 'saveas', 'type' => 'link', 'onclick' => 'kolab_directory_selector_dialog()', 'class' => 'button buttonPas saveas', 'classact' => 'button saveas', 'label' => 'kolab_files.save', 'title' => 'kolab_files.saveto', ), 'toolbar'); } else { // add "Save as" button into attachment menu $this->plugin->add_button(array( 'id' => 'attachmenusaveas', 'name' => 'attachmenusaveas', 'type' => 'link', 'wrapper' => 'li', 'onclick' => 'return false', 'class' => 'icon active saveas', 'classact' => 'icon active saveas', 'innerclass' => 'icon active saveas', 'label' => 'kolab_files.saveto', ), 'attachmentmenu'); } } $this->folder_list_env(); $this->plugin->add_label('save', 'cancel', 'saveto', 'saveall', 'fromcloud', 'attachsel', 'selectfiles', 'attaching', 'collection_audio', 'collection_video', 'collection_image', 'collection_document', 'folderauthtitle', 'authenticating' ); } else if ($this->rc->task == 'files') { $template = 'files'; // get list of external sources $this->get_external_storage_drivers(); } // add taskbar button if (empty($_REQUEST['framed'])) { $this->plugin->add_button(array( 'command' => 'files', 'class' => 'button-files', 'classsel' => 'button-files button-selected', 'innerclass' => 'button-inner', 'label' => 'kolab_files.files', ), 'taskbar'); } $this->plugin->include_stylesheet($this->plugin->local_skin_path().'/style.css'); if (!empty($template)) { $collapsed_folders = (string) $this->rc->config->get('kolab_files_collapsed_folders'); $this->plugin->include_script($this->url . '/js/files_api.js'); $this->plugin->include_script('kolab_files.js'); $this->rc->output->include_script('treelist.js'); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_url', $this->url . '/api/'); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_token', $this->get_api_token()); $this->rc->output->set_env('kolab_files_collapsed_folders', $collapsed_folders); // register template objects for dialogs (and main interface) $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array( 'folder-create-form' => array($this, 'folder_create_form'), 'folder-edit-form' => array($this, 'folder_edit_form'), 'folder-mount-form' => array($this, 'folder_mount_form'), 'folder-auth-options'=> array($this, 'folder_auth_options'), 'file-search-form' => array($this, 'file_search_form'), 'file-edit-form' => array($this, 'file_edit_form'), 'file-create-form' => array($this, 'file_create_form'), 'filelist' => array($this, 'file_list'), 'filequotadisplay' => array($this, 'quota_display'), )); if ($this->rc->task != 'files') { // add dialog content at the end of page body $this->rc->output->add_footer( $this->rc->output->parse('kolab_files.' . $template, false, false)); } } } /** * Engine actions handler */ public function actions() { if ($this->rc->task == 'files' && $this->rc->action) { $action = $this->rc->action; } else if ($this->rc->task != 'files' && $_POST['act']) { $action = $_POST['act']; } else { $action = 'index'; } $method = 'action_' . str_replace('-', '_', $action); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->plugin->add_texts('localization/'); $this->{$method}(); } } /** * Template object for folder creation form */ public function folder_create_form($attrib) { $attrib['name'] = 'folder-create-form'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'folder-create-form'; } $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('id' => 'folder-name', 'name' => 'name', 'size' => 30)); $select_parent = new html_select(array('id' => 'folder-parent', 'name' => 'parent')); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform')); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-name', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('foldername')))); $table->add(null, $input_name->show()); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-parent', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('folderinside')))); $table->add(null, $select_parent->show()); $out = $table->show(); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag($attrib, $out); } $this->plugin->add_label('foldercreating', 'foldercreatenotice', 'create', 'foldercreate', 'cancel'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('folder-create-form', $attrib['id']); return $out; } /** * Template object for folder editing form */ public function folder_edit_form($attrib) { $attrib['name'] = 'folder-edit-form'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'folder-edit-form'; } $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('id' => 'folder-edit-name', 'name' => 'name', 'size' => 30)); $select_parent = new html_select(array('id' => 'folder-edit-parent', 'name' => 'parent')); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform')); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-name', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('foldername')))); $table->add(null, $input_name->show()); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-parent', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('folderinside')))); $table->add(null, $select_parent->show()); $out = $table->show(); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag($attrib, $out); } $this->plugin->add_label('folderupdating', 'folderupdatenotice', 'save', 'folderedit', 'cancel'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('folder-edit-form', $attrib['id']); return $out; } /** * Template object for folder mounting form */ public function folder_mount_form($attrib) { $sources = $this->rc->output->get_env('external_sources'); if (empty($sources) || !is_array($sources)) { return ''; } $attrib['name'] = 'folder-mount-form'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'folder-mount-form'; } // build form content $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform')); $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('id' => 'folder-mount-name', 'name' => 'name', 'size' => 30)); $input_driver = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => 'driver', 'size' => 30)); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-mount-name', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('name')))); $table->add(null, $input_name->show()); foreach ($sources as $key => $source) { $id = 'source-' . $key; $form = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform driverform')); foreach ((array) $source['form'] as $idx => $label) { $iid = $id . '-' . $idx; $type = stripos($idx, 'pass') !== false ? 'html_passwordfield' : 'html_inputfield'; $input = new $type(array('size' => 30)); $form->add('title', html::label($iid, rcube::Q($label))); $form->add(null, $input->show('', array( 'id' => $iid, 'name' => $key . '[' . $idx . ']' ))); } $row = $input_driver->show(null, array('value' => $key)) . html::img(array('src' => $source['image'], 'alt' => $key, 'title' => $source['name'])) . html::div(null, html::span('name', rcube::Q($source['name'])) . html::br() . html::span('description', rcube::Q($source['description'])) . $form->show() ); $table->add(array('id' => $id, 'colspan' => 2, 'class' => 'source'), $row); } $out = $table->show() . $this->folder_auth_options(array('suffix' => '-form')); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag($attrib, $out); } $this->plugin->add_label('foldermounting', 'foldermountnotice', 'foldermount', 'save', 'cancel', 'folderauthtitle', 'authenticating' ); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('folder-mount-form', $attrib['id']); return $out; } /** * Template object for folder authentication options */ public function folder_auth_options($attrib) { $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array( 'name' => 'store_passwords', 'value' => '1', 'id' => 'auth-pass-checkbox' . $attrib['suffix'], )); return html::div('auth-options', $checkbox->show(). ' ' . html::label('auth-pass-checkbox' . $attrib['suffix'], $this->plugin->gettext('storepasswords')) . html::span('description', $this->plugin->gettext('storepasswordsdesc')) ); } /** * Template object for file_edit form */ public function file_edit_form($attrib) { $attrib['name'] = 'file-edit-form'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'file-edit-form'; } $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('id' => 'file-edit-name', 'name' => 'name', 'size' => 30)); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform')); $table->add('title', html::label('file-edit-name', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('filename')))); $table->add(null, $input_name->show()); $out = $table->show(); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag($attrib, $out); } $this->plugin->add_label('save', 'cancel', 'fileupdating', 'fileedit'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('file-edit-form', $attrib['id']); return $out; } /** * Template object for file_create form */ public function file_create_form($attrib) { $attrib['name'] = 'file-create-form'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'file-create-form'; } $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('id' => 'file-create-name', 'name' => 'name', 'size' => 30)); $select_parent = new html_select(array('id' => 'file-create-parent', 'name' => 'parent')); $select_type = new html_select(array('id' => 'file-create-type', 'name' => 'type')); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => 'propform')); // @TODO: get this list from Chwala API $types = array( 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' => 'odt', 'text/plain' => 'txt', 'text/html' => 'html', ); foreach (array_keys($types) as $type) { list ($app, $label) = explode('/', $type); $label = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', '', $label); $select_type->add($this->plugin->gettext('type.' . $label), $type); } $table->add('title', html::label('file-create-name', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('filename')))); $table->add(null, $input_name->show()); $table->add('title', html::label('file-create-type', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('type')))); $table->add(null, $select_type->show()); $table->add('title', html::label('folder-parent', rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext('folderinside')))); $table->add(null, $select_parent->show()); $out = $table->show(); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag($attrib, $out); } $this->plugin->add_label('create', 'cancel', 'filecreating', 'createfile'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('file-create-form', $attrib['id']); $this->rc->output->set_env('file_extensions', $types); return $out; } /** * Template object for file search form in "From cloud" dialog */ public function file_search_form($attrib) { $attrib['name'] = '_q'; if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'filesearchbox'; } if ($attrib['type'] == 'search' && !$this->rc->output->browser->khtml) { unset($attrib['type'], $attrib['results']); } $input_q = new html_inputfield($attrib); $out = $input_q->show(); // add some labels to client $this->rc->output->add_label('searching'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('filesearchbox', $attrib['id']); // add form tag around text field if (empty($attrib['form'])) { $out = $this->rc->output->form_tag(array( 'action' => '?