diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php index 814800d2..4f55a502 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php +++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_format.php @@ -1,775 +1,775 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2012, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ abstract class kolab_format { public static $timezone; public /*abstract*/ $CTYPE; public /*abstract*/ $CTYPEv2; protected /*abstract*/ $objclass; protected /*abstract*/ $read_func; protected /*abstract*/ $write_func; protected $obj; protected $data; protected $xmldata; protected $xmlobject; protected $formaterror; protected $loaded = false; protected $version = '3.0'; const KTYPE_PREFIX = 'application/x-vnd.kolab.'; const PRODUCT_ID = 'Roundcube-libkolab-1.1'; // mapping table for valid PHP timezones not supported by libkolabxml // basically the entire list of ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/data/backward protected static $timezone_map = array( 'Africa/Asmera' => 'Africa/Asmara', 'Africa/Timbuktu' => 'Africa/Abidjan', 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia' => 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Atka' => 'America/Adak', 'America/Buenos_Aires' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Catamarca' => 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Coral_Harbour' => 'America/Atikokan', 'America/Cordoba' => 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Ensenada' => 'America/Tijuana', 'America/Fort_Wayne' => 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'America/Indianapolis' => 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'America/Jujuy' => 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'America/Knox_IN' => 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'America/Louisville' => 'America/Kentucky/Louisville', 'America/Mendoza' => 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'America/Porto_Acre' => 'America/Rio_Branco', 'America/Rosario' => 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Virgin' => 'America/Port_of_Spain', 'Asia/Ashkhabad' => 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'Asia/Calcutta' => 'Asia/Kolkata', 'Asia/Chungking' => 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Dacca' => 'Asia/Dhaka', 'Asia/Katmandu' => 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'Asia/Macao' => 'Asia/Macau', 'Asia/Saigon' => 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh', 'Asia/Tel_Aviv' => 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Asia/Thimbu' => 'Asia/Thimphu', 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang' => 'Asia/Makassar', 'Asia/Ulan_Bator' => 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'Atlantic/Faeroe' => 'Atlantic/Faroe', 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen' => 'Europe/Oslo', 'Australia/ACT' => 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/Canberra' => 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/LHI' => 'Australia/Lord_Howe', 'Australia/NSW' => 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/North' => 'Australia/Darwin', 'Australia/Queensland' => 'Australia/Brisbane', 'Australia/South' => 'Australia/Adelaide', 'Australia/Tasmania' => 'Australia/Hobart', 'Australia/Victoria' => 'Australia/Melbourne', 'Australia/West' => 'Australia/Perth', 'Australia/Yancowinna' => 'Australia/Broken_Hill', 'Brazil/Acre' => 'America/Rio_Branco', 'Brazil/DeNoronha' => 'America/Noronha', 'Brazil/East' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'Brazil/West' => 'America/Manaus', 'Canada/Atlantic' => 'America/Halifax', 'Canada/Central' => 'America/Winnipeg', 'Canada/East-Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina', 'Canada/Eastern' => 'America/Toronto', 'Canada/Mountain' => 'America/Edmonton', 'Canada/Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns', 'Canada/Pacific' => 'America/Vancouver', 'Canada/Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina', 'Canada/Yukon' => 'America/Whitehorse', 'Chile/Continental' => 'America/Santiago', 'Chile/EasterIsland' => 'Pacific/Easter', 'Cuba' => 'America/Havana', 'Egypt' => 'Africa/Cairo', 'Eire' => 'Europe/Dublin', 'Europe/Belfast' => 'Europe/London', 'Europe/Tiraspol' => 