diff --git a/plugins/calendar/config.inc.php.dist b/plugins/calendar/config.inc.php.dist index f80d3eb0..6ffdd581 100644 --- a/plugins/calendar/config.inc.php.dist +++ b/plugins/calendar/config.inc.php.dist @@ -1,181 +1,154 @@ . | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Lazlo Westerhof | | Thomas Bruederli | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ // backend type (database, google, kolab) $config['calendar_driver'] = "database"; // default calendar view (agendaDay, agendaWeek, month) $config['calendar_default_view'] = "agendaWeek"; // show a birthdays calendar from the user's address book(s) $config['calendar_contact_birthdays'] = false; -// mapping of Roundcube date formats to calendar formats (long/short/agenda) -// should be in sync with 'date_formats' in main config -$config['calendar_date_format_sets'] = array( - 'yyyy-MM-dd' => array('MMM d yyyy', 'M-d', 'ddd MM-dd'), - 'dd-MM-yyyy' => array('d MMM yyyy', 'd-M', 'ddd dd-MM'), - 'yyyy/MM/dd' => array('MMM d yyyy', 'M/d', 'ddd MM/dd'), - 'MM/dd/yyyy' => array('MMM d yyyy', 'M/d', 'ddd MM/dd'), - 'dd/MM/yyyy' => array('d MMM yyyy', 'd/M', 'ddd dd/MM'), - 'dd.MM.yyyy' => array('dd. MMM yyyy', 'd.M', 'ddd dd.MM.'), - 'd.M.yyyy' => array('d. MMM yyyy', 'd.M', 'ddd d.MM.'), -); - -// general date format (only set if different from default date format and not user configurable) -// $config['calendar_date_format'] = "yyyy-MM-dd"; - -// time format (only set if different from default date format) -// $config['calendar_time_format'] = "HH:mm"; - -// short date format (used for column titles) -// $config['calendar_date_short'] = 'M-d'; - -// long date format (used for calendar title) -// $config['calendar_date_long'] = 'MMM d yyyy'; - -// date format used for agenda view -// $config['calendar_date_agenda'] = 'ddd MM-dd'; - // timeslots per hour (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) $config['calendar_timeslots'] = 2; // show this number of days in agenda view $config['calendar_agenda_range'] = 60; // first day of the week (0-6) $config['calendar_first_day'] = 1; // first hour of the calendar (0-23) $config['calendar_first_hour'] = 6; // working hours begin $config['calendar_work_start'] = 6; // working hours end $config['calendar_work_end'] = 18; // show line at current time of the day $config['calendar_time_indicator'] = true; // Display week numbers: // -1: don't display week numbers // 0: in datepicker only (default) // 1: in both datepicker and calendar $config['calendar_show_weekno'] = 0; // default alarm settings for new events. // this is only a preset when a new event dialog opens // possible values are , DISPLAY, EMAIL $config['calendar_default_alarm_type'] = ''; // default alarm offset for new events. // use ical-style offset values like "-1H" (one hour before) or "+30M" (30 minutes after) $config['calendar_default_alarm_offset'] = '-15M'; // how to colorize events: // 0: according to calendar color // 1: according to category color // 2: calendar for outer, category for inner color // 3: category for outer, calendar for inner color $config['calendar_event_coloring'] = 0; // event categories $config['calendar_categories'] = array( 'Personal' => 'c0c0c0', 'Work' => 'ff0000', 'Family' => '00ff00', 'Holiday' => 'ff6600', ); // enable users to invite/edit attendees for shared events organized by others $config['calendar_allow_invite_shared'] = false; // allow users to accecpt iTip invitations who are no explicitly listed as attendee. // this can be the case if invitations are sent to mailing lists or alias email addresses. $config['calendar_allow_itip_uninvited'] = true; // controls the visibility/default of the checkbox controlling the sending of iTip invitations // 0 = hidden + disabled // 1 = hidden + active // 2 = visible + unchecked // 3 = visible + active $config['calendar_itip_send_option'] = 3; // Action taken after iTip request is handled. Possible values: // 0 - no action // 1 - move to Trash // 2 - delete the message // 3 - flag as deleted // folder_name - move the message to the specified folder $config['calendar_itip_after_action'] = 0; // enable asynchronous free-busy triggering after data changed $config['calendar_freebusy_trigger'] = false; // free-busy information will be displayed for user calendars if available // 0 - no free-busy information // 1 - enabled in all views // 2 - only