_task=files', 'name' => "filesearchform", 'onsubmit' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".command('files-search'); return false", ), $out); } return $out; } /** * Template object for files list */ public function file_list($attrib) { // define list of cols to be displayed based on parameter or config if (empty($attrib['columns'])) { $list_cols = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_files_list_cols'); $dont_override = $this->rc->config->get('dont_override'); $a_show_cols = is_array($list_cols) ? $list_cols : array('name'); $this->rc->output->set_env('col_movable', !in_array('kolab_files_list_cols', (array)$dont_override)); } else { $columns = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $attrib['columns']); $a_show_cols = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', $columns); } // make sure 'name' and 'options' column is present if (!in_array('name', $a_show_cols)) { array_unshift($a_show_cols, 'name'); } if (!in_array('options', $a_show_cols)) { array_unshift($a_show_cols, 'options'); } $attrib['columns'] = $a_show_cols; // save some variables for use in ajax list $_SESSION['kolab_files_list_attrib'] = $attrib; // For list in dialog(s) remove all option-like columns if ($this->rc->task != 'files') { $a_show_cols = array_intersect($a_show_cols, $this->sort_cols); } // set default sort col/order to session if (!isset($_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_col'])) $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_col'] = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_files_sort_col') ?: 'name'; if (!isset($_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_order'])) $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_order'] = strtoupper($this->rc->config->get('kolab_files_sort_order') ?: 'asc'); // set client env $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('filelist', $attrib['id']); $this->rc->output->set_env('sort_col', $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_col']); $this->rc->output->set_env('sort_order', $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_order']); $this->rc->output->set_env('coltypes', $a_show_cols); $this->rc->output->set_env('search_threads', $this->rc->config->get('kolab_files_search_threads')); $this->rc->output->include_script('list.js'); // attach css rules for mimetype icons $this->plugin->include_stylesheet($this->url . '/skins/default/images/mimetypes/style.css'); $thead = ''; foreach ($this->file_list_head($attrib, $a_show_cols) as $cell) { $thead .= html::tag('th', array('class' => $cell['className'], 'id' => $cell['id']), $cell['html']); } return html::tag('table', $attrib, html::tag('thead', null, html::tag('tr', null, $thead)) . html::tag('tbody', null, ''), array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary')); } /** * Creates for message list table */ protected function file_list_head($attrib, $a_show_cols) { $skin_path = $_SESSION['skin_path']; // $image_tag = html::img(array('src' => "%s%s", 'alt' => "%s")); // check to see if we have some settings for sorting $sort_col = $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_col']; $sort_order = $_SESSION['kolab_files_sort_order']; $dont_override = (array)$this->rc->config->get('dont_override'); $disabled_sort = in_array('message_sort_col', $dont_override); $disabled_order = in_array('message_sort_order', $dont_override); $this->rc->output->set_env('disabled_sort_col', $disabled_sort); $this->rc->output->set_env('disabled_sort_order', $disabled_order); // define sortable columns if ($disabled_sort) $a_sort_cols = $sort_col && !$disabled_order ? array($sort_col) : array(); else $a_sort_cols = $this->sort_cols; if (!empty($attrib['optionsmenuicon'])) { $onclick = 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".command('menu-open', 'filelistmenu', this, event)"; $inner = $this->rc->gettext('listoptions'); if (is_string($attrib['optionsmenuicon']) && $attrib['optionsmenuicon'] != 'true') { $inner = html::img(array('src' => $skin_path . $attrib['optionsmenuicon'], 'alt' => $this->rc->gettext('listoptions'))); } $list_menu = html::a(array( 'href' => '#list-options', 'onclick' => $onclick, 'class' => 'listmenu', 'id' => 'listmenulink', 'title' => $this->rc->gettext('listoptions'), 'tabindex' => '0', ), $inner); } else { $list_menu = ''; } $cells = array(); foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { // get column name switch ($col) { /* case 'status': $col_name = ' '; break; */ case 'options': $col_name = $list_menu; break; default: $col_name = rcube::Q($this->plugin->gettext($col)); } // make sort links if (in_array($col, $a_sort_cols)) { $col_name = html::a(array( 'href' => "#sort", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".command('files-sort','$col',this)", 'title' => $this->plugin->gettext('sortby') ), $col_name); } else if ($col_name[0] != '<') $col_name = '' . $col_name . ''; $sort_class = $col == $sort_col && !$disabled_order ? " sorted$sort_order" : ''; $class_name = $col.$sort_class; // put it all together $cells[] = array('className' => $class_name, 'id' => "rcm$col", 'html' => $col_name); } return $cells; } /** * Update files list object */ protected function file_list_update($prefs) { $attrib = $_SESSION['kolab_files_list_attrib']; if (!empty($prefs['kolab_files_list_cols'])) { $attrib['columns'] = $prefs['kolab_files_list_cols']; $_SESSION['kolab_files_list_attrib'] = $attrib; } $a_show_cols = $attrib['columns']; $head = ''; foreach ($this->file_list_head($attrib, $a_show_cols) as $cell) { $head .