diff --git a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage.php b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage.php index b29b4169..12419340 100644 --- a/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage.php +++ b/plugins/libkolab/lib/kolab_storage.php @@ -1,652 +1,654 @@ * * Copyright (C) 2012, Kolab Systems AG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class kolab_storage { const CTYPE_KEY = '/shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type'; const CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE = '/private/vendor/kolab/folder-type'; const COLOR_KEY_SHARED = '/shared/vendor/kolab/color'; const COLOR_KEY_PRIVATE = '/private/vendor/kolab/color'; const SERVERSIDE_SUBSCRIPTION = 0; const CLIENTSIDE_SUBSCRIPTION = 1; public static $last_error; private static $ready = false; private static $config; private static $cache; private static $imap; /** * Setup the environment needed by the libs */ public static function setup() { if (self::$ready) return true; $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); self::$config = $rcmail->config; self::$imap = $rcmail->get_storage(); self::$ready = class_exists('kolabformat') && (self::$imap->get_capability('METADATA') || self::$imap->get_capability('ANNOTATEMORE') || self::$imap->get_capability('ANNOTATEMORE2')); if (self::$ready) { // set imap options self::$imap->set_options(array( 'skip_deleted' => true, 'threading' => false, )); self::$imap->set_pagesize(9999); } return self::$ready; } /** * Get a list of storage folders for the given data type * * @param string Data type to list folders for (contact,distribution-list,event,task,note) * * @return array List of Kolab_Folder objects (folder names in UTF7-IMAP) */ public static function get_folders($type) { $folders = $folderdata = array(); if (self::setup()) { foreach ((array)self::list_folders('', '*', $type, false, $folderdata) as $foldername) { $folders[$foldername] = new kolab_storage_folder($foldername, $folderdata[$foldername]); } } return $folders; } /** * Getter for a specific storage folder * * @param string IMAP folder to access (UTF7-IMAP) * @return object kolab_storage_folder The folder object */ public static function get_folder($folder) { return self::setup() ? new kolab_storage_folder($folder) : null; } /** * Getter for a single Kolab object, identified by its UID. * This will search all folders storing objects of the given type. * * @param string Object UID * @param string Object type (contact,distribution-list,event,task,note) * @return array The Kolab object represented as hash array or false if not found */ public static function get_object($uid, $type) { self::setup(); $folder = null; foreach ((array)self::list_folders('', '*', $type) as $foldername) { if (!$folder) $folder = new kolab_storage_folder($foldername); else $folder->set_folder($foldername); if ($object = $folder->get_object($uid)) return $object; } return false; } /** * */ public static function get_freebusy_server() { return unslashify(self::$config->get('kolab_freebusy_server', 'https://' . $_SESSION['imap_host'] . '/freebusy')); } /** * Compose an URL to query the free/busy status for the given user */ public static function get_freebusy_url($email) { return self::get_freebusy_server() . '/' . $email . '.ifb'; } /** * Creates folder ID from folder name * * @param string $folder Folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * * @return string Folder ID string */ public static function folder_id($folder) { return asciiwords(strtr($folder, '/.-', '___')); } /** * Deletes IMAP folder * * @param string $name Folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public static function folder_delete($name) { // clear cached entries first if ($folder = self::get_folder($name)) $folder->cache->purge(); $success = self::$imap->delete_folder($name); self::$last_error = self::$imap->get_error_str(); return $success; } /** * Creates IMAP folder * * @param string $name Folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * @param string $type Folder type * @param bool $subscribed Sets folder subscription * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public static function folder_create($name, $type = null, $subscribed = false) { self::setup(); if ($saved = self::$imap->create_folder($name, $subscribed)) { // set metadata for folder type if ($type) { $saved = self::set_folder_type($name, $type); // revert if metadata could not be set if (!$saved) { self::$imap->delete_folder($name); } } } if ($saved) { return true; } self::$last_error = self::$imap->get_error_str(); return false; } /** * Renames IMAP folder * * @param string $oldname Old folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * @param string $newname New folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public static function folder_rename($oldname, $newname) { self::setup(); $success = self::$imap->rename_folder($oldname, $newname); self::$last_error = self::$imap->get_error_str(); return $success; } /** * Rename or Create a new IMAP folder. * * Does additional checks for permissions and folder name restrictions * * @param array Hash array with folder properties and metadata * - name: Folder name * - oldname: Old folder name when changed * - parent: Parent