in quickview $config['calendar_include_freebusy_data'] = 1; // SMTP server host used to send (anonymous) itip messages. // To override the SMTP port or connection method, provide a full URL like 'tls://somehost:587' // This will add a link to invitation messages to allow users from outside // to reply when their mail clients do not support iTip format. $config['calendar_itip_smtp_server'] = null; // SMTP username used to send (anonymous) itip messages $config['calendar_itip_smtp_user'] = 'smtpauth'; // SMTP password used to send (anonymous) itip messages $config['calendar_itip_smtp_pass'] = '123456'; // show virtual invitation calendars (Kolab driver only) $config['kolab_invitation_calendars'] = false; // Base URL to build fully qualified URIs to access calendars via CALDAV // The following replacement variables are supported: // %h - Current HTTP host // %u - Current webmail user name // %n - Calendar name // %i - Calendar UUID // $config['calendar_caldav_url'] = 'http://%h/iRony/calendars/%u/%i'; // Driver to provide a resource directory ('ldap' is the only implementation yet). // Leave empty or commented to disable resources support. // $config['calendar_resources_driver'] = 'ldap'; // LDAP directory configuration to find avilable resources for events // $config['calendar_resources_directory'] = array(/* ldap_public-like address book configuration */); // Enables displaying of free-busy URL with token-based authentication // Set it to the prefix URL, e.g. 'https://hostname/freebusy' or just '/freebusy'. // See freebusy_session_auth in configuration of kolab_auth plugin. $config['calendar_freebusy_session_auth_url'] = null; ?> diff --git a/plugins/libcalendaring/libcalendaring.js b/plugins/libcalendaring/libcalendaring.js index 57ea2342..9c151bbb 100644 --- a/plugins/libcalendaring/libcalendaring.js +++ b/plugins/libcalendaring/libcalendaring.js @@ -1,1500 +1,1500 @@ /** * Basic Javascript utilities for calendar-related plugins * * @author Thomas Bruederli * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this page. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this page. */ function rcube_libcalendaring(settings) { // member vars this.settings = settings || {}; this.alarm_ids = []; this.alarm_dialog = null; this.snooze_popup = null; this.dismiss_link = null; this.group2expand = {}; // abort if env isn't set if (!settings || !settings.date_format) return; // private vars var me = this; var gmt_offset = (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / -60) - (settings.timezone || 0) - (settings.dst || 0); var client_timezone = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); // general datepicker settings this.datepicker_settings = { - // translate from fullcalendar format to datepicker format - dateFormat: settings.date_format.replace(/M/g, 'm').replace(/mmmmm/, 'MM').replace(/mmm/, 'M').replace(/dddd/, 'DD').replace(/ddd/, 'D').replace(/DD/, 'dd').replace(/Y/g, 'y').replace(/yyyy/g, 'yy'), + // translate from fullcalendar (MomentJS) format to datepicker format + dateFormat: settings.date_format.replace(/M/g, 'm').replace(/mmmm/, 'MM').replace(/mmm/, 'M') + .replace(/dddd/, 'DD').replace(/ddd/, 'D').replace(/DD/, 'dd') + .replace(/Y/g, 'y').replace(/yyyy/, 'yy'), firstDay : settings.first_day, dayNamesMin: settings.days_short, monthNames: settings.months, monthNamesShort: settings.months, showWeek: settings.show_weekno >= 0, changeMonth: false, showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true }; /** * Quote html entities */ var Q = this.quote_html = function(str) { return String(str).replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }; /** * Create a nice human-readable string for the date/time range */ this.event_date_text = function(event, voice) { if (!event.start) return ''; if (!event.end) event.end = event.start; // Support Moment.js objects var start = 'toDate' in event.start ? event.start.toDate() : event.start, end = 'toDate' in event.end ? event.end.toDate() : event.end; var fromto, duration = end.getTime() / 1000 - start.getTime() / 1000, until = voice ? ' ' + rcmail.gettext('until','libcalendaring') + ' ' : ' — '; if (event.allDay) { // fullcalendar end dates of all-day events are exclusive end = new Date(end.getTime() - 1000*60*60*24*1); duration = end.getTime() / 1000 - start.getTime() / 1000; fromto = this.format_datetime(start, 1, voice) + (duration > 86400 || start.getDay() != end.getDay() ? until + this.format_datetime(end, 1, voice) : ''); } else if (duration < 86400 && start.getDay() == end.getDay()) { fromto = this.format_datetime(start, 0, voice) + (duration > 0 ? until + this.format_datetime(end, 2, voice) : ''); } else { fromto = this.format_datetime(start, 0, voice) + (duration > 0 ? until + this.format_datetime(end, 0, voice) : ''); } return fromto; }; /** * Checks if the event/task has 'real' attendees, excluding the current user */ this.has_attendees = function(event) { return !!