= html::tag('td', array('class' => $cell['className'], 'id' => $cell['id']), $cell['html']); } $head = html::tag('tr', null, $head); $this->rc->output->set_env('coltypes', $a_show_cols); $this->rc->output->command('files_list_update', $head); } /** * Template object for file info box */ public function file_info_box($attrib) { // print_r($this->file_data, true); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'class' => $attrib['class'])); // file name $table->add('label', $this->plugin->gettext('name').':'); $table->add('data filename', $this->file_data['name']); // file type // @TODO: human-readable type name $table->add('label', $this->plugin->gettext('type').':'); $table->add('data filetype', $this->file_data['type']); // file size $table->add('label', $this->plugin->gettext('size').':'); $table->add('data filesize', $this->rc->show_bytes($this->file_data['size'])); // file modification time $table->add('label', $this->plugin->gettext('mtime').':'); $table->add('data filemtime', $this->file_data['mtime']); // @TODO: for images: width, height, color depth, etc. // @TODO: for text files: count of characters, lines, words return $table->show(); } /** * Template object for file preview frame */ public function file_preview_frame($attrib) { if (empty($attrib['id'])) { $attrib['id'] = 'filepreviewframe'; } if ($frame = $this->file_data['viewer']['frame']) { return $frame; } if ($href = $this->file_data['viewer']['href']) { // file href attribute must be an absolute URL (Bug #2063) if (!empty($href)) { if (!preg_match('|^https?://|', $href)) { $href = $this->url . '/api/' . $href; } } } else { $token = $this->get_api_token(); $href = $this->url . '/api/?method=file_get' . '&file=' . urlencode($this->file_data['filename']) . '&token=' . urlencode($token); } $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('preview_frame', $attrib['id']); $attrib['allowfullscreen'] = true; $attrib['src'] = $href; $attrib['onload'] = 'kolab_files_frame_load(this)'; return html::iframe($attrib); } /** * Template object for quota display */ public function quota_display($attrib) { if (!$attrib['id']) { $attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay'; } $quota_type = !empty($attrib['display']) ? $attrib['display'] : 'text'; $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']); $this->rc->output->set_env('quota_type', $quota_type); // get quota $token = $this->get_api_token(); $request = $this->get_request(array('method' => 'quota'), $token); // send request to the API try { $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $quota = $body['result']; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error($e, true, false); $quota = array('total' => 0, 'percent' => 0); } $quota = rcube_output::json_serialize($quota); $this->rc->output->add_script(rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".files_set_quota($quota);", 'docready'); return html::span($attrib, ''); } /** * Get API token for current user session, authenticate if needed */ public function get_api_token() { $token = $_SESSION['kolab_files_token']; $time = $_SESSION['kolab_files_time']; if ($token && time() - $this->timeout < $time) { if (time() - $time <= $this->timeout / 2) { return $token; } } $request = $this->get_request(array('method' => 'ping'), $token); try { $url = $request->getUrl(); // Send ping request if ($token) { $url->setQueryVariables(array('method' => 'ping')); $request->setUrl($url); $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); if ($status == 200 && ($body = json_decode($response->getBody(), true))) { if ($body['status'] == 'OK') { $_SESSION['kolab_files_time'] = time(); return $token; } } } // Go with authenticate request $url->setQueryVariables(array('method' => 'authenticate', 'version' => self::API_VERSION)); $request->setUrl($url); $request->setAuth($this->rc->user->get_username(), $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password'])); $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); if ($status == 200 && ($body = json_decode($response->getBody(), true))) { $token = $body['result']['token']; if ($token) { $_SESSION['kolab_files_token'] = $token; $_SESSION['kolab_files_time'] = time(); $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps'] = $body['result']['capabilities']; } } else { throw new Exception(sprintf("Authenticate error (Status: %d)", $status)); } } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error($e, true, false); } return $token; } /** * Initialize HTTP_Request object */ protected function get_request($get = null, $token = null) { $url = $this->url . '/api/'; if (!