diff --git a/plugins/kolab_sso/kolab_sso.php b/plugins/kolab_sso/kolab_sso.php index 9ca117be..ef8c278c 100644 --- a/plugins/kolab_sso/kolab_sso.php +++ b/plugins/kolab_sso/kolab_sso.php @@ -1,398 +1,406 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2018, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_sso extends rcube_plugin { public $rc; private $data; private $old_data; private $driver; private $logon_error; private $debug = false; /** * Plugin initialization */ public function init() { // Roundcube or Chwala if (defined('RCMAIL_VERSION') || defined('FILE_API_START')) { $this->rc = rcube::get_instance(); $this->add_hook('startup', array($this, 'startup')); $this->add_hook('authenticate', array($this, 'authenticate')); $this->rc->add_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); } } /** * Startup hook handler */ public function startup($args) { // On login or logout (or when the session expired)... if ($args['task'] == 'login' || $args['task'] == 'logout') { $mode = $args['action'] == 'sso' ? $_SESSION['sso_mode'] : rcube_utils::get_input_value('_sso', rcube_utils::INPUT_GP); // Authorization if ($mode) { $driver = $this->get_driver($mode); // This is where we handle redirections from the SSO provider if ($args['action'] == 'sso') { $this->data = $driver->response(); if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data['timezone'] = $_SESSION['sso_timezone']; $this->data['url'] = $_SESSION['sso_url']; $this->data['mode'] = $mode; } else { $this->logon_error = $driver->response_error(); } } // This is where we handle clicking one of "Login by SSO" buttons else if ($_SESSION['temp'] && $this->rc->check_request()) { // Remember some logon params for use on SSO response above $_SESSION['sso_timezone'] = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_timezone', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $_SESSION['sso_url'] = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_url', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $_SESSION['sso_mode'] = $mode; $driver->authorize(); } $args['action'] = 'login'; $args['task'] = 'login'; } } // On valid session... else if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && ($data = $_SESSION['sso_data']) && ($data = json_decode($this->rc->decrypt($data), true)) && ($mode = $data['mode']) ) { $driver = $this->get_driver($mode); $this->old_data = $data; // Session validation, token refresh, etc. if ($this->data = $driver->validate_session($data)) { // register storage connection hooks $this->authenticate(array(), true); } else { // Destroy the session $this->rc->kill_session(); // TODO: error message beter explaining the reason // $this->rc->output->show_message('sessionferror', 'error'); } } // Register login form modifications $this->add_hook('template_object_loginform', array($this, 'login_form')); return $args; } /** * Authenticate hook handler */ public function authenticate($args, $internal = false) { // Chwala if (defined('FILE_API_START') && !$internal && empty($args['pass']) && strpos($args['user'], 'RC:') === 0) { // extract session ID and username from the token list(, $sess_id, $user) = explode(':', $args['user']); // unset user, set invalid state $args['valid'] = false; $args['user'] = null; $session = rcube_session::factory($this->rc->config); if ($data = $session->read($sess_id)) { // get SSO data from the existing session $old_session = $_SESSION; session_decode($data); $session_user = $_SESSION['username']; $data = $_SESSION['sso_data']; $_SESSION = $old_session; // TODO: allow only configured REMOTE_ADDR? if ($session_user == $user && $data && ($data = json_decode($this->rc->decrypt($data), true)) && ($mode = $data['mode'])) { $driver = $this->get_driver($mode); // Session validation, token refresh, etc. if ($this->data = $driver->validate_session($data)) { $args['user'] = $user; $args['pass'] = 'fake-sso-password'; $args['valid'] = true; $this->authenticate(array(), true); } } } } // Roundcube else if (!empty($this->data) && ($email = $this->data['email'])) { if (!$internal) { $args['user'] = $email; $args['pass'] = 'fake-sso-password'; $args['valid'] = true; $args['cookiecheck'] = false; $_POST['_timezone'] = $this->data['timezone']; $_POST['_url'] = $this->data['url']; } $this->add_hook('storage_connect', array($this, 'storage_connect')); $this->add_hook('managesieve_connect', array($this, 'storage_connect')); $this->add_hook('smtp_connect', array($this, 'smtp_connect')); $this->add_hook('ldap_connected', array($this, 'ldap_connected')); $this->add_hook('chwala_authenticate', array($this, 'chwala_authenticate')); } else if ($this->logon_error) { $args['valid'] = false; $args['error'] = $this->logon_error; } return $args; } /** * Shutdown handler */ public function shutdown() { // Between startup and authenticate the session is destroyed. // So, we save the data later than