(event.attendees && event.attendees.length && (event.attendees.length > 1 || String(event.attendees[0].email).toLowerCase() != settings.identity.email)); }; /** * Check if the current user is an attendee of this event/task */ this.is_attendee = function(event, role, email) { var i, emails = email ? ';' + email.toLowerCase() : settings.identity.emails; for (i=0; event.attendees && i < event.attendees.length; i++) { if ((!role || event.attendees[i].role == role) && event.attendees[i].email && emails.indexOf(';'+event.attendees[i].email.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { return event.attendees[i]; } } return false; }; /** * Checks if the current user is the organizer of the event/task */ this.is_organizer = function(event, email) { return this.is_attendee(event, 'ORGANIZER', email) || !event.id; }; /** * Check permissions on the given folder object */ this.has_permission = function(folder, perm) { // multiple chars means "either of" if (String(perm).length > 1) { for (var i=0; i < perm.length; i++) { if (this.has_permission(folder, perm[i])) { return true; } } } if (folder.rights && String(folder.rights).indexOf(perm) >= 0) { return true; } return (perm == 'i' && folder.editable) || (perm == 'v' && folder.editable); }; /** * From time and date strings to a real date object */ this.parse_datetime = function(time, date) { // we use the utility function from datepicker to parse dates var date = date ? $.datepicker.parseDate(this.datepicker_settings.dateFormat, date, this.datepicker_settings) : new Date(); var time_arr = time.replace(/\s*[ap][.m]*/i, '').replace(/0([0-9])/g, '$1').split(/[:.]/); if (!isNaN(time_arr[0])) { date.setHours(time_arr[0]); if (time.match(/p[.m]*/i) && date.getHours() < 12) date.setHours(parseInt(time_arr[0]) + 12); else if (time.match(/a[.m]*/i) && date.getHours() == 12) date.setHours(0); } if (!isNaN(time_arr[1])) date.setMinutes(time_arr[1]); return date; } /** * Convert an ISO 8601 formatted date string from the server into a Date object. * Timezone information will be ignored, the server already provides dates in user's timezone. */ this.parseISO8601 = function(s) { // already a Date object? if (s && s.getMonth) { return s; } // force d to be on check's YMD, for daylight savings purposes var fixDate = function(d, check) { if (+d) { // prevent infinite looping on invalid dates while (d.getDate() != check.getDate()) { d.setTime(+d + (d < check ? 1 : -1) * 3600000); } } } // derived from http://delete.me.uk/2005/03/iso8601.html var m = s && s.match(/^([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})([T ]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/); if (!m) { return null; } var date = new Date(m[1], 0, 2), check = new Date(m[1], 0, 2, 9, 0); if (m[3]) { date.setMonth(m[3] - 1); check.setMonth(m[3] - 1); } if (m[5]) { date.setDate(m[5]); check.setDate(m[5]); } fixDate(date, check); if (m[7]) { date.setHours(m[7]); } if (m[8]) { date.setMinutes(m[8]); } if (m[10]) { date.setSeconds(m[10]); } if (m[12]) { date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + m[12]) * 1000); } fixDate(date, check); return date; } /** * Turn the given date into an ISO 8601 date string understandable by PHPs strtotime() */ this.date2ISO8601 = function(date) { if ('toDate' in date) return date.format('YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss'); // MomentJS var zeropad = function(num) { return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num; }; return date.getFullYear() + '-' + zeropad(date.getMonth()+1) + '-' + zeropad(date.getDate()) + 'T' + zeropad(date.getHours()) + ':' + zeropad(date.getMinutes()) + ':' + zeropad(date.getSeconds()); }; /** * Format the given date object according to user's prefs */ this.format_datetime = function(date, mode, voice) { var res = ''; if (!mode || mode == 1) { res += $.datepicker.formatDate(voice ? 