$this->request) { $config = array( 'store_body' => true, 'follow_redirects' => true, ); $this->request = libkolab::http_request($url, 'GET', $config); } else { // cleanup try { $this->request->setBody(''); $this->request->setUrl($url); $this->request->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET); } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error($e, true, true); } } if ($token) { $this->request->setHeader('X-Session-Token', $token); } if (!empty($get)) { $url = $this->request->getUrl(); $url->setQueryVariables($get); $this->request->setUrl($url); } // some HTTP server configurations require this header $this->request->setHeader('accept', "application/json,text/javascript,*/*"); return $this->request; } /** * Handler for main files interface (Files task) */ protected function action_index() { $this->plugin->add_label( 'uploading', 'attaching', 'searching', 'uploadsizeerror', 'filedeleting', 'filedeletenotice', 'filedeleteconfirm', 'filemoving', 'filemovenotice', 'filemoveconfirm', 'filecopying', 'filecopynotice', 'fileskip', 'fileskipall', 'fileoverwrite', 'fileoverwriteall' ); $this->folder_list_env(); $this->rc->output->add_label('uploadprogress', 'GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'B'); $this->rc->output->set_pagetitle($this->plugin->gettext('files')); $this->rc->output->set_env('file_mimetypes', $this->get_mimetypes()); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_quota', $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps']['QUOTA']); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_max_upload', $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps']['MAX_UPLOAD']); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_progress_name', $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps']['PROGRESS_NAME']); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_progress_time', $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps']['PROGRESS_TIME']); $this->rc->output->send('kolab_files.files'); } /** * Handler for preferences save action */ protected function action_prefs() { $dont_override = (array)$this->rc->config->get('dont_override'); $prefs = array(); $opts = array( 'kolab_files_sort_col' => true, 'kolab_files_sort_order' => true, 'kolab_files_list_cols' => false, ); foreach ($opts as $o => $sess) { if (isset($_POST[$o]) && !in_array($o, $dont_override)) { $prefs[$o] = rcube_utils::get_input_value($o, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); if ($sess) { $_SESSION[$o] = $prefs[$o]; } if ($o == 'kolab_files_list_cols') { $update_list = true; } } } // save preference values if (!empty($prefs)) { $this->rc->user->save_prefs($prefs); } if (!empty($update_list)) { $this->file_list_update($prefs); } $this->rc->output->send(); } /** * Handler for file open action */ protected function action_open() { $file = rcube_utils::get_input_value('file', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $viewer = intval($_GET['viewer']); // get file info $token = $this->get_api_token(); $request = $this->get_request(array( 'method' => 'file_info', 'file' => $file, 'viewer' => $viewer, ), $token); // send request to the API try { $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $this->file_data = $body['result']; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $e->getMessage()), true, true); } $this->file_data['filename'] = $file; $this->plugin->add_label('filedeleteconfirm', 'filedeleting', 'filedeletenotice'); // register template objects for dialogs (and main interface) $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array( 'fileinfobox' => array($this, 'file_info_box'), 'filepreviewframe' => array($this, 'file_preview_frame'), )); + $placeholder = $this->rc->output->asset_url('program/resources/blank.gif'); + // this one is for styling purpose $this->rc->output->set_env('extwin', true); $this->rc->output->set_env('file', $file); $this->rc->output->set_env('file_data', $this->file_data); + $this->rc->output->set_env('photo_placeholder', $placeholder); $this->rc->output->set_pagetitle(rcube::Q($file)); $this->rc->output->send('kolab_files.' . ($viewer & 4 ? 'docedit' : 'filepreview')); } /** * Handler for "save all attachments into cloud" action */ protected function action_save_file() { // $source = rcube_utils::get_input_value('source', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $uid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('uid', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $dest = rcube_utils::get_input_value('dest', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $id = rcube_utils::get_input_value('id', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $name = rcube_utils::get_input_value('name', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $temp_dir = unslashify($this->rc->config->get('temp_dir')); $message = new rcube_message($uid); $request = $this->get_request(); $url = $request->getUrl(); $files = array(); $errors = array(); $attachments = array(); $request->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST); $request->setHeader('X-Session-Token', $this->get_api_token()); $url->setQueryVariables(array('method' => 'file_upload', 'folder' => $dest)); $request->setUrl($url); foreach ($message->attachments as $attach_prop) { if (empty($id) || $id == $attach_prop->mime_id) { $filename = strlen($name) ? $name : rcmail_attachment_name($attach_prop, true); $attachments[$filename] = $attach_prop; } } // @TODO: handle error // @TODO: implement file upload using file URI instead of body upload foreach ($attachments as $attach_name => $attach_prop) { $path = tempnam($temp_dir, 'rcmAttmnt'); // save attachment to file if ($fp = fopen($path, 'w+')) { $message->get_part_body($attach_prop->mime_id, false, 0, $fp); } else { $errors[] = true; rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Unable to save attachment into file $path"), true, false); continue; } fclose($fp); // send request to the API try { $request->setBody(''); $request->addUpload('file[]', $path, $attach_name, $attach_prop->mimetype); $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $files[] = $attach_name; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { unlink($path); $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $e->getMessage()), true, false); continue; } // clean up unlink($path); $request->setBody(''); } if ($count = count($files)) { $msg = $this->plugin->gettext(array('name' => 'saveallnotice', 'vars' => array('n' => $count))); $this->rc->output->show_message($msg, 'confirmation'); } if ($count = count($errors)) { $msg = $this->plugin->gettext(array('name' => 'saveallerror', 'vars' => array('n' => $count))); $this->rc->output->show_message($msg, 'error'); } // @TODO: update quota indicator, make this optional in case files aren't stored in IMAP $this->rc->output->send(); } /** * Handler for "add attachments from the cloud" action */ protected function action_attach_file() { $files = rcube_utils::get_input_value('files', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $uploadid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('uploadid', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $COMPOSE_ID = rcube_utils::get_input_value('id', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $COMPOSE = null; $errors = array(); if ($COMPOSE_ID && $_SESSION['compose_data_'.$COMPOSE_ID]) { $COMPOSE =& $_SESSION['compose_data_'.$COMPOSE_ID]; } if (!$COMPOSE) { die("Invalid session var!"); } // attachment upload action if (!is_array($COMPOSE['attachments'])) { $COMPOSE['attachments'] = array(); } // clear all stored output properties (like scripts and env vars) $this->rc->output->reset(); $temp_dir = unslashify($this->rc->config->get('temp_dir')); $request = $this->get_request(); $url = $request->getUrl(); // Use observer object to store HTTP response into a file require_once $this->plugin->home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'kolab_files_observer.php'; $observer = new kolab_files_observer(); $request->setHeader('X-Session-Token', $this->get_api_token()); // download files from the API and attach them foreach ($files as $file) { // decode filename $file = urldecode($file); // get file information try { $url->setQueryVariables(array('method' => 'file_info', 'file' => $file)); $request->setUrl($url); $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $file_params = $body['result']; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $e->getMessage()), true, false); continue; } // set location of downloaded file $path = tempnam($temp_dir, 'rcmAttmnt'); $observer->set_file($path); // download file try { $url->setQueryVariables(array('method' => 'file_get', 'file' => $file)); $request->setUrl($url); $request->attach($observer); $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $response->getBody(); // returns nothing $request->detach($observer); if ($status != 200 || !file_exists($path)) { throw new Exception("Unable to save file"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $e->getMessage()), true, false); continue; } $attachment = array( 'path' => $path, 'size' => $file_params['size'], 'name' => $file_params['name'], 'mimetype' => $file_params['type'], 'group' => $COMPOSE_ID, ); $attachment = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('attachment_save', $attachment); if ($attachment['status'] && !$attachment['abort']) { $id = $attachment['id']; // store new attachment in session unset($attachment['data'], $attachment['status'], $attachment['abort']); $COMPOSE['attachments'][$id] = $attachment; if (($icon = $COMPOSE['deleteicon']) && is_file($icon)) { $button = html::img(array( 'src' => $icon, 'alt' => $this->rc->gettext('delete') )); } else { $button = rcube::Q($this->rc->gettext('delete')); } $content = html::a(array( 'href' => "#delete", 'onclick' => sprintf("return %s.command('remove-attachment','rcmfile%s', this)", rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME, $id), 'title' => $this->rc->gettext('delete'), 'class' => 'delete', ), $button); $content .= rcube::Q($attachment['name']); $this->rc->output->command('add2attachment_list', "rcmfile$id", array( 'html' => $content, 'name' => $attachment['name'], 'mimetype' => $attachment['mimetype'], 'classname' => rcmail_filetype2classname($attachment['mimetype'], $attachment['name']), 'complete' => true), $uploadid); } else if ($attachment['error']) { $errors[] = $attachment['error']; } else { $errors[] = $this->plugin->gettext('attacherror'); } } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->plugin->gettext('attacherror'), 'error'); $this->rc->output->command('remove_from_attachment_list', $uploadid); } // send html page with JS calls as response $this->rc->output->command('auto_save_start', false); $this->rc->output->send(); } /** * Returns mimetypes supported by File API viewers */ protected function get_mimetypes() { $token = $this->get_api_token(); $request = $this->get_request(array('method' => 'mimetypes'), $token); // send request to the API try { $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $mimetypes = $body['result']; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $e->getMessage()), true, false); } return $mimetypes; } /** * Get list of available external storage drivers */ protected function get_external_storage_drivers() { // first get configured sources from Chwala $token = $this->get_api_token(); $request = $this->get_request(array('method' => 'folder_types'), $token); // send request to the API try { $response = $request->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); $body = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($status == 200 && $body['status'] == 'OK') { $sources = $body['result']; } else { throw new Exception($body['reason']); } } catch (Exception $e) { rcube::raise_error($e, true, false); return; } $this->rc->output->set_env('external_sources', $sources); } /** * Registers translation labels for folder lists in UI */ protected function folder_list_env() { // folder list and actions $this->plugin->add_label( 'folderdeleting', 'folderdeleteconfirm', 'folderdeletenotice', 'collection_audio', 'collection_video', 'collection_image', 'collection_document', 'additionalfolders', 'listpermanent' ); $this->rc->output->add_label('foldersubscribing', 'foldersubscribed', 'folderunsubscribing', 'folderunsubscribed', 'searching' ); $this->rc->output->set_env('files_caps', $_SESSION['kolab_files_caps']); } } diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/style.css b/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/style.css index eb814b1f..1bbbf3f5 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/style.css +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/style.css @@ -1,494 +1,510 @@ /* Taskbar button */ #taskbar a.button-files span.button-inner { background: url(images/buttons.png) 0 0 no-repeat; height: 22px; } #taskbar a.button-files:hover span.button-inner, #taskbar a.button-files.button-selected span.button-inner { background: url(images/buttons.png) 0 -26px no-repeat; height: 22px; } /* Attachment toolbar button */ .toolbar a.button.saveas { background: url(images/buttons.png) center -277px no-repeat; } /* Files main interface */ #filestoolbar { position: absolute; height: 40px; left: 0; top: -6px; z-index: 10; } #filestoolbar a.button { background-image: url(images/buttons.png); } #filestoolbar a.button.upload { background-position: center -52px; } #filestoolbar a.button.get { background-position: center -93px; } #filestoolbar a.button.export { background-position: 0 -93px; min-width: 50px; } #filestoolbar a.button.open { background-position: center -131px; } #filestoolbar a.button.delete { background-image: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/buttons.png); } #filestoolbar a.button.create, #filestoolbar a.button.edit { background-position: center -173px; } #filestoolbar a.button.save { background-position: center -213px; } #filestoolbar a.button.print { background-image: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/buttons.png); background-position: center -810px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #filestoolbar form { display: inline; } #filestoolbar > label { line-height: 42px; vertical-align: top; color: #555; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #eee; } #document-title { width: 200px; } +#collaborators { + position: absolute; + right: 0; + top: -6px; +} + +#collaborators #members img.photo { + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + overflow: hidden; + background: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/contactpic_32px.png) center center no-repeat #fff; + border-radius: 5px; + border: solid 3px #eee; + margin-left: 5px; +} + #quicksearchbar #filesearchmenulink { position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 6px; } #folderlistbox, #fileinfobox { position: absolute; top: 42px; left: 0; width: 220px; bottom: 0; } #filelistcontainer, #filecontent { position: absolute; top: 42px; left: 232px; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: auto; } #filecontent.docedit { left: 0; } #filelistbox { overflow: auto; top: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; width: 100%; } #filecontent { overflow: hidden; } #filecontent iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; border: 0; } #folderlistbox .scroller { top: 34px; } #folderlistbox .boxtitle a.iconbutton.search { background-position: -2px -317px; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 8px; width: 16px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection a.name { background: url(images/folders.png) 5px 0 no-repeat; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.audio a.name { background-position: 5px -96px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.video a.name { background-position: 5px -144px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.document a.name { background-position: 5px 0; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.image a.name { background-position: 5px -48px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.audio.selected a.name { background-position: 5px -119px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.video.selected a.name { background-position: 5px -167px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.document.selected a.name { backgroundposition: 5px -24px; } .folderlist li.mailbox.collection.image.selected a.name { background-position: 5px -72px; } #files-folder-list li a.subscription { display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px; height: 16px; width: 16px; padding: 0; background: url(images/listicons.png) -16px -148px no-repeat; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; } #files-folder-list li a.subscription.subscribed { background-position: -16px -110px; } #files-folder-list .searchresults .boxtitle { border-radius: 0; padding: 2px 8px; } #files-folder-list .searchresults { margin-top: 8px; } .filelist thead tr th { padding: 0; } .filelist tbody tr td { padding: 2px 7px; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; } .filelist tr > .size { width: 