'Europe/Chisinau', 'GB' => 'Europe/London', 'GB-Eire' => 'Europe/London', 'Greenwich' => 'Etc/GMT', 'Hongkong' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Iceland' => 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Iran' => 'Asia/Tehran', 'Israel' => 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Jamaica' => 'America/Jamaica', 'Japan' => 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Kwajalein' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'Libya' => 'Africa/Tripoli', 'Mexico/BajaNorte' => 'America/Tijuana', 'Mexico/BajaSur' => 'America/Mazatlan', 'Mexico/General' => 'America/Mexico_City', 'NZ' => 'Pacific/Auckland', 'NZ-CHAT' => 'Pacific/Chatham', 'Navajo' => 'America/Denver', 'PRC' => 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Pacific/Ponape' => 'Pacific/Pohnpei', 'Pacific/Samoa' => 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Pacific/Truk' => 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'Pacific/Yap' => 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'Poland' => 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Portugal' => 'Europe/Lisbon', 'ROC' => 'Asia/Taipei', 'ROK' => 'Asia/Seoul', 'Singapore' => 'Asia/Singapore', 'Turkey' => 'Europe/Istanbul', 'UCT' => 'Etc/UCT', 'US/Alaska' => 'America/Anchorage', 'US/Aleutian' => 'America/Adak', 'US/Arizona' => 'America/Phoenix', 'US/Central' => 'America/Chicago', 'US/East-Indiana' => 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'US/Eastern' => 'America/New_York', 'US/Hawaii' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'US/Indiana-Starke' => 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'US/Michigan' => 'America/Detroit', 'US/Mountain' => 'America/Denver', 'US/Pacific' => 'America/Los_Angeles', 'US/Samoa' => 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Universal' => 'Etc/UTC', 'W-SU' => 'Europe/Moscow', 'Zulu' => 'Etc/UTC', ); /** * Factory method to instantiate a kolab_format object of the given type and version * * @param string Object type to instantiate * @param float Format version * @param string Cached xml data to initialize with * @return object kolab_format */ public static function factory($type, $version = '3.0', $xmldata = null) { if (!isset(self::$timezone)) self::$timezone = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); if (!self::supports($version)) return PEAR::raiseError("No support for Kolab format version " . $version); $type = preg_replace('/configuration\.[a-z._]+$/', 'configuration', $type); $suffix = preg_replace('/[^a-z]+/', '', $type); $classname = 'kolab_format_' . $suffix; if (class_exists($classname)) return new $classname($xmldata, $version); return PEAR::raiseError("Failed to load Kolab Format wrapper for type " . $type); } /** * Determine support for the given format version * * @param float Format version to check * @return boolean True if supported, False otherwise */ public static function supports($version) { if ($version == '2.0') return class_exists('kolabobject'); // default is version 3 return class_exists('kolabformat'); } /** * Convert the given date/time value into a cDateTime object * * @param mixed Date/Time value either as unix timestamp, date string or PHP DateTime object * @param DateTimeZone The timezone the date/time is in. Use global default if Null, local time if False * @param boolean True of the given date has no time component * @return object The libkolabxml date/time object */ public static function get_datetime($datetime, $tz = null, $dateonly = false) { // use timezone information from datetime of global setting if (!$tz && $tz !== false) { if ($datetime instanceof DateTime) $tz = $datetime->getTimezone(); if (!$tz) $tz = self::$timezone; } $result = new cDateTime(); try { // got a unix timestamp (in UTC) if (is_numeric($datetime)) { $datetime = new DateTime('@'.$datetime, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if ($tz) $datetime->setTimezone($tz); } else if (is_string($datetime) && strlen($datetime)) { $datetime = $tz ? new DateTime($datetime, $tz) : new DateTime($datetime); } } catch (Exception $e) {} if ($datetime instanceof DateTime) { $result->setDate($datetime->format('Y'), $datetime->format('n'), $datetime->format('j')); if (!