'MM d yy' : this.datepicker_settings.dateFormat, date, this.datepicker_settings); } if (!mode) { res += voice ? ' ' + rcmail.gettext('at','libcalendaring') + ' ' : ' '; } if (!mode || mode == 2) { res += this.format_time(date, voice); } return res; } /** * Clone from fullcalendar.js */ this.format_time = function(date, voice) { var zeroPad = function(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; } var formatters = { s : function(d) { return d.getSeconds() }, ss : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getSeconds()) }, m : function(d) { return d.getMinutes() }, mm : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getMinutes()) }, h : function(d) { return d.getHours() % 12 || 12 }, hh : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getHours() % 12 || 12) }, H : function(d) { return d.getHours() }, HH : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getHours()) }, - t : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'a' : 'p' }, - tt : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm' }, - T : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'A' : 'P' }, - TT : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM' } + a : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm' }, + A : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM' } }; var i, i2, c, formatter, res = '', format = voice ? settings['time_format'].replace(':',' ').replace('HH','H').replace('hh','h').replace('mm','m').replace('ss','s') : settings['time_format']; for (i=0; i < format.length; i++) { c = format.charAt(i); for (i2=Math.min(i+2, format.length); i2 > i; i2--) { if (formatter = formatters[format.substring(i, i2)]) { res += formatter(date); i = i2 - 1; break; } } if (i2 == i) { res += c; } } return res; } /** * Convert the given Date object into a unix timestamp respecting browser's and user's timezone settings */ this.date2unixtime = function(date) { var dt = 'toDate' in date ? date.toDate() : date, dst_offset = (client_timezone - dt.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60; // adjust DST offset return Math.round(dt.getTime()/1000 + gmt_offset * 3600 + dst_offset); } /** * Turn a unix timestamp value into a Date object */ this.fromunixtime = function(ts) { ts -= gmt_offset * 3600; var date = new Date(ts * 1000), dst_offset = (client_timezone - date.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60; if (dst_offset) // adjust DST offset date.setTime((ts + 3600) * 1000); return date; } /** * Simple plaintext to HTML converter, makig URLs clickable */ this.text2html = function(str, maxlen, maxlines) { var html = Q(String(str)); // limit visible text length if (maxlen) { var morelink = '... '+rcmail.gettext('showmore','libcalendaring')+'', lines = html.split(/\r?\n/), words, out = '', len = 0; for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { len += lines[i].length; if (maxlines && i == maxlines - 1) { out += lines[i] + '\n' + morelink; maxlen = html.length * 2; } else if (len > maxlen) { len = out.length; words = lines[i].split(' '); for (var j=0; j < words.length; j++) { len += words[j].length + 1; out += words[j] + ' '; if (len > maxlen) { out += morelink; maxlen = html.length * 2; maxlines = 0; } } out += '\n'; } else out += lines[i] + '\n'; } if (maxlen > str.length) out += ''; html = out; } // simple link parser (similar to rcube_string_replacer class in PHP) var utf_domain = '[^?&@"\'/\\(\\)\\s\\r\\t\\n]+\\.([^\x00-\x2f\x3b-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]{2,}|xn--[a-z0-9]{2,})'; var url1 = '.:;,', url2 = 'a-z0-9%=#@+?&/_~\\[\\]-'; var link_pattern = new RegExp('([hf]t+ps?://)('+utf_domain+'(['+url1+']?['+url2+']+)*)', 'ig'); var mailto_pattern = new RegExp('([^\\s\\n\\(\\);]+@'+utf_domain+')', 'ig'); var link_replace = function(matches, p1, p2) { var title = '', text = p2; if (p2 && p2.length > 55) { text = p2.substr(0, 45) + '...' + p2.substr(-8); title = p1 + p2; } return ''+p1+text+'' }; return html .replace(link_pattern, link_replace) .replace(mailto_pattern, '$1') .replace(/(mailto:)([^"]+)"/g, '$1$2" onclick="rcmail.command(\'compose\', \'$2\');return false"') .replace(/\n/g, "