folder to create the new one in * - type: Folder type to create * @return mixed New folder name or False on failure */ public static function folder_update(&$prop) { self::setup(); $folder = rcube_charset::convert($prop['name'], RCMAIL_CHARSET, 'UTF7-IMAP'); $oldfolder = $prop['oldname']; // UTF7 $parent = $prop['parent']; // UTF7 $delimiter = self::$imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); if (strlen($oldfolder)) { $options = self::$imap->folder_info($oldfolder); } if (!empty($options) && ($options['norename'] || $options['protected'])) { } // sanity checks (from steps/settings/save_folder.inc) else if (!strlen($folder)) { self::$last_error = 'cannotbeempty'; return false; } else if (strlen($folder) > 128) { self::$last_error = 'nametoolong'; return false; } else { // these characters are problematic e.g. when used in LIST/LSUB foreach (array($delimiter, '%', '*') as $char) { if (strpos($folder, $delimiter) !== false) { self::$last_error = 'forbiddencharacter'; return false; } } } if (!empty($options) && ($options['protected'] || $options['norename'])) { $folder = $oldfolder; } else if (strlen($parent)) { $folder = $parent . $delimiter . $folder; } else { // add namespace prefix (when needed) $folder = self::$imap->mod_folder($folder, 'in'); } // Check access rights to the parent folder if (strlen($parent) && (!strlen($oldfolder) || $oldfolder != $folder)) { $parent_opts = self::$imap->folder_info($parent); if ($parent_opts['namespace'] != 'personal' && (empty($parent_opts['rights']) || !preg_match('/[ck]/', implode($parent_opts['rights']))) ) { self::$last_error = 'No permission to create folder'; return false; } } // update the folder name if (strlen($oldfolder)) { if ($oldfolder != $folder) { $result = self::folder_rename($oldfolder, $folder); } else $result = true; } // create new folder else { $result = self::folder_create($folder, $prop['type'], $prop['subscribed'] === self::SERVERSIDE_SUBSCRIPTION); } // save color in METADATA // TODO: also save 'showalarams' and other properties here if ($result && $prop['color']) { $meta_saved = false; $ns = self::$imap->folder_namespace($folder); if ($ns == 'personal') // save in shared namespace for personal folders $meta_saved = self::$imap->set_metadata($folder, array(self::COLOR_KEY_SHARED => $prop['color'])); if (!$meta_saved) // try in private namespace $meta_saved = self::$imap->set_metadata($folder, array(self::COLOR_KEY_PRIVATE => $prop['color'])); if ($meta_saved) unset($prop['color']); // unsetting will prevent fallback to local user prefs } return $result ? $folder : false; } /** * Getter for human-readable name of Kolab object (folder) * See http://wiki.kolab.org/UI-Concepts/Folder-Listing for reference * * @param string $folder IMAP folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * @param string $folder_ns Will be set to namespace name of the folder * * @return string Name of the folder-object */ public static function object_name($folder, &$folder_ns=null) { self::setup(); $found = false; $namespace = self::$imap->get_namespace(); if (!empty($namespace['shared'])) { foreach ($namespace['shared'] as $ns) { if (strlen($ns[0]) && strpos($folder, $ns[0]) === 0) { $prefix = ''; $folder = substr($folder, strlen($ns[0])); $delim = $ns[1]; $found = true; $folder_ns = 'shared'; break; } } } if (!$found && !empty($namespace['other'])) { foreach ($namespace['other'] as $ns) { if (strlen($ns[0]) && strpos($folder, $ns[0]) === 0) { // remove namespace prefix $folder = substr($folder, strlen($ns[0])); $delim = $ns[1]; // get username $pos = strpos($folder, $delim); if ($pos) { $prefix = '('.substr($folder, 0, $pos).') '; $folder = substr($folder, $pos+1); } else { $prefix = '('.$folder.')'; $folder = ''; } $found = true; $folder_ns = 'other'; break; } } } if (!$found && !empty($namespace['personal'])) { foreach ($namespace['personal'] as $ns) { if (strlen($ns[0]) && strpos($folder, $ns[0]) === 0) { // remove namespace prefix $folder = substr($folder, strlen($ns[0])); $prefix = ''; $delim = $ns[1]; $found = true; break; } } } if (empty($delim)) $delim = self::$imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); $folder = rcube_charset::convert($folder, 'UTF7-IMAP'); $folder = html::quote($folder); $folder = str_replace(html::quote($delim), ' » ', $folder); if ($prefix) $folder = html::quote($prefix) . ' ' . $folder; if (!$folder_ns) $folder_ns = 'personal'; return $folder; } /** * Helper method to generate a truncated folder name to display */ public static function folder_displayname($origname, &$names) { $name = $origname; // find folder prefix to truncate for ($i = count($names)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (strpos($name, $names[$i] . ' » ') === 0) { $length = strlen($names[$i] . ' » '); $prefix = substr($name, 0, $length); $count = count(explode(' » ', $prefix)); $name = str_repeat('  ', $count-1) . '» ' . substr($name, $length); break; } } $names[] = $origname; return $name; } /** * Creates a SELECT field with folders list * * @param string $type Folder type * @param array $attrs SELECT field attributes (e.g. name) * @param string $current The name of current folder (to skip it) * * @return html_select SELECT object */ public static function folder_selector($type, $attrs, $current = '') { // get all folders of specified type $folders = self::get_folders($type); $delim = self::$imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); $names = array(); $len = strlen($current); if ($len && ($rpos = strrpos($current, $delim))) { $parent = substr($current, 0, $rpos); $p_len = strlen($parent); } // Filter folders list foreach ($folders as $c_folder) { $name = $c_folder->name; // skip current folder and it's subfolders if ($len && ($name == $current || strpos($name, $current.