$dateonly) $result->setTime($datetime->format('G'), $datetime->format('i'), $datetime->format('s')); // libkolabxml throws errors on some deprecated timezone names - $utc_aliases = array('UTC', 'GMT', '+00:00', 'Z', 'Etc/GMT'); + $utc_aliases = array('UTC', 'GMT', '+00:00', 'Z', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/UTC'); if ($tz && in_array($tz->getName(), $utc_aliases)) { $result->setUTC(true); } else if ($tz !== false) { $tzid = $tz->getName(); if (array_key_exists($tzid, self::$timezone_map)) $tzid = self::$timezone_map[$tzid]; $result->setTimezone($tzid); } } return $result; } /** * Convert the given cDateTime into a PHP DateTime object * * @param object cDateTime The libkolabxml datetime object * @return object DateTime PHP datetime instance */ public static function php_datetime($cdt) { if (!is_object($cdt) || !$cdt->isValid()) return null; $d = new DateTime; $d->setTimezone(self::$timezone); try { if ($tzs = $cdt->timezone()) { $tz = new DateTimeZone($tzs); $d->setTimezone($tz); } else if ($cdt->isUTC()) { $d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); } } catch (Exception $e) { } $d->setDate($cdt->year(), $cdt->month(), $cdt->day()); if ($cdt->isDateOnly()) { $d->_dateonly = true; $d->setTime(12, 0, 0); // set time to noon to avoid timezone troubles } else { $d->setTime($cdt->hour(), $cdt->minute(), $cdt->second()); } return $d; } /** * Convert a libkolabxml vector to a PHP array * * @param object vector Object * @return array Indexed array containing vector elements */ public static function vector2array($vec, $max = PHP_INT_MAX) { $arr = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $vec->size() && $i < $max; $i++) $arr[] = $vec->get($i); return $arr; } /** * Build a libkolabxml vector (string) from a PHP array * * @param array Array with vector elements * @return object vectors */ public static function array2vector($arr) { $vec = new vectors; foreach ((array)$arr as $val) { if (strlen($val)) $vec->push($val); } return $vec; } /** * Parse the X-Kolab-Type header from MIME messages and return the object type in short form * * @param string X-Kolab-Type header value * @return string Kolab object type (contact,event,task,note,etc.) */ public static function mime2object_type($x_kolab_type) { return preg_replace( array('/dictionary.[a-z.]+$/', '/contact.distlist$/'), array( 'dictionary', 'distribution-list'), substr($x_kolab_type, strlen(self::KTYPE_PREFIX)) ); } /** * Default constructor of all kolab_format_* objects */ public function __construct($xmldata = null, $version = null) { $this->obj = new $this->objclass; $this->xmldata = $xmldata; if ($version) $this->version = $version; // use libkolab module if available if (class_exists('kolabobject')) $this->xmlobject = new XMLObject(); } /** * Check for format errors after calling kolabformat::write*() * * @return boolean True if there were errors, False if OK */ protected function format_errors() { $ret = $log = false; switch (kolabformat::error()) { case kolabformat::NoError: $ret = false; break; case kolabformat::Warning: $ret = false; $uid = is_object($this->obj) ? $this->obj->uid() : $this->data['uid']; $log = "Warning @ $uid"; break; default: $ret = true; $log = "Error"; } if ($log && !isset($this->formaterror)) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 660, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "kolabformat $log: " . kolabformat::errorMessage(), ), true); $this->formaterror = $ret; } return $ret; } /** * Save the last generated UID to the object properties. * Should be called after kolabformat::writeXXXX(); */ protected function update_uid() { // get generated UID if (!$this->data['uid']) { if ($this->xmlobject) { $this->data['uid'] = $this->xmlobject->getSerializedUID(); } if (empty($this->data['uid'])) { $this->data['uid'] = kolabformat::getSerializedUID(); } $this->obj->setUid($this->data['uid']); } } /** * Initialize libkolabxml object with cached xml data */ protected function init() { if (!