"); }; this.init_alarms_edit = function(prefix, index) { var edit_type = $(prefix+' select.edit-alarm-type'), dom_id = edit_type.attr('id'); // register events on alarm fields edit_type.change(function(){ $(this).parent().find('span.edit-alarm-values')[(this.selectedIndex>0?'show':'hide')](); }); $(prefix+' select.edit-alarm-offset').change(function(){ var val = $(this).val(), parent = $(this).parent(); parent.find('.edit-alarm-date, .edit-alarm-time')[val === '@' ? 'show' : 'hide'](); parent.find('.edit-alarm-value').prop('disabled', val === '@' || val === '0'); parent.find('.edit-alarm-related')[val === '@' ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }); $(prefix+' .edit-alarm-date').removeClass('hasDatepicker').removeAttr('id').datepicker(this.datepicker_settings); if (rcmail.env.action != 'print') this.init_time_autocomplete($(prefix+' .edit-alarm-time')[0], {}); // set a unique id attribute and set label reference accordingly if ((index || 0) > 0 && dom_id) { dom_id += ':' + (new Date().getTime()); edit_type.attr('id', dom_id); $(prefix+' label:first').attr('for', dom_id); } // Elastic if (window.UI && UI.pretty_select) { $(prefix + ' select').each(function() { UI.pretty_select(this); }); } if (index) return; $(prefix) .on('click', 'a.delete-alarm', function(e){ if ($(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').siblings().length > 0) { $(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item').remove(); } return false; }) .on('click', 'a.add-alarm', function(e) { var orig = $(this).closest('.edit-alarm-item'), i = orig.siblings().length + 1, item = orig.clone(false) .removeClass('first') .appendTo(orig.parent()); me.init_alarms_edit(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:eq(' + i + ')', i); $('select.edit-alarm-type, select.edit-alarm-offset', item).change(); return false; }); } this.set_alarms_edit = function(prefix, valarms) { $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:gt(0)').remove(); var i, alarm, domnode, val, offset; for (i=0; i < valarms.length; i++) { alarm = valarms[i]; if (!alarm.action) alarm.action = 'DISPLAY'; domnode = $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').eq(0); if (i > 0) { domnode = domnode.clone(false).removeClass('first').insertAfter(domnode); this.init_alarms_edit(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item:eq(' + i + ')', i); } $('select.edit-alarm-type', domnode).val(alarm.action); $('select.edit-alarm-related', domnode).val(/END/i.test(alarm.related) ? 'end' : 'start'); if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/@(\d+)/)) { var ondate = this.fromunixtime(parseInt(RegExp.$1)); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val('@'); $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val(''); $('input.edit-alarm-date', domnode).val(this.format_datetime(ondate, 1)); $('input.edit-alarm-time', domnode).val(this.format_datetime(ondate, 2)); } else if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/^[-+]*0[MHDS]$/)) { $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val('0'); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val('0'); } else if (String(alarm.trigger).match(/([-+])(\d+)([MHDS])/)) { val = RegExp.$2; offset = ''+RegExp.$1+RegExp.$3; $('input.edit-alarm-value', domnode).val(val); $('select.edit-alarm-offset', domnode).val(offset); } } // set correct visibility by triggering onchange handlers $(prefix + ' select.edit-alarm-type, ' + prefix + ' select.edit-alarm-offset').change(); }; this.serialize_alarms = function(prefix) { var valarms = []; $(prefix + ' .edit-alarm-item').each(function(i, elem) { var val, offset, alarm = { action: $('select.edit-alarm-type', elem).val(), related: $('select.edit-alarm-related', elem).val() }; if (alarm.action) { offset = $('select.edit-alarm-offset', elem).val(); if (offset == '@') { alarm.trigger = '@' + me.date2unixtime(me.parse_datetime($('input.edit-alarm-time', elem).val(), $('input.edit-alarm-date', elem).val())); } else if (offset === '0') { alarm.trigger = '0S'; } else if (!isNaN((val = parseInt($('input.edit-alarm-value', elem).val()))) && val >= 0) { alarm.trigger = offset[0] + val + offset[1]; } valarms.push(alarm); } }); return valarms; }; // format time string var time_autocomplete_format = function(hour, minutes, start) { var time, diff, unit, duration = '', d = new Date(); d.setHours(hour); d.setMinutes(minutes); time = me.format_time(d); if (start) { diff = Math.floor((d.