$delim) === 0)) { continue; } // always show the parent of current folder if ($p_len && $name == $parent) { } // skip folders where user have no rights to create subfolders else if ($c_folder->get_owner() != $_SESSION['username']) { $rights = $c_folder->get_myrights(); if (!preg_match('/[ck]/', $rights)) { continue; } } $names[$name] = rcube_charset::convert($name, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } // Make sure parent folder is listed (might be skipped e.g. if it's namespace root) if ($p_len && !isset($names[$parent])) { $names[$parent] = rcube_charset::convert($parent, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } // Sort folders list asort($names, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); $folders = array_keys($names); $names = array(); // Build SELECT field of parent folder $attrs['is_escaped'] = true; $select = new html_select($attrs); $select->add('---', ''); foreach ($folders as $name) { $imap_name = $name; $name = $origname = self::object_name($name); // find folder prefix to truncate for ($i = count($names)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (strpos($name, $names[$i].' » ') === 0) { $length = strlen($names[$i].' » '); $prefix = substr($name, 0, $length); $count = count(explode(' » ', $prefix)); $name = str_repeat('  ', $count-1) . '» ' . substr($name, $length); break; } } $names[] = $origname; $select->add($name, $imap_name); } return $select; } /** * Returns a list of folder names * * @param string Optional root folder * @param string Optional name pattern * @param string Data type to list folders for (contact,distribution-list,event,task,note,mail) * @param string Enable to return subscribed folders only * @param array Will be filled with folder-types data * * @return array List of folders */ public static function list_folders($root = '', $mbox = '*', $filter = null, $subscribed = false, &$folderdata = array()) { if (!self::setup()) { return null; } if (!$filter) { // Get ALL folders list, standard way if ($subscribed) { return self::$imap->list_folders_subscribed($root, $mbox); } else { return self::$imap->list_folders($root, $mbox); } } $prefix = $root . $mbox; // get folders types $folderdata = self::$imap->get_metadata($prefix, array(self::CTYPE_KEY, self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE)); if (!is_array($folderdata)) { return array(); } $folderdata = array_map(array('kolab_storage', 'folder_select_metadata'), $folderdata); $regexp = '/^' . preg_quote($filter, '/') . '(\..+)?$/'; // In some conditions we can skip LIST command (?) if ($subscribed == false && $filter != 'mail' && $prefix == '*') { foreach ($folderdata as $folder => $type) { if (!preg_match($regexp, $type)) { unset($folderdata[$folder]); } } return array_keys($folderdata); } // Get folders list if ($subscribed) { $folders = self::$imap->list_folders_subscribed($root, $mbox); } else { $folders = self::$imap->list_folders($root, $mbox); } // In case of an error, return empty list (?) if (!is_array($folders)) { return array(); } // Filter folders list foreach ($folders as $idx => $folder) { $type = $folderdata[$folder]; if ($filter == 'mail' && empty($type)) { continue; } if (empty($type) || !preg_match($regexp, $type)) { unset($folders[$idx]); } } return $folders; } /** * Callback for array_map to select the correct annotation value */ static function folder_select_metadata($types) { if (!empty($types[self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE])) { return $types[self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE]; } else if (!empty($types[self::CTYPE_KEY])) { list($ctype, $suffix) = explode('.', $types[self::CTYPE_KEY]); return $ctype; } return null; } /** * Returns type of IMAP folder * * @param string $folder Folder name (UTF7-IMAP) * * @return string Folder type */ static function folder_type($folder) { self::setup(); $metadata = self::$imap->get_metadata($folder, array(self::CTYPE_KEY, self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE)); if (!is_array($metadata)) { return null; } if (!empty($metadata[$folder])) { return self::folder_select_metadata($metadata[$folder]); } return 'mail'; } /** * Sets folder content-type. * * @param string $folder Folder name * @param string $type Content type * * @return boolean True on success */ static function set_folder_type($folder, $type='mail') { + self::setup(); + list($ctype, $subtype) = explode('.', $type); $success = self::$imap->set_metadata($folder, array(self::CTYPE_KEY => $ctype, self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE => $subtype ? $type : null)); if (!$success) // fallback: only set private annotation $success |= self::$imap->set_metadata($folder, array(self::CTYPE_KEY_PRIVATE => $type)); return $success; } }