that. if (!empty($this->data) && !empty($_SESSION['user_id']) // update session only when data changed && (empty($this->old_data) || $this->old_data != $this->data) ) { $_SESSION['sso_data'] = $this->rc->encrypt(json_encode($this->data)); } } /** * Storage_connect/managesieve_connect hook handler */ public function storage_connect($args) { $user = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_imap_user'); $pass = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_imap_pass'); if ($user && $pass) { $args['auth_cid'] = $user; $args['auth_pw'] = $pass; $args['auth_type'] = 'PLAIN'; } return $args; } /** * Smtp_connect hook handler */ public function smtp_connect($args) { foreach (array('smtp_server', 'smtp_user', 'smtp_pass') as $prop) { $args[$prop] = $this->rc->config->get("kolab_sso_$prop", $args[$prop]); } return $args; } /** * ldap_connected hook handler */ public function ldap_connected($args) { $user = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_ldap_user'); $pass = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_ldap_pass'); if ($user && $pass && $args['user_specific']) { $args['bind_dn'] = $user; $args['bind_pass'] = $pass; $args['search_filter'] = null; } return $args; } /** * Chwala_authenticate hook handler */ public function chwala_authenticate($args) { // Instead of normal basic auth with user/pass we'll use // Authorization: Bearer $bearer = 'RC:' . session_id() . ':' . $_SESSION['username']; $args['request']->setAuth(null); $args['request']->setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . base64_encode($bearer)); return $args; } /** * Login form object */ public function login_form($args) { $this->load_config(); $options = (array) $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_options'); $disable_login = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_disable_login'); if (empty($options)) { return $args; } $doc = new DOMDocumentHelper('1.0'); $doc->loadHTML($args['content']); $body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); if ($disable_login) { // Remove login form inputs table $table = $doc->getElementsByTagName('table')->item(0); $table->parentNode->removeChild($table); // Remove original Submit button $submit = $doc->getElementsByTagName('button')->item(0); $submit->parentNode->removeChild($submit); } if (!$this->driver) { $this->add_texts('localization/'); } // Add SSO form elements $form = $doc->createNode('p', null, array('id' => 'sso-form', 'class' => 'formbuttons'), $body); foreach ($options as $idx => $option) { $label = array('name' => 'loginby', 'vars' => array('provider' => $option['name'] ?: $this->gettext('sso'))); $doc->createNode('button', $this->gettext($label), array( 'type' => 'button', 'value' => $idx, 'class' => 'button sso w-100 mb-1', 'onclick' => 'kolab_sso_submit(this)', ), $form); } $doc->createNode('input', null, array('name' => '_sso', 'type' => 'hidden'), $form); - // Save the form content back - $args['content'] = preg_replace('||', '', $doc->saveHTML($body)); - - // Add script - $args['content'] .= ""; return $args; } /** * Debug function for drivers */ public function debug($line) { if ($this->debug) { rcube::write_log('sso', $line); } } /** * Initialize SSO driver object */ private function get_driver($name) { if ($this->driver) { return $this->driver; } $this->load_config(); $this->add_texts('localization/'); $options = (array) $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_options'); $options = (array) $options[$name]; $driver = $options['driver'] ?: 'openidc'; $class = "kolab_sso_$driver"; if (empty($options) || !file_exists($this->home . "/drivers/$driver.php")) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Unable to find SSO driver" ), true, true); } // Add /lib to include_path $include_path = $this->home . '/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR; $include_path .= ini_get('include_path'); set_include_path($include_path); require_once $this->home . "/drivers/$driver.php"; $this->debug = $this->rc->config->get('kolab_sso_debug'); $this->driver = new $class($this, $options); return $this->driver; } } /** * DOMDocument wrapper with some shortcut method */ class DOMDocumentHelper extends DOMDocument { + public function loadHTML($html, $options = 0) + { + return parent::loadHTML('' . $html); + } + + public function saveHTML($node = null) + { + return preg_replace('||', '', parent::saveHTML($node)); + } + public function createNode($name, $value = null, $args = array(), $parent = null, $prepend = false) { $node = parent::createElement($name); if ($value) { $node->appendChild(new DOMText(rcube::Q($value))); } foreach ($args as $attr_name => $attr_value) { $node->setAttribute($attr_name, $attr_value); } if ($parent) { if ($prepend && $parent->firstChild) { $parent->insertBefore($node, $parent->firstChild); } else { $parent->appendChild($node); } } return $node; } }