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 60000); if (diff > 0) { unit = 'm'; if (diff >= 60) { unit = 'h'; diff = Math.round(diff / 3) / 20; } duration = ' (' + diff + unit + ')'; } } return [time, duration]; }; var time_autocomplete_list = function(p, callback) { // Time completions var st, h, step = 15, result = [], now = new Date(), id = String(this.element.attr('id')), m = id.match(/^(.*)-(starttime|endtime)$/), start = (m && m[2] == 'endtime' && (st = $('#' + m[1] + '-starttime').val()) && $('#' + m[1] + '-startdate').val() == $('#' + m[1] + '-enddate').val()) ? me.parse_datetime(st, '') : null, full = p.term - 1 > 0 || p.term.length > 1, hours = start ? start.getHours() : (full ? me.parse_datetime(p.term, '') : now).getHours(), minutes = hours * 60 + (full ? 0 : now.getMinutes()), min = Math.ceil(minutes / step) * step % 60, hour = Math.floor(Math.ceil(minutes / step) * step / 60); // list hours from 0:00 till now for (h = start ? start.getHours() : 0; h < hours; h++) result.push(time_autocomplete_format(h, 0, start)); // list 15min steps for the next two hours for (; h < hour + 2 && h < 24; h++) { while (min < 60) { result.push(time_autocomplete_format(h, min, start)); min += step; } min = 0; } // list the remaining hours till 23:00 while (h < 24) result.push(time_autocomplete_format((h++), 0, start)); return callback(result); }; var time_autocomplete_open = function(event, ui) { // scroll to current time var $this = $(this), widget = $this.autocomplete('widget') menu = $this.data('ui-autocomplete').menu, amregex = /^(.+)(a[.m]*)/i, pmregex = /^(.+)(p[.m]*)/i, val = $(this).val().replace(amregex, '0:$1').replace(pmregex, '1:$1'); widget.css('width', '10em'); if (val === '') menu._scrollIntoView(widget.children('li:first')); else widget.children().each(function() { var li = $(this), html = li.children().first().html() .replace(/\s+\(.+\)$/, '') .replace(amregex, '0:$1') .replace(pmregex, '1:$1'); if (html.indexOf(val) == 0) menu._scrollIntoView(li); }); }; /** * Initializes time autocompletion */ this.init_time_autocomplete = function(elem, props) { var default_props = { delay: 100, minLength: 1, appendTo: props.container || $(elem).parents('form'), source: time_autocomplete_list, open: time_autocomplete_open, // change: time_autocomplete_change, select: function(event, ui) { $(this).val(ui.item[0]).change(); return false; } }; $(elem).attr('autocomplete', "off") .autocomplete($.extend(default_props, props)) .click(function() { // show drop-down upon clicks $(this).autocomplete('search', $(this).val() ? $(this).val().replace(/\D.*/, "") : " "); }); $(elem).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) { return $('
  • ') .data('ui-autocomplete-item', item) .append('' + item[0] + item[1] + '') .appendTo(ul); }; }; /***** Alarms handling *****/ /** * Display a notification for the given pending alarms */ this.display_alarms = function(alarms) { // clear old alert first if (this.alarm_dialog) this.alarm_dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); var i, actions, adismiss, asnooze, alarm, html, type, audio_alarms = [], records = [], event_ids = [], buttons = []; for (i=0; i < alarms.length; i++) { alarm = alarms[i]; alarm.start = this.parseISO8601(alarm.start); alarm.end = this.parseISO8601(alarm.end); if (alarm.action == 'AUDIO') { audio_alarms.push(alarm); continue; } event_ids.push(alarm.id); type = alarm.id.match(/^task/) ? 'type-task' : 'type-event'; html = '

    ' + Q(alarm.title) + '

    '; html += '
    ' + Q(alarm.location || '') + '
    '; html += '
    ' + Q(this.event_date_text(alarm)) + '
    '; adismiss = $('') .text(rcmail.gettext('dismiss','libcalendaring')) .click(function(e) { me.dismiss_link = $(this); me.dismiss_alarm(me.dismiss_link.data('id'), 0, e); }); asnooze = $('') .text(rcmail.gettext('snooze','libcalendaring')) .click(function(e) { me.snooze_dropdown($(this), e); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); actions = $('
    ').addClass('alarm-actions').append(adismiss.data('id', alarm.id)).append(asnooze.data('id', alarm.id)); records.push($('
    ').addClass('alarm-item').html(html).append(actions)); } if (audio_alarms.length) this.audio_alarms(audio_alarms); if (!records.length) return; this.alarm_dialog = $('