80px; text-align: right; } .filelist thead tr > .size { text-align: left; } .filelist tr > .mtime { width: 125px; } .filelist tr > .options { width: 32px; cursor: pointer; } .filelist thead tr th.filename, .filelist tbody tr td.filename { width: 99%; white-space: nowrap; } .filelist thead tr th.sortedASC a, .filelist thead tr th.sortedDESC a { color: #004458; text-decoration: underline; background-image: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/listicons.png); background-position: right -912px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .filelist thead tr th.sortedASC a { background-position: right -944px; } .filelist img { vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; } .filelist tr > .options a.listmenu, .filelist tr > .flag span.flagged, .filelist tr > .flag span.unflagged, .filelist tr > .flag span.unflagged:hover { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 18px; width: 20px; padding: 0; background: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/listicons.png) -100px 0 no-repeat; } .filelist thead tr th.options { padding: 0; border-left: none; } .filelist thead tr th.options .listmenu { background-position: 3px -970px; cursor: pointer; width: 24px; height: 20px; padding: 4px 4px 5px; text-indent: -5000px; } .filelist thead tr th.options .listmenu:focus { outline: none; background-color: rgba(73,180,210,0.7); } .filelist thead tr th:first-child { border-radius: 4px 0 0 0; } .filelist tbody tr td.options:hover span { width: 26px; height: 18px; background: url(../../../../skins/larry/images/buttons.png) -5px -417px no-repeat; display: block; } .filelist td.filename { padding: 0 4px; } .filelist tbody td.filename span { background: url(images/unknown.png) 0 0 no-repeat; padding: 1px 0 3px 20px; height: 16px; } /* .filelist tbody td.filename span input { padding: 0 2px; height: 18px; } */ #fileinfobox table { table-layout: fixed; } #fileinfobox table td.label { width: 60px; font-weight: bold; padding-right: 0; } #fileinfobox table td.data { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } #fileinfobox table td.data.filename { font-weight: bold; } #fileinfobox table tr:first-child td { border-top: 0; } #filelistcontainer.droptarget.hover, #filelistcontainer.droptarget.active { border-color: #019bc6; box-shadow: 0 0 3px 2px rgba(71,135,177, 0.5); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px 2px rgba(71,135,177, 0.5); } #filelistcontainer.droptarget.hover { background-color: #d9ecf4; box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px rgba(71,135,177, 0.9); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px rgba(71,135,177, 0.9); } #filelistcontainer.droptarget.hover #filelist tbody td { background-color: #d9ecf4; } /* plugin dialogs */ #files-dialog, #files-compose-dialog, #files-file-edit-dialog, #files-file-create-dialog, #files-folder-mount-dialog, #files-folder-auth-dialog, #files-folder-create-dialog, #files-folder-edit-dialog { display: none; } #files-compose-dialog #folderlistbox { right: auto; width: 190px; top: 45px; bottom: 5px; box-shadow: none; } #files-dialog #folderlistbox { top: 35px; bottom: 5px; left: 0; right: 0; width: auto; box-shadow: none; } #files-dialog #folderlistbox .scroller { top: 0; } #files-dialog .listsearchbox { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background-color: #fff; } #files-dialog.saveas #folderlistbox { bottom: 40px; } #files-compose-dialog #filelistcontainer { position: absolute; top: 45px; bottom: 5px; left: 200px; right: 0; box-shadow: none; } #files-compose-dialog #searchmenulink { width: 15px; } #files-compose-dialog .searchbox input { background-color: white; } #files-compose-dialog #quicksearchbar { top: 10px; right: 5px; } #files-compose-dialog #searchreset { cursor: pointer; } a.filesaveall { display: inline-block; margin-top: .5em; padding: 3px 5px 4px 5px; } #file-save-as { height: 25px; white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; bottom: 8px; left: 5px; right: 5px; text-align: center; } #file-save-as input { width: 200px; } ul.toolbarmenu li span.saveas { background: url(images/buttons.png) -5px -253px no-repeat; } table.propform td.source.selected { background-color: #c7e3ef; } table.propform td.source div { display: inline-block; padding-left: 3px; vertical-align: middle; } table.propform td.source .name { font-weight: bold; } table.propform td.source .description { font-size: 9px; color: #666; } table.propform td.source img { vertical-align: middle; background-color: #e0e0e0; border-radius: 3px; margin: 3px; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, #888, #333); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #888, #333); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #888, #333); } table.propform td.source table.propform td { border-bottom: 0; padding: 2px 10px; background-color: inherit; } .auth-options { margin-top: 5px; } .auth-options .description { color: #666; display: block; margin: 3px 0 0 25px; } .auth-options input, .auth-options label { vertical-align: middle; } diff --git a/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/templates/docedit.html b/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/templates/docedit.html index c0d9c3c5..fdba1c96 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/templates/docedit.html +++ b/plugins/kolab_files/skins/larry/templates/docedit.html @@ -1,52 +1,57 @@ <roundcube:object name="pagetitle" />


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