$this->loaded) { if ($this->xmldata) { $this->load($this->xmldata); $this->xmldata = null; } $this->loaded = true; } } /** * Get constant value for libkolab's version parameter * * @param float Version value to convert * @return int Constant value of either kolabobject::KolabV2 or kolabobject::KolabV3 or false if kolabobject module isn't available */ protected function libversion($v = null) { if (class_exists('kolabobject')) { $version = $v ?: $this->version; if ($version <= '2.0') return kolabobject::KolabV2; else return kolabobject::KolabV3; } return false; } /** * Determine the correct libkolab(xml) wrapper function for the given call * depending on the available PHP modules */ protected function libfunc($func) { if (is_array($func) || strpos($func, '::')) return $func; else if (class_exists('kolabobject')) return array($this->xmlobject, $func); else return 'kolabformat::' . $func; } /** * Direct getter for object properties */ public function __get($var) { return $this->data[$var]; } /** * Load Kolab object data from the given XML block * * @param string XML data * @return boolean True on success, False on failure */ public function load($xml) { $this->formaterror = null; $read_func = $this->libfunc($this->read_func); if (is_array($read_func)) $r = call_user_func($read_func, $xml, $this->libversion()); else $r = call_user_func($read_func, $xml, false); if (is_resource($r)) $this->obj = new $this->objclass($r); else if (is_a($r, $this->objclass)) $this->obj = $r; $this->loaded = !$this->format_errors(); } /** * Write object data to XML format * * @param float Format version to write * @return string XML data */ public function write($version = null) { $this->formaterror = null; $this->init(); $write_func = $this->libfunc($this->write_func); if (is_array($write_func)) $this->xmldata = call_user_func($write_func, $this->obj, $this->libversion($version), self::PRODUCT_ID); else $this->xmldata = call_user_func($write_func, $this->obj, self::PRODUCT_ID); if (!$this->format_errors()) $this->update_uid(); else $this->xmldata = null; return $this->xmldata; } /** * Set properties to the kolabformat object * * @param array Object data as hash array */ public function set(&$object) { $this->init(); if (!empty($object['uid'])) $this->obj->setUid($object['uid']); // set some automatic values if missing if (method_exists($this->obj, 'setCreated')) { // Always set created date to workaround libkolabxml (>1.1.4) bug $created = $object['created'] ?: new DateTime('now'); $created->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); // must be UTC $this->obj->setCreated(self::get_datetime($created)); $object['created'] = $created; } $object['changed'] = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $this->obj->setLastModified(self::get_datetime($object['changed'])); // Save custom properties of the given object if (isset($object['x-custom']) && method_exists($this->obj, 'setCustomProperties')) { $vcustom = new vectorcs; foreach ((array)$object['x-custom'] as $cp) { if (is_array($cp)) $vcustom->push(new CustomProperty($cp[0], $cp[1])); } $this->obj->setCustomProperties($vcustom); } // load custom properties from XML for caching (#2238) if method exists (#3125) else if (method_exists($this->obj, 'customProperties')) { $object['x-custom'] = array(); $vcustom = $this->obj->customProperties(); for ($i=0; $i < $vcustom->size(); $i++) { $cp = $vcustom->get($i); $object['x-custom'][] = array($cp->identifier, $cp->value); } } } /** * Convert the Kolab object into a hash array data structure * * @param array Additional data for merge * * @return array Kolab object data as hash array */ public function to_array($data = array()) { $this->init(); // read object properties into local data object $object = array( 'uid' => $this->obj->uid(), 'changed' => self::php_datetime($this->obj->lastModified()), ); // not all container support the created property if (method_exists($this->obj, 'created')) { $object['created'] = self::php_datetime($this->obj->created()); } // read custom properties if (method_exists($this->obj, 'customProperties')) { $vcustom = $this->obj->customProperties(); for ($i=0; $i < $vcustom->size(); $i++) { $cp = $vcustom->get($i); $object['x-custom'][] = array($cp->identifier, $cp->value); } } // merge with additional data, e.g. attachments from the message if ($data) { foreach ($data as $idx => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $object[$idx] = array_merge((array)$object[$idx], $value); } else { $object[$idx] = $value; } } } return $object; } /** * Object validation method to be implemented by derived classes */ abstract public function is_valid(); /** * Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get object specific tags to cache * * @return array List of tags to save in cache */ public function get_tags() { return array(); } /** * Callback for kolab_storage_cache to get words to index for fulltext search * * @return array List of words to save in cache */ public function get_words() { return array(); } /** * Utility function to extract object attachment data * * @param array Hash array reference to append attachment data into */ public function get_attachments(&$object, $all = false) { $this->init(); // handle attachments $vattach = $this->obj->attachments(); for ($i=0; $i < $vattach->size(); $i++) { $attach = $vattach->get($i); // skip cid: attachments which are mime message parts handled by kolab_storage_folder if (substr($attach->uri(), 0, 4) != 'cid:' && $attach->label()) { $name = $attach->label(); $key = $name . (isset($object['_attachments'][$name]) ? '.'.$i : ''); $content = $attach->data(); $object['_attachments'][$key] = array( 'id' => 'i:'.$i, 'name' => $name, 'mimetype' => $attach->mimetype(), 'size' => strlen($content), 'content' => $content, ); } else if ($all && substr($attach->uri(), 0, 4) == 'cid:') { $key = $attach->uri(); $object['_attachments'][$key] = array( 'id' => $key, 'name' => $attach->label(), 'mimetype' => $attach->mimetype(), ); } else if (in_array(substr($attach->uri(), 0, 4), array('http','imap'))) { $object['links'][] = $attach->uri(); } } } /** * Utility function to set attachment properties to the kolabformat object * * @param array Object data as hash array * @param boolean True to always overwrite attachment information */ protected function set_attachments($object, $write = true) { // save attachments $vattach = new vectorattachment; foreach ((array) $object['_attachments'] as $cid => $attr) { if (empty($attr)) continue; $attach = new Attachment; $attach->setLabel((string)$attr['name']); $attach->setUri('cid:' . $cid, $attr['mimetype'] ?: 'application/octet-stream'); if ($attach->isValid()) { $vattach->push($attach); $write = true; } else { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 660, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Invalid attributes for attachment $cid: " . var_export($attr, true), ), true); } } foreach ((array) $object['links'] as $link) { $attach = new Attachment; $attach->setUri($link, 'unknown'); $vattach->push($attach); $write = true; } if ($write) { $this->obj->setAttachments($vattach); } } /** * Unified way of updating/deleting attachments of edited object * * @param array $object Kolab object data * @param array $old Old version of Kolab object */ public static function merge_attachments(&$object, $old) { $object['_attachments'] = (array) $old['_attachments']; // delete existing attachment(s) if (!empty($object['deleted_attachments'])) { foreach ($object['_attachments'] as $idx => $att) { if ($object['deleted_attachments'] === true || in_array($att['id'], $object['deleted_attachments'])) { $object['_attachments'][$idx] = false; } } } // in kolab_storage attachments are indexed by content-id foreach ((array) $object['attachments'] as $attachment) { $key = null; // Roundcube ID has nothing to do with the storage ID, remove it // for uploaded/new attachments // FIXME: Roundcube uses 'data', kolab_format uses 'content' if ($attachment['content'] || $attachment['path'] || $attachment['data']) { unset($attachment['id']); } if ($attachment['id']) { foreach ((array) $object['_attachments'] as $cid => $att) { if ($att && $attachment['id'] == $att['id']) { $key = $cid; } } } else { // find attachment by name, so we can update it if exists // and make sure there are no duplicates foreach ((array) $object['_attachments'] as $cid => $att) { if ($att && $attachment['name'] == $att['name']) { $key = $cid; } } } if ($key && $attachment['_deleted']) { $object['_attachments'][$key] = false; } // replace existing entry else if ($key) { $object['_attachments'][$key] = $attachment; } // append as new attachment else { $object['_attachments'][] = $attachment; } } unset($object['attachments']); unset($object['deleted_attachments']); } }