    ').attr('id', 'alarm-display').append(records); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('dismissall','libcalendaring'), click: function(e) { // submit dismissed event_ids to server me.dismiss_alarm(me.alarm_ids.join(','), 0, e); $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'class': 'delete' }); buttons.push({ text: rcmail.gettext('close'), click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'class': 'cancel' }); this.alarm_dialog.appendTo(document.body).dialog({ modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: false, dialogClass: 'alarms', title: rcmail.gettext('alarmtitle','libcalendaring'), buttons: buttons, open: function() { setTimeout(function() { me.alarm_dialog.parent().find('.ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close)').first().focus(); }, 5); }, close: function() { $('#alarm-snooze-dropdown').hide(); $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); me.alarm_dialog = null; me.alarm_ids = null; }, drag: function(event, ui) { $('#alarm-snooze-dropdown').hide(); } }); this.alarm_dialog.closest('div[role=dialog]').attr('role', 'alertdialog'); this.alarm_ids = event_ids; }; /** * Display a notification and play a sound for a set of alarms */ this.audio_alarms = function(alarms) { var elem, txt = [], src = rcmail.assets_path('plugins/libcalendaring/alarm'), plugin = navigator.mimeTypes ? navigator.mimeTypes['audio/mp3'] : {}; // first generate and display notification text $.each(alarms, function() { txt.push(this.title); }); rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('alarmtitle','libcalendaring') + ': ' + Q(txt.join(', ')), 'notice', 10000); // Internet Explorer does not support wav files, // support in other browsers depends on enabled plugins, // so we use wav as a fallback src += bw.ie || (plugin && plugin.enabledPlugin) ? '.mp3' : '.wav'; // HTML5 try { elem = $('
  • ') .attr('data-value', this.date2ISO8601(date)) .html('' + Q(this.format_datetime(date, 1)) + '') .appendTo('#edit-recurrence-rdates'); $('').attr({href: '#del', 'class': 'iconbutton delete icon button', title: rcmail.get_label('delete', 'libcalendaring')}) .append($('').text(rcmail.get_label('delete', 'libcalendaring'))) .appendTo(li); }; // re-sort the list items by their 'data-value' attribute this.sort_rdates = function() { var mylist = $('#edit-recurrence-rdates'), listitems = mylist.children('li').get(); listitems.sort(function(a, b) { var compA = $(a).attr('data-value'); var compB = $(b).attr('data-value'); return (compA < compB) ? -1 : (compA > compB) ? 1 : 0; }) $.each(listitems, function(idx, item) { mylist.append(item); }); }; /***** Attendee form handling *****/ // expand the given contact group into individual event/task attendees this.expand_attendee_group = function(e, add, remove) { var id = (e.data ? e.data.email : null) || $(e.target).attr('data-email'), role_select = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('select.edit-attendee-role option:selected'); this.group2expand[id] = { link: e.target, data: $.extend({}, e.data || {}), adder: add, remover: remove } // copy group role from the according form element if (role_select.length) { this.group2expand[id].data.role = role_select.val(); } // register callback handler if (!this._expand_attendee_listener) { this._expand_attendee_listener = this.expand_attendee_callback; rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.expand_attendee_callback', function(result) { me._expand_attendee_listener(result); }); } rcmail.http_post('libcal/plugin.expand_attendee_group', { id: id, data: e.data || {} }, rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading')); }; // callback from server to expand an attendee group this.expand_attendee_callback = function(result) { var attendee, id = result.id, data = this.group2expand[id], row = $(data.link).closest('tr'); // replace group entry with all members returned by the server if (data && data.adder && result.members && result.members.length) { for (var i=0; i < result.members.length; i++) { attendee = result.members[i]; attendee.role = data.data.role; attendee.cutype = 'INDIVIDUAL'; attendee.status = 'NEEDS-ACTION'; data.adder(attendee, null, row); } if (data.remover) { data.remover(data.link, id) } else { row.remove(); } delete this.group2expand[id]; } else { rcmail.display_message(result.error || rcmail.gettext('expandattendeegroupnodata','libcalendaring'), 'error'); } }; // Render message reference links to the given container this.render_message_links = function(links, container, edit, plugin) { var ul = $('